#!/bin/sh PACKAGE="gimp14-tips" PATH="$PATH:.." echo -n "Testing intltool version ... " VER=`intltool-extract --version | grep intltool | sed "s/.* \([0-9.]*\)/\1/"` if expr $VER \>= 0.17 >/dev/null; then echo "looks OK." else echo "too old! (Need 0.17, have $VER)" exit 1 fi if [ "x$1" = "x--help" ]; then echo Usage: ./update.sh langcode echo --help display this help and exit echo echo Examples of use: echo ./update.sh just creates a new pot file from the source echo ./update.sh da created new pot file and updated the da.po file elif [ "x$1" = "x" ]; then echo "Building the $PACKAGE.pot ..." intltool-update --gettext-package $PACKAGE --pot else echo "Building the $PACKAGE.pot, merging and updating ..." intltool-update --gettext-package $PACKAGE $1 fi intltool-merge . gimp-tips.xml.in gimp-tips.xml -x -u -c .intltool-merge-cache xmllint=`which xmllint` if test -n "$xmllint" && test -x "$xmllint"; then echo "Validating gimp-tips.xml." $xmllint --noout --valid gimp-tips.xml \ || ( echo "*************************"; echo "* gimp-tips.xml INVALID *"; echo "*************************"; exit 1; ) else echo "Can't find xmllint to validate gimp-tips.xml; proceed with fingers crossed..."; fi