/* The GIMP -- an image manipulation program * Copyright (C) 1995 Spencer Kimball and Peter Mattis * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /* XPM plugin version 1.2.3 */ /* 1.2.3 fixes bug when running in noninteractive mode changes alpha_threshold range from [0, 1] to [0,255] for consistency with the threshold_alpha plugin 1.2.2 fixes bug that generated bad digits on images with more than 20000 colors. (thanks, yanele) parses gtkrc (thanks, yosh) doesn't load parameter screen on images that don't have alpha 1.2.1 fixes some minor bugs -- spaces in #XXXXXX strings, small typos in code. 1.2 compute color indexes so that we don't have to use XpmSaveXImage* Previous...Inherited code from Ray Lehtiniemi, who inherited it from S & P. */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "libgimp/stdplugins-intl.h" static const gchar linenoise [] = " .+@#$%&*=-;>,')!~{]^/(_:<[}|1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ`"; #define SCALE_WIDTH 125 /* Structs for the save dialog */ typedef struct { gint threshold; } XpmSaveVals; typedef struct { gint run; } XpmSaveInterface; typedef struct { guchar r; guchar g; guchar b; } rgbkey; /* whether the image is color or not. global so I only have to pass * one user value to the GHFunc */ gboolean color; /* bytes per pixel. global so I only have to pass one user value * to the GHFunc */ gint cpp; /* Declare local functions */ static void query (void); static void run (gchar *name, gint nparams, GimpParam *param, gint *nreturn_vals, GimpParam **return_vals); static gint32 load_image (gchar *filename); static void parse_colors (XpmImage *xpm_image, guchar **cmap); static void parse_image (gint32 image_ID, XpmImage *xpm_image, guchar *cmap); static gboolean save_image (gchar *filename, gint32 image_ID, gint32 drawable_ID); static gint save_dialog (void); static void save_ok_callback (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data); GimpPlugInInfo PLUG_IN_INFO = { NULL, /* init_proc */ NULL, /* quit_proc */ query, /* query_proc */ run, /* run_proc */ }; static XpmSaveVals xpmvals = { 127 /* alpha threshold */ }; static XpmSaveInterface xpmint = { FALSE /* run */ }; MAIN () static void query (void) { static GimpParamDef load_args[] = { { GIMP_PDB_INT32, "run_mode", "Interactive, non-interactive" }, { GIMP_PDB_STRING, "filename", "The name of the file to load" }, { GIMP_PDB_STRING, "raw_filename", "The name entered" } }; static gint nload_args = sizeof (load_args) / sizeof (load_args[0]); static GimpParamDef load_return_vals[] = { { GIMP_PDB_IMAGE, "image", "Output image" } }; static gint nload_return_vals = (sizeof (load_return_vals) / sizeof (load_return_vals[0])); static GimpParamDef save_args[] = { { GIMP_PDB_INT32, "run_mode", "Interactive, non-interactive" }, { GIMP_PDB_IMAGE, "image", "Input image" }, { GIMP_PDB_DRAWABLE, "drawable", "Drawable to save" }, { GIMP_PDB_STRING, "filename", "The name of the file to save the image in" }, { GIMP_PDB_STRING, "raw_filename", "The name of the file to save the image in" }, { GIMP_PDB_INT32, "threshold", "Alpha threshold (0-255)" } }; static gint nsave_args = sizeof (save_args) / sizeof (save_args[0]); gimp_install_procedure ("file_xpm_load", "loads files of the xpm file format", "FIXME: write help for xpm_load", "Spencer Kimball & Peter Mattis & Ray Lehtiniemi", "Spencer Kimball & Peter Mattis", "1997", "/Xpm", NULL, GIMP_PLUGIN, nload_args, nload_return_vals, load_args, load_return_vals); gimp_install_procedure ("file_xpm_save", "saves files in the xpm file format (if you're on a 16 bit display...)", "FIXME: write help for xpm", "Spencer Kimball & Peter Mattis & Ray Lehtiniemi & Nathan Summers", "Spencer Kimball & Peter Mattis", "1997", "/Xpm", "RGB*, GRAY*, INDEXED*", GIMP_PLUGIN, nsave_args, 0, save_args, NULL); gimp_register_magic_load_handler ("file_xpm_load", "xpm", "/Xpm", "0, string,/*\\040XPM\\040*/"); gimp_register_save_handler ("file_xpm_save", "xpm", "/Xpm"); } static void run (gchar *name, gint nparams, GimpParam *param, gint *nreturn_vals, GimpParam **return_vals) { static GimpParam values[2]; GimpRunModeType run_mode; GimpPDBStatusType status = GIMP_PDB_SUCCESS; gint32 image_ID; gint32 drawable_ID; GimpExportReturnType export = GIMP_EXPORT_CANCEL; run_mode = param[0].data.d_int32; *nreturn_vals = 1; *return_vals = values; values[0].type = GIMP_PDB_STATUS; values[0].data.d_status = GIMP_PDB_EXECUTION_ERROR; if (strcmp (name, "file_xpm_load") == 0) { INIT_I18N(); image_ID = load_image (param[1].data.d_string); if (image_ID != -1) { *nreturn_vals = 2; values[1].type = GIMP_PDB_IMAGE; values[1].data.d_image = image_ID; } else { status = GIMP_PDB_EXECUTION_ERROR; } } else if (strcmp (name, "file_xpm_save") == 0) { INIT_I18N_UI(); gimp_ui_init ("xpm", FALSE); image_ID = param[1].data.d_int32; drawable_ID = param[2].data.d_int32; /* eventually export the image */ switch (run_mode) { case GIMP_RUN_INTERACTIVE: case GIMP_RUN_WITH_LAST_VALS: export = gimp_export_image (&image_ID, &drawable_ID, "XPM", (GIMP_EXPORT_CAN_HANDLE_RGB | GIMP_EXPORT_CAN_HANDLE_GRAY | GIMP_EXPORT_CAN_HANDLE_INDEXED | GIMP_EXPORT_CAN_HANDLE_ALPHA )); if (export == GIMP_EXPORT_CANCEL) { values[0].data.d_status = GIMP_PDB_CANCEL; return; } break; default: break; } switch (run_mode) { case GIMP_RUN_INTERACTIVE: /* Possibly retrieve data */ gimp_get_data ("file_xpm_save", &xpmvals); /* First acquire information with a dialog */ if (gimp_drawable_has_alpha (drawable_ID)) if (! save_dialog ()) status = GIMP_PDB_CANCEL; break; case GIMP_RUN_NONINTERACTIVE: /* Make sure all the arguments are there! */ if (nparams != 6) { status = GIMP_PDB_CALLING_ERROR; } else { xpmvals.threshold = param[5].data.d_int32; if (xpmvals.threshold < 0 || xpmvals.threshold > 255) status = GIMP_PDB_CALLING_ERROR; } break; case GIMP_RUN_WITH_LAST_VALS: /* Possibly retrieve data */ gimp_get_data ("file_xpm_save", &xpmvals); break; default: break; } if (status == GIMP_PDB_SUCCESS) { if (save_image (param[3].data.d_string, image_ID, drawable_ID)) { gimp_set_data ("file_xpm_save", &xpmvals, sizeof (XpmSaveVals)); } else { status = GIMP_PDB_EXECUTION_ERROR; } } if (export == GIMP_EXPORT_EXPORT) gimp_image_delete (image_ID); } else { status = GIMP_PDB_CALLING_ERROR; } values[0].data.d_status = status; } static gint32 load_image (gchar *filename) { XpmImage xpm_image; guchar *cmap; gint32 image_ID; gchar *name; /* put up a progress bar */ name = g_strdup_printf (_("Loading %s:"), filename); gimp_progress_init (name); g_free (name); /* read the raw file */ XpmReadFileToXpmImage (filename, &xpm_image, NULL); /* parse out the colors into a cmap */ parse_colors (&xpm_image, &cmap); if (cmap == NULL) gimp_quit(); /* create the new image */ image_ID = gimp_image_new (xpm_image.width, xpm_image.height, GIMP_RGB); /* name it */ gimp_image_set_filename (image_ID, filename); /* fill it */ parse_image(image_ID, &xpm_image, cmap); /* clean up and exit */ g_free(cmap); return image_ID; } static void parse_colors (XpmImage *xpm_image, guchar **cmap) { Display *display; Colormap colormap; gint i, j; /* open the display and get the default color map */ display = XOpenDisplay (NULL); colormap = DefaultColormap (display, DefaultScreen (display)); /* alloc a buffer to hold the parsed colors */ *cmap = g_new (guchar, sizeof (guchar) * 4 * xpm_image->ncolors); if ((*cmap) != NULL) { /* default to black transparent */ memset((void*)(*cmap), 0, sizeof (guchar) * 4 * xpm_image->ncolors); /* parse each color in the file */ for (i = 0, j = 0; i < xpm_image->ncolors; i++) { gchar *colorspec = "None"; XpmColor *xpm_color; XColor xcolor; xpm_color = &(xpm_image->colorTable[i]); /* pick the best spec available */ if (xpm_color->c_color) colorspec = xpm_color->c_color; else if (xpm_color->g_color) colorspec = xpm_color->g_color; else if (xpm_color->g4_color) colorspec = xpm_color->g4_color; else if (xpm_color->m_color) colorspec = xpm_color->m_color; /* parse if it's not transparent. the assumption is that g_new will memset the buffer to zeros */ if (strcmp (colorspec, "None") != 0) { XParseColor (display, colormap, colorspec, &xcolor); (*cmap)[j++] = xcolor.red >> 8; (*cmap)[j++] = xcolor.green >> 8; (*cmap)[j++] = xcolor.blue >> 8; (*cmap)[j++] = ~0; } else { j += 4; } } } XCloseDisplay (display); } static void parse_image (gint32 image_ID, XpmImage *xpm_image, guchar *cmap) { gint tile_height; gint scanlines; gint val; guchar *buf; guchar *dest; guint *src; GimpPixelRgn pixel_rgn; GimpDrawable *drawable; gint32 layer_ID; gint i, j; layer_ID = gimp_layer_new (image_ID, _("Color"), xpm_image->width, xpm_image->height, GIMP_RGBA_IMAGE, 100, GIMP_NORMAL_MODE); gimp_image_add_layer (image_ID, layer_ID, 0); drawable = gimp_drawable_get (layer_ID); gimp_pixel_rgn_init (&pixel_rgn, drawable, 0, 0, drawable->width, drawable->height, TRUE, FALSE); tile_height = gimp_tile_height (); buf = g_new (guchar, tile_height * xpm_image->width * 4); if (buf != NULL) { src = xpm_image->data; for (i = 0; i < xpm_image->height; i+=tile_height) { dest = buf; scanlines = MIN(tile_height, xpm_image->height - i); j = scanlines * xpm_image->width; while (j--) { { val = *(src++) * 4; *(dest) = cmap[val]; *(dest+1) = cmap[val+1]; *(dest+2) = cmap[val+2]; *(dest+3) = cmap[val+3]; dest += 4; } if ((j % 100) == 0) gimp_progress_update ((double) i / (double) xpm_image->height); } gimp_pixel_rgn_set_rect (&pixel_rgn, buf, 0, i, drawable->width, scanlines); } g_free(buf); } gimp_drawable_detach (drawable); } guint rgbhash (rgbkey *c) { return ((guint)c->r) ^ ((guint)c->g) ^ ((guint)c->b); } guint compare (rgbkey *c1, rgbkey *c2) { return (c1->r == c2->r) && (c1->g == c2->g) && (c1->b == c2->b); } void set_XpmImage (XpmColor *array, guint index, gchar *colorstring) { gchar *p; gint i, charnum, indtemp; indtemp=index; array[index].string = p = g_new (gchar, cpp+1); /*convert the index number to base sizeof(linenoise)-1 */ for (i=0; ir, (int)key->g, (int)key->b); set_XpmImage (user_data, *((int *) value), string); } static gboolean save_image (gchar *filename, gint32 image_ID, gint32 drawable_ID) { GimpDrawable *drawable; gint width; gint height; gint ncolors = 1; gint *indexno; gboolean indexed; gboolean alpha; XpmColor *colormap; XpmImage *image; guint *ibuff = NULL; /*guint *mbuff = NULL;*/ GimpPixelRgn pixel_rgn; guchar *buffer; guchar *data; GHashTable *hash = NULL; gint i, j, k; gint threshold = xpmvals.threshold; gboolean rc = FALSE; /* get some basic stats about the image */ switch (gimp_drawable_type (drawable_ID)) { case GIMP_RGBA_IMAGE: case GIMP_INDEXEDA_IMAGE: case GIMP_GRAYA_IMAGE: alpha = TRUE; break; case GIMP_RGB_IMAGE: case GIMP_INDEXED_IMAGE: case GIMP_GRAY_IMAGE: alpha = FALSE; break; default: return FALSE; } switch (gimp_drawable_type (drawable_ID)) { case GIMP_GRAYA_IMAGE: case GIMP_GRAY_IMAGE: color = FALSE; break; case GIMP_RGBA_IMAGE: case GIMP_RGB_IMAGE: case GIMP_INDEXED_IMAGE: case GIMP_INDEXEDA_IMAGE: color = TRUE; break; default: return FALSE; } switch (gimp_drawable_type (drawable_ID)) { case GIMP_GRAYA_IMAGE: case GIMP_GRAY_IMAGE: case GIMP_RGBA_IMAGE: case GIMP_RGB_IMAGE: indexed = FALSE; break; case GIMP_INDEXED_IMAGE: case GIMP_INDEXEDA_IMAGE: indexed = TRUE; break; default: return FALSE; } drawable = gimp_drawable_get (drawable_ID); width = drawable->width; height = drawable->height; /* allocate buffers making the assumption that ibuff and mbuff are 32 bit aligned... */ if ((ibuff = g_new (guint, width * height)) == NULL) goto cleanup; /*if ((mbuff = g_new(guint, width*height)) == NULL) goto cleanup;*/ if ((hash = g_hash_table_new ((GHashFunc)rgbhash, (GCompareFunc) compare)) == NULL) goto cleanup; /* put up a progress bar */ { gchar *name; name = g_strdup_printf (_("Saving %s:"), filename); gimp_progress_init (name); g_free (name); } /* allocate a pixel region to work with */ if ((buffer = g_new (guchar, gimp_tile_height()*width*drawable->bpp)) == NULL) return 0; gimp_pixel_rgn_init (&pixel_rgn, drawable, 0, 0, width, height, TRUE, FALSE); /* process each row of tiles */ for (i = 0; i < height; i+=gimp_tile_height()) { gint scanlines; /* read the next row of tiles */ scanlines = MIN (gimp_tile_height(), height - i); gimp_pixel_rgn_get_rect (&pixel_rgn, buffer, 0, i, width, scanlines); data = buffer; /* process each pixel row */ for (j=0; jr = *(data++); key->g = color && !indexed ? *(data++) : key->r; key->b = color && !indexed ? *(data++) : key->r; a = alpha ? *(data++) : 255; if (a < threshold) { *(idata++) = 0; } else { if (indexed) { *(idata++) = (key->r)+1; } else { indexno = g_hash_table_lookup (hash, key); if (!indexno) { indexno = g_new (gint, 1); *indexno = ncolors++; g_hash_table_insert (hash, key, indexno); key = g_new (rgbkey, 1); } *(idata++) = *indexno; } } } /* kick the progress bar */ gimp_progress_update ((gdouble) (i+j) / (gdouble) height); } } g_free (buffer); if (indexed) { guchar *cmap; cmap = gimp_image_get_cmap(image_ID, &ncolors); ncolors++; /* for transparency */ colormap = g_new (XpmColor, ncolors); cpp = (gdouble) 1.0 + (gdouble) log (ncolors) / (double) log (sizeof (linenoise)-1.0); set_XpmImage (colormap, 0, "None"); for (i=0; iwidth=width; image->height=height; image->ncolors=ncolors; image->cpp=cpp; image->colorTable=colormap; image->data = ibuff; /* do the save */ XpmWriteFileFromXpmImage (filename, image, NULL); rc = TRUE; cleanup: /* clean up resources */ gimp_drawable_detach (drawable); if (ibuff) g_free (ibuff); /*if (mbuff) g_free(mbuff);*/ if (hash) g_hash_table_destroy (hash); return rc; } static gint save_dialog (void) { GtkWidget *dlg; GtkWidget *frame; GtkWidget *table; GtkObject *scale_data; dlg = gimp_dialog_new (_("Save as XPM"), "xpm", gimp_standard_help_func, "filters/xpm.html", GTK_WIN_POS_MOUSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, _("OK"), save_ok_callback, NULL, NULL, NULL, TRUE, FALSE, _("Cancel"), gtk_widget_destroy, NULL, 1, NULL, FALSE, TRUE, NULL); gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (dlg), "destroy", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (gtk_main_quit), NULL); /* parameter settings */ frame = gtk_frame_new (_("Parameter Settings")); gtk_frame_set_shadow_type (GTK_FRAME (frame), GTK_SHADOW_ETCHED_IN); gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (frame), 6); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (dlg)->vbox), frame, TRUE, TRUE, 0); gtk_widget_show (frame); table = gtk_table_new (1, 3, FALSE); gtk_table_set_col_spacings (GTK_TABLE (table), 4); gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (table), 4); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (frame), table); gtk_widget_show (table); scale_data = gimp_scale_entry_new (GTK_TABLE (table), 0, 0, _("Alpha Threshold:"), SCALE_WIDTH, 0, xpmvals.threshold, 0, 255, 1, 8, 0, TRUE, 0, 0, NULL, NULL); gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (scale_data), "value_changed", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (gimp_int_adjustment_update), &xpmvals.threshold); gtk_widget_show (dlg); gtk_main (); gdk_flush (); return xpmint.run; } static void save_ok_callback (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data) { xpmint.run = TRUE; gtk_widget_destroy (GTK_WIDGET (data)); }