Version 1.4 * Snap to grid during resize. * 'Divider' object. * Move polygon sides. * Gimp style guides. Version 1.5 * Standalone version * Configuration script * Warning icon for area's without URL. * Add HTML 4.0 tags (TABINDEX, ACCESKEY) * User-definable tags * Use shift mousebutton to restrict polygon drawing direction. Version 1.9 * Freehand drawing of polygon * 'Morph to' functions (Polygon <-> circle <-> Rectangle) * Write manual Version 2.0 * Same as 1.9 with bugs fixed * Code cleanup BUGS * Polygon not limited to 100 points (Is this really neccessary?) * Rulers move when scrolling in preview window (see interface.c in Gimp). * 'Move' only moves current object. Miscellaneous * Zooming performance is poor * Compare image-name in HTML file with loaded image and issue warning if different. * Restrict to screen size for large images. * Don't redraw complete polygon while moving a sash. * Compliancy with GIMP 1.1.x: - Use GIMP's 1.1.x new help system - Tear-off menu's - Arrow button with similar action as pop-up in upper left of preview window - Paner widget in lower right of preview window for fast navigation.