/* LIBGIMP - The GIMP Library * Copyright (C) 1995-1997 Peter Mattis and Spencer Kimball * * The gimp_vector* functions were taken from: * GCK - The General Convenience Kit * Copyright (C) 1996 Tom Bech * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /**********************************************/ /* A little collection of useful vector stuff */ /**********************************************/ #include "gimpmath.h" #include "gimpvector.h" /*************************/ /* Some useful constants */ /*************************/ static const GimpVector2 gimp_vector2_zero = { 0.0, 0.0 }; static const GimpVector2 gimp_vector2_unit_x = { 1.0, 0.0 }; static const GimpVector2 gimp_vector2_unit_y = { 0.0, 1.0 }; static const GimpVector3 gimp_vector3_zero = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; static const GimpVector3 gimp_vector3_unit_x = { 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; static const GimpVector3 gimp_vector3_unit_y = { 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 }; static const GimpVector3 gimp_vector3_unit_z = { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 }; /**************************************/ /* Three dimensional vector functions */ /**************************************/ gdouble gimp_vector2_inner_product (GimpVector2 *vector1, GimpVector2 *vector2) { g_assert (vector1 != NULL); g_assert (vector2 != NULL); return (vector1->x * vector2->x + vector1->y * vector2->y); } GimpVector2 gimp_vector2_cross_product (GimpVector2 *vector1, GimpVector2 *vector2) { GimpVector2 normal; g_assert (vector1 != NULL); g_assert (vector2 != NULL); normal.x = vector1->x * vector2->y - vector1->y * vector2->x; normal.y = vector1->y * vector2->x - vector1->x * vector2->y; return normal; } gdouble gimp_vector2_length (GimpVector2 *vector) { g_assert (vector != NULL); return (sqrt (vector->x * vector->x + vector->y * vector->y)); } void gimp_vector2_normalize (GimpVector2 *vector) { gdouble len; g_assert (vector != NULL); len = gimp_vector2_length (vector); if (len != 0.0) { len = 1.0 / len; vector->x *= len; vector->y *= len; } else { *vector = gimp_vector2_zero; } } void gimp_vector2_mul (GimpVector2 *vector, gdouble factor) { g_assert (vector != NULL); vector->x *= factor; vector->y *= factor; } void gimp_vector2_sub (GimpVector2 *result, GimpVector2 *vector1, GimpVector2 *vector2) { g_assert (vector1 != NULL); g_assert (vector2 != NULL); g_assert (result != NULL); result->x = vector1->x - vector2->x; result->y = vector1->y - vector2->y; } void gimp_vector2_set (GimpVector2 *vector, gdouble x, gdouble y) { g_assert (vector != NULL); vector->x = x; vector->y = y; } void gimp_vector2_add (GimpVector2 *result, GimpVector2 *vector1, GimpVector2 *vector2) { g_assert (vector1 != NULL); g_assert (vector2 != NULL); g_assert (result != NULL); result->x = vector1->x + vector2->x; result->y = vector1->y + vector2->y; } void gimp_vector2_neg (GimpVector2 *vector) { g_assert (vector != NULL); vector->x *= -1.0; vector->y *= -1.0; } void gimp_vector2_rotate (GimpVector2 *vector, gdouble alpha) { GimpVector2 result; g_assert (vector != NULL); result.x = cos (alpha) * vector->x + sin (alpha) * vector->y; result.y = cos (alpha) * vector->y - sin (alpha) * vector->x; *vector = result; } /**************************************/ /* Three dimensional vector functions */ /**************************************/ gdouble gimp_vector3_inner_product (GimpVector3 *vector1, GimpVector3 *vector2) { g_assert (vector1 != NULL); g_assert (vector2 != NULL); return (vector1->x * vector2->x + vector1->y * vector2->y + vector1->z * vector2->z); } GimpVector3 gimp_vector3_cross_product (GimpVector3 *vector1, GimpVector3 *vector2) { GimpVector3 normal; g_assert (vector1 != NULL); g_assert (vector2 != NULL); normal.x = vector1->y * vector2->z - vector1->z * vector2->y; normal.y = vector1->z * vector2->x - vector1->x * vector2->z; normal.z = vector1->x * vector2->y - vector1->y * vector2->x; return normal; } gdouble gimp_vector3_length (GimpVector3 *vector) { g_assert (vector != NULL); return (sqrt (vector->x * vector->x + vector->y * vector->y + vector->z * vector->z)); } void gimp_vector3_normalize (GimpVector3 *vector) { gdouble len; g_assert (vector != NULL); len = gimp_vector3_length (vector); if (len != 0.0) { len = 1.0 / len; vector->x *= len; vector->y *= len; vector->z *= len; } else { *vector = gimp_vector3_zero; } } void gimp_vector3_mul (GimpVector3 *vector, gdouble factor) { g_assert (vector != NULL); vector->x *= factor; vector->y *= factor; vector->z *= factor; } void gimp_vector3_sub (GimpVector3 *result, GimpVector3 *vector1, GimpVector3 *vector2) { g_assert (vector1 != NULL); g_assert (vector2 != NULL); g_assert (result != NULL); result->x = vector1->x - vector2->x; result->y = vector1->y - vector2->y; result->z = vector1->z - vector2->z; } void gimp_vector3_set (GimpVector3 *vector, gdouble x, gdouble y, gdouble z) { g_assert (vector != NULL); vector->x = x; vector->y = y; vector->z = z; } void gimp_vector3_add (GimpVector3 *result, GimpVector3 *vector1, GimpVector3 *vector2) { g_assert (vector1 != NULL); g_assert (vector2 != NULL); g_assert (result != NULL); result->x = vector1->x + vector2->x; result->y = vector1->y + vector2->y; result->z = vector1->z + vector2->z; } void gimp_vector3_neg (GimpVector3 *vector) { g_assert (vector != NULL); vector->x *= -1.0; vector->y *= -1.0; vector->z *= -1.0; } void gimp_vector3_rotate (GimpVector3 *vector, gdouble alpha, gdouble beta, gdouble gamma) { GimpVector3 s, t; g_assert (vector != NULL); /* First we rotate it around the Z axis (XY plane).. */ /* ================================================= */ s.x = cos (alpha) * vector->x + sin (alpha) * vector->y; s.y = cos (alpha) * vector->y - sin (alpha) * vector->x; /* ..then around the Y axis (XZ plane).. */ /* ===================================== */ t = s; vector->x = cos (beta) *t.x + sin (beta) * vector->z; s.z = cos (beta) *vector->z - sin (beta) * t.x; /* ..and at last around the X axis (YZ plane) */ /* ========================================== */ vector->y = cos (gamma) * t.y + sin (gamma) * s.z; vector->z = cos (gamma) * s.z - sin (gamma) * t.y; } /******************************************************************/ /* Compute screen (sx,sy)-(sx+w,sy+h) to 3D unit square mapping. */ /* The plane to map to is given in the z field of p. The observer */ /* is located at position vp (vp->z!=0.0). */ /******************************************************************/ void gimp_vector_2d_to_3d (gint sx, gint sy, gint w, gint h, gint x, gint y, GimpVector3 *vp, GimpVector3 *p) { gdouble t = 0.0; g_assert (vp != NULL); g_assert (p != NULL); if (vp->x != 0.0) t = (p->z - vp->z) / vp->z; if (t != 0.0) { p->x = vp->x + t * (vp->x - ((gdouble) (x - sx) / (gdouble) w)); p->y = vp->y + t * (vp->y - ((gdouble) (y - sy) / (gdouble) h)); } else { p->x = (gdouble) (x - sx) / (gdouble) w; p->y = (gdouble) (y - sy) / (gdouble) h; } } /*********************************************************/ /* Convert the given 3D point to 2D (project it onto the */ /* viewing plane, (sx,sy,0)-(sx+w,sy+h,0). The input is */ /* assumed to be in the unit square (0,0,z)-(1,1,z). */ /* The viewpoint of the observer is passed in vp. */ /*********************************************************/ void gimp_vector_3d_to_2d (gint sx, gint sy, gint w, gint h, gdouble *x, gdouble *y, GimpVector3 *vp, GimpVector3 *p) { gdouble t; GimpVector3 dir; g_assert (vp != NULL); g_assert (p != NULL); gimp_vector3_sub (&dir, p, vp); gimp_vector3_normalize (&dir); if (dir.z != 0.0) { t = (-1.0 * vp->z) / dir.z; *x = (gdouble) sx + ((vp->x + t * dir.x) * (gdouble) w); *y = (gdouble) sy + ((vp->y + t * dir.y) * (gdouble) h); } else { *x = (gdouble) sx + (p->x * (gdouble) w); *y = (gdouble) sy + (p->y * (gdouble) h); } }