/* The GIMP -- an image manipulation program * Copyright (C) 1995 Spencer Kimball and Peter Mattis * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include "libgimpbase/gimpbase.h" #include "libgimpbase/gimpprotocol.h" #include "libgimpbase/gimpwire.h" #include "plug-in-types.h" #include "base/tile.h" #include "base/tile-manager.h" #include "core/gimp.h" #include "core/gimpdrawable.h" #include "plug-in.h" #include "plug-ins.h" #include "plug-in-def.h" #include "plug-in-params.h" #include "plug-in-proc.h" #include "plug-in-shm.h" #define ENABLE_TEMP_RETURN 1 typedef struct _PlugInBlocked PlugInBlocked; struct _PlugInBlocked { PlugIn *plug_in; gchar *proc_name; }; /* local function prototypes */ static void plug_in_handle_quit (PlugIn *plug_in); static void plug_in_handle_tile_req (PlugIn *plug_in, GPTileReq *tile_req); static void plug_in_handle_proc_run (PlugIn *plug_in, GPProcRun *proc_run); static void plug_in_handle_proc_return_priv (PlugIn *plug_in, GPProcReturn *proc_return); static void plug_in_handle_proc_return (PlugIn *plug_in, GPProcReturn *proc_return); #ifdef ENABLE_TEMP_RETURN static void plug_in_handle_temp_proc_return (PlugIn *plug_in, GPProcReturn *proc_return); #endif static void plug_in_handle_proc_install (PlugIn *plug_in, GPProcInstall *proc_install); static void plug_in_handle_proc_uninstall (PlugIn *plug_in, GPProcUninstall *proc_uninstall); static void plug_in_handle_extension_ack (PlugIn *plug_in); static void plug_in_handle_has_init (PlugIn *plug_in); /* private variables */ static GSList *blocked_plug_ins = NULL; /* public functions */ void plug_in_handle_message (PlugIn *plug_in, WireMessage *msg) { switch (msg->type) { case GP_QUIT: plug_in_handle_quit (plug_in); break; case GP_CONFIG: g_message ("Plug-In \"%s\"\n(%s)\n\n" "sent a CONFIG message (should not happen)", gimp_filename_to_utf8 (plug_in->name), gimp_filename_to_utf8 (plug_in->prog)); plug_in_close (plug_in, TRUE); break; case GP_TILE_REQ: plug_in_handle_tile_req (plug_in, msg->data); break; case GP_TILE_ACK: g_message ("Plug-In \"%s\"\n(%s)\n\n" "sent a TILE_ACK message (should not happen)", gimp_filename_to_utf8 (plug_in->name), gimp_filename_to_utf8 (plug_in->prog)); plug_in_close (plug_in, TRUE); break; case GP_TILE_DATA: g_message ("Plug-In \"%s\"\n(%s)\n\n" "sent a TILE_DATA message (should not happen)", gimp_filename_to_utf8 (plug_in->name), gimp_filename_to_utf8 (plug_in->prog)); plug_in_close (plug_in, TRUE); break; case GP_PROC_RUN: plug_in_handle_proc_run (plug_in, msg->data); break; case GP_PROC_RETURN: plug_in_handle_proc_return (plug_in, msg->data); break; case GP_TEMP_PROC_RUN: g_message ("Plug-In \"%s\"\n(%s)\n\n" "sent a TEMP_PROC_RUN message (should not happen)", gimp_filename_to_utf8 (plug_in->name), gimp_filename_to_utf8 (plug_in->prog)); plug_in_close (plug_in, TRUE); break; case GP_TEMP_PROC_RETURN: #ifdef ENABLE_TEMP_RETURN plug_in_handle_temp_proc_return (plug_in, msg->data); #else g_message ("Plug-In \"%s\"\n(%s)\n\n" "sent a TEMP_PROC_RETURN message (should not happen)", gimp_filename_to_utf8 (plug_in->name), gimp_filename_to_utf8 (plug_in->prog)); plug_in_close (plug_in, TRUE); #endif break; case GP_PROC_INSTALL: plug_in_handle_proc_install (plug_in, msg->data); break; case GP_PROC_UNINSTALL: plug_in_handle_proc_uninstall (plug_in, msg->data); break; case GP_EXTENSION_ACK: plug_in_handle_extension_ack (plug_in); break; case GP_HAS_INIT: plug_in_handle_has_init (plug_in); break; } } /* private functions */ static void plug_in_handle_quit (PlugIn *plug_in) { plug_in_close (plug_in, FALSE); } static void plug_in_handle_tile_req (PlugIn *plug_in, GPTileReq *tile_req) { GPTileData tile_data; GPTileData *tile_info; WireMessage msg; GimpDrawable *drawable; TileManager *tm; Tile *tile; gint shm_ID; shm_ID = plug_in_shm_get_ID (plug_in->gimp); if (tile_req->drawable_ID == -1) { /* this branch communicates with libgimp/gimptile.c:gimp_tile_put() */ tile_data.drawable_ID = -1; tile_data.tile_num = 0; tile_data.shadow = 0; tile_data.bpp = 0; tile_data.width = 0; tile_data.height = 0; tile_data.use_shm = (shm_ID == -1) ? FALSE : TRUE; tile_data.data = NULL; if (! gp_tile_data_write (plug_in->my_write, &tile_data, plug_in)) { g_warning ("plug_in_handle_tile_req: ERROR"); plug_in_close (plug_in, TRUE); return; } if (! wire_read_msg (plug_in->my_read, &msg, plug_in)) { g_warning ("plug_in_handle_tile_req: ERROR"); plug_in_close (plug_in, TRUE); return; } if (msg.type != GP_TILE_DATA) { g_warning ("expected tile data and received: %d", msg.type); plug_in_close (plug_in, TRUE); return; } tile_info = msg.data; drawable = (GimpDrawable *) gimp_item_get_by_ID (plug_in->gimp, tile_info->drawable_ID); if (! drawable) { g_message ("Plug-In \"%s\"\n(%s)\n\n" "requested invalid drawable (killing)", gimp_filename_to_utf8 (plug_in->name), gimp_filename_to_utf8 (plug_in->prog)); plug_in_close (plug_in, TRUE); return; } if (tile_info->shadow) tm = gimp_drawable_shadow (drawable); else tm = gimp_drawable_data (drawable); tile = tile_manager_get (tm, tile_info->tile_num, TRUE, TRUE); if (! tile) { g_message ("Plug-In \"%s\"\n(%s)\n\n" "requested invalid tile (killing)", gimp_filename_to_utf8 (plug_in->name), gimp_filename_to_utf8 (plug_in->prog)); plug_in_close (plug_in, TRUE); return; } if (tile_data.use_shm) memcpy (tile_data_pointer (tile, 0, 0), plug_in_shm_get_addr (plug_in->gimp), tile_size (tile)); else memcpy (tile_data_pointer (tile, 0, 0), tile_info->data, tile_size (tile)); tile_release (tile, TRUE); wire_destroy (&msg); if (! gp_tile_ack_write (plug_in->my_write, plug_in)) { g_warning ("plug_in_handle_tile_req: ERROR"); plug_in_close (plug_in, TRUE); return; } } else { /* this branch communicates with libgimp/gimptile.c:gimp_tile_get() */ drawable = (GimpDrawable *) gimp_item_get_by_ID (plug_in->gimp, tile_req->drawable_ID); if (! drawable) { g_message ("Plug-In \"%s\"\n(%s)\n\n" "requested invalid drawable (killing)", gimp_filename_to_utf8 (plug_in->name), gimp_filename_to_utf8 (plug_in->prog)); plug_in_close (plug_in, TRUE); return; } if (tile_req->shadow) tm = gimp_drawable_shadow (drawable); else tm = gimp_drawable_data (drawable); tile = tile_manager_get (tm, tile_req->tile_num, TRUE, FALSE); if (! tile) { g_message ("Plug-In \"%s\"\n(%s)\n\n" "requested invalid tile (killing)", gimp_filename_to_utf8 (plug_in->name), gimp_filename_to_utf8 (plug_in->prog)); plug_in_close (plug_in, TRUE); return; } tile_data.drawable_ID = tile_req->drawable_ID; tile_data.tile_num = tile_req->tile_num; tile_data.shadow = tile_req->shadow; tile_data.bpp = tile_bpp (tile); tile_data.width = tile_ewidth (tile); tile_data.height = tile_eheight (tile); tile_data.use_shm = (shm_ID == -1) ? FALSE : TRUE; if (tile_data.use_shm) memcpy (plug_in_shm_get_addr (plug_in->gimp), tile_data_pointer (tile, 0, 0), tile_size (tile)); else tile_data.data = tile_data_pointer (tile, 0, 0); if (! gp_tile_data_write (plug_in->my_write, &tile_data, plug_in)) { g_message ("plug_in_handle_tile_req: ERROR"); plug_in_close (plug_in, TRUE); return; } tile_release (tile, FALSE); if (! wire_read_msg (plug_in->my_read, &msg, plug_in)) { g_message ("plug_in_handle_tile_req: ERROR"); plug_in_close (plug_in, TRUE); return; } if (msg.type != GP_TILE_ACK) { g_warning ("expected tile ack and received: %d", msg.type); plug_in_close (plug_in, TRUE); return; } wire_destroy (&msg); } } static void plug_in_handle_proc_run (PlugIn *plug_in, GPProcRun *proc_run) { const gchar *proc_name = NULL; ProcRecord *proc_rec; Argument *args; Argument *return_vals; proc_rec = procedural_db_lookup (plug_in->gimp, proc_run->name); if (! proc_rec) { proc_name = g_hash_table_lookup (plug_in->gimp->procedural_compat_ht, proc_run->name); if (proc_name) { proc_rec = procedural_db_lookup (plug_in->gimp, proc_name); if (plug_in->gimp->pdb_compat_mode == GIMP_PDB_COMPAT_WARN) { g_message ("WARNING: Plug-In \"%s\"\n(%s)\n\n" "called deprecated procedure '%s'.\n" "It should call '%s' instead!", gimp_filename_to_utf8 (plug_in->name), gimp_filename_to_utf8 (plug_in->prog), proc_run->name, proc_name); } } } if (! proc_name) proc_name = proc_run->name; args = plug_in_params_to_args (proc_run->params, proc_run->nparams, FALSE); plug_in_push (plug_in->gimp, plug_in); /* Execute the procedure even if procedural_db_lookup() returned NULL, * procedural_db_execute() will return appropriate error return_vals. */ return_vals = procedural_db_execute (plug_in->gimp, plug_in->context, proc_name, args); plug_in_pop (plug_in->gimp); if (return_vals) { GPProcReturn proc_return; /* Return the name we got called with, *not* proc_name, since * proc_name may have been remapped by gimp->procedural_compat_ht */ proc_return.name = proc_run->name; if (proc_rec) { proc_return.nparams = proc_rec->num_values + 1; proc_return.params = plug_in_args_to_params (return_vals, proc_return.nparams, FALSE); } else { proc_return.nparams = 1; proc_return.params = plug_in_args_to_params (return_vals, 1, FALSE); } if (! gp_proc_return_write (plug_in->my_write, &proc_return, plug_in)) { g_warning ("plug_in_handle_proc_run: ERROR"); plug_in_close (plug_in, TRUE); return; } plug_in_args_destroy (args, proc_run->nparams, FALSE); if (proc_rec) plug_in_args_destroy (return_vals, proc_rec->num_values + 1, TRUE); else plug_in_args_destroy (return_vals, 1, TRUE); plug_in_params_destroy (proc_return.params, proc_return.nparams, FALSE); } else { PlugInBlocked *blocked; blocked = g_new0 (PlugInBlocked, 1); blocked->plug_in = plug_in; blocked->proc_name = g_strdup (proc_run->name); blocked_plug_ins = g_slist_prepend (blocked_plug_ins, blocked); } } static void plug_in_handle_proc_return_priv (PlugIn *plug_in, GPProcReturn *proc_return) { if (plug_in->recurse_main_loop || plug_in->temp_main_loops) { plug_in->return_vals = plug_in_params_to_args (proc_return->params, proc_return->nparams, TRUE); plug_in->n_return_vals = proc_return->nparams; } else { GSList *list; for (list = blocked_plug_ins; list; list = g_slist_next (list)) { PlugInBlocked *blocked; blocked = (PlugInBlocked *) list->data; if (blocked->proc_name && proc_return->name && strcmp (blocked->proc_name, proc_return->name) == 0) { if (! gp_proc_return_write (blocked->plug_in->my_write, proc_return, blocked->plug_in)) { g_message ("plug_in_handle_proc_run: ERROR"); plug_in_close (blocked->plug_in, TRUE); return; } blocked_plug_ins = g_slist_remove (blocked_plug_ins, blocked); g_free (blocked->proc_name); g_free (blocked); break; } } } } static void plug_in_handle_proc_return (PlugIn *plug_in, GPProcReturn *proc_return) { plug_in_handle_proc_return_priv (plug_in, proc_return); if (plug_in->recurse_main_loop) g_main_loop_quit (plug_in->recurse_main_loop); plug_in_close (plug_in, FALSE); } #ifdef ENABLE_TEMP_RETURN static void plug_in_handle_temp_proc_return (PlugIn *plug_in, GPProcReturn *proc_return) { if (plug_in->temp_main_loops) { plug_in_handle_proc_return_priv (plug_in, proc_return); plug_in_main_loop_quit (plug_in); } else { g_message ("Plug-In \"%s\"\n(%s)\n\n" "sent a TEMP_PROC_RETURN message while not running " "a temp proc (should not happen)", gimp_filename_to_utf8 (plug_in->name), gimp_filename_to_utf8 (plug_in->prog)); plug_in_close (plug_in, TRUE); } } #endif static void plug_in_handle_proc_install (PlugIn *plug_in, GPProcInstall *proc_install) { PlugInDef *plug_in_def = NULL; PlugInProcDef *proc_def = NULL; ProcRecord *proc = NULL; GSList *tmp = NULL; gchar *prog = NULL; gboolean valid_utf8 = FALSE; gint i; /* Argument checking * --only sanity check arguments when the procedure requests a menu path */ if (proc_install->menu_path && proc_install->menu_path[0] == '<') { GError *error = NULL; if (! plug_in_param_defs_check (plug_in->name, plug_in->prog, proc_install->name, proc_install->menu_path, proc_install->params, proc_install->nparams, proc_install->return_vals, proc_install->nreturn_vals, &error)) { g_message (error->message); g_clear_error (&error); return; } } /* Sanity check for array arguments */ for (i = 1; i < proc_install->nparams; i++) { if ((proc_install->params[i].type == GIMP_PDB_INT32ARRAY || proc_install->params[i].type == GIMP_PDB_INT8ARRAY || proc_install->params[i].type == GIMP_PDB_FLOATARRAY || proc_install->params[i].type == GIMP_PDB_STRINGARRAY) && proc_install->params[i-1].type != GIMP_PDB_INT32) { g_message ("Plug-In \"%s\"\n(%s)\n\n" "attempted to install procedure \"%s\" " "which fails to comply with the array parameter " "passing standard. Argument %d is noncompliant.", gimp_filename_to_utf8 (plug_in->name), gimp_filename_to_utf8 (plug_in->prog), proc_install->name, i); return; } } /* Sanity check strings for UTF-8 validity */ if ((proc_install->menu_path == NULL || g_utf8_validate (proc_install->menu_path, -1, NULL)) && (g_utf8_validate (proc_install->name, -1, NULL)) && (proc_install->blurb == NULL || g_utf8_validate (proc_install->blurb, -1, NULL)) && (proc_install->help == NULL || g_utf8_validate (proc_install->help, -1, NULL)) && (proc_install->author == NULL || g_utf8_validate (proc_install->author, -1, NULL)) && (proc_install->copyright == NULL || g_utf8_validate (proc_install->copyright, -1, NULL)) && (proc_install->date == NULL || g_utf8_validate (proc_install->date, -1, NULL))) { valid_utf8 = TRUE; for (i = 0; i < proc_install->nparams && valid_utf8; i++) { if (! (g_utf8_validate (proc_install->params[i].name, -1, NULL) && (proc_install->params[i].description == NULL || g_utf8_validate (proc_install->params[i].description, -1, NULL)))) valid_utf8 = FALSE; } for (i = 0; i < proc_install->nreturn_vals && valid_utf8; i++) { if (! (g_utf8_validate (proc_install->return_vals[i].name, -1, NULL) && (proc_install->return_vals[i].description == NULL || g_utf8_validate (proc_install->return_vals[i].description, -1, NULL)))) valid_utf8 = FALSE; } } if (! valid_utf8) { g_message ("Plug-In \"%s\"\n(%s)\n\n" "attempted to install a procedure with invalid UTF-8 strings.", gimp_filename_to_utf8 (plug_in->name), gimp_filename_to_utf8 (plug_in->prog)); return; } /* Initialization */ switch (proc_install->type) { case GIMP_PLUGIN: case GIMP_EXTENSION: plug_in_def = plug_in->plug_in_def; prog = plug_in_def->prog; tmp = plug_in_def->proc_defs; break; case GIMP_TEMPORARY: plug_in_def = NULL; prog = "none"; tmp = plug_in->temp_proc_defs; break; } while (tmp) { proc_def = tmp->data; tmp = tmp->next; if (strcmp (proc_def->db_info.name, proc_install->name) == 0) { switch (proc_install->type) { case GIMP_PLUGIN: case GIMP_EXTENSION: plug_in_def->proc_defs = g_slist_remove (plug_in_def->proc_defs, proc_def); plug_in_proc_def_free (proc_def); break; case GIMP_TEMPORARY: plug_in->temp_proc_defs = g_slist_remove (plug_in->temp_proc_defs, proc_def); plug_ins_temp_proc_def_remove (plug_in->gimp, proc_def); break; } break; } } proc_def = plug_in_proc_def_new (); if (proc_install->menu_path) { if (proc_install->menu_path[0] == '<') proc_def->menu_paths = g_list_append (proc_def->menu_paths, g_strdup (proc_install->menu_path)); else proc_def->menu_label = g_strdup (proc_install->menu_path); } proc_def->prog = g_strdup (prog); proc_def->extensions = NULL; proc_def->prefixes = NULL; proc_def->magics = NULL; proc_def->image_types = g_strdup (proc_install->image_types); proc_def->image_types_val = plug_ins_image_types_parse (proc_def->image_types); /* Install temp one use todays time */ proc_def->mtime = time (NULL); /* Remember if this proc was installed while initing a plug-in */ proc_def->installed_during_init = plug_in->init; /* The procedural database procedure */ proc = &proc_def->db_info; proc->name = g_strdup (proc_install->name); proc->blurb = g_strdup (proc_install->blurb); proc->help = g_strdup (proc_install->help); proc->author = g_strdup (proc_install->author); proc->copyright = g_strdup (proc_install->copyright); proc->date = g_strdup (proc_install->date); proc->proc_type = proc_install->type; proc->num_args = proc_install->nparams; proc->num_values = proc_install->nreturn_vals; proc->args = g_new0 (ProcArg, proc->num_args); proc->values = g_new0 (ProcArg, proc->num_values); for (i = 0; i < proc->num_args; i++) { proc->args[i].arg_type = proc_install->params[i].type; proc->args[i].name = g_strdup (proc_install->params[i].name); proc->args[i].description = g_strdup (proc_install->params[i].description); } for (i = 0; i < proc->num_values; i++) { proc->values[i].arg_type = proc_install->return_vals[i].type; proc->values[i].name = g_strdup (proc_install->return_vals[i].name); proc->values[i].description = g_strdup (proc_install->return_vals[i].description); } switch (proc_install->type) { case GIMP_PLUGIN: case GIMP_EXTENSION: plug_in_def->proc_defs = g_slist_prepend (plug_in_def->proc_defs, proc_def); break; case GIMP_TEMPORARY: plug_in->temp_proc_defs = g_slist_prepend (plug_in->temp_proc_defs, proc_def); proc->exec_method.temporary.plug_in = plug_in; plug_ins_temp_proc_def_add (plug_in->gimp, proc_def); break; } } static void plug_in_handle_proc_uninstall (PlugIn *plug_in, GPProcUninstall *proc_uninstall) { GSList *tmp; for (tmp = plug_in->temp_proc_defs; tmp; tmp = g_slist_next (tmp)) { PlugInProcDef *proc_def; proc_def = tmp->data; if (! strcmp (proc_def->db_info.name, proc_uninstall->name)) { plug_in->temp_proc_defs = g_slist_remove (plug_in->temp_proc_defs, proc_def); plug_ins_temp_proc_def_remove (plug_in->gimp, proc_def); break; } } } static void plug_in_handle_extension_ack (PlugIn *plug_in) { if (plug_in->ext_main_loop) { g_main_loop_quit (plug_in->ext_main_loop); } else { g_message ("Plug-In \"%s\"\n(%s)\n\n" "sent an EXTENSION_ACK message while not being started " "as extension (should not happen)", gimp_filename_to_utf8 (plug_in->name), gimp_filename_to_utf8 (plug_in->prog)); plug_in_close (plug_in, TRUE); } } static void plug_in_handle_has_init (PlugIn *plug_in) { if (plug_in->query) { plug_in_def_set_has_init (plug_in->plug_in_def, TRUE); } else { g_message ("Plug-In \"%s\"\n(%s)\n\n" "sent an HAS_INIT message while not in query() " "(should not happen)", gimp_filename_to_utf8 (plug_in->name), gimp_filename_to_utf8 (plug_in->prog)); plug_in_close (plug_in, TRUE); } }