/* * colorsel_triangle module (C) 1999 Simon Budig * http://www.home.unix-ag.org/simon/gimp/colorsel.html * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * Ported to loadable colour selector interface by Austin Donnelly * */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include "libgimpcolor/gimpcolor.h" #include "libgimpmath/gimpmath.h" #include "libgimpmodule/gimpmodule.h" #include "libgimpwidgets/gimpwidgets.h" #include "libgimp/libgimp-intl.h" #define BGCOLOR 180 #define MINIMUM_SIZE 48 #define PREVIEW_MASK (GDK_BUTTON_PRESS_MASK | \ GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK | \ GDK_BUTTON_MOTION_MASK ) #define COLORSEL_TYPE_TRIANGLE (colorsel_triangle_type) #define COLORSEL_TRIANGLE(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((obj), COLORSEL_TYPE_TRIANGLE, ColorselTriangle)) #define COLORSEL_TRIANGLE_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), COLORSEL_TYPE_TRIANGLE, ColorselTriangleClass)) #define COLORSEL_IS_TRIANGLE(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((obj), COLORSEL_TYPE_TRIANGLE)) #define COLORSEL_IS_TRIANGLE_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE ((klass), COLORSEL_TYPE_TRIANGLE)) typedef struct _ColorselTriangle ColorselTriangle; typedef struct _ColorselTriangleClass ColorselTriangleClass; struct _ColorselTriangle { GimpColorSelector parent_instance; gdouble oldsat; gdouble oldval; gint mode; GtkWidget *preview; gint wheelradius; gint triangleradius; }; struct _ColorselTriangleClass { GimpColorSelectorClass parent_class; }; static GType colorsel_triangle_get_type (GTypeModule *module); static void colorsel_triangle_class_init (ColorselTriangleClass *klass); static void colorsel_triangle_init (ColorselTriangle *triangle); static void colorsel_triangle_set_color (GimpColorSelector *selector, const GimpRGB *rgb, const GimpHSV *hsv); static void colorsel_xy_to_triangle_buf (gint x, gint y, gdouble hue, guchar *buf, gint sx, gint sy, gint vx, gint vy, gint hx, gint hy); static GtkWidget *colorsel_triangle_create_preview (ColorselTriangle *triangle); static void colorsel_triangle_update_preview (ColorselTriangle *triangle); static void colorsel_triangle_size_allocate (GtkWidget *widget, GtkAllocation *allocation, ColorselTriangle *triangle); static gboolean colorsel_triangle_event (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEvent *event, ColorselTriangle *triangle); static const GimpModuleInfo colorsel_triangle_info = { GIMP_MODULE_ABI_VERSION, N_("Painter-style triangle color selector"), "Simon Budig ", "v0.03", "(c) 1999, released under the GPL", "17 Jan 1999" }; static const GtkTargetEntry targets[] = { { "application/x-color", 0 } }; static GType colorsel_triangle_type = 0; static GimpColorSelectorClass *parent_class = NULL; G_MODULE_EXPORT const GimpModuleInfo * gimp_module_query (GTypeModule *module) { return &colorsel_triangle_info; } G_MODULE_EXPORT gboolean gimp_module_register (GTypeModule *module) { colorsel_triangle_get_type (module); return TRUE; } static GType colorsel_triangle_get_type (GTypeModule *module) { if (! colorsel_triangle_type) { static const GTypeInfo select_info = { sizeof (ColorselTriangleClass), (GBaseInitFunc) NULL, (GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL, (GClassInitFunc) colorsel_triangle_class_init, NULL, /* class_finalize */ NULL, /* class_data */ sizeof (ColorselTriangle), 0, /* n_preallocs */ (GInstanceInitFunc) colorsel_triangle_init, }; colorsel_triangle_type = g_type_module_register_type (module, GIMP_TYPE_COLOR_SELECTOR, "ColorselTriangle", &select_info, 0); } return colorsel_triangle_type; } static void colorsel_triangle_class_init (ColorselTriangleClass *klass) { GimpColorSelectorClass *selector_class = GIMP_COLOR_SELECTOR_CLASS (klass); parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass); selector_class->name = _("Triangle"); selector_class->help_id = "gimp-colorselector-triangle"; selector_class->stock_id = GIMP_STOCK_COLOR_TRIANGLE; selector_class->set_color = colorsel_triangle_set_color; } static void colorsel_triangle_init (ColorselTriangle *triangle) { GtkWidget *frame; triangle->oldsat = 0; triangle->oldval = 0; triangle->mode = 0; frame = gtk_frame_new (NULL); gtk_frame_set_shadow_type (GTK_FRAME (frame), GTK_SHADOW_IN); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (triangle), frame, TRUE, TRUE, 0); gtk_widget_show (frame); triangle->preview = colorsel_triangle_create_preview (triangle); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (frame), triangle->preview); gtk_widget_set_size_request (triangle->preview, MINIMUM_SIZE, MINIMUM_SIZE); gtk_widget_show (triangle->preview); } static void colorsel_triangle_set_color (GimpColorSelector *selector, const GimpRGB *rgb, const GimpHSV *hsv) { ColorselTriangle *triangle = COLORSEL_TRIANGLE (selector); colorsel_triangle_update_preview (triangle); } static GtkWidget * colorsel_triangle_create_preview (ColorselTriangle *triangle) { GtkWidget *preview = gimp_preview_area_new (); gtk_widget_add_events (preview, PREVIEW_MASK); g_signal_connect (preview, "motion_notify_event", G_CALLBACK (colorsel_triangle_event), triangle); g_signal_connect (preview, "button_press_event", G_CALLBACK (colorsel_triangle_event), triangle); g_signal_connect (preview, "button_release_event", G_CALLBACK (colorsel_triangle_event), triangle); g_signal_connect (preview, "size_allocate", G_CALLBACK (colorsel_triangle_size_allocate), triangle); return preview; } static void colorsel_triangle_update_preview (ColorselTriangle *triangle) { GimpColorSelector *selector = GIMP_COLOR_SELECTOR (triangle); guchar *preview_buf, *buf; gint x, y, k, r2, dx, col; gint x0, y0; gdouble hue, sat, val, atn; gint hx, hy; gint sx, sy; gint vx, vy; gint width, height, size; gint d; width = GIMP_PREVIEW_AREA (triangle->preview)->width; height = GIMP_PREVIEW_AREA (triangle->preview)->height; /* return gracefully if the widget is not yet configured or too small */ if (width < MINIMUM_SIZE || height < MINIMUM_SIZE) return; triangle->wheelradius = MIN (width - 1, height - 1) / 2; triangle->triangleradius = RINT (0.8 * triangle->wheelradius); size = triangle->wheelradius * 2 + 1; preview_buf = g_new (guchar, 3 * size * size); buf = g_new (guchar, 3 * size); memset (preview_buf, BGCOLOR, 3 * size * size); hue = (gdouble) selector->hsv.h * 2 * G_PI; /* Colored point (value = 1, saturation = 1) */ hx = RINT (sin (hue) * triangle->triangleradius); hy = RINT (cos (hue) * triangle->triangleradius); /* Black point (value = 0, saturation not important) */ sx = RINT (sin (hue - 2 * G_PI / 3) * triangle->triangleradius); sy = RINT (cos (hue - 2 * G_PI / 3) * triangle->triangleradius); /* White point (value = 1, saturation = 0) */ vx = RINT (sin (hue + 2 * G_PI / 3) * triangle->triangleradius); vy = RINT (cos (hue + 2 * G_PI / 3) * triangle->triangleradius); hue = selector->hsv.h * 360.0; for (y = triangle->wheelradius; y >= -triangle->wheelradius; y--) { dx = RINT (sqrt (fabs (SQR (triangle->wheelradius) - SQR (y)))); for (x = -dx, k = 0; x <= dx; x++) { buf[k] = buf[k+1] = buf[k+2] = BGCOLOR; r2 = SQR (x) + SQR (y); if (r2 <= SQR (triangle->wheelradius)) { if (r2 > SQR (triangle->triangleradius)) { atn = atan2 (x, y); if (atn < 0) atn = atn + 2 * G_PI; gimp_hsv_to_rgb4 (buf + k, atn / (2 * G_PI), 1, 1); } else { colorsel_xy_to_triangle_buf (x, y, hue, buf + k, hx, hy, sx, sy, vx, vy); } } k += 3; } memcpy (preview_buf + ((triangle->wheelradius - y) * size + triangle->wheelradius - dx ) * 3, buf, 3 * (2 * dx + 1)); } /* marker in outer ring */ x0 = RINT (sin (hue * G_PI / 180) * ((gdouble) (triangle->wheelradius - triangle->triangleradius + 1) / 2 + triangle->triangleradius)); y0 = RINT (cos (hue * G_PI / 180) * ((gdouble) (triangle->wheelradius - triangle->triangleradius + 1) / 2 + triangle->triangleradius)); atn = atan2 (x0, y0); if (atn < 0) atn = atn + 2 * G_PI; gimp_hsv_to_rgb4 (buf, atn / (2 * G_PI), 1, 1); col = GIMP_RGB_INTENSITY (buf[0], buf[1], buf[2]) > 127 ? 0 : 255; d = CLAMP (triangle->wheelradius / 16, 2, 4); for (y = y0 - d ; y <= y0 + d ; y++) { for (x = x0 - d, k = 0; x <= x0 + d ; x++) { r2 = SQR (x - x0) + SQR (y - y0); if ((r2 <= d * 5) && (r2 >= d + 2)) { buf[k] = buf[k+1] = buf[k+2] = col; } else { atn = atan2 (x, y); if (atn < 0) atn = atn + 2 * G_PI; gimp_hsv_to_rgb4 (buf + k, atn / (2 * G_PI), 1, 1); } k += 3; } memcpy (preview_buf + ((triangle->wheelradius - y) * size + triangle->wheelradius + x0 - d) * 3, buf, (2 * d + 1) * 3); } /* marker in triangle */ col = gimp_rgb_intensity (&selector->rgb) > 0.5 ? 0 : 255; sat = triangle->oldsat = selector->hsv.s; val = triangle->oldval = selector->hsv.v; x0 = RINT (sx + (vx - sx) * val + (hx - vx) * sat * val); y0 = RINT (sy + (vy - sy) * val + (hy - vy) * sat * val); for (y = y0 - 4 ; y <= y0 + 4 ; y++) { for (x = x0 - 4, k=0 ; x <= x0 + 4 ; x++) { buf[k] = buf[k+1] = buf[k+2] = BGCOLOR; r2 = SQR (x - x0) + SQR (y - y0); if (r2 <= 20 && r2 >= 6) { buf[k] = buf[k+1] = buf[k+2] = col; } else { if (SQR (x) + SQR (y) > SQR (triangle->triangleradius)) { atn = atan2 (x, y); if (atn < 0) atn = atn + 2 * G_PI; gimp_hsv_to_rgb4 (buf + k, atn / (2 * G_PI), 1, 1); } else { colorsel_xy_to_triangle_buf (x, y, hue, buf + k, hx, hy, sx, sy, vx, vy); } } k += 3; } memcpy (preview_buf + ((triangle->wheelradius - y) * size + triangle->wheelradius + x0 - 4) * 3, buf, 9 * 3); } gimp_preview_area_draw (GIMP_PREVIEW_AREA (triangle->preview), (width - size) / 2, (height - size) / 2, size, size, GIMP_RGB_IMAGE, preview_buf, 3 * size); g_free (buf); g_free (preview_buf); } static void colorsel_xy_to_triangle_buf (gint x, gint y, gdouble hue, guchar *buf, gint hx, gint hy, /* colored point */ gint sx, gint sy, /* black point */ gint vx, gint vy) /* white point */ { gdouble sat, val; /* * The value is 1 - (the distance from the H->V line). * I forgot the linear algebra behind it... */ val = (gdouble) ( (x - sx) * (hy - vy) - (y - sy) * (hx - vx)) / (gdouble) ((vx - sx) * (hy - vy) - (vy - sy) * (hx - vx)); if (val >= 0 && val<= 1) { if (abs (hy - vy) < abs (hx - vx)) { sat = (val == 0 ? 0: ((gdouble) (x - sx - val * (vx - sx)) / (val * (hx - vx)))); } else { sat = (val == 0 ? 0: ((gdouble) (y - sy - val * (vy - sy)) / (val * (hy - vy)))); } /* Yes, this ugly 1.00*01 fixes some subtle rounding errors... */ if (sat >= 0 && sat <= 1.000000000000001) gimp_hsv_to_rgb4 (buf, hue / 360, sat, val); } } static void colorsel_triangle_size_allocate (GtkWidget *widget, GtkAllocation *allocation, ColorselTriangle *triangle) { gimp_preview_area_fill (GIMP_PREVIEW_AREA (widget), 0, 0, allocation->width, allocation->height, BGCOLOR, BGCOLOR, BGCOLOR); colorsel_triangle_update_preview (triangle); } static gboolean colorsel_triangle_event (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEvent *event, ColorselTriangle *triangle) { GimpColorSelector *selector = GIMP_COLOR_SELECTOR (triangle); gint x, y, angle; gdouble r; gdouble hue, sat, val; gint hx, hy; gint sx, sy; gint vx, vy; gint width, height; width = GIMP_PREVIEW_AREA (triangle->preview)->width; height = GIMP_PREVIEW_AREA (triangle->preview)->height; /* return gracefully if the widget is not yet configured or too small */ if (width < MINIMUM_SIZE || height < MINIMUM_SIZE) return FALSE; switch (event->type) { case GDK_BUTTON_PRESS: gtk_grab_add (widget); x = event->button.x - (width - 1) / 2 - 1; y = - event->button.y + (height - 1) / 2 + 1; r = sqrt ((gdouble) (SQR (x) + SQR (y))); angle = ((gint) RINT (atan2 (x, y) / G_PI * 180) + 360 ) % 360; if ( /* r <= triangle->wheelradius && */ r > triangle->triangleradius) triangle->mode = 1; /* Dragging in the Ring */ else triangle->mode = 2; /* Dragging in the Triangle */ break; case GDK_MOTION_NOTIFY: gtk_widget_get_pointer (widget, &x, &y); if (x != event->motion.x || y != event->motion.y) return FALSE; x = x - (width - 1) / 2 - 1; y = - y + (height - 1) / 2 + 1; r = sqrt ((gdouble) (SQR (x) + SQR (y))); angle = ((gint) RINT (atan2 (x, y) / G_PI * 180) + 360 ) % 360; break; case GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE: triangle->mode = 0; gtk_grab_remove (widget); /* callback the user */ gimp_color_selector_color_changed (GIMP_COLOR_SELECTOR (triangle)); return FALSE; default: return FALSE; } if (triangle->mode == 1 || (r > triangle->wheelradius && (abs (angle - selector->hsv.h * 360.0) < 30 || abs (abs (angle - selector->hsv.h * 360.0) - 360) < 30))) { selector->hsv.h = angle / 360.0; gimp_hsv_to_rgb (&selector->hsv, &selector->rgb); colorsel_triangle_update_preview (triangle); } else { hue = selector->hsv.h * 2 * G_PI; hx = sin (hue) * triangle->triangleradius; hy = cos (hue) * triangle->triangleradius; sx = sin (hue - 2 * G_PI / 3) * triangle->triangleradius; sy = cos (hue - 2 * G_PI / 3) * triangle->triangleradius; vx = sin (hue + 2 * G_PI / 3) * triangle->triangleradius; vy = cos (hue + 2 * G_PI / 3) * triangle->triangleradius; hue = selector->hsv.h * 360.0; if ((x - sx) * vx + (y - sy) * vy < 0) { sat = 1; val = ((gdouble) ( (x - sx) * (hx - sx) + (y - sy) * (hy - sy))) / ((hx - sx) * (hx - sx) + (hy - sy) * (hy - sy)); if (val < 0) val = 0; else if (val > 1) val = 1; } else if ((x - sx) * hx + (y - sy) * hy < 0) { sat = 0; val = ((gdouble) ( (x - sx) * (vx - sx) + (y - sy) * (vy - sy))) / ((vx - sx) * (vx - sx) + (vy - sy) * (vy - sy)); if (val < 0) val = 0; else if (val > 1) val = 1; } else if ((x - hx) * sx + (y - hy) * sy < 0) { val = 1; sat = ((gdouble) ( (x - vx) * (hx - vx) + (y - vy) * (hy - vy))) / ((hx - vx) * (hx - vx) + (hy - vy) * (hy - vy)); if (sat < 0) sat = 0; else if (sat > 1) sat = 1; } else { val = (gdouble) ( (x - sx) * (hy - vy) - (y - sy) * (hx - vx)) / (gdouble) ((vx - sx) * (hy - vy) - (vy - sy) * (hx - vx)); if (val <= 0) { val = 0; sat = 0; } else { if (val > 1) val = 1; if (hy == vy) sat = (gdouble) (x - sx - val * (vx - sx)) / (val * (gdouble) (hx - vx)); else sat = (gdouble) (y - sy - val * (vy - sy)) / (val * (gdouble) (hy - vy)); if (sat < 0) sat = 0; else if (sat > 1) sat = 1; } } selector->hsv.s = sat; selector->hsv.v = val; gimp_hsv_to_rgb (&selector->hsv, &selector->rgb); colorsel_triangle_update_preview (triangle); } /* callback the user */ gimp_color_selector_color_changed (GIMP_COLOR_SELECTOR (triangle)); return FALSE; }