/* GIMP - The GNU Image Manipulation Program * Copyright (C) 1995 Spencer Kimball and Peter Mattis * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include "libgimpcolor/gimpcolor.h" #include "core-types.h" #include "base/boundary.h" #include "base/gimplut.h" #include "base/lut-funcs.h" #include "base/pixel-processor.h" #include "base/pixel-region.h" #include "base/tile.h" #include "base/tile-manager.h" #include "paint-funcs/paint-funcs.h" #include "paint/gimppaintcore-stroke.h" #include "paint/gimppaintoptions.h" #include "gimp.h" #include "gimp-utils.h" #include "gimpcontainer.h" #include "gimperror.h" #include "gimpimage.h" #include "gimpimage-quick-mask.h" #include "gimpimage-undo.h" #include "gimpimage-undo-push.h" #include "gimpchannel.h" #include "gimpchannel-project.h" #include "gimpchannel-select.h" #include "gimpcontext.h" #include "gimpdrawable-stroke.h" #include "gimpmarshal.h" #include "gimppaintinfo.h" #include "gimppickable.h" #include "gimpstrokeoptions.h" #include "gimp-intl.h" enum { COLOR_CHANGED, LAST_SIGNAL }; static void gimp_channel_pickable_iface_init (GimpPickableInterface *iface); static void gimp_channel_finalize (GObject *object); static gint64 gimp_channel_get_memsize (GimpObject *object, gint64 *gui_size); static gchar * gimp_channel_get_description (GimpViewable *viewable, gchar **tooltip); static gboolean gimp_channel_is_attached (const GimpItem *item); static GimpItemTree * gimp_channel_get_tree (GimpItem *item); static GimpItem * gimp_channel_duplicate (GimpItem *item, GType new_type); static void gimp_channel_convert (GimpItem *item, GimpImage *dest_image); static void gimp_channel_translate (GimpItem *item, gint off_x, gint off_y, gboolean push_undo); static void gimp_channel_scale (GimpItem *item, gint new_width, gint new_height, gint new_offset_x, gint new_offset_y, GimpInterpolationType interp_type, GimpProgress *progress); static void gimp_channel_resize (GimpItem *item, GimpContext *context, gint new_width, gint new_height, gint offx, gint offy); static void gimp_channel_flip (GimpItem *item, GimpContext *context, GimpOrientationType flip_type, gdouble axis, gboolean flip_result); static void gimp_channel_rotate (GimpItem *item, GimpContext *context, GimpRotationType flip_type, gdouble center_x, gdouble center_y, gboolean flip_result); static void gimp_channel_transform (GimpItem *item, GimpContext *context, const GimpMatrix3 *matrix, GimpTransformDirection direction, GimpInterpolationType interpolation_type, gint recursion_level, GimpTransformResize clip_result, GimpProgress *progress); static gboolean gimp_channel_stroke (GimpItem *item, GimpDrawable *drawable, GimpStrokeOptions *stroke_options, gboolean push_undo, GimpProgress *progress, GError **error); static void gimp_channel_to_selection (GimpItem *item, GimpChannelOps op, gboolean antialias, gboolean feather, gdouble feather_radius_x, gdouble feather_radius_y); static void gimp_channel_invalidate_boundary (GimpDrawable *drawable); static void gimp_channel_get_active_components (const GimpDrawable *drawable, gboolean *active); static void gimp_channel_apply_region (GimpDrawable *drawable, PixelRegion *src2PR, gboolean push_undo, const gchar *undo_desc, gdouble opacity, GimpLayerModeEffects mode, TileManager *src1_tiles, PixelRegion *destPR, gint x, gint y); static void gimp_channel_replace_region (GimpDrawable *drawable, PixelRegion *src2PR, gboolean push_undo, const gchar *undo_desc, gdouble opacity, PixelRegion *maskPR, gint x, gint y); static void gimp_channel_set_tiles (GimpDrawable *drawable, gboolean push_undo, const gchar *undo_desc, TileManager *tiles, GimpImageType type, gint offset_x, gint offset_y); static GeglNode * gimp_channel_get_node (GimpItem *item); static void gimp_channel_swap_pixels (GimpDrawable *drawable, TileManager *tiles, gboolean sparse, gint x, gint y, gint width, gint height); static gint gimp_channel_get_opacity_at (GimpPickable *pickable, gint x, gint y); static gboolean gimp_channel_real_boundary (GimpChannel *channel, const BoundSeg **segs_in, const BoundSeg **segs_out, gint *num_segs_in, gint *num_segs_out, gint x1, gint y1, gint x2, gint y2); static gboolean gimp_channel_real_bounds (GimpChannel *channel, gint *x1, gint *y1, gint *x2, gint *y2); static gboolean gimp_channel_real_is_empty (GimpChannel *channel); static void gimp_channel_real_feather (GimpChannel *channel, gdouble radius_x, gdouble radius_y, gboolean push_undo); static void gimp_channel_real_sharpen (GimpChannel *channel, gboolean push_undo); static void gimp_channel_real_clear (GimpChannel *channel, const gchar *undo_desc, gboolean push_undo); static void gimp_channel_real_all (GimpChannel *channel, gboolean push_undo); static void gimp_channel_real_invert (GimpChannel *channel, gboolean push_undo); static void gimp_channel_real_border (GimpChannel *channel, gint radius_x, gint radius_y, gboolean feather, gboolean edge_lock, gboolean push_undo); static void gimp_channel_real_grow (GimpChannel *channel, gint radius_x, gint radius_y, gboolean push_undo); static void gimp_channel_real_shrink (GimpChannel *channel, gint radius_x, gint radius_y, gboolean edge_lock, gboolean push_undo); static void gimp_channel_validate_tile (TileManager *tm, Tile *tile); G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (GimpChannel, gimp_channel, GIMP_TYPE_DRAWABLE, G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (GIMP_TYPE_PICKABLE, gimp_channel_pickable_iface_init)) #define parent_class gimp_channel_parent_class static guint channel_signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 }; static void gimp_channel_class_init (GimpChannelClass *klass) { GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); GimpObjectClass *gimp_object_class = GIMP_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); GimpViewableClass *viewable_class = GIMP_VIEWABLE_CLASS (klass); GimpItemClass *item_class = GIMP_ITEM_CLASS (klass); GimpDrawableClass *drawable_class = GIMP_DRAWABLE_CLASS (klass); channel_signals[COLOR_CHANGED] = g_signal_new ("color-changed", G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (klass), G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GimpChannelClass, color_changed), NULL, NULL, gimp_marshal_VOID__VOID, G_TYPE_NONE, 0); object_class->finalize = gimp_channel_finalize; gimp_object_class->get_memsize = gimp_channel_get_memsize; viewable_class->get_description = gimp_channel_get_description; viewable_class->default_stock_id = "gimp-channel"; item_class->is_attached = gimp_channel_is_attached; item_class->get_tree = gimp_channel_get_tree; item_class->duplicate = gimp_channel_duplicate; item_class->convert = gimp_channel_convert; item_class->translate = gimp_channel_translate; item_class->scale = gimp_channel_scale; item_class->resize = gimp_channel_resize; item_class->flip = gimp_channel_flip; item_class->rotate = gimp_channel_rotate; item_class->transform = gimp_channel_transform; item_class->stroke = gimp_channel_stroke; item_class->to_selection = gimp_channel_to_selection; item_class->get_node = gimp_channel_get_node; item_class->default_name = _("Channel"); item_class->rename_desc = C_("undo-type", "Rename Channel"); item_class->translate_desc = C_("undo-type", "Move Channel"); item_class->scale_desc = C_("undo-type", "Scale Channel"); item_class->resize_desc = C_("undo-type", "Resize Channel"); item_class->flip_desc = C_("undo-type", "Flip Channel"); item_class->rotate_desc = C_("undo-type", "Rotate Channel"); item_class->transform_desc = C_("undo-type", "Transform Channel"); item_class->stroke_desc = C_("undo-type", "Stroke Channel"); item_class->to_selection_desc = C_("undo-type", "Channel to Selection"); item_class->reorder_desc = C_("undo-type", "Reorder Channel"); item_class->raise_desc = C_("undo-type", "Raise Channel"); item_class->raise_to_top_desc = C_("undo-type", "Raise Channel to Top"); item_class->lower_desc = C_("undo-type", "Lower Channel"); item_class->lower_to_bottom_desc = C_("undo-type", "Lower Channel to Bottom"); item_class->raise_failed = _("Channel cannot be raised higher."); item_class->lower_failed = _("Channel cannot be lowered more."); drawable_class->invalidate_boundary = gimp_channel_invalidate_boundary; drawable_class->get_active_components = gimp_channel_get_active_components; drawable_class->apply_region = gimp_channel_apply_region; drawable_class->replace_region = gimp_channel_replace_region; drawable_class->project_region = gimp_channel_project_region; drawable_class->set_tiles = gimp_channel_set_tiles; drawable_class->swap_pixels = gimp_channel_swap_pixels; klass->boundary = gimp_channel_real_boundary; klass->bounds = gimp_channel_real_bounds; klass->is_empty = gimp_channel_real_is_empty; klass->feather = gimp_channel_real_feather; klass->sharpen = gimp_channel_real_sharpen; klass->clear = gimp_channel_real_clear; klass->all = gimp_channel_real_all; klass->invert = gimp_channel_real_invert; klass->border = gimp_channel_real_border; klass->grow = gimp_channel_real_grow; klass->shrink = gimp_channel_real_shrink; klass->feather_desc = C_("undo-type", "Feather Channel"); klass->sharpen_desc = C_("undo-type", "Sharpen Channel"); klass->clear_desc = C_("undo-type", "Clear Channel"); klass->all_desc = C_("undo-type", "Fill Channel"); klass->invert_desc = C_("undo-type", "Invert Channel"); klass->border_desc = C_("undo-type", "Border Channel"); klass->grow_desc = C_("undo-type", "Grow Channel"); klass->shrink_desc = C_("undo-type", "Shrink Channel"); } static void gimp_channel_init (GimpChannel *channel) { gimp_rgba_set (&channel->color, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, GIMP_OPACITY_OPAQUE); channel->show_masked = FALSE; /* Selection mask variables */ channel->boundary_known = FALSE; channel->segs_in = NULL; channel->segs_out = NULL; channel->num_segs_in = 0; channel->num_segs_out = 0; channel->empty = FALSE; channel->bounds_known = FALSE; channel->x1 = 0; channel->y1 = 0; channel->x2 = 0; channel->y2 = 0; } static void gimp_channel_pickable_iface_init (GimpPickableInterface *iface) { iface->get_opacity_at = gimp_channel_get_opacity_at; } static void gimp_channel_finalize (GObject *object) { GimpChannel *channel = GIMP_CHANNEL (object); if (channel->segs_in) { g_free (channel->segs_in); channel->segs_in = NULL; } if (channel->segs_out) { g_free (channel->segs_out); channel->segs_out = NULL; } G_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->finalize (object); } static gint64 gimp_channel_get_memsize (GimpObject *object, gint64 *gui_size) { GimpChannel *channel = GIMP_CHANNEL (object); *gui_size += channel->num_segs_in * sizeof (BoundSeg); *gui_size += channel->num_segs_out * sizeof (BoundSeg); return GIMP_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->get_memsize (object, gui_size); } static gchar * gimp_channel_get_description (GimpViewable *viewable, gchar **tooltip) { if (! strcmp (GIMP_IMAGE_QUICK_MASK_NAME, gimp_object_get_name (viewable))) { return g_strdup (_("Quick Mask")); } return GIMP_VIEWABLE_CLASS (parent_class)->get_description (viewable, tooltip); } static gboolean gimp_channel_is_attached (const GimpItem *item) { GimpImage *image = gimp_item_get_image (item); return (GIMP_IS_IMAGE (image) && gimp_container_have (gimp_image_get_channels (image), GIMP_OBJECT (item))); } static GimpItemTree * gimp_channel_get_tree (GimpItem *item) { if (gimp_item_is_attached (item)) { GimpImage *image = gimp_item_get_image (item); return gimp_image_get_channel_tree (image); } return NULL; } static GimpItem * gimp_channel_duplicate (GimpItem *item, GType new_type) { GimpItem *new_item; g_return_val_if_fail (g_type_is_a (new_type, GIMP_TYPE_DRAWABLE), NULL); new_item = GIMP_ITEM_CLASS (parent_class)->duplicate (item, new_type); if (GIMP_IS_CHANNEL (new_item)) { GimpChannel *channel = GIMP_CHANNEL (item); GimpChannel *new_channel = GIMP_CHANNEL (new_item); new_channel->color = channel->color; new_channel->show_masked = channel->show_masked; /* selection mask variables */ new_channel->bounds_known = channel->bounds_known; new_channel->empty = channel->empty; new_channel->x1 = channel->x1; new_channel->y1 = channel->y1; new_channel->x2 = channel->x2; new_channel->y2 = channel->y2; } return new_item; } static void gimp_channel_convert (GimpItem *item, GimpImage *dest_image) { GimpChannel *channel = GIMP_CHANNEL (item); GimpDrawable *drawable = GIMP_DRAWABLE (item); if (! gimp_drawable_is_gray (drawable)) { gimp_drawable_convert_type (drawable, NULL, GIMP_GRAY, FALSE); } if (gimp_drawable_has_alpha (drawable)) { TileManager *new_tiles; PixelRegion srcPR; PixelRegion destPR; guchar bg[1] = { 0 }; new_tiles = tile_manager_new (gimp_item_get_width (item), gimp_item_get_height (item), GIMP_IMAGE_TYPE_BYTES (GIMP_GRAY_IMAGE)); pixel_region_init (&srcPR, gimp_drawable_get_tiles (drawable), 0, 0, gimp_item_get_width (item), gimp_item_get_height (item), FALSE); pixel_region_init (&destPR, new_tiles, 0, 0, gimp_item_get_width (item), gimp_item_get_height (item), TRUE); flatten_region (&srcPR, &destPR, bg); gimp_drawable_set_tiles_full (drawable, FALSE, NULL, new_tiles, GIMP_GRAY_IMAGE, gimp_item_get_offset_x (item), gimp_item_get_offset_y (item)); tile_manager_unref (new_tiles); } if (G_TYPE_FROM_INSTANCE (channel) == GIMP_TYPE_CHANNEL) { gint width = gimp_image_get_width (dest_image); gint height = gimp_image_get_height (dest_image); gimp_item_set_offset (item, 0, 0); if (gimp_item_get_width (item) != width || gimp_item_get_height (item) != height) { gimp_item_resize (item, gimp_get_user_context (dest_image->gimp), width, height, 0, 0); } } GIMP_ITEM_CLASS (parent_class)->convert (item, dest_image); } static void gimp_channel_translate (GimpItem *item, gint off_x, gint off_y, gboolean push_undo) { GimpChannel *channel = GIMP_CHANNEL (item); GimpChannel *tmp_mask = NULL; gint width, height; PixelRegion srcPR, destPR; gint x1, y1, x2, y2; gimp_channel_bounds (channel, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2); /* update the old area */ gimp_drawable_update (GIMP_DRAWABLE (item), x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1); if (push_undo) gimp_channel_push_undo (channel, NULL); else gimp_drawable_invalidate_boundary (GIMP_DRAWABLE (channel)); x1 = CLAMP ((x1 + off_x), 0, gimp_item_get_width (GIMP_ITEM (channel))); y1 = CLAMP ((y1 + off_y), 0, gimp_item_get_height (GIMP_ITEM (channel))); x2 = CLAMP ((x2 + off_x), 0, gimp_item_get_width (GIMP_ITEM (channel))); y2 = CLAMP ((y2 + off_y), 0, gimp_item_get_height (GIMP_ITEM (channel))); width = x2 - x1; height = y2 - y1; /* make sure width and height are non-zero */ if (width != 0 && height != 0) { /* copy the portion of the mask we will keep to a * temporary buffer */ tmp_mask = gimp_channel_new_mask (gimp_item_get_image (item), width, height); pixel_region_init (&srcPR, gimp_drawable_get_tiles (GIMP_DRAWABLE (channel)), x1 - off_x, y1 - off_y, width, height, FALSE); pixel_region_init (&destPR, gimp_drawable_get_tiles (GIMP_DRAWABLE (tmp_mask)), 0, 0, width, height, TRUE); copy_region (&srcPR, &destPR); } /* clear the mask */ pixel_region_init (&srcPR, gimp_drawable_get_tiles (GIMP_DRAWABLE (channel)), 0, 0, gimp_item_get_width (GIMP_ITEM (channel)), gimp_item_get_height (GIMP_ITEM (channel)), TRUE); clear_region (&srcPR); if (width != 0 && height != 0) { /* copy the temp mask back to the mask */ pixel_region_init (&srcPR, gimp_drawable_get_tiles (GIMP_DRAWABLE (tmp_mask)), 0, 0, width, height, FALSE); pixel_region_init (&destPR, gimp_drawable_get_tiles (GIMP_DRAWABLE (channel)), x1, y1, width, height, TRUE); copy_region (&srcPR, &destPR); /* free the temporary mask */ g_object_unref (tmp_mask); } /* calculate new bounds */ if (width == 0 || height == 0) { channel->empty = TRUE; channel->x1 = 0; channel->y1 = 0; channel->x2 = gimp_item_get_width (GIMP_ITEM (channel)); channel->y2 = gimp_item_get_height (GIMP_ITEM (channel)); } else { channel->x1 = x1; channel->y1 = y1; channel->x2 = x2; channel->y2 = y2; } /* update the new area */ gimp_drawable_update (GIMP_DRAWABLE (item), channel->x1, channel->y1, channel->x2 - channel->x1, channel->y2 - channel->y1); } static void gimp_channel_scale (GimpItem *item, gint new_width, gint new_height, gint new_offset_x, gint new_offset_y, GimpInterpolationType interpolation_type, GimpProgress *progress) { GimpChannel *channel = GIMP_CHANNEL (item); if (G_TYPE_FROM_INSTANCE (item) == GIMP_TYPE_CHANNEL) { new_offset_x = 0; new_offset_y = 0; } /* don't waste CPU cycles scaling an empty channel */ if (channel->bounds_known && channel->empty) { GimpDrawable *drawable = GIMP_DRAWABLE (item); TileManager *new_tiles; new_tiles = tile_manager_new (new_width, new_height, gimp_drawable_bytes (drawable)); gimp_drawable_set_tiles_full (drawable, gimp_item_is_attached (item), NULL, new_tiles, gimp_drawable_type (drawable), new_offset_x, new_offset_y); tile_manager_unref (new_tiles); gimp_channel_clear (GIMP_CHANNEL (item), NULL, FALSE); } else { GIMP_ITEM_CLASS (parent_class)->scale (item, new_width, new_height, new_offset_x, new_offset_y, interpolation_type, progress); } } static void gimp_channel_resize (GimpItem *item, GimpContext *context, gint new_width, gint new_height, gint offset_x, gint offset_y) { GIMP_ITEM_CLASS (parent_class)->resize (item, context, new_width, new_height, offset_x, offset_y); if (G_TYPE_FROM_INSTANCE (item) == GIMP_TYPE_CHANNEL) { gimp_item_set_offset (item, 0, 0); } } static void gimp_channel_flip (GimpItem *item, GimpContext *context, GimpOrientationType flip_type, gdouble axis, gboolean clip_result) { if (G_TYPE_FROM_INSTANCE (item) == GIMP_TYPE_CHANNEL) clip_result = TRUE; GIMP_ITEM_CLASS (parent_class)->flip (item, context, flip_type, axis, clip_result); } static void gimp_channel_rotate (GimpItem *item, GimpContext *context, GimpRotationType rotate_type, gdouble center_x, gdouble center_y, gboolean clip_result) { /* don't default to clip_result == TRUE here */ GIMP_ITEM_CLASS (parent_class)->rotate (item, context, rotate_type, center_x, center_y, clip_result); } static void gimp_channel_transform (GimpItem *item, GimpContext *context, const GimpMatrix3 *matrix, GimpTransformDirection direction, GimpInterpolationType interpolation_type, gint recursion_level, GimpTransformResize clip_result, GimpProgress *progress) { if (G_TYPE_FROM_INSTANCE (item) == GIMP_TYPE_CHANNEL) clip_result = TRUE; GIMP_ITEM_CLASS (parent_class)->transform (item, context, matrix, direction, interpolation_type, recursion_level, clip_result, progress); } static gboolean gimp_channel_stroke (GimpItem *item, GimpDrawable *drawable, GimpStrokeOptions *stroke_options, gboolean push_undo, GimpProgress *progress, GError **error) { GimpChannel *channel = GIMP_CHANNEL (item); const BoundSeg *segs_in; const BoundSeg *segs_out; gint n_segs_in; gint n_segs_out; gboolean retval = FALSE; gint offset_x, offset_y; if (! gimp_channel_boundary (channel, &segs_in, &segs_out, &n_segs_in, &n_segs_out, 0, 0, 0, 0)) { g_set_error_literal (error, GIMP_ERROR, GIMP_FAILED, _("Cannot stroke empty channel.")); return FALSE; } gimp_item_get_offset (GIMP_ITEM (channel), &offset_x, &offset_y); switch (gimp_stroke_options_get_method (stroke_options)) { case GIMP_STROKE_METHOD_LIBART: gimp_drawable_stroke_boundary (drawable, stroke_options, segs_in, n_segs_in, offset_x, offset_y, push_undo); retval = TRUE; break; case GIMP_STROKE_METHOD_PAINT_CORE: { GimpPaintInfo *paint_info; GimpPaintCore *core; GimpPaintOptions *paint_options; gboolean emulate_dynamics; paint_info = gimp_context_get_paint_info (GIMP_CONTEXT (stroke_options)); core = g_object_new (paint_info->paint_type, NULL); paint_options = gimp_stroke_options_get_paint_options (stroke_options); emulate_dynamics = gimp_stroke_options_get_emulate_dynamics (stroke_options); retval = gimp_paint_core_stroke_boundary (core, drawable, paint_options, emulate_dynamics, segs_in, n_segs_in, offset_x, offset_y, push_undo, error); g_object_unref (core); } break; default: g_return_val_if_reached (FALSE); } return retval; } static void gimp_channel_to_selection (GimpItem *item, GimpChannelOps op, gboolean antialias, gboolean feather, gdouble feather_radius_x, gdouble feather_radius_y) { GimpChannel *channel = GIMP_CHANNEL (item); GimpImage *image = gimp_item_get_image (item); gint off_x, off_y; gimp_item_get_offset (item, &off_x, &off_y); gimp_channel_select_channel (gimp_image_get_mask (image), GIMP_ITEM_GET_CLASS (item)->to_selection_desc, channel, off_x, off_y, op, feather, feather_radius_x, feather_radius_x); } static void gimp_channel_invalidate_boundary (GimpDrawable *drawable) { GIMP_CHANNEL (drawable)->boundary_known = FALSE; } static void gimp_channel_get_active_components (const GimpDrawable *drawable, gboolean *active) { /* Make sure that the alpha channel is not valid. */ active[GRAY] = TRUE; active[ALPHA_G] = FALSE; } static void gimp_channel_apply_region (GimpDrawable *drawable, PixelRegion *src2PR, gboolean push_undo, const gchar *undo_desc, gdouble opacity, GimpLayerModeEffects mode, TileManager *src1_tiles, PixelRegion *destPR, gint x, gint y) { gimp_drawable_invalidate_boundary (drawable); GIMP_DRAWABLE_CLASS (parent_class)->apply_region (drawable, src2PR, push_undo, undo_desc, opacity, mode, src1_tiles, destPR, x, y); GIMP_CHANNEL (drawable)->bounds_known = FALSE; } static void gimp_channel_replace_region (GimpDrawable *drawable, PixelRegion *src2PR, gboolean push_undo, const gchar *undo_desc, gdouble opacity, PixelRegion *maskPR, gint x, gint y) { gimp_drawable_invalidate_boundary (drawable); GIMP_DRAWABLE_CLASS (parent_class)->replace_region (drawable, src2PR, push_undo, undo_desc, opacity, maskPR, x, y); GIMP_CHANNEL (drawable)->bounds_known = FALSE; } static void gimp_channel_set_tiles (GimpDrawable *drawable, gboolean push_undo, const gchar *undo_desc, TileManager *tiles, GimpImageType type, gint offset_x, gint offset_y) { GIMP_DRAWABLE_CLASS (parent_class)->set_tiles (drawable, push_undo, undo_desc, tiles, type, offset_x, offset_y); GIMP_CHANNEL (drawable)->bounds_known = FALSE; } static GeglNode * gimp_channel_get_node (GimpItem *item) { GimpDrawable *drawable = GIMP_DRAWABLE (item); GimpChannel *channel = GIMP_CHANNEL (item); GeglNode *node; GeglNode *source; GeglNode *mode_node; GeglColor *color; node = GIMP_ITEM_CLASS (parent_class)->get_node (item); source = gimp_drawable_get_source_node (drawable); gegl_node_add_child (node, source); color = gegl_color_new (NULL); gegl_color_set_rgba (color, channel->color.r, channel->color.g, channel->color.b, channel->color.a); g_warn_if_fail (channel->color_node == NULL); channel->color_node = gegl_node_new_child (node, "operation", "gegl:color", "value", color, NULL); g_object_unref (color); g_warn_if_fail (channel->mask_node == NULL); channel->mask_node = gegl_node_new_child (node, "operation", "gegl:opacity", NULL); gegl_node_connect_to (channel->color_node, "output", channel->mask_node, "input"); g_warn_if_fail (channel->invert_node == NULL); channel->invert_node = gegl_node_new_child (node, "operation", "gegl:invert", NULL); if (channel->show_masked) { gegl_node_connect_to (source, "output", channel->invert_node, "input"); gegl_node_connect_to (channel->invert_node, "output", channel->mask_node, "aux"); } else { gegl_node_connect_to (source, "output", channel->mask_node, "aux"); } mode_node = gimp_drawable_get_mode_node (drawable); gegl_node_connect_to (channel->mask_node, "output", mode_node, "aux"); return node; } static void gimp_channel_swap_pixels (GimpDrawable *drawable, TileManager *tiles, gboolean sparse, gint x, gint y, gint width, gint height) { gimp_drawable_invalidate_boundary (drawable); GIMP_DRAWABLE_CLASS (parent_class)->swap_pixels (drawable, tiles, sparse, x, y, width, height); GIMP_CHANNEL (drawable)->bounds_known = FALSE; } static gint gimp_channel_get_opacity_at (GimpPickable *pickable, gint x, gint y) { GimpChannel *channel = GIMP_CHANNEL (pickable); Tile *tile; gint val; /* Some checks to cut back on unnecessary work */ if (channel->bounds_known) { if (channel->empty) return 0; else if (x < channel->x1 || x >= channel->x2 || y < channel->y1 || y >= channel->y2) return 0; } else { if (x < 0 || x >= gimp_item_get_width (GIMP_ITEM (channel)) || y < 0 || y >= gimp_item_get_height (GIMP_ITEM (channel))) return 0; } tile = tile_manager_get_tile (gimp_drawable_get_tiles (GIMP_DRAWABLE (channel)), x, y, TRUE, FALSE); val = *(guchar *) (tile_data_pointer (tile, x, y)); tile_release (tile, FALSE); return val; } static gboolean gimp_channel_real_boundary (GimpChannel *channel, const BoundSeg **segs_in, const BoundSeg **segs_out, gint *num_segs_in, gint *num_segs_out, gint x1, gint y1, gint x2, gint y2) { gint x3, y3, x4, y4; PixelRegion bPR; if (! channel->boundary_known) { /* free the out of date boundary segments */ g_free (channel->segs_in); g_free (channel->segs_out); if (gimp_channel_bounds (channel, &x3, &y3, &x4, &y4)) { pixel_region_init (&bPR, gimp_drawable_get_tiles (GIMP_DRAWABLE (channel)), x3, y3, x4 - x3, y4 - y3, FALSE); channel->segs_out = boundary_find (&bPR, BOUNDARY_IGNORE_BOUNDS, x1, y1, x2, y2, BOUNDARY_HALF_WAY, &channel->num_segs_out); x1 = MAX (x1, x3); y1 = MAX (y1, y3); x2 = MIN (x2, x4); y2 = MIN (y2, y4); if (x2 > x1 && y2 > y1) { pixel_region_init (&bPR, gimp_drawable_get_tiles (GIMP_DRAWABLE (channel)), 0, 0, gimp_item_get_width (GIMP_ITEM (channel)), gimp_item_get_height (GIMP_ITEM (channel)), FALSE); channel->segs_in = boundary_find (&bPR, BOUNDARY_WITHIN_BOUNDS, x1, y1, x2, y2, BOUNDARY_HALF_WAY, &channel->num_segs_in); } else { channel->segs_in = NULL; channel->num_segs_in = 0; } } else { channel->segs_in = NULL; channel->segs_out = NULL; channel->num_segs_in = 0; channel->num_segs_out = 0; } channel->boundary_known = TRUE; } *segs_in = channel->segs_in; *segs_out = channel->segs_out; *num_segs_in = channel->num_segs_in; *num_segs_out = channel->num_segs_out; return (! channel->empty); } static gboolean gimp_channel_real_bounds (GimpChannel *channel, gint *x1, gint *y1, gint *x2, gint *y2) { PixelRegion maskPR; guchar *data, *data1; gint x, y; gint ex, ey; gint tx1, tx2, ty1, ty2; gint minx, maxx; gpointer pr; /* if the channel's bounds have already been reliably calculated... */ if (channel->bounds_known) { *x1 = channel->x1; *y1 = channel->y1; *x2 = channel->x2; *y2 = channel->y2; return ! channel->empty; } /* go through and calculate the bounds */ tx1 = gimp_item_get_width (GIMP_ITEM (channel)); ty1 = gimp_item_get_height (GIMP_ITEM (channel)); tx2 = 0; ty2 = 0; pixel_region_init (&maskPR, gimp_drawable_get_tiles (GIMP_DRAWABLE (channel)), 0, 0, gimp_item_get_width (GIMP_ITEM (channel)), gimp_item_get_height (GIMP_ITEM (channel)), FALSE); for (pr = pixel_regions_register (1, &maskPR); pr != NULL; pr = pixel_regions_process (pr)) { data1 = data = maskPR.data; ex = maskPR.x + maskPR.w; ey = maskPR.y + maskPR.h; /* only check the pixels if this tile is not fully within the * currently computed bounds */ if (maskPR.x < tx1 || ex > tx2 || maskPR.y < ty1 || ey > ty2) { /* Check upper left and lower right corners to see if we can * avoid checking the rest of the pixels in this tile */ if (data[0] && data[maskPR.rowstride*(maskPR.h - 1) + maskPR.w - 1]) { if (maskPR.x < tx1) tx1 = maskPR.x; if (ex > tx2) tx2 = ex; if (maskPR.y < ty1) ty1 = maskPR.y; if (ey > ty2) ty2 = ey; } else { for (y = maskPR.y; y < ey; y++, data1 += maskPR.rowstride) { for (x = maskPR.x, data = data1; x < ex; x++, data++) { if (*data) { minx = x; maxx = x; for (; x < ex; x++, data++) if (*data) maxx = x; if (minx < tx1) tx1 = minx; if (maxx > tx2) tx2 = maxx; if (y < ty1) ty1 = y; if (y > ty2) ty2 = y; } } } } } } tx2 = CLAMP (tx2 + 1, 0, gimp_item_get_width (GIMP_ITEM (channel))); ty2 = CLAMP (ty2 + 1, 0, gimp_item_get_height (GIMP_ITEM (channel))); if (tx1 == gimp_item_get_width (GIMP_ITEM (channel)) && ty1 == gimp_item_get_height (GIMP_ITEM (channel))) { channel->empty = TRUE; channel->x1 = 0; channel->y1 = 0; channel->x2 = gimp_item_get_width (GIMP_ITEM (channel)); channel->y2 = gimp_item_get_height (GIMP_ITEM (channel)); } else { channel->empty = FALSE; channel->x1 = tx1; channel->y1 = ty1; channel->x2 = tx2; channel->y2 = ty2; } channel->bounds_known = TRUE; *x1 = channel->x1; *x2 = channel->x2; *y1 = channel->y1; *y2 = channel->y2; return ! channel->empty; } static gboolean gimp_channel_real_is_empty (GimpChannel *channel) { PixelRegion maskPR; guchar *data; gint x, y; gpointer pr; if (channel->bounds_known) return channel->empty; pixel_region_init (&maskPR, gimp_drawable_get_tiles (GIMP_DRAWABLE (channel)), 0, 0, gimp_item_get_width (GIMP_ITEM (channel)), gimp_item_get_height (GIMP_ITEM (channel)), FALSE); for (pr = pixel_regions_register (1, &maskPR); pr != NULL; pr = pixel_regions_process (pr)) { /* check if any pixel in the channel is non-zero */ data = maskPR.data; for (y = 0; y < maskPR.h; y++) for (x = 0; x < maskPR.w; x++) if (*data++) { pixel_regions_process_stop (pr); return FALSE; } } /* The mask is empty, meaning we can set the bounds as known */ if (channel->segs_in) g_free (channel->segs_in); if (channel->segs_out) g_free (channel->segs_out); channel->empty = TRUE; channel->segs_in = NULL; channel->segs_out = NULL; channel->num_segs_in = 0; channel->num_segs_out = 0; channel->bounds_known = TRUE; channel->boundary_known = TRUE; channel->x1 = 0; channel->y1 = 0; channel->x2 = gimp_item_get_width (GIMP_ITEM (channel)); channel->y2 = gimp_item_get_height (GIMP_ITEM (channel)); return TRUE; } static void gimp_channel_real_feather (GimpChannel *channel, gdouble radius_x, gdouble radius_y, gboolean push_undo) { PixelRegion srcPR; if (push_undo) gimp_channel_push_undo (channel, GIMP_CHANNEL_GET_CLASS (channel)->feather_desc); else gimp_drawable_invalidate_boundary (GIMP_DRAWABLE (channel)); pixel_region_init (&srcPR, gimp_drawable_get_tiles (GIMP_DRAWABLE (channel)), 0, 0, gimp_item_get_width (GIMP_ITEM (channel)), gimp_item_get_height (GIMP_ITEM (channel)), TRUE); gaussian_blur_region (&srcPR, radius_x, radius_y); channel->bounds_known = FALSE; gimp_drawable_update (GIMP_DRAWABLE (channel), 0, 0, gimp_item_get_width (GIMP_ITEM (channel)), gimp_item_get_height (GIMP_ITEM (channel))); } static void gimp_channel_real_sharpen (GimpChannel *channel, gboolean push_undo) { PixelRegion maskPR; GimpLut *lut; if (push_undo) gimp_channel_push_undo (channel, GIMP_CHANNEL_GET_CLASS (channel)->sharpen_desc); else gimp_drawable_invalidate_boundary (GIMP_DRAWABLE (channel)); pixel_region_init (&maskPR, gimp_drawable_get_tiles (GIMP_DRAWABLE (channel)), 0, 0, gimp_item_get_width (GIMP_ITEM (channel)), gimp_item_get_height (GIMP_ITEM (channel)), TRUE); lut = threshold_lut_new (0.5, 1); pixel_regions_process_parallel ((PixelProcessorFunc) gimp_lut_process_inline, lut, 1, &maskPR); gimp_lut_free (lut); channel->bounds_known = FALSE; gimp_drawable_update (GIMP_DRAWABLE (channel), 0, 0, gimp_item_get_width (GIMP_ITEM (channel)), gimp_item_get_height (GIMP_ITEM (channel))); } static void gimp_channel_real_clear (GimpChannel *channel, const gchar *undo_desc, gboolean push_undo) { PixelRegion maskPR; if (push_undo) { if (! undo_desc) undo_desc = GIMP_CHANNEL_GET_CLASS (channel)->clear_desc; gimp_channel_push_undo (channel, undo_desc); } else { gimp_drawable_invalidate_boundary (GIMP_DRAWABLE (channel)); } if (channel->bounds_known && ! channel->empty) { pixel_region_init (&maskPR, gimp_drawable_get_tiles (GIMP_DRAWABLE (channel)), channel->x1, channel->y1, channel->x2 - channel->x1, channel->y2 - channel->y1, TRUE); clear_region (&maskPR); } else { /* clear the mask */ pixel_region_init (&maskPR, gimp_drawable_get_tiles (GIMP_DRAWABLE (channel)), 0, 0, gimp_item_get_width (GIMP_ITEM (channel)), gimp_item_get_height (GIMP_ITEM (channel)), TRUE); clear_region (&maskPR); } /* we know the bounds */ channel->bounds_known = TRUE; channel->empty = TRUE; channel->x1 = 0; channel->y1 = 0; channel->x2 = gimp_item_get_width (GIMP_ITEM (channel)); channel->y2 = gimp_item_get_height (GIMP_ITEM (channel)); gimp_drawable_update (GIMP_DRAWABLE (channel), 0, 0, gimp_item_get_width (GIMP_ITEM (channel)), gimp_item_get_height (GIMP_ITEM (channel))); } static void gimp_channel_real_all (GimpChannel *channel, gboolean push_undo) { PixelRegion maskPR; guchar bg = OPAQUE_OPACITY; if (push_undo) gimp_channel_push_undo (channel, GIMP_CHANNEL_GET_CLASS (channel)->all_desc); else gimp_drawable_invalidate_boundary (GIMP_DRAWABLE (channel)); /* clear the channel */ pixel_region_init (&maskPR, gimp_drawable_get_tiles (GIMP_DRAWABLE (channel)), 0, 0, gimp_item_get_width (GIMP_ITEM (channel)), gimp_item_get_height (GIMP_ITEM (channel)), TRUE); color_region (&maskPR, &bg); /* we know the bounds */ channel->bounds_known = TRUE; channel->empty = FALSE; channel->x1 = 0; channel->y1 = 0; channel->x2 = gimp_item_get_width (GIMP_ITEM (channel)); channel->y2 = gimp_item_get_height (GIMP_ITEM (channel)); gimp_drawable_update (GIMP_DRAWABLE (channel), 0, 0, gimp_item_get_width (GIMP_ITEM (channel)), gimp_item_get_height (GIMP_ITEM (channel))); } static void gimp_channel_real_invert (GimpChannel *channel, gboolean push_undo) { if (push_undo) gimp_channel_push_undo (channel, GIMP_CHANNEL_GET_CLASS (channel)->invert_desc); else gimp_drawable_invalidate_boundary (GIMP_DRAWABLE (channel)); if (channel->bounds_known && channel->empty) { gimp_channel_all (channel, FALSE); } else { PixelRegion maskPR; GimpLut *lut; pixel_region_init (&maskPR, gimp_drawable_get_tiles (GIMP_DRAWABLE (channel)), 0, 0, gimp_item_get_width (GIMP_ITEM (channel)), gimp_item_get_height (GIMP_ITEM (channel)), TRUE); lut = invert_lut_new (1); pixel_regions_process_parallel ((PixelProcessorFunc) gimp_lut_process_inline, lut, 1, &maskPR); gimp_lut_free (lut); channel->bounds_known = FALSE; gimp_drawable_update (GIMP_DRAWABLE (channel), 0, 0, gimp_item_get_width (GIMP_ITEM (channel)), gimp_item_get_height (GIMP_ITEM (channel))); } } static void gimp_channel_real_border (GimpChannel *channel, gint radius_x, gint radius_y, gboolean feather, gboolean edge_lock, gboolean push_undo) { PixelRegion bPR; gint x1, y1, x2, y2; if (radius_x < 0 || radius_y < 0) return; if (! gimp_channel_bounds (channel, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2)) return; if (gimp_channel_is_empty (channel)) return; if (x1 - radius_x < 0) x1 = 0; else x1 -= radius_x; if (x2 + radius_x > gimp_item_get_width (GIMP_ITEM (channel))) x2 = gimp_item_get_width (GIMP_ITEM (channel)); else x2 += radius_x; if (y1 - radius_y < 0) y1 = 0; else y1 -= radius_y; if (y2 + radius_y > gimp_item_get_height (GIMP_ITEM (channel))) y2 = gimp_item_get_height (GIMP_ITEM (channel)); else y2 += radius_y; if (push_undo) gimp_channel_push_undo (channel, GIMP_CHANNEL_GET_CLASS (channel)->border_desc); else gimp_drawable_invalidate_boundary (GIMP_DRAWABLE (channel)); pixel_region_init (&bPR, gimp_drawable_get_tiles (GIMP_DRAWABLE (channel)), x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1, TRUE); border_region (&bPR, radius_x, radius_y, feather, edge_lock); channel->bounds_known = FALSE; gimp_drawable_update (GIMP_DRAWABLE (channel), 0, 0, gimp_item_get_width (GIMP_ITEM (channel)), gimp_item_get_height (GIMP_ITEM (channel))); } static void gimp_channel_real_grow (GimpChannel *channel, gint radius_x, gint radius_y, gboolean push_undo) { PixelRegion bPR; gint x1, y1, x2, y2; if (radius_x == 0 && radius_y == 0) return; if (radius_x <= 0 && radius_y <= 0) { gimp_channel_shrink (channel, -radius_x, -radius_y, FALSE, push_undo); return; } if (radius_x < 0 || radius_y < 0) return; if (! gimp_channel_bounds (channel, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2)) return; if (gimp_channel_is_empty (channel)) return; if (x1 - radius_x > 0) x1 = x1 - radius_x; else x1 = 0; if (y1 - radius_y > 0) y1 = y1 - radius_y; else y1 = 0; if (x2 + radius_x < gimp_item_get_width (GIMP_ITEM (channel))) x2 = x2 + radius_x; else x2 = gimp_item_get_width (GIMP_ITEM (channel)); if (y2 + radius_y < gimp_item_get_height (GIMP_ITEM (channel))) y2 = y2 + radius_y; else y2 = gimp_item_get_height (GIMP_ITEM (channel)); if (push_undo) gimp_channel_push_undo (channel, GIMP_CHANNEL_GET_CLASS (channel)->grow_desc); else gimp_drawable_invalidate_boundary (GIMP_DRAWABLE (channel)); /* need full extents for grow, not! */ pixel_region_init (&bPR, gimp_drawable_get_tiles (GIMP_DRAWABLE (channel)), x1, y1, (x2 - x1), (y2 - y1), TRUE); fatten_region (&bPR, radius_x, radius_y); channel->bounds_known = FALSE; gimp_drawable_update (GIMP_DRAWABLE (channel), 0, 0, gimp_item_get_width (GIMP_ITEM (channel)), gimp_item_get_height (GIMP_ITEM (channel))); } static void gimp_channel_real_shrink (GimpChannel *channel, gint radius_x, gint radius_y, gboolean edge_lock, gboolean push_undo) { PixelRegion bPR; gint x1, y1, x2, y2; if (radius_x == 0 && radius_y == 0) return; if (radius_x <= 0 && radius_y <= 0) { gimp_channel_grow (channel, -radius_x, -radius_y, push_undo); return; } if (radius_x < 0 || radius_y < 0) return; if (! gimp_channel_bounds (channel, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2)) return; if (gimp_channel_is_empty (channel)) return; if (x1 > 0) x1--; if (y1 > 0) y1--; if (x2 < gimp_item_get_width (GIMP_ITEM (channel))) x2++; if (y2 < gimp_item_get_height (GIMP_ITEM (channel))) y2++; if (push_undo) gimp_channel_push_undo (channel, GIMP_CHANNEL_GET_CLASS (channel)->shrink_desc); else gimp_drawable_invalidate_boundary (GIMP_DRAWABLE (channel)); pixel_region_init (&bPR, gimp_drawable_get_tiles (GIMP_DRAWABLE (channel)), x1, y1, (x2 - x1), (y2 - y1), TRUE); thin_region (&bPR, radius_x, radius_y, edge_lock); channel->bounds_known = FALSE; gimp_drawable_update (GIMP_DRAWABLE (channel), 0, 0, gimp_item_get_width (GIMP_ITEM (channel)), gimp_item_get_height (GIMP_ITEM (channel))); } static void gimp_channel_validate_tile (TileManager *tm, Tile *tile) { /* Set the contents of the tile to empty */ memset (tile_data_pointer (tile, 0, 0), TRANSPARENT_OPACITY, tile_size (tile)); } /* public functions */ GimpChannel * gimp_channel_new (GimpImage *image, gint width, gint height, const gchar *name, const GimpRGB *color) { GimpChannel *channel; g_return_val_if_fail (GIMP_IS_IMAGE (image), NULL); channel = GIMP_CHANNEL (gimp_drawable_new (GIMP_TYPE_CHANNEL, image, name, 0, 0, width, height, GIMP_GRAY_IMAGE)); if (color) channel->color = *color; channel->show_masked = TRUE; /* selection mask variables */ channel->x2 = width; channel->y2 = height; return channel; } GimpChannel * gimp_channel_new_from_alpha (GimpImage *image, GimpDrawable *drawable, const gchar *name, const GimpRGB *color) { GimpChannel *channel; gint width; gint height; PixelRegion srcPR, destPR; g_return_val_if_fail (GIMP_IS_IMAGE (image), NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (GIMP_IS_DRAWABLE (drawable), NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (gimp_drawable_has_alpha (drawable), NULL); width = gimp_item_get_width (GIMP_ITEM (drawable)); height = gimp_item_get_height (GIMP_ITEM (drawable)); channel = gimp_channel_new (image, width, height, name, color); gimp_channel_clear (channel, NULL, FALSE); pixel_region_init (&srcPR, gimp_drawable_get_tiles (drawable), 0, 0, width, height, FALSE); pixel_region_init (&destPR, gimp_drawable_get_tiles (GIMP_DRAWABLE (channel)), 0, 0, width, height, TRUE); extract_alpha_region (&srcPR, NULL, &destPR); channel->bounds_known = FALSE; return channel; } GimpChannel * gimp_channel_new_from_component (GimpImage *image, GimpChannelType type, const gchar *name, const GimpRGB *color) { GimpProjection *projection; GimpChannel *channel; TileManager *proj_tiles; PixelRegion src; PixelRegion dest; gint width; gint height; gint pixel; g_return_val_if_fail (GIMP_IS_IMAGE (image), NULL); pixel = gimp_image_get_component_index (image, type); g_return_val_if_fail (pixel != -1, NULL); projection = gimp_image_get_projection (image); gimp_pickable_flush (GIMP_PICKABLE (projection)); proj_tiles = gimp_pickable_get_tiles (GIMP_PICKABLE (projection)); width = tile_manager_width (proj_tiles); height = tile_manager_height (proj_tiles); channel = gimp_channel_new (image, width, height, name, color); pixel_region_init (&src, proj_tiles, 0, 0, width, height, FALSE); pixel_region_init (&dest, gimp_drawable_get_tiles (GIMP_DRAWABLE (channel)), 0, 0, width, height, TRUE); copy_component (&src, &dest, pixel); return channel; } GimpChannel * gimp_channel_get_parent (GimpChannel *channel) { g_return_val_if_fail (GIMP_IS_CHANNEL (channel), NULL); return GIMP_CHANNEL (gimp_viewable_get_parent (GIMP_VIEWABLE (channel))); } void gimp_channel_set_color (GimpChannel *channel, const GimpRGB *color, gboolean push_undo) { g_return_if_fail (GIMP_IS_CHANNEL (channel)); g_return_if_fail (color != NULL); if (gimp_rgba_distance (&channel->color, color) > 0.0001) { if (push_undo && gimp_item_is_attached (GIMP_ITEM (channel))) { GimpImage *image = gimp_item_get_image (GIMP_ITEM (channel)); gimp_image_undo_push_channel_color (image, C_("undo-type", "Set Channel Color"), channel); } channel->color = *color; if (channel->color_node) { GeglColor *gegl_color; gegl_color = gegl_color_new (NULL); gegl_color_set_rgba (gegl_color, channel->color.r, channel->color.g, channel->color.b, channel->color.a); gegl_node_set (channel->color_node, "value", gegl_color, NULL); g_object_unref (gegl_color); } gimp_drawable_update (GIMP_DRAWABLE (channel), 0, 0, gimp_item_get_width (GIMP_ITEM (channel)), gimp_item_get_height (GIMP_ITEM (channel))); g_signal_emit (channel, channel_signals[COLOR_CHANGED], 0); } } void gimp_channel_get_color (const GimpChannel *channel, GimpRGB *color) { g_return_if_fail (GIMP_IS_CHANNEL (channel)); g_return_if_fail (color != NULL); *color = channel->color; } gdouble gimp_channel_get_opacity (const GimpChannel *channel) { g_return_val_if_fail (GIMP_IS_CHANNEL (channel), GIMP_OPACITY_TRANSPARENT); return channel->color.a; } void gimp_channel_set_opacity (GimpChannel *channel, gdouble opacity, gboolean push_undo) { g_return_if_fail (GIMP_IS_CHANNEL (channel)); opacity = CLAMP (opacity, GIMP_OPACITY_TRANSPARENT, GIMP_OPACITY_OPAQUE); if (channel->color.a != opacity) { if (push_undo && gimp_item_is_attached (GIMP_ITEM (channel))) { GimpImage *image = gimp_item_get_image (GIMP_ITEM (channel)); gimp_image_undo_push_channel_color (image, C_("undo-type", "Set Channel Opacity"), channel); } channel->color.a = opacity; if (channel->color_node) { GeglColor *gegl_color; gegl_color = gegl_color_new (NULL); gegl_color_set_rgba (gegl_color, channel->color.r, channel->color.g, channel->color.b, channel->color.a); gegl_node_set (channel->color_node, "value", gegl_color, NULL); g_object_unref (gegl_color); } gimp_drawable_update (GIMP_DRAWABLE (channel), 0, 0, gimp_item_get_width (GIMP_ITEM (channel)), gimp_item_get_height (GIMP_ITEM (channel))); g_signal_emit (channel, channel_signals[COLOR_CHANGED], 0); } } gboolean gimp_channel_get_show_masked (GimpChannel *channel) { g_return_val_if_fail (GIMP_IS_CHANNEL (channel), FALSE); return channel->show_masked; } void gimp_channel_set_show_masked (GimpChannel *channel, gboolean show_masked) { g_return_if_fail (GIMP_IS_CHANNEL (channel)); if (show_masked != channel->show_masked) { channel->show_masked = show_masked ? TRUE : FALSE; if (channel->invert_node) { GeglNode *source; source = gimp_drawable_get_source_node (GIMP_DRAWABLE (channel)); if (channel->show_masked) { gegl_node_connect_to (source, "output", channel->invert_node, "input"); gegl_node_connect_to (channel->invert_node, "output", channel->mask_node, "aux"); } else { gegl_node_disconnect (channel->invert_node, "input"); gegl_node_connect_to (source, "output", channel->mask_node, "aux"); } } gimp_drawable_update (GIMP_DRAWABLE (channel), 0, 0, gimp_item_get_width (GIMP_ITEM (channel)), gimp_item_get_height (GIMP_ITEM (channel))); } } void gimp_channel_push_undo (GimpChannel *channel, const gchar *undo_desc) { g_return_if_fail (GIMP_IS_CHANNEL (channel)); g_return_if_fail (gimp_item_is_attached (GIMP_ITEM (channel))); gimp_image_undo_push_mask (gimp_item_get_image (GIMP_ITEM (channel)), undo_desc, channel); gimp_drawable_invalidate_boundary (GIMP_DRAWABLE (channel)); } /******************************/ /* selection mask functions */ /******************************/ GimpChannel * gimp_channel_new_mask (GimpImage *image, gint width, gint height) { GimpChannel *new_channel; g_return_val_if_fail (GIMP_IS_IMAGE (image), NULL); new_channel = gimp_channel_new (image, width, height, _("Selection Mask"), NULL); tile_manager_set_validate_proc (gimp_drawable_get_tiles (GIMP_DRAWABLE (new_channel)), (TileValidateProc) gimp_channel_validate_tile, NULL); return new_channel; } gboolean gimp_channel_boundary (GimpChannel *channel, const BoundSeg **segs_in, const BoundSeg **segs_out, gint *num_segs_in, gint *num_segs_out, gint x1, gint y1, gint x2, gint y2) { g_return_val_if_fail (GIMP_IS_CHANNEL (channel), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (segs_in != NULL, FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (segs_out != NULL, FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (num_segs_in != NULL, FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (num_segs_out != NULL, FALSE); return GIMP_CHANNEL_GET_CLASS (channel)->boundary (channel, segs_in, segs_out, num_segs_in, num_segs_out, x1, y1, x2, y2); } gboolean gimp_channel_bounds (GimpChannel *channel, gint *x1, gint *y1, gint *x2, gint *y2) { gint tmp_x1, tmp_y1, tmp_x2, tmp_y2; gboolean retval; g_return_val_if_fail (GIMP_IS_CHANNEL (channel), FALSE); retval = GIMP_CHANNEL_GET_CLASS (channel)->bounds (channel, &tmp_x1, &tmp_y1, &tmp_x2, &tmp_y2); if (x1) *x1 = tmp_x1; if (y1) *y1 = tmp_y1; if (x2) *x2 = tmp_x2; if (y2) *y2 = tmp_y2; return retval; } gboolean gimp_channel_is_empty (GimpChannel *channel) { g_return_val_if_fail (GIMP_IS_CHANNEL (channel), FALSE); return GIMP_CHANNEL_GET_CLASS (channel)->is_empty (channel); } void gimp_channel_feather (GimpChannel *channel, gdouble radius_x, gdouble radius_y, gboolean push_undo) { g_return_if_fail (GIMP_IS_CHANNEL (channel)); if (! gimp_item_is_attached (GIMP_ITEM (channel))) push_undo = FALSE; GIMP_CHANNEL_GET_CLASS (channel)->feather (channel, radius_x, radius_y, push_undo); } void gimp_channel_sharpen (GimpChannel *channel, gboolean push_undo) { g_return_if_fail (GIMP_IS_CHANNEL (channel)); if (! gimp_item_is_attached (GIMP_ITEM (channel))) push_undo = FALSE; GIMP_CHANNEL_GET_CLASS (channel)->sharpen (channel, push_undo); } void gimp_channel_clear (GimpChannel *channel, const gchar *undo_desc, gboolean push_undo) { g_return_if_fail (GIMP_IS_CHANNEL (channel)); if (! gimp_item_is_attached (GIMP_ITEM (channel))) push_undo = FALSE; GIMP_CHANNEL_GET_CLASS (channel)->clear (channel, undo_desc, push_undo); } void gimp_channel_all (GimpChannel *channel, gboolean push_undo) { g_return_if_fail (GIMP_IS_CHANNEL (channel)); if (! gimp_item_is_attached (GIMP_ITEM (channel))) push_undo = FALSE; GIMP_CHANNEL_GET_CLASS (channel)->all (channel, push_undo); } void gimp_channel_invert (GimpChannel *channel, gboolean push_undo) { g_return_if_fail (GIMP_IS_CHANNEL (channel)); if (! gimp_item_is_attached (GIMP_ITEM (channel))) push_undo = FALSE; GIMP_CHANNEL_GET_CLASS (channel)->invert (channel, push_undo); } void gimp_channel_border (GimpChannel *channel, gint radius_x, gint radius_y, gboolean feather, gboolean edge_lock, gboolean push_undo) { g_return_if_fail (GIMP_IS_CHANNEL (channel)); if (! gimp_item_is_attached (GIMP_ITEM (channel))) push_undo = FALSE; GIMP_CHANNEL_GET_CLASS (channel)->border (channel, radius_x, radius_y, feather, edge_lock, push_undo); } void gimp_channel_grow (GimpChannel *channel, gint radius_x, gint radius_y, gboolean push_undo) { g_return_if_fail (GIMP_IS_CHANNEL (channel)); if (! gimp_item_is_attached (GIMP_ITEM (channel))) push_undo = FALSE; GIMP_CHANNEL_GET_CLASS (channel)->grow (channel, radius_x, radius_y, push_undo); } void gimp_channel_shrink (GimpChannel *channel, gint radius_x, gint radius_y, gboolean edge_lock, gboolean push_undo) { g_return_if_fail (GIMP_IS_CHANNEL (channel)); if (! gimp_item_is_attached (GIMP_ITEM (channel))) push_undo = FALSE; GIMP_CHANNEL_GET_CLASS (channel)->shrink (channel, radius_x, radius_y, edge_lock, push_undo); }