/* WMF plug-in for The GIMP * Copyright (C) 1998 Tor Lillqvist * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * See http://www.iki.fi/tml/gimp/wmf/ */ #define VERSION "1999-09-30" #include #include #include #include #include "gtk/gtk.h" #include "libgimp/gimp.h" typedef guchar BYTE; typedef guint16 WORD; typedef guint32 DWORD; typedef gint16 SHORT; typedef gint32 LONG; /* The following information is from O'Reilly's updates to the * Encyclopedia of Graphics File Formats, * http://www.ora.com/centers/gff/formats/micmeta/index.htm */ typedef struct _WindowsMetaHeader { WORD FileType; /* Type of metafile (0=memory, 1=disk) */ WORD HeaderSize; /* Size of header in WORDS (always 9) */ WORD Version; /* Version of Microsoft Windows used */ DWORD FileSize; /* Total size of the metafile in WORDs */ WORD NumOfObjects; /* Number of objects in the file */ DWORD MaxRecordSize; /* The size of largest record in WORDs */ WORD NumOfParams; /* Not Used (always 0) */ } WMFHEAD; #define SIZE_WMFHEAD 18 typedef struct _PlaceableMetaHeader { DWORD Key; /* Magic number (always 9AC6CDD7h) */ WORD Handle; /* Metafile HANDLE number (always 0) */ SHORT Left; /* Left coordinate in metafile units */ SHORT Top; /* Top coordinate in metafile units */ SHORT Right; /* Right coordinate in metafile units */ SHORT Bottom; /* Bottom coordinate in metafile units */ WORD Inch; /* Number of metafile units per inch */ DWORD Reserved; /* Reserved (always 0) */ WORD Checksum; /* Checksum value for previous 10 WORDs */ } PLACEABLEMETAHEADER; #define SIZE_PLACEABLEMETAHEADER 22 typedef struct _Clipboard16MetaHeader { SHORT MappingMode; /* Units used to playback metafile */ SHORT Width; /* Width of the metafile */ SHORT Height; /* Height of the metafile */ WORD Handle; /* Handle to the metafile in memory */ } CLIPBOARD16METAHEADER; #define SIZE_CLIPBOARD16METAHEADER 8 typedef struct _Clipboard32MetaHeader { LONG MappingMode; /* Units used to playback metafile */ LONG Width; /* Width of the metafile */ LONG Height; /* Height of the metafile */ DWORD Handle; /* Handle to the metafile in memory */ } CLIPBOARD32METAHEADER; #define SIZE_CLIPBOARD32METAHEADER 16 typedef struct _EnhancedMetaHeader { DWORD RecordType; /* Record type */ DWORD RecordSize; /* Size of the record in bytes */ LONG BoundsLeft; /* Left inclusive bounds */ LONG BoundsRight; /* Right inclusive bounds */ LONG BoundsTop; /* Top inclusive bounds */ LONG BoundsBottom; /* Bottom inclusive bounds */ LONG FrameLeft; /* Left side of inclusive picture frame */ LONG FrameRight; /* Right side of inclusive picture frame */ LONG FrameTop; /* Top side of inclusive picture frame */ LONG FrameBottom; /* Bottom side of inclusive picture frame */ DWORD Signature; /* Signature ID (always 0x464D4520) */ DWORD Version; /* Version of the metafile */ DWORD Size; /* Size of the metafile in bytes */ DWORD NumOfRecords; /* Number of records in the metafile */ WORD NumOfHandles; /* Number of handles in the handle table */ WORD Reserved; /* Not used (always 0) */ DWORD SizeOfDescrip; /* Size of description string in WORDs */ DWORD OffsOfDescrip; /* Offset of description string in metafile */ DWORD NumPalEntries; /* Number of color palette entries */ LONG WidthDevPixels; /* Width of reference device in pixels */ LONG HeightDevPixels; /* Height of reference device in pixels */ LONG WidthDevMM; /* Width of reference device in millimeters */ LONG HeightDevMM; /* Height of reference device in millimeters */ } ENHANCEDMETAHEADER; #define SIZE_ENHANCEDMETAHEADER 88 typedef struct _StandardMetaRecord { DWORD Size; /* Total size of the record in WORDs */ WORD Function; /* Function number (defined in WINDOWS.H) */ #if DOCUMENTATION_ONLY_ILLEGAL_C WORD Parameters[]; /* Parameter values passed to function */ #endif } WMFRECORD; #define SIZE_WMFRECORD 6 #define EndOfFile 0x0000 #define AbortDoc 0x0052 #define Arc 0x0817 #define Chord 0x0830 #define Ellipse 0x0418 #define EndDoc 0x005E #define EndPage 0x0050 #define ExcludeClipRect 0x0415 #define ExtFloodFill 0x0548 #define FillRegion 0x0228 #define FloodFill 0x0419 #define FrameRegion 0x0429 #define IntersectClipRect 0x0416 #define InvertRegion 0x012A #define LineTo 0x0213 #define MoveTo 0x0214 #define OffsetClipRgn 0x0220 #define OffsetViewportOrg 0x0211 #define OffsetWindowOrg 0x020F #define PaintRegion 0x012B #define PatBlt 0x061D #define Pie 0x081A #define RealizePalette 0x0035 #define Rectangle 0x041B #define ResetDc 0x014C #define ResizePalette 0x0139 #define RestoreDC 0x0127 #define RoundRect 0x061C #define SaveDC 0x001E #define ScaleViewportExt 0x0412 #define ScaleWindowExt 0x0410 #define SelectClipRegion 0x012C #define SelectObject 0x012D #define SelectPalette 0x0234 #define SetBkColor 0x0201 #define SetBkMode 0x0102 #define SetDibToDev 0x0d33 #define SetMapMode 0x0103 #define SetMapperFlags 0x0231 #define SetPalEntries 0x0037 #define SetPixel 0x041F #define SetPolyFillMode 0x0106 #define SetRelabs 0x0105 #define SetROP2 0x0104 #define SetStretchBltMode 0x0107 #define SetTextAlign 0x012E #define SetTextCharExtra 0x0108 #define SetTextColor 0x0209 #define SetTextJustification 0x020A #define SetViewportExt 0x020E #define SetViewportOrg 0x020D #define SetWindowExt 0x020C #define SetWindowOrg 0x020B #define StartDoc 0x014D #define StartPage 0x004F #define AnimatePalette 0x0436 #define BitBlt 0x0922 #define CreateBitmap 0x06FE #define CreateBitmapIndirect 0x02FD #define CreateBrush 0x00F8 #define CreateBrushIndirect 0x02FC #define CreateFontIndirect 0x02FB #define CreatePalette 0x00F7 #define CreatePatternBrush 0x01F9 #define CreatePenIndirect 0x02FA #define CreateRegion 0x06FF #define DeleteObject 0x01F0 #define DibBitblt 0x0940 #define DibCreatePatternBrush 0x0142 #define DibStretchBlt 0x0B41 #define DrawText 0x062F #define Escape 0x0626 #define ExtTextOut 0x0A32 #define Polygon 0x0324 #define PolyPolygon 0x0538 #define Polyline 0x0325 #define TextOut 0x0521 #define StretchBlt 0x0B23 #define StretchDIBits 0x0F43 typedef struct _RGBTriple { BYTE Red; BYTE Green; BYTE Blue; } RGBTRIPLE; typedef struct _BitBltRecord { DWORD Size; /* Total size of the record in WORDs */ WORD Function; /* Function number (0x0922) */ WORD RasterOp; /* High-order word for the raster operation */ WORD YSrcOrigin; /* Y-coordinate of the source origin */ WORD XSrcOrigin; /* X-coordinate of the source origin */ WORD YDest; /* Destination width */ WORD XDest; /* Destination height */ WORD YDestOrigin; /* Y-coordinate of the destination origin */ WORD XDestOrigin; /* X-coordinate of the destination origin */ /* DDB Bitmap */ DWORD Width; /* Width of bitmap in pixels */ DWORD Height; /* Height of bitmap in scan lines */ DWORD BytesPerLine; /* Number of bytes in each scan line */ WORD NumColorPlanes; /* Number of color planes in the bitmap */ WORD BitsPerPixel; /* Number of bits in each pixel */ #if DOCUMENTATION_ONLY_ILLEGAL_C RGBTRIPLE Bitmap[]; /* Bitmap data */ #endif } BITBLTRECORD; typedef struct _RGBQuad { BYTE Red; BYTE Green; BYTE Blue; BYTE Reserved; } RGBQUAD; typedef struct _DibBitBltRecord { DWORD Size; /* Total size of the record in WORDs */ WORD Function; /* Function number (0x0940) */ WORD RasterOp; /* High-order word for the raster operation */ WORD YSrcOrigin; /* Y-coordinate of the source origin */ WORD XSrcOrigin; /* X-coordinate of the source origin */ WORD YDest; /* Destination width */ WORD XDest; /* Destination height */ WORD YDestOrigin; /* Y-coordinate of the destination origin */ WORD XDestOrigin; /* X-coordinate of the destination origin */ /* DIB Bitmap */ DWORD Width; /* Width of bitmap in pixels */ DWORD Height; /* Height of bitmap in scan lines */ DWORD BytesPerLine; /* Number of bytes in each scan line */ WORD NumColorPlanes; /* Number of color planes in the bitmap */ WORD BitsPerPixel; /* Number of bits in each pixel */ DWORD Compression; /* Compression type */ DWORD SizeImage; /* Size of bitmap in bytes */ LONG XPelsPerMeter; /* Width of image in pixels per meter */ LONG YPelsPerMeter; /* Height of image in pixels per meter */ DWORD ClrUsed; /* Number of colors used */ DWORD ClrImportant; /* Number of important colors */ #if DOCUMENTATION_ONLY_ILLEGAL_C RGBQUAD Bitmap[]; /* Bitmap data */ #endif } DIBBITBLTRECORD; typedef struct _EnhancedMetaRecord { DWORD Function; /* Function number (defined in WINGDI.H) */ DWORD Size; /* Total size of the record in WORDs */ #if DOCUMENTATION_ONLY_ILLEGAL_C DWORD Parameters[]; /* Parameter values passed to GDI function */ #endif } EMFRECORD; #define EMR_ABORTPATH 68 #define EMR_POLYLINE 4 #define EMR_ANGLEARC 41 #define EMR_POLYLINE16 87 #define EMR_ARC 45 #define EMR_POLYLINETO 6 #define EMR_ARCTO 55 #define EMR_POLYLINETO16 89 #define EMR_BEGINPATH 59 #define EMR_POLYPOLYGON 8 #define EMR_BITBLT 76 #define EMR_POLYPOLYGON16 91 #define EMR_CHORD 46 #define EMR_POLYPOLYLINE 7 #define EMR_CLOSEFIGURE 61 #define EMR_POLYPOLYLINE16 90 #define EMR_CREATEBRUSHINDIRECT 39 #define EMR_POLYTEXTOUTA 96 #define EMR_CREATEDIBPATTERNBRUSHPT 94 #define EMR_POLYTEXTOUTW 97 #define EMR_CREATEMONOBRUSH 93 #define EMR_REALIZEPALETTE 52 #define EMR_CREATEPALETTE 49 #define EMR_RECTANGLE 43 #define EMR_CREATEPEN 38 #define EMR_RESIZEPALETTE 51 #define EMR_DELETEOBJECT 40 #define EMR_RESTOREDC 34 #define EMR_ELLIPSE 42 #define EMR_ROUNDRECT 44 #define EMR_ENDPATH 60 #define EMR_SAVEDC 33 #define EMR_EOF 14 #define EMR_SCALEVIEWPORTEXTEX 31 #define EMR_EXCLUDECLIPRECT 29 #define EMR_SCALEWINDOWEXTEX 32 #define EMR_EXTCREATEFONTINDIRECTW 82 #define EMR_SELECTCLIPPATH 67 #define EMR_EXTCREATEPEN 95 #define EMR_SELECTOBJECT 37 #define EMR_EXTFLOODFILL 53 #define EMR_SELECTPALETTE 48 #define EMR_EXTSELECTCLIPRGN 75 #define EMR_SETARCDIRECTION 57 #define EMR_EXTTEXTOUTA 83 #define EMR_SETBKCOLOR 25 #define EMR_EXTTEXTOUTW 84 #define EMR_SETBKMODE 18 #define EMR_FILLPATH 62 #define EMR_SETBRUSHORGEX 13 #define EMR_FILLRGN 71 #define EMR_SETCOLORADJUSTMENT 23 #define EMR_FLATTENPATH 65 #define EMR_SETDIBITSTODEVICE 80 #define EMR_FRAMERGN 72 #define EMR_SETMAPMODE 17 #define EMR_GDICOMMENT 70 #define EMR_SETMAPPERFLAGS 16 #define EMR_HEADER 1 #define EMR_SETMETARGN 28 #define EMR_INTERSECTCLIPRECT 30 #define EMR_SETMITERLIMIT 58 #define EMR_INVERTRGN 73 #define EMR_SETPALETTEENTRIES 50 #define EMR_LINETO 54 #define EMR_SETPIXELV 15 #define EMR_MASKBLT 78 #define EMR_SETPOLYFILLMODE 19 #define EMR_MODIFYWORLDTRANSFORM 36 #define EMR_SETROP2 20 #define EMR_MOVETOEX 27 #define EMR_SETSTRETCHBLTMODE 21 #define EMR_OFFSETCLIPRGN 26 #define EMR_SETTEXTALIGN 22 #define EMR_PAINTRGN 74 #define EMR_SETTEXTCOLOR 24 #define EMR_PIE 47 #define EMR_SETVIEWPORTEXTEX 11 #define EMR_PLGBLT 79 #define EMR_SETVIEWPORTORGEX 12 #define EMR_POLYBEZIER 2 #define EMR_SETWINDOWEXTEX 9 #define EMR_POLYBEZIER16 85 #define EMR_SETWINDOWORGEX 10 #define EMR_POLYBEZIERTO 5 #define EMR_SETWORLDTRANSFORM 35 #define EMR_POLYBEZIERTO16 88 #define EMR_STRETCHBLT 77 #define EMR_POLYDRAW 56 #define EMR_STRETCHDIBITS 81 #define EMR_POLYDRAW16 92 #define EMR_STROKEANDFILLPATH 63 #define EMR_POLYGON 3 #define EMR_STROKEPATH 64 #define EMR_POLYGON16 86 #define EMR_WIDENPATH 66 typedef struct _PaletteEntry { BYTE Red; /* Red component value */ BYTE Green; /* Green component value */ BYTE Blue; /* Blue component value */ BYTE Flags; /* Flag values */ } PALENT; typedef struct _EndOfRecord { DWORD Function; /* End Of Record ID (14) */ DWORD Size; /* Total size of the record in WORDs */ DWORD NumPalEntries; /* Number of color palette entries */ DWORD OffPalEntries; /* Offset of color palette entries */ #if DOCUMENTATION_ONLY_ILLEGAL_C PALENT Palette[]; /* The color palette data */ DWORD OffToEOF; /* Offset to beginning of this record */ #endif } ENDOFRECORD; typedef struct _GdiCommentRecord { DWORD Function; /* GDI Comment ID (70) */ DWORD Size; /* Total size of the record in WORDs */ DWORD SizeOfData; /* Size of comment data in bytes */ #if DOCUMENTATION_ONLY_ILLEGAL_C BYTE Data[]; /* Comment data */ #endif } GDICOMMENTRECORD; typedef struct _GdiCommentMetafile { DWORD Identifier; /* Comment ID (0x43494447) */ DWORD Comment; /* Metafile ID (0x80000001) */ DWORD Version; /* Version of the metafile */ DWORD Checksum; /* Checksum value of the metafile */ DWORD Flags; /* Flags (always 0) */ DWORD Size; /* Size of the metafile data in bytes */ } GDICOMMENTMETAFILE; typedef struct _GdiCommentBeginGroup { DWORD Identifier; /* Comment ID (0x43494447) */ DWORD Comment; /* BeginGroup ID (0x00000002) */ LONG BoundsLeft; /* Left side of bounding rectangle */ LONG BoundsRight; /* Right side of bounding rectangle */ LONG BoundsTop; /* Top side of bounding rectangle */ LONG BoundsBottom; /* Bottom side of bounding rectangle */ DWORD SizeOfDescrip; /* Number of characters in the description */ } GDICOMMENTBEGINGROUP; typedef struct _GdiCommentEndGroup { DWORD Identifier; /* Comment ID (0x43494447) */ DWORD Comment; /* EndGroup ID (0x00000003) */ } GDICOMMENTENDGROUP; typedef struct _EmrFormat { DWORD Signature; /* Format signature */ DWORD Version; /* Format version number */ DWORD Data; /* Size of data in bytes */ DWORD OffsetToData; /* Offset to data */ } EMRFORMAT; typedef struct _GdiCommentMultiFormats { DWORD Identifier; /* Comment ID (0x43494447) */ DWORD Comment; /* Multiformats ID (0x40000004) */ LONG BoundsLeft; /* Left side of bounding rectangle */ LONG BoundsRight; /* Right side of bounding rectangle */ LONG BoundsTop; /* Top side of bounding rectangle */ LONG BoundsBottom; /* Bottom side of bounding rectangle */ DWORD NumFormats; /* Number of formats in comment */ #if DOCUMENTATION_ONLY_ILLEGAL_C EMRFORMAT Data[]; /* Array of comment data */ #endif } GDICOMMENTMULTIFORMATS; /* Binary raster ops */ #define R2_BLACK 1 #define R2_NOTMERGEPEN 2 #define R2_MASKNOTPEN 3 #define R2_NOTCOPYPEN 4 #define R2_MASKPENNOT 5 #define R2_NOT 6 #define R2_XORPEN 7 #define R2_NOTMASKPEN 8 #define R2_MASKPEN 9 #define R2_NOTXORPEN 10 #define R2_NOP 11 #define R2_MERGENOTPEN 12 #define R2_COPYPEN 13 #define R2_MERGEPENNOT 14 #define R2_MERGEPEN 15 #define R2_WHITE 16 /* Background mix modes */ #define TRANSPARENT 1 #define OPAQUE 2 /* Brush styles */ #define BS_SOLID 0 #define BS_NULL 1 #define BS_HATCHED 2 #define BS_PATTERN 3 #define BS_DIBPATTERN 5 #define BS_DIBPATTERNPT 6 #define BS_PATTERN8X8 7 #define BS_DIBPATTERN8X8 8 #define BS_MONOPATTERN 9 /* Pen styles */ #define PS_SOLID 0 #define PS_DASH 1 #define PS_DOT 2 #define PS_DASHDOT 3 #define PS_DASHDOTDOT 4 #define PS_NULL 5 #define PS_INSIDEFRAME 6 /* Polygon fill modes */ #define ALTERNATE 1 #define WINDING 2 /* Modes for SetMapMode */ #define MM_TEXT 1 #define MM_LOMETRIC 2 #define MM_HIMETRIC 3 #define MM_LOENGLISH 4 #define MM_HIENGLISH 5 #define MM_TWIPS 6 #define MM_ISOTROPIC 7 #define MM_ANISOTROPIC 8 #define ReadOK(file,buffer,len) (fread(buffer, len, 1, file) != 0) #define NPARMWORDS 16 #ifndef G_BYTE_ORDER /* Development glib has byte sex stuff, * but if we're on 1.0, use something else */ #define G_LITTLE_ENDIAN 1234 #define G_BIG_ENDIAN 4321 #if defined(__i386__) #define G_BYTE_ORDER G_LITTLE_ENDIAN #elif defined(__hppa) || defined(__sparc) #define G_BYTE_ORDER G_BIG_ENDIAN #else #error set byte order by hand by adding your machine above #endif /* This is straight from the newest glib.h */ /* Basic bit swapping functions */ #define GUINT16_SWAP_LE_BE_CONSTANT(val) ((guint16) ( \ (((guint16) (val) & (guint16) 0x00ffU) << 8) | \ (((guint16) (val) & (guint16) 0xff00U) >> 8))) #define GUINT32_SWAP_LE_BE_CONSTANT(val) ((guint32) ( \ (((guint32) (val) & (guint32) 0x000000ffU) << 24) | \ (((guint32) (val) & (guint32) 0x0000ff00U) << 8) | \ (((guint32) (val) & (guint32) 0x00ff0000U) >> 8) | \ (((guint32) (val) & (guint32) 0xff000000U) >> 24))) /* Intel specific stuff for speed */ #if defined (__i386__) && (defined __GNUC__) # define GUINT16_SWAP_LE_BE_X86(val) \ (__extension__ \ ({ register guint16 __v; \ if (__builtin_constant_p (val)) \ __v = GUINT16_SWAP_LE_BE_CONSTANT (val); \ else \ __asm__ __volatile__ ("rorw $8, %w0" \ : "=r" (__v) \ : "0" ((guint16) (val)) \ : "cc"); \ __v; })) # define GUINT16_SWAP_LE_BE(val) \ ((guint16) GUINT16_SWAP_LE_BE_X86 ((guint16) (val))) # if !defined(__i486__) && !defined(__i586__) \ && !defined(__pentium__) && !defined(__pentiumpro__) && !defined(__i686__) # define GUINT32_SWAP_LE_BE_X86(val) \ (__extension__ \ ({ register guint32 __v; \ if (__builtin_constant_p (val)) \ __v = GUINT32_SWAP_LE_BE_CONSTANT (val); \ else \ __asm__ __volatile__ ("rorw $8, %w0\n\t" \ "rorl $16, %0\n\t" \ "rorw $8, %w0" \ : "=r" (__v) \ : "0" ((guint32) (val)) \ : "cc"); \ __v; })) # else /* 486 and higher has bswap */ # define GUINT32_SWAP_LE_BE_X86(val) \ (__extension__ \ ({ register guint32 __v; \ if (__builtin_constant_p (val)) \ __v = GUINT32_SWAP_LE_BE_CONSTANT (val); \ else \ __asm__ __volatile__ ("bswap %0" \ : "=r" (__v) \ : "0" ((guint32) (val))); \ __v; })) # endif /* processor specific 32-bit stuff */ # define GUINT32_SWAP_LE_BE(val) \ ((guint32) GUINT32_SWAP_LE_BE_X86 ((guint32) (val))) #else /* !__i386__ */ # define GUINT16_SWAP_LE_BE(val) (GUINT16_SWAP_LE_BE_CONSTANT (val)) # define GUINT32_SWAP_LE_BE(val) (GUINT32_SWAP_LE_BE_CONSTANT (val)) #endif /* __i386__ */ #ifdef HAVE_GINT64 #define GUINT64_SWAP_LE_BE(val) ((guint64) ( \ (((guint64) (val) & (guint64) 0x00000000000000ffU) << 56) | \ (((guint64) (val) & (guint64) 0x000000000000ff00U) << 40) | \ (((guint64) (val) & (guint64) 0x0000000000ff0000U) << 24) | \ (((guint64) (val) & (guint64) 0x00000000ff000000U) << 8) | \ (((guint64) (val) & (guint64) 0x000000ff00000000U) >> 8) | \ (((guint64) (val) & (guint64) 0x0000ff0000000000U) >> 24) | \ (((guint64) (val) & (guint64) 0x00ff000000000000U) >> 40) | \ (((guint64) (val) & (guint64) 0xff00000000000000U) >> 56))) #endif #define GUINT16_SWAP_LE_PDP(val) ((guint16) (val)) #define GUINT16_SWAP_BE_PDP(val) (GUINT16_SWAP_LE_BE (val)) #define GUINT32_SWAP_LE_PDP(val) ((guint32) ( \ (((guint32) (val) & (guint32) 0x0000ffffU) << 16) | \ (((guint32) (val) & (guint32) 0xffff0000U) >> 16))) #define GUINT32_SWAP_BE_PDP(val) ((guint32) ( \ (((guint32) (val) & (guint32) 0x00ff00ffU) << 8) | \ (((guint32) (val) & (guint32) 0xff00ff00U) >> 8))) #if G_BYTE_ORDER == G_LITTLE_ENDIAN # define GINT16_TO_LE(val) ((gint16) (val)) # define GUINT16_TO_LE(val) ((guint16) (val)) # define GINT16_TO_BE(val) ((gint16) GUINT16_SWAP_LE_BE (val)) # define GUINT16_TO_BE(val) (GUINT16_SWAP_LE_BE (val)) # define GINT16_FROM_LE(val) ((gint16) (val)) # define GUINT16_FROM_LE(val) ((guint16) (val)) # define GINT16_FROM_BE(val) ((gint16) GUINT16_SWAP_LE_BE (val)) # define GUINT16_FROM_BE(val) (GUINT16_SWAP_LE_BE (val)) # define GINT32_TO_LE(val) ((gint32) (val)) # define GUINT32_TO_LE(val) ((guint32) (val)) # define GINT32_TO_BE(val) ((gint32) GUINT32_SWAP_LE_BE (val)) # define GUINT32_TO_BE(val) (GUINT32_SWAP_LE_BE (val)) # define GINT32_FROM_LE(val) ((gint32) (val)) # define GUINT32_FROM_LE(val) ((guint32) (val)) # define GINT32_FROM_BE(val) ((gint32) GUINT32_SWAP_LE_BE (val)) # define GUINT32_FROM_BE(val) (GUINT32_SWAP_LE_BE (val)) # ifdef HAVE_GINT64 # define GINT64_TO_LE(val) ((gint64) (val)) # define GUINT64_TO_LE(val) ((guint64) (val)) # define GINT64_TO_BE(val) ((gint64) GUINT64_SWAP_LE_BE (val)) # define GUINT64_TO_BE(val) (GUINT64_SWAP_LE_BE (val)) # define GINT64_FROM_LE(val) ((gint64) (val)) # define GUINT64_FROM_LE(val) ((guint64) (val)) # define GINT64_FROM_BE(val) ((gint64) GUINT64_SWAP_LE_BE (val)) # define GUINT64_FROM_BE(val) (GUINT64_SWAP_LE_BE (val)) # endif #elif G_BYTE_ORDER == G_BIG_ENDIAN # define GINT16_TO_BE(val) ((gint16) (val)) # define GUINT16_TO_BE(val) ((guint16) (val)) # define GINT16_TO_LE(val) ((gint16) GUINT16_SWAP_LE_BE (val)) # define GUINT16_TO_LE(val) (GUINT16_SWAP_LE_BE (val)) # define GINT16_FROM_BE(val) ((gint16) (val)) # define GUINT16_FROM_BE(val) ((guint16) (val)) # define GINT16_FROM_LE(val) ((gint16) GUINT16_SWAP_LE_BE (val)) # define GUINT16_FROM_LE(val) (GUINT16_SWAP_LE_BE (val)) # define GINT32_TO_BE(val) ((gint32) (val)) # define GUINT32_TO_BE(val) ((guint32) (val)) # define GINT32_TO_LE(val) ((gint32) GUINT32_SWAP_LE_BE (val)) # define GUINT32_TO_LE(val) (GUINT32_SWAP_LE_BE (val)) # define GINT32_FROM_BE(val) ((gint32) (val)) # define GUINT32_FROM_BE(val) ((guint32) (val)) # define GINT32_FROM_LE(val) ((gint32) GUINT32_SWAP_LE_BE (val)) # define GUINT32_FROM_LE(val) (GUINT32_SWAP_LE_BE (val)) # ifdef HAVE_GINT64 # define GINT64_TO_BE(val) ((gint64) (val)) # define GUINT64_TO_BE(val) ((guint64) (val)) # define GINT64_TO_LE(val) ((gint64) GUINT64_SWAP_LE_BE (val)) # define GUINT64_TO_LE(val) (GUINT64_SWAP_LE_BE (val)) # define GINT64_FROM_BE(val) ((gint64) (val)) # define GUINT64_FROM_BE(val) ((guint64) (val)) # define GINT64_FROM_LE(val) ((gint64) GUINT64_SWAP_LE_BE (val)) # define GUINT64_FROM_LE(val) (GUINT64_SWAP_LE_BE (val)) # endif #else /* PDP stuff not implemented */ #endif #if (SIZEOF_LONG == 8) # define GLONG_TO_LE(val) ((glong) GINT64_TO_LE (val)) # define GULONG_TO_LE(val) ((gulong) GUINT64_TO_LE (val)) # define GLONG_TO_BE(val) ((glong) GINT64_TO_BE (val)) # define GULONG_TO_BE(val) ((gulong) GUINT64_TO_BE (val)) # define GLONG_FROM_LE(val) ((glong) GINT64_FROM_LE (val)) # define GULONG_FROM_LE(val) ((gulong) GUINT64_FROM_LE (val)) # define GLONG_FROM_BE(val) ((glong) GINT64_FROM_BE (val)) # define GULONG_FROM_BE(val) ((gulong) GUINT64_FROM_BE (val)) #elif (SIZEOF_LONG == 4) # define GLONG_TO_LE(val) ((glong) GINT32_TO_LE (val)) # define GULONG_TO_LE(val) ((gulong) GUINT32_TO_LE (val)) # define GLONG_TO_BE(val) ((glong) GINT32_TO_BE (val)) # define GULONG_TO_BE(val) ((gulong) GUINT32_TO_BE (val)) # define GLONG_FROM_LE(val) ((glong) GINT32_FROM_LE (val)) # define GULONG_FROM_LE(val) ((gulong) GUINT32_FROM_LE (val)) # define GLONG_FROM_BE(val) ((glong) GINT32_FROM_BE (val)) # define GULONG_FROM_BE(val) ((gulong) GUINT32_FROM_BE (val)) #endif #if (SIZEOF_INT == 8) # define GINT_TO_LE(val) ((gint) GINT64_TO_LE (val)) # define GUINT_TO_LE(val) ((guint) GUINT64_TO_LE (val)) # define GINT_TO_BE(val) ((gint) GINT64_TO_BE (val)) # define GUINT_TO_BE(val) ((guint) GUINT64_TO_BE (val)) # define GINT_FROM_LE(val) ((gint) GINT64_FROM_LE (val)) # define GUINT_FROM_LE(val) ((guint) GUINT64_FROM_LE (val)) # define GINT_FROM_BE(val) ((gint) GINT64_FROM_BE (val)) # define GUINT_FROM_BE(val) ((guint) GUINT64_FROM_BE (val)) #elif (SIZEOF_INT == 4) # define GINT_TO_LE(val) ((gint) GINT32_TO_LE (val)) # define GUINT_TO_LE(val) ((guint) GUINT32_TO_LE (val)) # define GINT_TO_BE(val) ((gint) GINT32_TO_BE (val)) # define GUINT_TO_BE(val) ((guint) GUINT32_TO_BE (val)) # define GINT_FROM_LE(val) ((gint) GINT32_FROM_LE (val)) # define GUINT_FROM_LE(val) ((guint) GUINT32_FROM_LE (val)) # define GINT_FROM_BE(val) ((gint) GINT32_FROM_BE (val)) # define GUINT_FROM_BE(val) ((guint) GUINT32_FROM_BE (val)) #elif (SIZEOF_INT == 2) # define GINT_TO_LE(val) ((gint) GINT16_TO_LE (val)) # define GUINT_TO_LE(val) ((guint) GUINT16_TO_LE (val)) # define GINT_TO_BE(val) ((gint) GINT16_TO_BE (val)) # define GUINT_TO_BE(val) ((guint) GUINT16_TO_BE (val)) # define GINT_FROM_LE(val) ((gint) GINT16_FROM_LE (val)) # define GUINT_FROM_LE(val) ((guint) GUINT16_FROM_LE (val)) # define GINT_FROM_BE(val) ((gint) GINT16_FROM_BE (val)) # define GUINT_FROM_BE(val) ((guint) GUINT16_FROM_BE (val)) #endif #endif typedef struct { double scale; } WMFLoadVals; static WMFLoadVals load_vals = { 1.0 /* scale */ }; typedef struct { gint run; } WMFLoadInterface; static WMFLoadInterface load_interface = { FALSE }; typedef struct { GtkWidget *dialog; GtkAdjustment *scale; } LoadDialogVals; typedef enum { OBJ_BITMAP, OBJ_BRUSH, OBJ_PATTERNBRUSH, OBJ_FONT, OBJ_PEN, OBJ_REGION, OBJ_PALETTE } ObjectType; typedef struct { int dummy; } BitmapObject; typedef struct { GdkColor color; gboolean invisible; guint style; glong hatch; } BrushObject; typedef struct { int dummy; } PatternBrushObject; typedef struct { GdkColor color; gboolean invisible; gushort width; GdkLineStyle style; } PenObject; typedef struct { GdkFont *font; } FontObject; typedef struct { int dummy; } PaletteObject; typedef struct { ObjectType type; union { BitmapObject bitmap; BrushObject brush; PatternBrushObject pbrush; PenObject pen; FontObject font; PaletteObject palette; } u; } Object; typedef struct { GdkGC *gc; GdkColor bg; BrushObject *brush; PenObject *pen; FontObject *font; GdkColor textColor; gint tag; } DC; static gint saved_dc_tag = 1; typedef struct { GdkPixmap *pixmap; DC dc; GSList *dc_stack; GdkColormap *colormap; guint width, height; double scalex, scaley; double curx, cury; } Canvas; typedef struct { gboolean valid; gint org_x, org_y; gint ext_x, ext_y; } OrgAndExt; static void query (void); static void run (char *name, int nparams, GParam *param, int *nreturn_vals, GParam **return_vals); static gint32 load_image (char *filename); static gint readparams (DWORD size, guint nparams, FILE *fd, WORD *params); static void sync_record (DWORD size, guint nparams, FILE *fd); GPlugInInfo PLUG_IN_INFO = { NULL, /* init_proc */ NULL, /* quit_proc */ query, /* query_proc */ run, /* run_proc */ }; static GRunModeType l_run_mode; static int pixs_per_in; static void load_close_callback (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data) { gtk_main_quit (); } static void load_ok_callback (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data) { LoadDialogVals *vals = (LoadDialogVals *)data; /* Read scale */ load_vals.scale = pow (2.0, vals->scale->value); load_interface.run = TRUE; gtk_widget_destroy (GTK_WIDGET (vals->dialog)); } static gint load_dialog (char *file_name) { LoadDialogVals *vals; GtkWidget *frame; GtkWidget *button; GtkWidget *vbox; GtkWidget *hbox; GtkWidget *label; GtkWidget *table; GtkWidget *slider; gchar **argv; gint argc; argc = 1; argv = g_new (gchar *, 1); argv[0] = g_strdup ("load"); gtk_init (&argc, &argv); gtk_rc_parse (gimp_gtkrc ()); vals = g_malloc (sizeof (LoadDialogVals)); vals->dialog = gtk_dialog_new (); gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (vals->dialog), "Load Windows Metafile"); gtk_window_position (GTK_WINDOW (vals->dialog), GTK_WIN_POS_MOUSE); gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (vals->dialog), "destroy", (GtkSignalFunc) load_close_callback, NULL); /* Action area */ button = gtk_button_new_with_label ("OK"); GTK_WIDGET_SET_FLAGS (button, GTK_CAN_DEFAULT); gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (button), "clicked", (GtkSignalFunc) load_ok_callback, vals); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (vals->dialog)->action_area), button, TRUE, TRUE, 0); gtk_widget_grab_default (button); gtk_widget_show (button); button = gtk_button_new_with_label ("Cancel"); GTK_WIDGET_SET_FLAGS (button, GTK_CAN_DEFAULT); gtk_signal_connect_object (GTK_OBJECT (button), "clicked", (GtkSignalFunc) gtk_widget_destroy, GTK_OBJECT (vals->dialog)); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (vals->dialog)->action_area), button, TRUE, TRUE, 0); gtk_widget_show (button); hbox = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, 0); gtk_container_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (hbox), 0); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (vals->dialog)->vbox), hbox, TRUE, TRUE, 0); gtk_widget_show (hbox); /* Rendering */ frame = gtk_frame_new (g_strdup_printf ("Rendering %s", file_name)); gtk_frame_set_shadow_type (GTK_FRAME (frame), GTK_SHADOW_ETCHED_IN); gtk_container_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (frame), 10); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), frame, TRUE, TRUE, 0); vbox = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 5); gtk_container_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (vbox), 5); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (frame), vbox); /* Scale label */ table = gtk_table_new (1, 2, FALSE); gtk_table_set_row_spacings (GTK_TABLE (table), 5); gtk_table_set_col_spacings (GTK_TABLE (table), 5); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), table, TRUE, TRUE, 0); gtk_widget_show (table); label = gtk_label_new ("Scale (log 2)"); gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0.0, 0.5); gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), label, 0, 1, 0, 1, GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 0, 0); gtk_widget_show (label); /* Scale slider */ vals->scale = GTK_ADJUSTMENT (gtk_adjustment_new (0.0, -2.0, 2.0, 0.2, 0.2, 0.0)); slider = gtk_hscale_new (vals->scale); gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), slider, 1, 2, 0, 1, GTK_EXPAND | GTK_FILL, GTK_EXPAND | GTK_FILL, 0, 0); gtk_scale_set_value_pos (GTK_SCALE (slider), GTK_POS_TOP); gtk_range_set_update_policy (GTK_RANGE (slider), GTK_UPDATE_DELAYED); gtk_widget_show (slider); gtk_widget_show (vbox); gtk_widget_show (frame); gtk_widget_show (vals->dialog); gtk_main (); gdk_flush (); g_free (vals); return load_interface.run; } static void check_load_vals (void) { if (load_vals.scale < 0.01) load_vals.scale = 0.01; else if (load_vals.scale > 100.) load_vals.scale = 100.; } MAIN () static void query () { static GParamDef load_args[] = { { PARAM_INT32, "run_mode", "Interactive, non-interactive" }, { PARAM_STRING, "filename", "The name of the file to load" }, { PARAM_STRING, "raw_filename", "The name entered" }, }; static int nload_args = sizeof (load_args) / sizeof (load_args[0]); static GParamDef load_return_vals[] = { { PARAM_IMAGE, "image", "Output image" }, }; static int nload_return_vals = sizeof (load_return_vals) / sizeof (load_return_vals[0]); static GParamDef load_setargs_args[] = { { PARAM_FLOAT, "scale", "Scale in which to load image" } }; static int nload_setargs_args = sizeof (load_setargs_args) / sizeof (load_setargs_args[0]); gimp_install_procedure ("file_wmf_load", "loads files of the Windows(tm) metafile file format", "FIXME: write help for file_wmf_load", "Tor Lillqvist ", "Tor Lillqvist", "1998", "/WMF", NULL, PROC_PLUG_IN, nload_args, nload_return_vals, load_args, load_return_vals); gimp_install_procedure ("file_wmf_load_setargs", "set additional parameters for the procedure file_wmf_load", "set additional parameters for the procedure file_wmf_load", "Tor Lillqvist ", "Tor Lillqvist", "1998", NULL, NULL, PROC_PLUG_IN, nload_setargs_args, 0, load_setargs_args, NULL); gimp_register_magic_load_handler ("file_wmf_load", "wmf,apm", "", "0,string,\\327\\315\\306\\232"); } static void run (char *name, int nparams, GParam *param, int *nreturn_vals, GParam **return_vals) { static GParam values[2]; gint32 image_ID; l_run_mode = param[0].data.d_int32; *nreturn_vals = 1; *return_vals = values; values[0].type = PARAM_STATUS; values[0].data.d_status = STATUS_CALLING_ERROR; if (strcmp (name, "file_wmf_load") == 0) { switch (l_run_mode) { case RUN_INTERACTIVE: gimp_get_data ("file_wmf_load", &load_vals); if (!load_dialog (param[1].data.d_string)) return; break; case RUN_NONINTERACTIVE: gimp_get_data ("file_wmf_load", &load_vals); break; case RUN_WITH_LAST_VALS: gimp_get_data ("file_wmf_load", &load_vals); } check_load_vals (); image_ID = load_image (param[1].data.d_string); values[0].data.d_status = (image_ID != -1) ? STATUS_SUCCESS : STATUS_EXECUTION_ERROR; if (values[0].data.d_status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { gimp_set_data ("file_wmf_load", &load_vals, sizeof (load_vals)); *nreturn_vals = 2; values[1].type = PARAM_IMAGE; values[1].data.d_image = image_ID; } else { values[0].data.d_status = STATUS_EXECUTION_ERROR; } } } static Object * new_object (ObjectType type, Object **objects, const int nobjects) { gint i; Object *result = NULL; for (i = 0; i < nobjects; i++) if (objects[i] == NULL) { objects[i] = result = g_new (Object, 1); result->type = type; break; } if (i == nobjects) g_message ("WMF: Creating too many objects"); return result; } static Canvas * make_canvas (OrgAndExt *window, OrgAndExt *viewport, gboolean have_bbox, GdkRectangle *bbox, guint units_per_in) { Canvas *canvas = g_new (Canvas, 1); if (!window->valid) { if (have_bbox) { window->org_x = bbox->x; window->ext_x = bbox->width; window->org_y = bbox->y; window->ext_y = bbox->height; } else { window->org_x = window->org_y = 0; /* Just pick a size. */ window->ext_x = units_per_in * 4; window->ext_y = units_per_in * 3; } window->valid = TRUE; } canvas->scalex = canvas->scaley = load_vals.scale; if (!viewport->valid) { viewport->org_x = viewport->org_y = 0; viewport->ext_x = canvas->scalex * fabs (window->ext_x) / units_per_in * pixs_per_in; viewport->ext_y = canvas->scaley * fabs (window->ext_y) / units_per_in * pixs_per_in; viewport->valid = TRUE; } #if 0 g_print ("window: (%d,%d)--(%d,%d), viewport: (%d,%d)--(%d,%d)\n", window->org_x, window->org_y, window->org_x + window->ext_x, window->org_y + window->ext_y, viewport->org_x, viewport->org_y, viewport->org_x + viewport->ext_x, viewport->org_y + viewport->ext_y); #endif canvas->colormap = gdk_colormap_get_system (); canvas->width = viewport->ext_x; canvas->height = viewport->ext_y; canvas->pixmap = gdk_pixmap_new (NULL, viewport->ext_x, viewport->ext_y, gdk_visual_get_system ()->depth); canvas->dc.gc = gdk_gc_new (canvas->pixmap); canvas->dc.bg.red = canvas->dc.bg.green = canvas->dc.bg.blue = 0xFFFF; gdk_color_alloc (canvas->colormap, &canvas->dc.bg); canvas->dc.brush = g_new (BrushObject, 1); canvas->dc.brush->invisible = FALSE; canvas->dc.brush->color.red = canvas->dc.brush->color.green = canvas->dc.brush->color.blue = 0xFFFF; gdk_color_alloc (canvas->colormap, &canvas->dc.brush->color); canvas->dc.pen = g_new (PenObject, 1); canvas->dc.pen->invisible = FALSE; canvas->dc.pen->color.red = canvas->dc.pen->color.green = canvas->dc.pen->color.blue = 0; gdk_color_alloc (canvas->colormap, &canvas->dc.pen->color); canvas->dc.font = g_new (FontObject, 1); canvas->dc.font->font = gdk_font_load ("-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*"); canvas->dc.textColor.red = canvas->dc.textColor.green = canvas->dc.textColor.blue = 0; gdk_color_alloc (canvas->colormap, &canvas->dc.textColor); canvas->dc_stack = g_slist_alloc (); gdk_gc_set_foreground (canvas->dc.gc, &canvas->dc.brush->color); gdk_draw_rectangle (canvas->pixmap, canvas->dc.gc, TRUE, 0, 0, viewport->ext_x, viewport->ext_y); canvas->curx = canvas->cury = 0.0; return canvas; } static void set_color (WORD *params, GdkColor *color) { color->red = ((GUINT16_FROM_LE (params[0]) & 0x00FF) * 65535) / 255; color->green = (((GUINT16_FROM_LE (params[0]) & 0xFF00) >> 8) * 65535) / 255; color->blue = ((GUINT16_FROM_LE (params[1]) & 0x00FF) * 65535) / 255; } static gint32 load_image (char *filename) { FILE *fp; char *name_buf; guchar buffer[100]; gboolean warned_unhandled = FALSE; gboolean warned_opaque = FALSE; gboolean warned_orientation = FALSE; WMFHEAD wmf_head; PLACEABLEMETAHEADER apm_head; WMFRECORD record; WORD params[NPARMWORDS]; Object **objects, *objp = NULL; guint nobjects; guint units_per_in; guint i, j, jj, k; gint ix; guchar *string; guint record_counter = 0; GdkRectangle bbox; gboolean have_bbox = FALSE; OrgAndExt window, viewport; #define XMAPPAR(param) (((double) (GINT16_FROM_LE (param) - window.org_x) * viewport.ext_x / window.ext_x) + viewport.org_x) #define YMAPPAR(param) (((double) (GINT16_FROM_LE (param) - window.org_y) * viewport.ext_y / window.ext_y) + viewport.org_y) #define XIMAPPAR(param) ((gint) XMAPPAR (param)) #define YIMAPPAR(param) ((gint) YMAPPAR (param)) #define XSCALE(value) ((value) * (double) viewport.ext_x / window.ext_x) #define YSCALE(value) ((value) * (double) viewport.ext_y / window.ext_y) Canvas *canvas = NULL; GdkGCValues gc_values; DC *dc; GdkVisual *visual; GdkPoint *points; double x, y; guint npoints; guint npolys; guint *nppoints; GdkImage *image; GPixelRgn pixel_rgn; gint32 image_ID = -1; gint32 layer_ID; GDrawable *drawable; guchar *pixelp; gulong pixel; guint start, end, scanlines; guchar *buf, *bufp; GdkColor *colors; guchar *rtbl, *gtbl, *btbl; guint rmask, gmask, bmask, rshift, gshift, bshift; int argc; char **argv; argc = 1; argv = g_new (char*, 1); argv[0] = g_strdup ("wmf"); gdk_init (&argc, &argv); fp = fopen (filename, "rb"); if (!fp) { g_message ("WMF: can't open \"%s\"", filename); return -1; } name_buf = g_malloc (strlen (filename) + 100); sprintf (name_buf, "Interpreting %s:", filename); gimp_progress_init (name_buf); g_free (name_buf); if (!ReadOK (fp, buffer, SIZE_WMFHEAD)) { g_message ("WMF: Failed to read metafile header"); return -1; } g_memmove (&apm_head.Key, buffer, 4); if (GUINT32_FROM_LE (apm_head.Key) == 0x9ac6cdd7) { if (!ReadOK (fp, buffer + SIZE_WMFHEAD, SIZE_PLACEABLEMETAHEADER - SIZE_WMFHEAD)) { g_message ("WMF: Failed to read placeable metafile header"); return -1; } g_memmove (&apm_head.Left, buffer + 6, 2); g_memmove (&apm_head.Top, buffer + 8, 2); g_memmove (&apm_head.Right, buffer + 10, 2); g_memmove (&apm_head.Bottom, buffer + 12, 2); g_memmove (&apm_head.Inch, buffer + 14, 2); bbox.x = GINT16_FROM_LE (apm_head.Left); bbox.y = GINT16_FROM_LE (apm_head.Top); bbox.width = GUINT16_FROM_LE (apm_head.Right) - bbox.x; bbox.height = GUINT16_FROM_LE (apm_head.Bottom) - bbox.y; have_bbox = TRUE; units_per_in = GUINT16_FROM_LE (apm_head.Inch); if (!ReadOK (fp, buffer, SIZE_WMFHEAD)) { g_message ("WMF: Failed to read metafile header"); return -1; } } else { units_per_in = 1440; } viewport.org_x = viewport.org_y = 0; viewport.valid = FALSE; window.org_x = window.org_y = 0; window.valid = FALSE; #ifdef GTK_HAVE_FEATURES_1_1_2 pixs_per_in = (int) (25.4 * gdk_screen_width () / gdk_screen_width_mm ()); #else pixs_per_in = 72; #endif g_memmove (&wmf_head.Version, buffer + 4, 2); g_memmove (&wmf_head.FileSize, buffer + 6, 4); g_memmove (&wmf_head.NumOfObjects, buffer + 10, 2); if (GUINT16_FROM_LE (wmf_head.Version) != 0x0300) { g_message ("WMF: Metafile has wrong version, got %#x, expected 0x300", GUINT16_FROM_LE (wmf_head.Version)); return -1; } nobjects = GUINT16_FROM_LE (wmf_head.NumOfObjects); objects = g_new (Object*, nobjects); for (i = 0; i < nobjects; i++) objects[i] = NULL; while (1) { if (!ReadOK (fp, buffer, SIZE_WMFRECORD)) { g_message ("WMF: Failed to read metafile record"); return -1; } g_memmove (&record.Size, buffer, 4); g_memmove (&record.Function, buffer + 4, 2); record_counter++; #if 0 g_print ("%#x %d\n", GUINT16_FROM_LE (record.Function), GUINT32_FROM_LE (record.Size)); #endif switch (GUINT16_FROM_LE (record.Function)) { case SetWindowOrg: if (!readparams (record.Size, 2, fp, params)) return -1; window.org_y = GINT16_FROM_LE (params[0]); window.org_x = GINT16_FROM_LE (params[1]); sync_record (record.Size, 2, fp); break; case SetViewportOrg: if (!readparams (record.Size, 2, fp, params)) return -1; viewport.org_y = GINT16_FROM_LE (params[0]); viewport.org_x = GINT16_FROM_LE (params[1]); sync_record (record.Size, 2, fp); break; case SetWindowExt: if (!readparams (record.Size, 2, fp, params)) return -1; window.ext_y = GINT16_FROM_LE (params[0]); window.ext_x = GINT16_FROM_LE (params[1]); window.valid = TRUE; sync_record (record.Size, 2, fp); break; case SetViewportExt: if (!readparams (record.Size, 2, fp, params)) return -1; viewport.ext_y = GINT16_FROM_LE (params[0]); viewport.ext_x = GINT16_FROM_LE (params[1]); viewport.valid = TRUE; sync_record (record.Size, 2, fp); break; case IntersectClipRect: if (!readparams (record.Size, 4, fp, params)) return -1; /* XXX */ sync_record (record.Size, 4, fp); break; case SaveDC: dc = g_new (DC, 1); if (canvas == NULL) canvas = make_canvas (&window, &viewport, have_bbox, &bbox, units_per_in); *dc = canvas->dc; dc->gc = gdk_gc_new (canvas->pixmap); dc->tag = saved_dc_tag++; gdk_gc_copy (dc->gc, canvas->dc.gc); gdk_font_ref (dc->font->font); canvas->dc_stack = g_slist_prepend (canvas->dc_stack, dc); sync_record (record.Size, 0, fp); break; case RestoreDC: if (!readparams (record.Size, 1, fp, params)) return -1; ix = GINT16_FROM_LE (params[0]); if (ix >= 0) { fclose (fp); g_message ("WMF: RestoreDC with positive argument (%d)?", ix); return -1; } while (ix++ < 0) { if (canvas->dc_stack == NULL) { fclose (fp); g_message ("WMF: DC stack underflow"); return -1; } gdk_gc_unref (canvas->dc.gc); gdk_font_unref (canvas->dc.font->font); canvas->dc = *((DC *) canvas->dc_stack->data); canvas->dc_stack = g_slist_next (canvas->dc_stack); } sync_record (record.Size, 1, fp); break; case SetBkColor: if (!readparams (record.Size, 2, fp, params)) return -1; if (canvas == NULL) canvas = make_canvas (&window, &viewport, have_bbox, &bbox, units_per_in); set_color (params + 0, &canvas->dc.bg); if (!gdk_color_alloc (canvas->colormap, &canvas->dc.bg)) { fclose (fp); g_message ("WMF: Couldn't allocate color"); return -1; } sync_record (record.Size, 2, fp); break; case SetBkMode: if (!readparams (record.Size, 1, fp, params)) return -1; switch (GINT16_FROM_LE (params[0])) { case TRANSPARENT: break; case OPAQUE: if (!warned_opaque) { g_message ("The WMF file contains SetBkMode (OPAQUE).\n" "This is not supported, sorry. The resulting\n" "image might not look quite right."); warned_opaque = TRUE; } break; default: fclose (fp); g_message ("WMF: Invalid case %d at line %d", GINT16_FROM_LE (params[0]), __LINE__); break; } sync_record (record.Size, 1, fp); break; case SetTextColor: if (!readparams (record.Size, 2, fp, params)) return -1; if (canvas == NULL) canvas = make_canvas (&window, &viewport, have_bbox, &bbox, units_per_in); set_color (params + 0, &canvas->dc.textColor); if (!gdk_color_alloc (canvas->colormap, &canvas->dc.textColor)) { fclose (fp); g_message ("WMF: Couldn't allocate color"); return -1; } sync_record (record.Size, 2, fp); break; case SetTextAlign: if (!readparams (record.Size, 1, fp, params)) return -1; /* XXX */ sync_record (record.Size, 1, fp); break; case SetROP2: if (!readparams (record.Size, 1, fp, params)) return -1; if (canvas == NULL) canvas = make_canvas (&window, &viewport, have_bbox, &bbox, units_per_in); switch (GUINT16_FROM_LE (params[0])) { case R2_COPYPEN: gdk_gc_set_function (canvas->dc.gc, GDK_COPY); break; case R2_NOT: gdk_gc_set_function (canvas->dc.gc, GDK_INVERT); break; case R2_XORPEN: gdk_gc_set_function (canvas->dc.gc, GDK_XOR); break; #ifdef GDK_CLEAR /* Other ROPs not in gdk 1.0 */ case R2_BLACK: gdk_gc_set_function (canvas->dc.gc, GDK_CLEAR); break; case R2_MASKPEN: gdk_gc_set_function (canvas->dc.gc, GDK_AND); break; case R2_MASKPENNOT: gdk_gc_set_function (canvas->dc.gc, GDK_AND_REVERSE); break; case R2_MASKNOTPEN: gdk_gc_set_function (canvas->dc.gc, GDK_AND_INVERT); break; case R2_NOP: gdk_gc_set_function (canvas->dc.gc, GDK_NOOP); break; case R2_MERGEPEN: gdk_gc_set_function (canvas->dc.gc, GDK_OR); break; case R2_NOTXORPEN: gdk_gc_set_function (canvas->dc.gc, GDK_EQUIV); break; case R2_MERGEPENNOT: gdk_gc_set_function (canvas->dc.gc, GDK_OR_REVERSE); break; case R2_NOTCOPYPEN: gdk_gc_set_function (canvas->dc.gc, GDK_COPY_INVERT); break; case R2_MERGENOTPEN: gdk_gc_set_function (canvas->dc.gc, GDK_OR_INVERT); break; case R2_NOTMASKPEN: gdk_gc_set_function (canvas->dc.gc, GDK_NAND); break; case R2_WHITE: gdk_gc_set_function (canvas->dc.gc, GDK_SET); break; #endif default: fclose (fp); g_message ("Invalid ROP2"); return -1; } sync_record (record.Size, 1, fp); break; case SetStretchBltMode: if (!readparams (record.Size, 1, fp, params)) return -1; /* XXX */ sync_record (record.Size, 1, fp); break; case SetPolyFillMode: if (!readparams (record.Size, 1, fp, params)) return -1; /* GDK has no way to set the fill rule of a GdkGC! */ /* XXX */ sync_record (record.Size, 1, fp); break; case SetMapMode: if (!readparams (record.Size, 1, fp, params)) return -1; switch (GUINT16_FROM_LE (params[0])) { case MM_ANISOTROPIC: case MM_ISOTROPIC: break; case MM_HIENGLISH: units_per_in = 1000; goto set_window_and_viewport; case MM_HIMETRIC: units_per_in = 2540; goto set_window_and_viewport; case MM_LOENGLISH: units_per_in = 100; goto set_window_and_viewport; case MM_LOMETRIC: units_per_in = 254; goto set_window_and_viewport; case MM_TEXT: units_per_in = pixs_per_in; goto set_window_and_viewport; case MM_TWIPS: units_per_in = 1440; set_window_and_viewport: window.valid = TRUE; viewport.valid = TRUE; window.org_x = window.org_y = viewport.org_x = viewport.org_y = 0; window.ext_x = units_per_in * 4; window.ext_y = units_per_in * 3; viewport.ext_x = load_vals.scale * fabs (window.ext_x) / units_per_in * pixs_per_in; viewport.ext_y = load_vals.scale * fabs (window.ext_y) / units_per_in * pixs_per_in; break; default: fclose (fp); g_message ("WMF: Invalid case %d at line %d", GUINT16_FROM_LE (params[0]), __LINE__); return -1; } sync_record (record.Size, 1, fp); break; case SetRelabs: if (!readparams (record.Size, 1, fp, params)) return -1; /* XXX */ sync_record (record.Size, 1, fp); break; case CreatePenIndirect: if (!readparams (record.Size, 5, fp, params)) return -1; if ((objp = new_object (OBJ_PEN, objects, nobjects)) == NULL) { fclose (fp); return -1; } objp->u.pen.invisible = FALSE; switch (GUINT16_FROM_LE (params[0])) { case PS_SOLID: case PS_INSIDEFRAME: objp->u.pen.style = GDK_LINE_SOLID; break; case PS_DASH: case PS_DOT: case PS_DASHDOT: case PS_DASHDOTDOT: objp->u.pen.style = GDK_LINE_ON_OFF_DASH; break; case PS_NULL: objp->u.pen.style = GDK_LINE_SOLID; objp->u.pen.invisible = TRUE; break; default: g_message ("WMF: Unrecognized pen style %#x", GUINT16_FROM_LE (params[0])); fclose (fp); return -1; } if (canvas == NULL) canvas = make_canvas (&window, &viewport, have_bbox, &bbox, units_per_in); objp->u.pen.width = (int) XSCALE (GUINT16_FROM_LE (params[1]) + (GUINT16_FROM_LE (params[2]) << 16)); set_color (params+3, &objp->u.pen.color); if (!gdk_color_alloc (canvas->colormap, &objp->u.pen.color)) { g_message ("WMF: Couldn't allocate color"); fclose (fp); return -1; } /* CreatePenIndirect records sometimes have junk padding? */ sync_record (record.Size, 5, fp); break; case CreateBrushIndirect: if (!readparams (record.Size, 4, fp, params)) return -1; if ((objp = new_object (OBJ_BRUSH, objects, nobjects)) == NULL) { fclose (fp); return -1; } objp->u.brush.style = GUINT16_FROM_LE (params[0]); objp->u.brush.invisible = FALSE; if (objp->u.brush.style == BS_NULL) objp->u.brush.invisible = TRUE; set_color (params+1, &objp->u.brush.color); if (canvas == NULL) canvas = make_canvas (&window, &viewport, have_bbox, &bbox, units_per_in); if (!gdk_color_alloc (canvas->colormap, &objp->u.brush.color)) { g_message ("WMF: Couldn't allocate color"); fclose (fp); return -1; } objp->u.brush.hatch = GUINT16_FROM_LE (params[3]); sync_record (record.Size, 4, fp); break; case DibCreatePatternBrush: if ((objp = new_object (OBJ_PATTERNBRUSH, objects, nobjects)) == NULL) { fclose (fp); return -1; } /* Ignored for now */ sync_record (record.Size, 0, fp); break; case CreatePalette: if ((objp = new_object (OBJ_PALETTE, objects, nobjects)) == NULL) { fclose (fp); return -1; } /* XXX */ sync_record (record.Size, 0, fp); break; case CreateFontIndirect: if (!readparams (record.Size, 9, fp, params)) return -1; if ((objp = new_object (OBJ_FONT, objects, nobjects)) == NULL) { fclose (fp); return -1; } { gint height, orientation, weight, italic, pitch_family; char *pitch, *slant, *fontname, *name, *name2; height = ABS (GINT16_FROM_LE (params[0])); if (height == 0) height = 12; /* Orientation ignored for now. GDK doesn't support * tilted text anyway. We could of course rotate it by hand. */ orientation = GUINT16_FROM_LE (params[2]); if (orientation != 0 && !warned_orientation) { g_message ("The WMF file contains non-horizontal fonts.\n" "This is not supported, sorry. The resulting\n" "image will not look quite right."); warned_orientation = TRUE; } weight = GUINT16_FROM_LE (params[4]); italic = (GUINT16_FROM_LE (params[5]) & 0xFF); pitch_family = ((GUINT16_FROM_LE (params[8]) >> 8) & 0xFF); if ((pitch_family & 0x03) == 1) pitch = "m"; else if ((pitch_family & 0x03) == 2) pitch = "p"; else pitch = "*"; if (italic) { if ((pitch_family & 0x3) == 1) slant = "o"; else slant = "i"; } else slant = "r"; k = GUINT32_FROM_LE (record.Size) - 9 - SIZE_WMFRECORD/2; name = g_malloc (k*2 + 1); for (i = 0; i < k*2; i++) { if ((i & 1) == 0) { if (!readparams (0, 1, fp, params)) return -1; name[i] = (params[0] & 0xFF); } else name[i] = ((params[0] >> 8) & 0xFF); } name[k*2] = '\0'; #if 0 g_print ("font name: %s\n", name); #endif /* Very rough mapping from typical Windows fonts to XLFD */ g_strdown (name); if (strcmp (name, "system") == 0) name2 = "courier"; else if (strncmp (name, "arial", 5) == 0) name2 = "helvetica"; else if (strncmp (name, "courier", 7) == 0) name2 = "courier"; else name2 = name; fontname = g_malloc (200); sprintf (fontname, "-*-%s-%s-%s-%s-*-%d-*-*-*-%s-*-*-*", name2, (weight >= 700 ? "bold" : (weight >= 400 ? "medium" : "*")), slant, "*", (int) YSCALE (height), pitch); #if 0 g_print ("XLFD font: %s\n", fontname); #endif objp->u.font.font = gdk_font_load (fontname); if (objp->u.font.font == NULL) { sprintf (fontname, "-*-%s-%s-%s-%s-*-%d-*-*-*-%s-*-*-*", "*", (weight >= 700 ? "bold" : (weight >= 400 ? "medium" : "*")), "*", "*", (int) YSCALE (height), "*"); #if 0 g_print ("Another XLFD font: %s\n", fontname); #endif objp->u.font.font = gdk_font_load (fontname); if (objp->u.font.font == NULL) { fclose (fp); g_message ("WMF: Cannot load suitable font, not even %s", fontname); return -1; } } g_free (name); g_free (fontname); } break; case SelectObject: if (!readparams (record.Size, 1, fp, params)) return -1; k = GUINT16_FROM_LE (params[0]); if (k >= nobjects) { fclose (fp); g_message ("WMF: Selecting out of bounds object index"); return -1; } objp = objects[k]; if (objp == NULL) { fclose (fp); g_message ("WMF: Selecting NULL object"); return -1; } switch (objp->type) { case OBJ_BRUSH: if (canvas == NULL) canvas = make_canvas (&window, &viewport, have_bbox, &bbox, units_per_in); canvas->dc.brush = &objp->u.brush; break; case OBJ_PEN: if (canvas == NULL) canvas = make_canvas (&window, &viewport, have_bbox, &bbox, units_per_in); canvas->dc.pen = &objp->u.pen; gdk_gc_get_values (canvas->dc.gc, &gc_values); gdk_gc_set_line_attributes (canvas->dc.gc, objp->u.pen.width, objp->u.pen.style, gc_values.cap_style, gc_values.join_style); break; case OBJ_PATTERNBRUSH: /* XXX */ break; case OBJ_FONT: gdk_font_unref (canvas->dc.font->font); canvas->dc.font = &objp->u.font; gdk_font_ref (canvas->dc.font->font); break; default: fclose (fp); g_message ("WMF: Unhandled case %d at line %d", objp->type, __LINE__); return -1; } sync_record (record.Size, 1, fp); break; case SelectPalette: if (!readparams (record.Size, 1, fp, params)) return -1; k = GUINT16_FROM_LE (params[0]); if (k >= nobjects) { fclose (fp); g_message ("WMF: Selecting out of bounds palette index"); return -1; } objp = objects[k]; if (objp == NULL) { fclose (fp); g_message ("WMF: Selecting NULL palette"); return -1; } if (objp->type != OBJ_PALETTE) { fclose (fp); g_message ("WMF: SelectPalette selects non-palette"); return -1; } /* XXX */ sync_record (record.Size, 1, fp); break; case RealizePalette: /* XXX */ sync_record (record.Size, 0, fp); break; case DeleteObject: if (!readparams (record.Size, 1, fp, params)) return -1; k = GUINT16_FROM_LE (params[0]); if (k >= nobjects) { fclose (fp); g_message ("WMF: Deleting out of bounds object index"); return -1; } objp = objects[k]; if (objp == NULL) { fclose (fp); g_message ("WMF: Deleting already deleted object"); return -1; } if (objp->type == OBJ_FONT) gdk_font_unref (objp->u.font.font); g_free (objp); objects[k] = NULL; break; case MoveTo: if (!readparams (record.Size, 2, fp, params)) return -1; if (canvas == NULL) canvas = make_canvas (&window, &viewport, have_bbox, &bbox, units_per_in); canvas->curx = XMAPPAR (params[1]); canvas->cury = YMAPPAR (params[0]); sync_record (record.Size, 2, fp); break; case LineTo: if (!readparams (record.Size, 2, fp, params)) return -1; if (canvas == NULL) canvas = make_canvas (&window, &viewport, have_bbox, &bbox, units_per_in); x = XMAPPAR (params[1]); y = YMAPPAR (params[0]); gdk_draw_line (canvas->pixmap, canvas->dc.gc, (gint) canvas->curx, (gint) canvas->cury, (gint) x, (gint) y); canvas->curx = x; canvas->cury = y; sync_record (record.Size, 2, fp); break; case Polyline: if (!readparams (record.Size, 1, fp, params)) return -1; npoints = GUINT16_FROM_LE (params[0]); points = g_new (GdkPoint, npoints); for (i = 0; i < npoints; i++) { if (!readparams (0, 2, fp, params)) return -1; points[i].x = XIMAPPAR (params[0]); points[i].y = YIMAPPAR (params[1]); } if (canvas == NULL) canvas = make_canvas (&window, &viewport, have_bbox, &bbox, units_per_in); gdk_gc_set_foreground (canvas->dc.gc, &canvas->dc.pen->color); gdk_draw_lines (canvas->pixmap, canvas->dc.gc, points, npoints); g_free (points); break; case Rectangle: if (!readparams (record.Size, 4, fp, params)) return -1; if (canvas == NULL) canvas = make_canvas (&window, &viewport, have_bbox, &bbox, units_per_in); if (!canvas->dc.brush->invisible) { gdk_gc_set_foreground (canvas->dc.gc, &canvas->dc.brush->color); gdk_draw_rectangle (canvas->pixmap, canvas->dc.gc, TRUE, XIMAPPAR (params[3]), YIMAPPAR (params[2]), XIMAPPAR (params[1]) - XIMAPPAR (params[3]), YIMAPPAR (params[2]) - YIMAPPAR (params[2])); } if (!canvas->dc.pen->invisible) { gdk_gc_set_foreground (canvas->dc.gc, &canvas->dc.pen->color); gdk_draw_rectangle (canvas->pixmap, canvas->dc.gc, FALSE, XIMAPPAR (params[3]), YIMAPPAR (params[2]), XIMAPPAR (params[1]) - XIMAPPAR (params[3]), YIMAPPAR (params[2]) - YIMAPPAR (params[2])); } sync_record (record.Size, 4, fp); break; case Ellipse: if (!readparams (record.Size, 4, fp, params)) return -1; if (canvas == NULL) canvas = make_canvas (&window, &viewport, have_bbox, &bbox, units_per_in); if (!canvas->dc.brush->invisible) { gdk_gc_set_foreground (canvas->dc.gc, &canvas->dc.brush->color); gdk_draw_arc (canvas->pixmap, canvas->dc.gc, TRUE, XIMAPPAR (params[3]), YIMAPPAR (params[2]), XIMAPPAR (params[1]) - XIMAPPAR (params[3]), YIMAPPAR (params[0]) - YIMAPPAR (params[2]), 0, 360 * 64); } if (!canvas->dc.pen->invisible) { gdk_gc_set_foreground (canvas->dc.gc, &canvas->dc.pen->color); gdk_draw_arc (canvas->pixmap, canvas->dc.gc, FALSE, XIMAPPAR (params[3]), YIMAPPAR (params[2]), XIMAPPAR (params[1]) - XIMAPPAR (params[3]), YIMAPPAR (params[0]) - YIMAPPAR (params[2]), 0, 360 * 64); } sync_record (record.Size, 4, fp); break; case Polygon: if (!readparams (record.Size, 1, fp, params)) return -1; npoints = GUINT16_FROM_LE (params[0]); points = g_new (GdkPoint, npoints); for (i = 0; i < npoints; i++) { if (!readparams (0, 2, fp, params)) return -1; points[i].x = XIMAPPAR (params[0]); points[i].y = YIMAPPAR (params[1]); } if (canvas == NULL) canvas = make_canvas (&window, &viewport, have_bbox, &bbox, units_per_in); if (!canvas->dc.brush->invisible) { gdk_gc_set_foreground (canvas->dc.gc, &canvas->dc.brush->color); gdk_draw_polygon (canvas->pixmap, canvas->dc.gc, TRUE, points, npoints); } if (!canvas->dc.pen->invisible) { gdk_gc_set_foreground (canvas->dc.gc, &canvas->dc.pen->color); gdk_draw_polygon (canvas->pixmap, canvas->dc.gc, FALSE, points, npoints); } g_free (points); break; case PolyPolygon: if (!readparams (record.Size, 1, fp, params)) return -1; if (canvas == NULL) canvas = make_canvas (&window, &viewport, have_bbox, &bbox, units_per_in); /* Number of polygons */ npolys = GUINT16_FROM_LE (params[0]); nppoints = g_new (guint, npolys); for (i = 0; i < npolys; i++) { if (!readparams (0, 1, fp, params)) return -1; nppoints[i] = GUINT16_FROM_LE (params[0]); } for (i = 0; i < npolys; i++) { points = g_new (GdkPoint, nppoints[i]); for (j = 0; j < nppoints[i]; j++) { if (!readparams (0, 2, fp, params)) return -1; points[j].x = XIMAPPAR (params[0]); points[j].y = YIMAPPAR (params[1]); } if (!canvas->dc.brush->invisible) { gdk_gc_set_foreground (canvas->dc.gc, &canvas->dc.brush->color); gdk_draw_polygon (canvas->pixmap, canvas->dc.gc, TRUE, points, nppoints[i]); } if (!canvas->dc.pen->invisible) { gdk_gc_set_foreground (canvas->dc.gc, &canvas->dc.pen->color); gdk_draw_polygon (canvas->pixmap, canvas->dc.gc, TRUE, points, nppoints[i]); } g_free (points); } g_free (nppoints); break; case TextOut: if (!readparams (record.Size, 1, fp, params)) return -1; k = GUINT16_FROM_LE (params[0]); string = g_malloc (k); for (i = 0; i < k; i++) { if ((i & 1) == 0) { if (!readparams (0, 1, fp, params)) return -1; j++; string[i] = (params[0] & 0xFF); } else string[i] = ((params[0] >> 8) & 0xFF); } if (!readparams (0, 2, fp, params)) return -1; x = XMAPPAR (params[1]); y = YMAPPAR (params[0]); gdk_gc_set_foreground (canvas->dc.gc, &canvas->dc.textColor); gdk_draw_text (canvas->pixmap, canvas->dc.font->font, canvas->dc.gc, (gint) x, (gint) y, string, k); g_free (string); break; case ExtTextOut: if (!readparams (record.Size, 4, fp, params)) return -1; /* Count words read */ j = SIZE_WMFRECORD/2 + 4; x = XMAPPAR (params[1]); y = YMAPPAR (params[0]); /* String length ? */ k = GUINT16_FROM_LE (params[2]); /* What is the fourth parameter? */ string = g_malloc (k); for (i = 0; i < k; i++) { if ((i & 1) == 0) { if (!readparams (0, 1, fp, params)) return -1; j++; string[i] = (params[0] & 0xFF); } else string[i] = ((params[0] >> 8) & 0xFF); } gdk_gc_set_foreground (canvas->dc.gc, &canvas->dc.textColor); /* ExtTextOut records can have an optional list of distances * between characters. */ if (j < GUINT16_FROM_LE (record.Size)) for (i = 0; i < k; i++) { gdk_draw_text (canvas->pixmap, canvas->dc.font->font, canvas->dc.gc, (gint) x, (gint) y, string + i, 1); if (j < GUINT16_FROM_LE (record.Size)) if (!readparams (0, 1, fp, params)) return -1; x += (int) XSCALE (GINT16_FROM_LE (params[0])); } else gdk_draw_text (canvas->pixmap, canvas->dc.font->font, canvas->dc.gc, (gint) x, (gint) y, string, k); g_free (string); break; case EndOfFile: fclose (fp); gimp_progress_update (1.0); if (canvas->height >= 100) { name_buf = g_malloc (strlen (filename) + 100); sprintf (name_buf, "Transferring image"); gimp_progress_init (name_buf); g_free (name_buf); } image_ID = gimp_image_new (canvas->width, canvas->height, RGB); gimp_image_set_filename (image_ID, filename); layer_ID = gimp_layer_new (image_ID, "Background", canvas->width, canvas->height, RGB_IMAGE, 100, NORMAL_MODE); gimp_image_add_layer (image_ID, layer_ID, 0); drawable = gimp_drawable_get (layer_ID); image = gdk_image_get (canvas->pixmap, 0, 0, canvas->width, canvas->height); gimp_pixel_rgn_init (&pixel_rgn, drawable, 0, 0, drawable->width, drawable->height, TRUE, FALSE); if (pixel_rgn.bpp != 3) abort (); visual = gdk_visual_get_system (); switch (visual->type) { case GDK_VISUAL_PSEUDO_COLOR: buf = g_malloc (gimp_tile_height() * canvas->width * 3); colors = canvas->colormap->colors; for (j = 0; j < canvas->height;) { start = j; end = MIN (j + gimp_tile_height (), canvas->height); scanlines = end - start; bufp = buf; for (jj = 0; jj < scanlines; jj++) { pixelp = ((guchar *) image->mem) + (j + jj) * image->bpl; for (i = 0; i < canvas->width; i++) { *bufp++ = colors[*pixelp].red >> 8; *bufp++ = colors[*pixelp].green >> 8; *bufp++ = colors[*pixelp].blue >> 8; pixelp++; } } gimp_pixel_rgn_set_rect (&pixel_rgn, buf, 0, j, canvas->width, scanlines); if (canvas->height >= 100) gimp_progress_update ((double) j / canvas->height); j += scanlines; } if (canvas->height >= 100) gimp_progress_update (1.0); g_free (buf); break; case GDK_VISUAL_TRUE_COLOR: buf = g_malloc (gimp_tile_height () * canvas->width * 3); /* Set up mappings from subfield ranges to full 0..255 range */ k = 1 << visual->red_prec; rtbl = g_malloc (k); for (i = 0; i < k; i++) rtbl[i] = (i * 255) / (k-1); k = 1 << visual->green_prec; gtbl = g_malloc (k); for (i = 0; i < k; i++) gtbl[i] = (i * 255) / (k-1); k = 1 << visual->blue_prec; btbl = g_malloc (k); for (i = 0; i < k; i++) btbl[i] = (i * 255) / (k-1); #if 0 g_print ("R: %.08x, %d, %d\n", visual->red_mask, visual->red_shift, visual->red_prec); g_print ("G: %.08x, %d, %d\n", visual->green_mask, visual->green_shift, visual->green_prec); g_print ("B: %.08x, %d, %d\n", visual->blue_mask, visual->blue_shift, visual->blue_prec); g_print ("byte order: %s\n", (visual->byte_order == GDK_LSB_FIRST ? "LSB_FIRST" : (visual->byte_order == GDK_MSB_FIRST ? "MSB_FIRST" : "???"))); #endif rmask = visual->red_mask; gmask = visual->green_mask; bmask = visual->blue_mask; rshift = visual->red_shift; gshift = visual->green_shift; bshift = visual->blue_shift; if ((image->depth > 8 && image->bpp == 1) || image->bpp > 4) { /* Workaround for bugs in GDK */ if (image->bpp > 4) /* GDK has set image->bpp to bits-per-pixel, * correct it to bytes-per-pixel. */ image->bpp = (image->bpp + 7) / 8; else if (image->depth > 24) image->bpp = 4; else if (image->depth > 16) image->bpp = 3; else image->bpp = 2; } for (j = 0; j < canvas->height;) { start = j; end = MIN (j + gimp_tile_height (), canvas->height); scanlines = end - start; bufp = buf; for (jj = 0; jj < scanlines; jj++) { pixelp = ((guchar *) image->mem) + (j + jj) * image->bpl; for (i = 0; i < canvas->width; i++) { pixel = 0; if (visual->byte_order == GDK_LSB_FIRST) #if 1 { k = image->bpp - 1; switch (k) { case 3: pixel |= (pixelp[3] << 24); /* Fallthrough on purpose */ case 2: pixel |= (pixelp[2] << 16); /* ditto */ case 1: pixel |= (pixelp[1] << 8); /* ditto */ case 0: pixel |= (pixelp[0]); } } #else for (k = 0; k < image->bpp; k++) pixel |= (pixelp[k] << (k*8)); #endif else for (k = 0; k < image->bpp; k++) pixel |= (pixelp[image->bpp - k - 1] << (k*8)); *bufp++ = rtbl[(pixel & rmask) >> rshift]; *bufp++ = gtbl[(pixel & gmask) >> gshift]; *bufp++ = btbl[(pixel & bmask) >> bshift]; pixelp += image->bpp; } } gimp_pixel_rgn_set_rect (&pixel_rgn, buf, 0, j, canvas->width, scanlines); if (canvas->height >= 100) gimp_progress_update ((double) j / canvas->height); j += scanlines; } if (canvas->height >= 100) gimp_progress_update (1.0); g_free (buf); g_free (rtbl); g_free (gtbl); g_free (btbl); break; default: g_message ("Unsupported image visual"); return -1; } gimp_drawable_flush (drawable); return image_ID; default: if (!warned_unhandled) { g_message ("WMF: Unhandled operation %#x. Check the web page\n" "http://www.iki.fi/tml/gimp/wmf/ for a possible new\n" "version of the wmf plug-in. (This is version %s).\n" "If you already have the latest version, please send\n" "the WMF file you tried to load to the wmf plug-in\n" "author, Tor Lillqvist , and he might\n" "try to add the missing feature. No promise that\n" "he has any interest any longer, of course.", GUINT16_FROM_LE (record.Function), VERSION); warned_unhandled = TRUE; } sync_record (record.Size, 0, fp); } if (record_counter % 10 == 0) gimp_progress_update (((double) ftell (fp) / 2) / GUINT32_FROM_LE (wmf_head.FileSize)); } /*NOTREACHED*/ fclose (fp); return image_ID; } static gint readparams (DWORD size, guint nparams, FILE *fp, WORD *params) { gulong nwords; if (size != 0) { nwords = GUINT32_FROM_LE (size) - SIZE_WMFRECORD/2; if (nwords < nparams) { fclose (fp); g_message ("WMF: too small record?"); return 0; } } if (nparams > NPARMWORDS) { fclose (fp); g_message ("WMF: too large record?"); return 0; } if (nparams > 0 && !ReadOK (fp, params, nparams * sizeof (WORD))) { fclose (fp); g_message ("WMF: Read failed"); return 0; } return 1; } static void sync_record (DWORD size, guint nparams, FILE *fp) { gulong nwords; nwords = GUINT32_FROM_LE (size) - SIZE_WMFRECORD/2; if (nwords > nparams) fseek (fp, (nwords - nparams) * 2, SEEK_CUR); }