%!PS-Adobe %%BoundingBox: 75 335 530 720 %%BeginProlog /wpdict 300 dict def wpdict begin /d{bind def}bind def/l{load def}d/ec{exec def}d/cp/closepath l/cup/currentpoint l/cs/currentscreen l /cv/curveto l/drx{dtransform round x round x}d/f/eofill l/g/setgray l/gr/grestore l /gs/gsave l/ife{ifelse}d/ix/index l/li/lineto l/lc/setlinecap l /lj/setlinejoin l/m/moveto l/mx/matrix l/mcm{mx currentmatrix}d/sm/setmatrix l /np/newpath l/p/pop l/re/rotate l/rh/readhexstring l/rl/rlineto l/rm/rmoveto l/rs/restore l /setfl{dup 1 le{p 1 setflat}{setflat}ife}def/languagelevel where{p languagelevel}{1}ife 2 lt{/sf{bzcnt 70 div setfl}d/fpath{bzcnt 4 div setflat}d}{/sf{}d/fpath{}d}ife /cf currentflat def/s{fpath flattenpath stroke}d/sc/scale l /sd/setdash l/ss/setscreen l/sv/save l/tr/translate l /w/setlinewidth l/x/exch l/xd{x def}d/c{3{255 div 3 1 roll}repeat setrgbcolor}d /bF false def/bF2 false def/bf 0 def/ds{gs 1 lc s gr}d/gd{255 div g}d /h{0 rm}d /lp{px li}d/mp{px m}d/nb 50 string def/osv 0 def/icl/initclip l/pf{gs f gr}def /pff{gs fill gr}def/pl{{px li}repeat}d/ps{gs s gr}def/plen 0 def/pwid 0 def /px{transform .25 sub round .25 add x .25 sub round .25 add x itransform}d /pxd{drx idtransform}d/rlp{pxd rl}d/rmp{pxd rm}d/_g{g}d/_lr{rlp}d/_s{s}d /_w{w}d/_m{mp}d/_rmxy{rmp}d/bzcnt 0 def/bzct{/bzcnt xd}def /bzcl{/bzcnt 0 def cf setflat}def/rF false def/sF false def/pth 0 def/ptw 0 def/pths 0 def/ptws 0 def/PColor 0 def /instpat 0 def/cm 0 def/slan 0 def/hscl 0 def/psz 0 def/xres 0 def/yres 0 def/pstr 0 def/lutb 0 def /rot 0 def/mir 0 def/HTd 0 def/WDd 0 def/ury 0 def/llx 0 def/lly 0 def/exstr 0 def/HTs 0 def/WDs 0 def /Hs 0 def/Ws 0 def/imc 0 def/Bdep 0 def/clu 0 def/curx 0 def/cury 0 def/Sx 0 def/Sy 0 def/xpos 0 def /ypos 0 def/lw 0 def/DUy 0 def/DUx 0 def/Ux 0 def/Uy 0 def/cml 0 def /cp3{3 copy}d/cp4{4 copy}d/cp6{6 copy}d/aosh{cp3 -4 -4 rm gs ashow gr cp3 4 0 rm gs ashow gr cp3 4 0 rm gs ashow gr cp3 0 4 rm gs ashow gr cp3 0 4 rm gs ashow gr cp3 -4 0 rm gs ashow gr cp3 -4 0 rm gs ashow gr cp3 0 -4 rm gs ashow gr currentrgbcolor 6 3 roll 1 g 4 0 rm ashow setrgbcolor}d /wosh{cp4 -4 -4 rm gs widthshow gr cp4 4 0 rm gs widthshow gr cp4 4 0 rm gs widthshow gr cp4 0 4 rm gs widthshow gr cp4 0 4 rm gs widthshow gr cp4 -4 0 rm gs widthshow gr cp4 -4 0 rm gs widthshow gr cp4 0 -4 rm gs widthshow gr currentrgbcolor 7 3 roll 1 g 4 0 rm widthshow setrgbcolor}d /awosh{cp6 -4 -4 rm gs awidthshow gr cp6 4 0 rm gs awidthshow gr cp6 4 0 rm gs awidthshow gr cp6 0 4 rm gs awidthshow gr cp6 0 4 rm gs awidthshow gr cp6 -4 0 rm gs awidthshow gr cp6 -4 0 rm gs awidthshow gr cp6 0 -4 rm gs awidthshow gr currentrgbcolor 9 3 roll 1 g 4 0 rm awidthshow setrgbcolor}d /assh{sv gs psz 20 div dup neg rm 4 1 roll cp3 ashow 4 -1 roll gr cp3 sv x currentfont/PaintType known {bf setfont}if 1 g ashow rs currentfont/PaintType known{currentfont mo setfont ashow}{aosh}ife cup 3 -1 roll rs m}d /wssh{sv gs psz 20 div dup neg rm 5 1 roll cp4 widthshow gr cp4 sv currentfont/PaintType known{bf setfont}if 1 g 5 1 roll widthshow rs currentfont/PaintType known{currentfont mo setfont widthshow}{wosh}ife cup 3 -1 roll rs m}d /awssh{sv gs psz 20 div dup neg rm 7 1 roll cp6 awidthshow gr cp6 sv x currentfont/PaintType known{bf setfont}if 1 g 7 1 roll awidthshow rs currentfont/PaintType known{currentfont mo setfont awidthshow}{awosh}ife cup 3 -1 roll rs m}d /B{/bF true def sF not{/S/bsh l/bF2 true def}if}d /b{/bF false def bF2{/S/show l/bF2 false def}if}d /bd{sv}d/bp{sv .06 .06 sc 0 0 m}d/bsh{gs psz 30 div 0 rm dup show gr show}d /clr{rF{6 3 roll p p p}{eq3{p p gd}{c}ife}ife}d/co{/pwid xd/plen xd osv 1 eq{0 pwid tr -90 re}if osv 2 eq{pwid plen tr 180 re}if osv 3 eq{plen 0 tr 90 re}if dup 1 eq{pwid 0 tr 90 re}if dup 2 eq{pwid plen tr 180 re}if dup 3 eq{0 plen tr -90 re}if/osv xd}d /cw{s initclip m 0 2 ix rl 0 rl 0 x neg rl clip np}d /DU{cup/DUy xd/DUx xd}d/du{gs sv 12 w cup -24 add m DUx DUy -24 add li s rs 12 w cup -48 add m DUx DUy -48 add li s gr}d/ed{rs}d/ep{rs showpage 0 0 m}d /eq3{3 copy 2 ix eq{eq{true}{false}ife}{p p false}ife}d /ff{x rc x 3 div dup/psz xd scalefont dup/bf xd setfont}d /ffs{/slan x 10 div def/hscl x 1000 div def/psz x 3 div def [psz hscl mul 0 slan dup sin x cos div psz mul psz 0 0] x rc x makefont dup/bf xd setfont}d/fr{72 0 rmtx defaultmatrix dtransform /yres xd/xres xd xres dup mul yres dup mul add sqrt}d /is{sv 4 1 roll dup/pstr x 7 add 8 idiv string def 3 1 roll tr dup 1 sc dup 1 1[5 -1 roll 0 0 1 0 0]{currentfile pstr rh p} cml 0 eq{image}{false 3 colorimage}ife rs}d/cexp{exstr 0 lutb 3 copy 7 -1 roll {get putinterval x 3 add x 3 copy}forall p p p p p}d/bwexp{dup 0 lutb 3 copy 7 -1 roll {get put x 1 add x 3 copy}forall p p p p p}d/NOM 0 def/INX 1 def/INY 2 def /p1x 0 def/p1y 0 def/p2x 0 def/p2y 0 def/p3x 0 def/p3y 0 def /idef{/p3y xd/p3x xd/p2y xd/p2x xd/p1y xd/p1x xd /rot xd/mir xd p3x p1x sub 1 add dup mul p1y p3y sub 1 add dup mul add sqrt/HTd xd p2y p1y sub 1 add dup mul p2x p1x sub 1 add dup mul add sqrt/WDd xd}def /mirror{mir NOM eq{Ws Hs sc}{mir INX eq{Ws neg Hs sc} {mir INY eq{Ws Hs neg sc}{Ws neg Hs neg sc}ife}ife}ife}def /ic{sv 6 1 roll tr 2 ix 2 ix sc[3 ix 0 0 5 ix neg 0 7 ix] 2 1 roll true 3 1 roll imagemask rs}d/ieps{/ury xd/urx xd/lly xd/llx xd idef ury lly sub/HTs xd urx llx sub/WDs xd WDd WDs div/Ws xd HTd HTs div/Hs xd p3x p3y tr rot re mirror llx neg lly neg tr}def /im{sv 15 1 roll dup/pstr x string def/exstr x 3 mul string def /HTs xd/WDs xd/imc xd/Bdep xd/clu xd idef p1x p1y m cup transform/cury xd/curx xd rot re /Ws WDd def/Hs HTd def mirror curx cury itransform tr WDs HTs Bdep [WDs 0 0 HTs neg 0 0]{currentfile pstr rh p clu 1 eq{cexp}if clu 2 eq{bwexp}if} imc 0 eq{image}{false 3 colorimage}ife rs}d /kp{initclip clip np}d/l1{cup osv plen pwid 6 -1 roll rs sv}d /l2{bp 7 2 roll co m}d/osh{dup -4 -4 rm gs show gr dup 4 0 rm gs show gr dup 4 0 rm gs show gr dup 0 4 rm gs show gr dup 0 4 rm gs show gr dup -4 0 rm gs show gr dup -4 0 rm gs show gr dup 0 -4 rm gs show gr currentrgbcolor 4 3 roll 1 g 4 0 rm show setrgbcolor}d /mo{dup/OutlineFlag known not{dup dup length 2 add dict begin {1 ix/FID ne{def}{p p}ife}forall/UniqueID known{/UniqueID UniqueID 10000 add def}if /PaintType PaintType 0 eq{2}{PaintType}ife def/StrokeWidth 15 def/OutlineFlag true def /OutlineFont currentdict end definefont}if}d/O{currentfont/PaintType known{currentfont mo setfont}{/S/osh l}ife}d /o{currentfont/PaintType known{bf setfont}{/S/show l}ife}d/R{/rF true def currentrgbcolor 1 .25 .25 setrgbcolor}d /r{/rF false def eq3{1 sub neg gd p p}{setrgbcolor}ife}d/rc{dup FontDirectory x known{findfont} {dup nb cvs dup length 1 sub get 82 eq{dup nb cvs dup length 1 sub 0 x getinterval findfont begin currentdict dup length dict begin {1 ix/FID ne{def}{p p}ife}forall/FontName xd/Encoding WPen def currentdict dup end end/FontName get x definefont} {findfont}ife}ife}d/rmtx mx def/S/show l/A/ashow l/W/widthshow l/AW/awidthshow l/sg{neg 100 add 100 div g}d/SH{bF2{/bF2 false def}if/S/ssh l/A/assh l/W/wssh l/AW/awssh l/sF true def}d /sh{/S/show l/A/ashow l/W/widthshow l/AW/awidthshow l/sF false def bF{B}if}d/sp{gs s gr}d/ssh{sv x gs psz 20 div dup neg rm dup show gr dup sv x currentfont/PaintType known{bf setfont}if 1 g show rs currentfont/PaintType known{currentfont mo setfont show}{osh}ife cup 3 -1 roll rs m}d/ST{cup/Sy xd/Sx xd}d /st{gs cup psz 4 div add mp Sx Sy psz 4 div add lp 10 w s gr}d /U{cup/Uy xd/Ux xd}d/u{gs cup -24 add m Ux Uy -24 add li 12 w s gr}d /ul{cup osv plen pwid 7 -2 roll rs rs bp 6 1 roll co m}d/WPen StandardEncoding 256 array copy def 0 [127/Aacute/Acircumflex/Adieresis/Agrave/Aring/Atilde/Ccedilla /Delta/Eacute/Ecircumflex/Edieresis/Egrave/Eth/Gamma/Iacute/Icircumflex/Idieresis/Igrave/Lambda/Ntilde/Oacute /Ocircumflex/Odieresis/Ograve/Omega/Otilde/Phi/Pi/Psi/Scaron/Sigma/TeXtext32/Theta/Thorn 176/Pts 181/dbar 190/Hbar 192/hbar 201/Ldot 204/ldot 209/Uacute/Ucircumflex/Udieresis/Ugrave/Upsilon/Xi/Yacute /Ydieresis/Zcaron/aacute/acircumflex/adieresis/agrave/aring/atilde/brokenbar 226/approxequal 228/ccedilla/copyright/degree/divide 236/dotlessj/eacute/ecircumflex/edieresis/egrave 242/eth/ff/ffi 246/ffl/iacute 252/icircumflex/idieresis/igrave/logicalnot 1/minus/mu/multiply/ntilde/oacute/ocircumflex/odieresis/ograve/onehalf/onequarter/onesuperior/otilde/plusminus /registered/scaron/thorn/threequarters/threesuperior/trademark/twosuperior/uacute/ucircumflex/udieresis /ugrave/yacute/ydieresis/zcaron/IJ/ij/Eng/eng ]{dup type/nametype eq{WPen 2 ix 2 ix put p 1 add}{x p}ife}forall p/URy 0 def/URx 0 def/LLy 0 def/LLx 0 def/dxcg 0 def/dx1 0 def/dx2 0 def/dx3 0 def /cgray 0 def/curstep -1 def/dis 0 def/steps 0 def/gsteps 0 def/grot 0 def/gtype 0 def/ry 0 def /rx 0 def/botg 0 def/topg 0 def/bgc 0 def/tgc 0 def/cgc 0 def /extents{fpath flattenpath pathbbox/URy xd/URx xd/LLy xd/LLx xd}def /dxcolor{cml 0 eq{cgray dxcg sub dup/cgray xd curstep -1 eq{g} {/curstep curstep 1 sub def curstep 1 eq{p botg gd}{g}ife}ife} {cgc aload p dx3 sub 3 1 roll dx2 sub 3 1 roll dx1 sub 3 1 roll 3 array astore/cgc xd cgc aload p setrgbcolor}ife}d/box{LLx LLy m URx LLy li URx URy li LLx URy li cp s}def /calcdx{sub gsteps 1 sub div 255 div}def /computegdx{topg botg calcdx/dxcg xd}def/computeRGBdx{mark tgc aload p bgc aload p 3 ix 1 ix calcdx/dx3 xd 4 ix 2 ix calcdx/dx2 xd 5 ix 3 ix calcdx/dx1 xd cleartomark}def /ccdx{cml 0 eq{computegdx}{computeRGBdx}ife}def/stclr{cml 0 eq{topg gd/cgray currentgray def} {tgc aload p c currentrgbcolor 3 array astore/cgc xd}ife}def/lgf{/steps gsteps def ry 1 ne{stclr/gf{add}def/top URy LLy sub ry mul LLy add def /lw URy top sub steps .5 sub div def lgfdo}if stclr/gf{sub}def ry 1 ne{/lw top LLy sub steps .5 sub div def}if lgfdo}def /lgfdo{ry 1 ne{/center top def lw 2 div w LLx center lw 4 div gf m URx center lw 4 div gf li s /center center lw gf def LLx center m dxcolor} {/lw URy LLy sub steps div def/top URy lw 2 div sub def /center top def LLx top m/steps steps 1 add def}ife lw w steps 1 sub dup/curstep xd{URx center li s center lw gf/center xd LLx center m dxcolor}repeat/curstep -1 def}def/sgf{/steps gsteps .5 sub def /midx URx LLx sub 1 rx sub mul def/midy URy LLy sub ry mul def /width URx LLx sub def/dx width midx sub steps div def /height URy LLy sub def/dy height midy sub steps div def /dw width steps div def/dl height steps div def width w stclr/xpos LLx def/ypos URy def/lw width def/lh height def gsteps{xpos lw 2 div add ypos m xpos lw 2 div add ypos lh sub li s/lw lw dw sub def/lh lh dl sub def/xpos xpos dx add def/ypos ypos dy sub def lw w dxcolor}repeat/curstep -1 def}def /dfc{dup mul x dup mul add sqrt dup dis gt{/dis xd}{p}ife}def /fdis{URx LLx sub rx mul LLx add/midx xd URy LLy sub ry mul LLy add/midy xd /width URx LLx sub def/gcx width rx mul def/height URy LLy sub def/gcy height ry mul def gcx gcy dfc width gcx sub gcy dfc width gcx sub height gcy sub dfc gcx height gcy sub dfc}def/rgf{/steps gsteps def fdis/lw dis steps .5 sub div def/radius lw def lw 2 div w stclr midx lw 2 div sub midy m midx midy radius 2 div 0 361 arc s lw w steps 1 sub dup/curstep xd/curstep curstep 1 add def {dxcolor midx midy radius 0 361 arc s/radius radius lw add def}repeat/curstep -1 def}def /gf{fpath flattenpath/gsteps xd/grot xd/gtype xd/ry x 100 div def/rx x 100 div def cml 0 eq{gtype 1 eq{x}if/botg xd/topg xd}{gtype 1 eq{6 3 roll}if 3 array astore/bgc xd 3 array astore/tgc xd}ife sv[]0 sd eoclip gsteps 1 eq {stclr f}{mcm 3 get 0 gt{/grot grot 180 add def}if grot re extents gsteps 0 eq{csteps}if ccdx gtype 0 eq {lgf}{gtype 1 eq{sgf}{rgf}ife}ife}ife rs}d/csteps{fdis dis 72 div fr mul cs p p dup xres eq{p p/gsteps xres def}{div/gsteps x round cvi dup 1 le{p 2}if def}ife}def /ssf{dup 0 eq{p}{cs 3 ix 3 1 roll ss p p}ife}d/ssa{cs 4 1 roll p 1 ix 4 -1 roll ss p}d /invalidcolortable? true def /PATsc{aload length dup 1 eq{p dup null eq{p}{gd}ife}{p c}ife}d /PATtcalc{gs x concat mcm x 2 ne{dup 4 get x dup 5 get x XStep 0 drx XStep div x XStep div x 0 YStep drx YStep div x YStep div x 7 -3 roll astore}if gr}d /PATmp{x dup length 7 add dict copy begin TilingType PATtcalc /cm xd currentdict/Multi known not{/Multi 1 def}if/FontType 3 def/Encoding 256 array def 3 string 0 1 255{Encoding x dup 3 ix cvs cvn put}for p /FontMatrix mx def/FontBBox BBox def/BuildChar{mark 3 1 roll x begin Multi 1 ne{PaintData x get}{p}ife PaintType 2 eq Multi 1 ne or {XStep 0 FontBBox aload p setcachedevice}{XStep 0 setcharwidth}ife currentdict/PaintProc load end gs false PATredef exec true PATredef gr cleartomark}d currentdict end/foo x definefont}d /PATpcalc{PATDict/CurrentPattern get begin gs cm sm BBox aload p p p tr pathbbox gr YStep div ceiling 4 1 roll XStep div ceiling 4 1 roll YStep div floor 4 1 roll XStep div floor 4 1 roll 2 ix sub cvi abs x 3 ix sub cvi abs x 4 2 roll YStep mul x XStep mul x end}d/PATfill{sv 5 1 roll PATDict/CurrentPattern get dup begin setfont cm sm PaintType 2 eq{PATDict/PColor get PATsc}if 3 ix string 0 1 Multi 1 sub{3 ix 3 ix m Multi 1 ne{dup PaintColors x get PATsc}if 0 1 7 ix 1 sub{2 ix x 2 ix put}for p 3 ix{cup 2 ix show YStep add m}repeat}for 5{p}repeat end rs}d/oldeofill/eofill l /oldfill/fill l/oldstroke/stroke l/oldshow/show l/oldwidthshow/widthshow l/PATredef{userdict begin {/eofill{/eoclip load PATdraw np}d/fill{/clip load PATdraw np}d /stroke{PATstroke}d/show{0 0 null 0 0 6 -1 roll PATawidthshow}d /widthshow{0 0 3 -1 roll PATawidthshow}d}{/eofill{oldeofill}d /fill{oldfill}d/stroke{oldstroke}d/show{oldshow}d/widthshow{oldwidthshow}d}ife end}d false PATredef /PATdraw{PATpcalc gs 5 -1 roll exec np PATfill gr}d /PATstroke{{cup strokepath m PATpcalc gs clip np PATfill gr np}stopped {0.1 g oldstroke (Path is too complex, filling with light gray)=}if}d /PATsstr 1 string def/PATawidthshow{{dup PATsstr dup 0 4 -1 roll put false charpath/clip load PATdraw cup np m 3 ix eq{4 ix 4 ix rm}if 2 copy rm}forall p p p p p cup np m}d/PATDict 3 dict def/PATsp{true PATredef PATDict begin/CurrentPattern xd CurrentPattern/PaintType get 2 eq{/PColor xd}if/CColor[currentrgbcolor]def end}d /PATusp{false PATredef PATDict begin CColor aload p c end p}d /pdictt 20 dict def pdictt begin/dummy null def/PaintType 1 def/PatternType 1 def/TilingType 2 def/BBox[0 0 1 1]def /XStep 1 def/YStep 1 def/Multi 2 def/PaintData[{0 0 m 0 1 rl 1 0 rl 0 -1 rl cp PaintColors 0 get aload p null ne{f}if p p} {ptw pth true[ptw 0 0 pth neg 0 ptw]{Bitmap}imagemask}]def /PaintProc{begin exec end}d end/makedict{pdictt 20 dict copy dup begin x/Bitmap xd x/PaintColors xd gs initmatrix 1 1 drx idtransform sc [ptws 0 0 pths 0 0]PATmp gr end}d /setpat{/pth xd/ptw xd/pths xd/ptws xd makedict/instpat xd instpat PATsp}d/unsetpat{instpat PATusp}d /snl{{/noload sv def}if}d/enl{{noload rs}if}d/nc 1 def /colorimage where{p true}{false}ife{/nc 0 statusdict begin/processcolors where{p p processcolors} {/deviceinfo where{p deviceinfo/Colors known {p{deviceinfo/Colors get}}if}if}ife end def nc 0 ne{systemdict/colorimage known systemdict/setcolortransfer known systemdict/currentcolortransfer known systemdict/currentcmykcolor known and and and not{/nc 0 def}if}if}if nc dup 1 ne x dup 3 ne x 4 ne and and{/nc 0 def}if nc 1 eq dup dup not snl{ /expandbw{expandfactor mul round cvi bwclut x get 255 div}d /doclutimage{p/bwclut xd bpc dup 8 eq{p 255}{4 eq{15}{3}ife}ife /expandfactor xd[/expandbw load/exec load dup currenttransfer x] cvx bind settransfer iw ih bpc[1 0 0 -1 0 ih]setupimageproc image}d}if not enl nc dup 3 eq x 4 eq or dup dup not snl{/nullproc{{}}def /concatutil{/exec load 7 -1 roll/exec load}d/defsubclut{1 add getinterval def}d /spconcattransfer{/Dclut x def/Cclut x def/Bclut x def/Aclut x def/ncompute x l currentcolortransfer[{Aclut ncompute}concatutil]cvx[{Bclut ncompute}concatutil]cvx [{Cclut ncompute}concatutil]cvx[{Dclut ncompute}concatutil]cvx setcolortransfer}d/setuprgbcluts{/bit3x rgbclut length 3 sub def /bit1x bit3x 3 idiv def/rclut rgbclut def/gclut rclut 1 bit3x defsubclut /bclut rclut 2 bit3x defsubclut}d}if not enl nc 3 eq dup dup not snl{/3compute{x bit3x mul round cvi get 255 div}d /doclutimage{/rgbclut xd p setuprgbcluts/3compute rclut gclut bclut dup spconcattransfer iw ih bpc[1 0 0 -1 0 ih][setupimageproc/exec load/dup load dup]cvx nullproc nullproc true 3 colorimage}d}if not enl nc 4 eq dup dup not snl{/stuffclut{cmykindex 3 -1 roll put}d /ftoint{1 x sub 255 mul round cvi}d/4compute{x bit4x mul round cvi get 255 div}d /computecmykclut{setuprgbcluts/bit4x rgbclut length 3 idiv 4 mul 4 sub def /cmykclut bit4x 4 add string def/cclut cmykclut def /mclut cclut 1 bit4x defsubclut/yclut cclut 2 bit4x defsubclut /kclut cclut 3 bit4x defsubclut/cmykindex 0 def 0 1 bit1x{dup/cmykindex x bit1x x sub 4 mul def 3 mul dup rclut x get 255 div x dup gclut x get 255 div x bclut x get 255 div setrgbcolor currentcmykcolor ftoint kclut stuffclut ftoint yclut stuffclut ftoint mclut stuffclut ftoint cclut stuffclut}for}d/doclutimage{/rgbclut xd p invalidcolortable? {computecmykclut}if/4compute cclut mclut yclut kclut spconcattransfer iw ih bpc[1 0 0 -1 0 ih][setupimageproc/exec load/dup load dup dup]cvx nullproc nullproc nullproc true 4 colorimage}d}if not enl nc 0 eq dup dup not snl{/las{3 mul 3 getinterval putinterval x 3 add x 3 copy}d/8lookup/las l/4lookup{/byte 1 ix def -4 bitshift las byte 15 and las}d /2lookup{/byte 1 ix def -6 bitshift las byte -4 bitshift 3 and las byte -2 bitshift 3 and las byte 3 and las}d/colorexpand{mystringexp 0 rgbclut 3 copy 7 -1 roll/mylookup load forall p p p p p}d /createexpandstr{/mystringexp x mystring length mul string def}d /doclutimage{/rgbclut xd p/mylookup bpc 8 eq {3 createexpandstr/8lookup}{bpc 4 eq{6 createexpandstr/4lookup}{12 createexpandstr /2lookup}ife}ife l iw ih bpc[1 0 0 -1 0 ih] [setupimageproc/exec load/colorexpand load/exec load]cvx false 3 colorimage}d}if not enl /colorimage where{p true}{false}ife dup{/do24image{iw ih 8[1 0 0 -1 0 ih] setupimageproc false 3 colorimage}d}if dup dup snl not{/rgbtogray{/str xd/len str length def/smlen len 3 idiv def /rstr str def/gstr str 1 len 1 sub getinterval def/bstr str 2 len 2 sub getinterval def str dup 0 1 smlen 1 sub{dup 3 mul rstr 1 ix get .3 mul gstr 2 ix get .59 mul add bstr 3 -1 roll get .11 mul add round cvi put dup}for p 0 smlen getinterval}d/do24image{iw ih 8[1 0 0 -1 0 ih] [setupimageproc/exec load/rgbtogray load/exec load]cvx bind image}d}if enl/doimage{iw ih 8[1 0 0 -1 0 ih]setupimageproc image}d /setup1asciiproc{[currentfile mystring/rh cvx/p cvx]cvx bind}d /setup1binaryproc{[currentfile mystring/readstring cvx/p cvx]cvx bind}d /iw 0 def/ih 0 def/im_save 0 def/setupimageproc 0 def/polarity 0 def /smoothflag 0 def/mystring 0 def/bpc 0 def/beginimage{/im_save sv def dup 0 eq {p/setup1binaryproc}{1 eq{/setup1asciiproc} {(error, can't use level2 data acquisition procs for level1)print flush}ife}ife /setupimageproc x l/polarity xd/smoothflag xd tr sc/mystring x string def/bpc xd/ih xd/iw xd}d /endimage{im_save rs np}d/1bitbwcopyimage{1 g 0 0 m 0 1 rl 1 0 rl 0 -1 rl cp fill 0 g iw ih polarity[1 0 0 -1 0 ih]setupimageproc imagemask}d/1bitcopyimage{setrgbcolor 0 0 m 0 1 rl 1 0 rl 0 -1 rl cp fill setrgbcolor iw ih polarity[1 0 0 -1 0 ih]setupimageproc imagemask}d/1bitmaskimage{setrgbcolor iw ih polarity[1 0 0 -1 0 ih]setupimageproc imagemask}d /BeginEPSF{end userdict begin/showpage{}def /b4 sv def/d_cnt countdictstack def/op_cnt count 1 sub def 0 setgray 0 setlinecap 1 setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit[]0 setdash newpath/languagelevel where{p languagelevel 1 ne {false setstrokeadjust false setoverprint}if}if}d end userdict begin/EndEPSF{count op_cnt sub{pop}repeat countdictstack d_cnt sub{end}repeat b4 end restore wpdict begin}bind def end %%EndProlog /#copies 1 def wpdict begin bd /cml 1 def letter %%Page: 1 1 bp 0 13200 10200 co /HelveticaR 498 ff 0 13200 10200 co mcm 1320 11959 tr 1 -1 sc np 0 0 m 13 0 li 13 6309 li 0 6309 li cp 0 255 div g [] 0 sd 13 w 0 lj 0 lc fill np 0 0 m 7497 0 li 7497 13 li 0 13 li cp 0 255 div g fill np 7484 0 m 7497 0 li 7497 6309 li 7484 6309 li cp 0 255 div g fill np 0 6296 m 7497 6296 li 7497 6309 li 0 6309 li cp 0 255 div g fill 0 w 0 lc sm icl mcm 1336 11943 tr 1 -1 sc mcm np 0 0 m 7468 0 li 7468 6280 li 0 6280 li cp icl clip 0.0 255.0 tr 1.0 -1.0 sc 0.0 -5770.0 tr 3734.0 2885.0 tr 0.56575 0.56568 sc -6600.0 -5100.0 tr 0 255 div g 2 lj 0 lc mcm [1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1718.0 4124.0 ] concat np mcm 470 894 tr 470 894 sc 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 360.0 arc sm 49 w s bzcl sm mcm [1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1386.0 5713.0 ] concat mcm [1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 179.0 106.0 ] concat np mcm 852 706 tr 852 706 sc 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 360.0 arc sm s bzcl sm mcm [1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 294.0 669.0 ] concat 9 bzct np 165 355 m 202 198 212 97 190 49 cv 168 1 119 10 38 72 cv -43 133 127 512 165 355 cv s bzcl sm mcm [1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1069.0 718.0 ] concat np mcm 114 141 tr 114 141 sc 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 360.0 arc sm s bzcl sm mcm [1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1501.0 741.0 ] concat np mcm 89 141 tr 89 141 sc 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 360.0 arc sm s bzcl sm mcm [1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1120.0 294.0 ] concat np 0 188 m 127 0 li 305 0 li 458 165 li 559 306 li cp s bzcl sm sm mcm [1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1196.0 3332.0 ] concat 15 bzct np 598 1192 m 606 956 582 800 522 721 cv 462 642 310 796 242 721 cv 174 646 158 396 115 274 cv 72 152 31 59 -12 -8 cv 49 w s bzcl sm mcm [1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1667.0 3347.0 ] concat np 356 847 m 0 0 li s bzcl sm mcm [1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 2353.0 3300.0 ] concat np 0 894 m 178 0 li s bzcl sm mcm [1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 2303.0 4806.0 ] concat np 0 424 m 152 0 li s bzcl sm mcm [1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 2455.0 4618.0 ] concat np 0 188 m 585 0 li s bzcl sm mcm [1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 3040.0 4618.0 ] concat np 0 0 m 254 71 li s bzcl sm mcm [1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 3040.0 4477.0 ] concat np 0 141 m 178 0 li s bzcl sm mcm [1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 2659.0 5159.0 ] concat np 0 47 m 483 0 li s bzcl sm mcm [1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 3142.0 5159.0 ] concat np 0 0 m 152 71 li s bzcl sm mcm [1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 3116.0 4994.0 ] concat np 0 165 m 153 0 li s bzcl sm mcm [1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 3676.0 3630.0 ] concat np 2164 2626 150 0 90 arc 150 2626 150 90 180 arc 150 150 150 180 270 arc 2164 150 150 270 360 arc cp s bzcl sm mcm [1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 3803.0 3888.0 ] concat np 0 0 m 2060 0 li 2060 2283 li 0 2283 li cp s bzcl sm mcm [1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 3879.0 4804.0 ] concat 0.0 0.0 tr mcm 357.0 728.0 tr np 16 140 m 16 128 li 16 104 20 84 20 68 cv 24 56 28 44 36 32 cv 56 4 92 -8 140 -8 cv 184 -8 216 8 236 36 cv 244 48 248 64 252 80 cv 256 96 256 124 256 156 cv 256 380 li 176 380 li 176 140 li 176 108 172 88 168 76 cv 160 64 152 60 132 60 cv 116 60 108 64 100 76 cv 96 84 92 100 92 124 cv 92 140 li cp gs eofill gr s bzcl 292.0 0.0 tr np 24 192 m 96 192 li 96 204 104 216 112 220 cv 120 224 132 228 148 228 cv 176 228 192 216 192 192 cv 192 176 li 172 176 152 172 136 172 cv 116 168 104 164 92 164 cv 64 156 44 148 36 132 cv 24 120 16 100 16 76 cv 16 52 24 32 40 16 cv 56 0 76 -8 100 -8 cv 120 -8 136 -4 152 0 cv 164 8 180 20 192 36 cv 196 28 196 20 196 16 cv 196 12 200 8 204 0 cv 280 0 li 272 12 268 24 268 44 cv 268 56 li 268 184 li 268 200 268 212 264 220 cv 264 228 260 236 260 244 cv 240 272 204 288 148 288 cv 108 288 76 280 56 264 cv 36 248 24 224 24 192 cv cp 140 120 m 192 132 li 192 120 li 192 76 172 52 132 52 cv 120 52 108 56 104 60 cv 96 68 92 72 92 84 cv 92 92 96 100 100 108 cv 108 112 120 116 140 120 cv cp gs eofill gr s bzcl 292.0 0.0 tr np 8 280 m 108 0 li 184 0 li 284 280 li 204 280 li 160 124 li 156 104 li 152 96 li 148 72 li 140 96 li 136 104 li 132 124 li 88 280 li cp gs eofill gr s bzcl 292.0 0.0 tr np 24 192 m 96 192 li 96 204 104 216 112 220 cv 120 224 132 228 148 228 cv 176 228 192 216 192 192 cv 192 176 li 172 176 152 172 136 172 cv 116 168 104 164 92 164 cv 64 156 44 148 36 132 cv 24 120 16 100 16 76 cv 16 52 24 32 40 16 cv 56 0 76 -8 100 -8 cv 120 -8 136 -4 152 0 cv 164 8 180 20 192 36 cv 196 28 196 20 196 16 cv 196 12 200 8 204 0 cv 280 0 li 272 12 268 24 268 44 cv 268 56 li 268 184 li 268 200 268 212 264 220 cv 264 228 260 236 260 244 cv 240 272 204 288 148 288 cv 108 288 76 280 56 264 cv 36 248 24 224 24 192 cv cp 140 120 m 192 132 li 192 120 li 192 76 172 52 132 52 cv 120 52 108 56 104 60 cv 96 68 92 72 92 84 cv 92 92 96 100 100 108 cv 108 112 120 116 140 120 cv cp gs eofill gr s bzcl 292.0 0.0 tr sm mcm 124.0 149.0 tr np 12 0 m 92 0 li 120 80 li 256 80 li 284 0 li 368 0 li 236 380 li 144 380 li cp 236 144 m 140 144 li 188 292 li cp gs eofill gr s bzcl 379.0 0.0 tr np 36 280 m 36 -108 li 108 -108 li 108 40 li 120 20 132 12 144 4 cv 156 -4 172 -8 188 -8 cv 224 -8 252 4 272 32 cv 292 60 304 96 304 144 cv 304 188 292 224 276 248 cv 256 276 228 288 196 288 cv 176 288 164 284 148 276 cv 136 268 124 260 108 244 cv 108 280 li cp 108 140 m 108 168 112 188 124 200 cv 136 216 148 224 168 224 cv 188 224 204 216 212 204 cv 224 188 228 168 228 140 cv 228 112 224 92 212 76 cv 200 64 188 56 168 56 cv 148 56 132 64 124 76 cv 112 92 108 112 108 140 cv cp gs eofill gr s bzcl 321.0 0.0 tr np 36 280 m 36 -108 li 108 -108 li 108 40 li 120 20 132 12 144 4 cv 156 -4 172 -8 188 -8 cv 224 -8 252 4 272 32 cv 292 60 304 96 304 144 cv 304 188 292 224 276 248 cv 256 276 228 288 196 288 cv 176 288 164 284 148 276 cv 136 268 124 260 108 244 cv 108 280 li cp 108 140 m 108 168 112 188 124 200 cv 136 216 148 224 168 224 cv 188 224 204 216 212 204 cv 224 188 228 168 228 140 cv 228 112 224 92 212 76 cv 200 64 188 56 168 56 cv 148 56 132 64 124 76 cv 112 92 108 112 108 140 cv cp gs eofill gr s bzcl 321.0 0.0 tr np 36 380 m 36 -4 li 112 -4 li 112 380 li cp gs eofill gr s bzcl 146.0 0.0 tr np 92 124 m 272 124 li 272 140 li 272 188 260 224 240 248 cv 216 276 184 288 144 288 cv 104 288 72 276 48 248 cv 28 220 16 184 16 136 cv 16 92 28 56 52 32 cv 72 4 104 -8 144 -8 cv 204 -8 244 24 268 80 cv 192 80 li 184 68 176 60 172 56 cv 164 52 156 52 148 52 cv 128 52 116 60 108 68 cv 96 80 92 100 92 124 cv cp 196 172 m 92 172 li 96 208 112 228 144 228 cv 160 228 172 224 180 212 cv 188 204 192 188 196 172 cv cp gs eofill gr s bzcl 292.0 0.0 tr np 8 280 m 8 228 li 44 228 li 44 84 li 44 68 44 56 44 48 cv 48 44 48 36 52 28 cv 60 4 84 -8 120 -8 cv 136 -8 148 -8 164 -4 cv 164 52 li 156 52 li 136 52 128 52 124 56 cv 120 60 120 64 120 76 cv 120 228 li 164 228 li 164 280 li 120 280 li 120 352 li 44 352 li 44 280 li cp gs eofill gr s bzcl 175.0 0.0 tr sm sm mcm [1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 3727.0 2994.0 ] concat 0.0 0.0 tr mcm 0.0 163.0 tr np 36 -4 m 112 -4 li 112 264 li 268 -4 li 344 -4 li 344 380 li 268 380 li 268 112 li 116 380 li 36 380 li cp gs eofill gr s bzcl 379.0 0.0 tr np 92 124 m 272 124 li 272 140 li 272 188 260 224 240 248 cv 216 276 184 288 144 288 cv 104 288 72 276 48 248 cv 28 220 16 184 16 136 cv 16 92 28 56 52 32 cv 72 4 104 -8 144 -8 cv 204 -8 244 24 268 80 cv 192 80 li 184 68 176 60 172 56 cv 164 52 156 52 148 52 cv 128 52 116 60 108 68 cv 96 80 92 100 92 124 cv cp 196 172 m 92 172 li 96 208 112 228 144 228 cv 160 228 172 224 180 212 cv 188 204 192 188 196 172 cv cp gs eofill gr s bzcl 292.0 0.0 tr np 8 280 m 8 228 li 44 228 li 44 84 li 44 68 44 56 44 48 cv 48 44 48 36 52 28 cv 60 4 84 -8 120 -8 cv 136 -8 148 -8 164 -4 cv 164 52 li 156 52 li 136 52 128 52 124 56 cv 120 60 120 64 120 76 cv 120 228 li 164 228 li 164 280 li 120 280 li 120 352 li 44 352 li 44 280 li cp gs eofill gr s bzcl 175.0 0.0 tr np 16 92 m 16 60 28 36 52 16 cv 76 0 108 -8 148 -8 cv 172 -8 192 -4 208 0 cv 228 8 244 20 256 36 cv 268 52 276 68 276 84 cv 276 100 272 116 264 124 cv 252 140 240 148 228 152 cv 112 188 li 104 192 100 196 100 204 cv 100 212 104 216 112 224 cv 120 228 132 228 148 228 cv 160 228 172 224 180 220 cv 188 216 192 208 192 192 cv 264 192 li 264 204 260 216 260 220 cv 256 228 256 232 252 240 cv 232 272 196 288 148 288 cv 112 288 84 280 60 260 cv 36 244 28 224 28 196 cv 28 164 48 144 84 132 cv 168 104 li 180 96 192 92 192 92 cv 200 88 200 84 200 76 cv 200 68 196 64 188 60 cv 176 52 168 52 152 52 cv 132 52 120 56 112 60 cv 100 68 96 76 92 92 cv cp gs eofill gr s bzcl 292.0 0.0 tr np 276 180 m 268 216 256 240 236 260 cv 212 280 184 288 148 288 cv 108 288 76 276 52 248 cv 28 220 16 184 16 140 cv 16 92 28 56 52 32 cv 72 4 104 -8 148 -8 cv 184 -8 212 0 232 20 cv 256 40 268 68 276 104 cv 200 104 li 196 84 188 72 180 64 cv 172 56 164 52 148 52 cv 132 52 120 56 112 64 cv 104 72 100 84 96 96 cv 92 108 92 124 92 140 cv 92 168 96 192 108 204 cv 116 220 132 228 152 228 cv 164 228 176 224 184 216 cv 192 208 196 200 200 180 cv cp gs eofill gr s bzcl 292.0 0.0 tr np 24 192 m 96 192 li 96 204 104 216 112 220 cv 120 224 132 228 148 228 cv 176 228 192 216 192 192 cv 192 176 li 172 176 152 172 136 172 cv 116 168 104 164 92 164 cv 64 156 44 148 36 132 cv 24 120 16 100 16 76 cv 16 52 24 32 40 16 cv 56 0 76 -8 100 -8 cv 120 -8 136 -4 152 0 cv 164 8 180 20 192 36 cv 196 28 196 20 196 16 cv 196 12 200 8 204 0 cv 280 0 li 272 12 268 24 268 44 cv 268 56 li 268 184 li 268 200 268 212 264 220 cv 264 228 260 236 260 244 cv 240 272 204 288 148 288 cv 108 288 76 280 56 264 cv 36 248 24 224 24 192 cv cp 140 120 m 192 132 li 192 120 li 192 76 172 52 132 52 cv 120 52 108 56 104 60 cv 96 68 92 72 92 84 cv 92 92 96 100 100 108 cv 108 112 120 116 140 120 cv cp gs eofill gr s bzcl 292.0 0.0 tr np 36 280 m 36 -108 li 108 -108 li 108 40 li 120 20 132 12 144 4 cv 156 -4 172 -8 188 -8 cv 224 -8 252 4 272 32 cv 292 60 304 96 304 144 cv 304 188 292 224 276 248 cv 256 276 228 288 196 288 cv 176 288 164 284 148 276 cv 136 268 124 260 108 244 cv 108 280 li cp 108 140 m 108 168 112 188 124 200 cv 136 216 148 224 168 224 cv 188 224 204 216 212 204 cv 224 188 228 168 228 140 cv 228 112 224 92 212 76 cv 200 64 188 56 168 56 cv 148 56 132 64 124 76 cv 112 92 108 112 108 140 cv cp gs eofill gr s bzcl 321.0 0.0 tr np 92 124 m 272 124 li 272 140 li 272 188 260 224 240 248 cv 216 276 184 288 144 288 cv 104 288 72 276 48 248 cv 28 220 16 184 16 136 cv 16 92 28 56 52 32 cv 72 4 104 -8 144 -8 cv 204 -8 244 24 268 80 cv 192 80 li 184 68 176 60 172 56 cv 164 52 156 52 148 52 cv 128 52 116 60 108 68 cv 96 80 92 100 92 124 cv cp 196 172 m 92 172 li 96 208 112 228 144 228 cv 160 228 172 224 180 212 cv 188 204 192 188 196 172 cv cp gs eofill gr s bzcl 292.0 0.0 tr sm sm mcm [1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 8518.0 5699.0 ] concat np 0 1643 m 0 0 li 3011 0 li 3011 2974 li 2292 1643 li 2292 2225 li 1663 1643 li 1663 2163 li 1101 1643 li 1101 2121 li 584 1643 li 584 2100 li cp 0 255 div g s bzcl sm mcm [1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 8457.0 1411.0 ] concat mcm [1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 353.0 353.0 ] concat np 438 438 438 0.0 360.0 arc s bzcl sm mcm [1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 294.0 294.0 ] concat np 498 927 m 516 1010 li 694 982 li 682 905 li 795 829 li 842 856 li 943 719 li 901 691 li 937 516 li 1002 516 li 967 307 li 895 329 li 812 198 li 848 121 li 676 33 li 652 93 li 516 60 li 504 0 li 332 33 li 350 88 li 201 170 li 160 132 li 59 252 li 130 285 li 77 423 li 12 406 li 0 576 li 71 576 li 124 719 li 65 757 li 172 883 li 219 823 li 290 878 li 267 955 li 373 988 li 391 916 li cp s bzcl sm mcm [1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 830.0 258.0 ] concat mcm [1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 355.0 349.0 ] concat np 831 831 831 0.0 360.0 arc s bzcl sm mcm [1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 294.0 294.0 ] concat np 184 433 m 137 384 li 255 241 li 314 291 li 433 203 li 409 137 li 540 66 li 575 115 li 735 77 li 724 11 li 919 0 li 919 55 li 1073 77 li 1103 5 li 1275 82 li 1240 132 li 1376 214 li 1423 170 li 1530 274 li 1483 313 li 1578 411 li 1643 395 li 1708 527 li 1643 554 li 1690 675 li 1761 669 li 1785 801 li 1726 818 li 1708 960 li 1767 988 li 1755 1125 li 1696 1125 li 1649 1246 li 1714 1289 li 1625 1405 li 1578 1355 li 1477 1476 li 1518 1503 li 1412 1608 li 1376 1553 li 1245 1641 li 1275 1690 li 1127 1739 li 1109 1684 li 955 1706 li 955 1761 li 818 1767 li 807 1706 li 658 1673 li 617 1739 li 486 1673 li 504 1608 li 386 1553 li 338 1597 li 249 1503 li 285 1459 li 225 1372 li 166 1394 li 101 1289 li 148 1256 li 107 1141 li 30 1136 li 6 999 li 65 988 li 59 845 li 0 823 li 30 675 li 89 669 li cp s bzcl sm sm sm mcm np 9983 5112 m 9983 4383 li 157 w s bzcl np 9983 5536 m 10186 4948 li 9983 5089 li 9780 4948 li 9983 5536 li cp 0 w 1 lc gs eofill gr s bzcl np 9983 3936 m 9780 4524 li 9983 4406 li 10186 4524 li 9983 3936 li cp gs eofill gr s bzcl sm mcm [1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 8630.0 8723.0 ] concat 0.0 0.0 tr mcm 0.0 194.0 tr np 28 152 m 32 128 32 112 36 100 cv 40 88 48 76 56 60 cv 92 16 148 -8 228 -8 cv 256 -8 280 -4 300 0 cv 320 8 336 16 352 28 cv 392 56 412 96 412 140 cv 412 168 404 192 392 208 cv 380 220 372 232 364 236 cv 356 240 340 248 316 256 cv 168 316 li 156 320 148 324 140 328 cv 136 336 132 344 132 352 cv 132 368 140 380 156 388 cv 172 400 192 404 216 404 cv 240 404 260 400 276 388 cv 288 376 300 356 304 332 cv 400 332 li 396 380 380 416 352 444 cv 316 472 272 484 212 484 cv 160 484 120 472 88 444 cv 56 416 40 384 40 340 cv 40 328 40 316 44 300 cv 48 288 56 276 60 268 cv 76 252 96 236 132 224 cv 276 168 li 304 156 316 144 316 128 cv 316 112 308 96 292 88 cv 276 76 252 72 228 72 cv 204 72 184 76 164 84 cv 152 92 144 100 140 108 cv 132 120 128 132 124 152 cv cp 49 w 0 lc gs eofill gr s bzcl 438.0 0.0 tr np 344 224 m 336 268 320 300 296 324 cv 268 344 232 356 184 356 cv 132 356 92 340 64 308 cv 36 276 20 232 20 176 cv 20 116 36 72 64 40 cv 92 8 132 -8 184 -8 cv 232 -8 268 4 292 28 cv 320 52 336 84 344 132 cv 252 132 li 244 108 236 92 228 80 cv 216 72 204 68 188 68 cv 164 68 152 72 140 84 cv 132 92 128 104 124 120 cv 116 140 116 156 116 176 cv 116 212 124 236 136 256 cv 148 276 164 284 188 284 cv 208 284 220 280 228 272 cv 240 260 248 248 252 224 cv cp gs eofill gr s bzcl 365.0 0.0 tr np 44 348 m 44 -4 li 136 -4 li 136 172 li 136 232 164 260 216 260 cv 228 260 li 244 260 li 244 356 li 228 356 li 224 356 li 208 356 192 348 176 336 cv 160 324 144 312 136 292 cv 136 348 li cp gs eofill gr s bzcl 255.0 0.0 tr np 44 348 m 44 0 li 136 0 li 136 348 li cp 44 476 m 44 392 li 136 392 li 136 476 li cp gs eofill gr s bzcl 182.0 0.0 tr np 44 348 m 44 -132 li 140 -132 li 140 52 li 152 28 168 16 184 4 cv 196 -4 216 -8 236 -8 cv 284 -8 316 8 340 44 cv 368 76 380 120 380 176 cv 380 232 368 276 344 308 cv 320 340 288 356 244 356 cv 224 356 204 352 188 344 cv 172 332 156 320 140 300 cv 140 348 li cp 136 176 m 136 208 144 232 156 248 cv 168 268 188 276 212 276 cv 236 276 256 268 268 248 cv 284 232 288 208 288 176 cv 288 144 280 116 268 100 cv 252 80 236 72 212 72 cv 188 72 168 80 156 100 cv 140 116 136 144 136 176 cv cp gs eofill gr s bzcl 401.0 0.0 tr np 12 348 m 12 284 li 56 284 li 56 104 li 56 84 56 68 56 60 cv 60 52 60 44 64 36 cv 72 8 104 -8 152 -8 cv 168 -8 184 -8 204 -4 cv 204 64 li 192 64 li 172 64 160 64 156 68 cv 148 72 148 80 148 96 cv 148 284 li 204 284 li 204 348 li 148 348 li 148 440 li 56 440 li 56 348 li cp gs eofill gr s bzcl 218.0 0.0 tr np 16 220 m 16 136 li 200 136 li 200 220 li cp gs eofill gr s bzcl 218.0 0.0 tr np 44 476 m 44 4 li 144 4 li 144 204 li 348 204 li 348 284 li 144 284 li 144 392 li 380 392 li 380 476 li cp gs eofill gr s bzcl 401.0 0.0 tr np 40 348 m 40 140 li 40 116 40 100 44 88 cv 44 76 48 64 52 52 cv 60 36 76 20 92 8 cv 112 -4 132 -8 156 -8 cv 184 -8 204 -4 220 8 cv 236 16 248 32 264 56 cv 264 0 li 356 0 li 356 348 li 264 348 li 264 184 li 264 164 264 148 260 136 cv 260 124 256 112 252 104 cv 244 84 224 72 192 72 cv 168 72 156 76 144 88 cv 136 100 132 120 132 148 cv 132 348 li cp gs eofill gr s bzcl 401.0 0.0 tr sm sm mcm [1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 9439.0 778.0 ] concat 0.0 0.0 tr mcm 0.0 194.0 tr np 268 176 m 376 176 li 368 144 356 120 336 100 cv 316 84 292 76 260 76 cv 220 76 188 92 164 120 cv 140 148 128 188 128 236 cv 128 288 140 328 164 356 cv 188 388 220 400 260 400 cv 296 400 324 388 344 368 cv 352 356 360 344 364 324 cv 464 324 li 456 376 436 416 400 444 cv 364 472 316 484 260 484 cv 188 484 132 460 92 416 cv 48 372 28 308 28 232 cv 28 164 48 104 88 60 cv 128 16 180 -8 244 -8 cv 304 -8 352 16 388 60 cv 396 0 li 464 0 li 464 256 li 268 256 li cp gs eofill gr s bzcl 510.0 0.0 tr np 40 476 m 40 0 li 140 0 li 140 476 li cp gs eofill gr s bzcl 182.0 0.0 tr np 44 476 m 44 0 li 136 0 li 136 396 li 224 0 li 320 0 li 408 396 li 408 0 li 500 0 li 500 476 li 352 476 li 288 204 li 284 176 li 280 160 li 272 112 li 264 160 li 260 176 li 256 204 li 192 476 li cp gs eofill gr s bzcl 547.0 0.0 tr np 44 476 m 44 4 li 144 4 li 144 172 li 236 172 li 264 172 284 176 304 180 cv 320 184 332 192 348 200 cv 384 228 404 272 404 328 cv 404 384 384 424 344 452 cv 332 464 316 468 304 472 cv 288 476 268 476 240 476 cv cp 144 256 m 144 392 li 220 392 li 252 392 272 388 284 376 cv 300 364 304 348 304 324 cv 304 300 296 280 284 272 cv 272 260 248 256 220 256 cv cp gs eofill gr s bzcl 438.0 0.0 tr sm sm mcm np 6295 5018 m 7974 6218 li 0 255 div g 61 w s bzcl np 8203 6407 m 7948 6077 li 7948 6218 li 7796 6289 li 8203 6407 li cp 0 w 1 lc gs eofill gr s bzcl sm mcm [1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 3843.0 6471.0 ] concat 0.0 0.0 tr mcm 0.0 194.0 tr np 44 0 m 136 0 li 136 332 li 336 0 li 428 0 li 428 476 li 336 476 li 336 148 li 140 476 li 44 476 li cp 49 w 0 lc gs eofill gr s bzcl 474.0 0.0 tr np 116 156 m 340 156 li 344 172 li 344 232 328 280 300 308 cv 272 340 232 356 180 356 cv 128 356 92 340 64 308 cv 36 276 20 232 20 172 cv 20 116 36 72 64 40 cv 92 8 132 -8 184 -8 cv 256 -8 308 28 336 104 cv 240 104 li 232 88 224 80 216 76 cv 208 68 196 68 184 68 cv 164 68 144 76 132 88 cv 120 104 116 128 116 156 cv cp 244 216 m 116 216 li 120 260 144 284 180 284 cv 200 284 216 280 224 268 cv 236 252 244 236 244 216 cv cp gs eofill gr s bzcl 365.0 0.0 tr np 12 348 m 12 284 li 56 284 li 56 104 li 56 84 56 68 56 60 cv 60 52 60 44 64 36 cv 72 8 104 -8 152 -8 cv 168 -8 184 -8 204 -4 cv 204 64 li 192 64 li 172 64 160 64 156 68 cv 148 72 148 80 148 96 cv 148 284 li 204 284 li 204 348 li 148 348 li 148 440 li 56 440 li 56 348 li cp gs eofill gr s bzcl 218.0 0.0 tr np 16 220 m 16 136 li 200 136 li 200 220 li cp gs eofill gr s bzcl 218.0 0.0 tr np 44 476 m 44 4 li 144 4 li 144 204 li 348 204 li 348 284 li 144 284 li 144 392 li 380 392 li 380 476 li cp gs eofill gr s bzcl 401.0 0.0 tr np 40 348 m 40 140 li 40 116 40 100 44 88 cv 44 76 48 64 52 52 cv 60 36 76 20 92 8 cv 112 -4 132 -8 156 -8 cv 184 -8 204 -4 220 8 cv 236 16 248 32 264 56 cv 264 0 li 356 0 li 356 348 li 264 348 li 264 184 li 264 164 264 148 260 136 cv 260 124 256 112 252 104 cv 244 84 224 72 192 72 cv 168 72 156 76 144 88 cv 136 100 132 120 132 148 cv 132 348 li cp gs eofill gr s bzcl 401.0 0.0 tr sm sm mcm [1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1642.0 3300.0 ] concat np 0 47 m 381 0 li 0 255 div g s bzcl sm mcm [1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 2532.0 3300.0 ] concat np 0 0 m 356 0 li s bzcl sm 0 w 0 lj 0 lc sm sm icl ep ed end