#!/usr/bin/perl -w # GIMP - The GNU Image Manipulation Program # Copyright (C) 1998-2003 Manish Singh # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . require 5.004; BEGIN { $srcdir = $ENV{srcdir} || '.'; $destdir = $ENV{destdir} || '.'; $builddir = $ENV{builddir} || '.'; } use lib $srcdir; BEGIN { # Some important stuff require 'pdb.pl'; require 'enums.pl'; require 'util.pl'; # What to do? require 'groups.pl'; if ($ENV{PDBGEN_GROUPS}) { @groups = split(/:/, $ENV{PDBGEN_GROUPS}); } } # Stifle "used only once" warnings $destdir = $destdir; $builddir = $builddir; %pdb = (); # The actual parser (in a string so we can eval it in another namespace) $evalcode = <<'CODE'; { my $file = $main::file; my $srcdir = $main::srcdir; my $copyvars = sub { my $dest = shift; foreach (@_) { if (eval "defined scalar $_") { (my $var = $_) =~ s/^(\W)//; for ($1) { /\$/ && do { $$dest->{$var} = $$var ; last; }; /\@/ && do { $$dest->{$var} = [ @$var ]; last; }; /\%/ && do { $$dest->{$var} = { %$var }; last; }; } } } }; # Variables to evaluate and insert into the PDB structure my @procvars = qw($name $group $blurb $help $author $copyright $date $since $deprecated @inargs @outargs %invoke $canonical_name $lib_private $skip_gi); # These are attached to the group structure my @groupvars = qw($desc $doc_title $doc_short_desc $doc_long_desc $lib_private $skip_gi @headers %extra); # Hook some variables into the top-level namespace *pdb = \%main::pdb; *gen = \%main::gen; *grp = \%main::grp; # Hide our globals my $safeeval = sub { local(%pdb, %gen, %grp); eval $_[0]; die $@ if $@ }; # Some standard shortcuts used by all def files &$safeeval("do '$main::srcdir/stddefs.pdb'"); # Group properties foreach (@groupvars) { eval "undef $_" } # Load the file in and get the group info &$safeeval("require '$main::srcdir/groups/$file.pdb'"); # Save these for later &$copyvars(\$grp{$file}, @groupvars); foreach $proc (@procs) { # Reset all our PDB vars so previous defs don't interfere foreach (@procvars) { eval "undef $_" } # Get the info &$safeeval("&$proc"); # Some derived fields $name = $proc; $group = $file; ($canonical_name = $name) =~ s/_/-/g; # Load the info into %pdb, making copies of the data instead of refs my $entry = {}; &$copyvars(\$entry, @procvars); $pdb{$proc} = $entry; } # Find out what to do with these entries while (my ($dest, $procs) = each %exports) { push @{$gen{$dest}}, @$procs } } CODE # Slurp in the PDB defs foreach $file (@groups) { print "Processing $srcdir/groups/$file.pdb...\n"; eval "package Gimp::CodeGen::Safe::$file; $evalcode;"; die $@ if $@; } # Squash whitespace into just single spaces between words. # Single new lines are considered as normal spaces, but n > 1 newlines are considered (n - 1) newlines. # The slightly complicated suite of regexp is so that \n\s+\n is still considered a double newline. sub trimspace { for (${$_[0]}) { s/(\S)[\ \t\r\f]*\n[\ \t\r\f]*(\S)/$1 $2/g; s/[\ \t\r\f]+/ /gs; s/\n(([\ \t\r\f]*\n)+)/$1/g; s/[\ \t\r\f]*\n[\ \t\r\f]/\n/g ; s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; } } # Trim spaces and escape quotes C-style sub nicetext { my $val = shift; if (defined $$val) { &trimspace($val); $$val =~ s/"/\\"/g; } } # Do the same for all the strings in the args, plus expand constraint text sub niceargs { my $args = shift; foreach $arg (@$args) { foreach (keys %$arg) { &nicetext(\$arg->{$_}); } } } # Trim spaces from all the elements in a list sub nicelist { my $list = shift; foreach (@$list) { &trimspace(\$_) } } # Add args for array lengths sub arrayexpand { my $args = shift; my $newargs; foreach (@$$args) { if (exists $_->{array}) { my $arg = $_->{array}; $arg->{name} = 'num_' . $_->{name} unless exists $arg->{name}; # We can't have negative lengths, but let them set a min number unless (exists $arg->{type}) { $arg->{type} = '0 <= int32'; } elsif ($arg->{type} !~ /^\s*\d+\s*{type} = '0 <= ' . $arg->{type}; } $arg->{void_ret} = 1 if exists $_->{void_ret}; $arg->{num} = 1; push @$newargs, $arg; } push @$newargs, $_; } $$args = $newargs; } sub canonicalargs { my $args = shift; foreach $arg (@$args) { ($arg->{canonical_name} = $arg->{name}) =~ s/_/-/g; } } # Post-process each pdb entry while ((undef, $entry) = each %pdb) { &nicetext(\$entry->{blurb}); &nicetext(\$entry->{help}); &nicetext(\$entry->{author}); &nicetext(\$entry->{copyright}); &nicetext(\$entry->{date}); foreach (qw(in out)) { my $args = $_ . 'args'; if (exists $entry->{$args}) { &arrayexpand(\$entry->{$args}); &niceargs($entry->{$args}); &canonicalargs($entry->{$args}); } } &nicelist($entry->{invoke}{headers}) if exists $entry->{invoke}{headers}; &nicelist($entry->{globals}) if exists $entry->{globals}; $entry->{invoke}{success} = 'TRUE' unless exists $entry->{invoke}{success}; } # Generate code from the modules my $didstuff; while (@ARGV) { my $type = shift @ARGV; print "\nProcessing $type...\n"; if (exists $gen{$type}) { require "$type.pl"; &{"Gimp::CodeGen::${type}::generate"}($gen{$type}); print "done.\n"; $didstuff = 1; } else { print "nothing to do.\n"; } } print "\nNothing done at all.\n" unless $didstuff;