/* The GIMP -- an image manipulation program * Copyright (C) 1995 Spencer Kimball and Peter Mattis * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "config.h" #include #ifdef HAVE_GNOMEUI #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_GNOME_KEYRING #include #endif #include #include #include "libgimp/stdplugins-intl.h" #define BUFSIZE 4096 /* local function prototypes */ static gchar * get_protocols (void); static gboolean copy_uri (const gchar *src_uri, const gchar *dest_uri, const gchar *copying_format_str, const gchar *copied_format_str, GError **error); #ifdef HAVE_GNOME_KEYRING static void vfs_async_fill_authentication_callback (gconstpointer in, size_t in_size, gpointer out, size_t out_size, gpointer user_data, GnomeVFSModuleCallbackResponse response, gpointer response_data); static void vfs_fill_authentication_callback (gconstpointer in, size_t in_size, gpointer out, size_t out_size, gpointer user_data); #endif /* HAVE_GNOME_KEYRING */ /* private variables */ static gchar *supported_protocols = NULL; /* public functions */ gboolean uri_backend_init (const gchar *plugin_name, gboolean run, GimpRunMode run_mode, GError **error) { if (! gnome_vfs_init ()) { g_set_error (error, 0, 0, "Could not initialize GnomeVFS"); return FALSE; } #ifdef HAVE_GNOMEUI if (run) { if (run_mode == GIMP_RUN_INTERACTIVE) { gimp_ui_init (plugin_name, FALSE); gnome_authentication_manager_init (); } else { #ifdef HAVE_GNOME_KEYRING gnome_vfs_async_module_callback_set_default (GNOME_VFS_MODULE_CALLBACK_FILL_AUTHENTICATION, vfs_async_fill_authentication_callback, GINT_TO_POINTER (0), NULL); gnome_vfs_module_callback_set_default (GNOME_VFS_MODULE_CALLBACK_FILL_AUTHENTICATION, vfs_fill_authentication_callback, GINT_TO_POINTER (0), NULL); #endif /* HAVE_GNOME_KEYRING */ } } #endif /* HAVE_GNOMEUI */ return TRUE; } void uri_backend_shutdown (void) { gnome_vfs_shutdown (); } const gchar * uri_backend_get_load_protocols (void) { if (! supported_protocols) supported_protocols = get_protocols (); return supported_protocols; } const gchar * uri_backend_get_save_protocols (void) { if (! supported_protocols) supported_protocols = get_protocols (); return supported_protocols; } gboolean uri_backend_load_image (const gchar *uri, const gchar *tmpname, GimpRunMode run_mode, GError **error) { gchar *dest_uri; gboolean success; dest_uri = g_filename_to_uri (tmpname, NULL, NULL); success = copy_uri (uri, dest_uri, _("Downloading %s of image data..."), _("Downloaded %s of image data"), error); g_free (dest_uri); return success; } gboolean uri_backend_save_image (const gchar *uri, const gchar *tmpname, GimpRunMode run_mode, GError **error) { gchar *src_uri; gboolean success; src_uri = g_filename_to_uri (tmpname, NULL, NULL); success = copy_uri (src_uri, uri, _("Uploading %s of image data..."), _("Uploaded %s of image data"), error); g_free (src_uri); return success; } /* private functions */ static gchar * get_protocols (void) { static const gchar *protocols[] = { "http:", "https:", "ftp:", "sftp:", "ssh:", "smb:", "dav:", "davs:" }; GString *string = g_string_new (NULL); gint i; for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (protocols); i++) { gchar *uri; GnomeVFSURI *vfs_uri; uri = g_strdup_printf ("%s//foo/bar.xcf", protocols[i]); vfs_uri = gnome_vfs_uri_new (uri); if (vfs_uri) { if (string->len > 0) g_string_append_c (string, ','); g_string_append (string, protocols[i]); gnome_vfs_uri_unref (vfs_uri); } g_free (uri); } return g_string_free (string, FALSE); } static gboolean copy_uri (const gchar *src_uri, const gchar *dest_uri, const gchar *copying_format_str, const gchar *copied_format_str, GError **error) { GnomeVFSHandle *read_handle; GnomeVFSHandle *write_handle; GnomeVFSFileInfo *src_info; GnomeVFSFileSize file_size = 0; GnomeVFSFileSize bytes_read = 0; guchar buffer[BUFSIZE]; GnomeVFSResult result; gchar *memsize; GTimeVal last_time = { 0, 0 }; gimp_progress_init (_("Connecting to server")); src_info = gnome_vfs_file_info_new (); result = gnome_vfs_get_file_info (src_uri, src_info, 0); /* ignore errors here, they will be noticed below */ if (result == GNOME_VFS_OK && (src_info->valid_fields & GNOME_VFS_FILE_INFO_FIELDS_SIZE)) { file_size = src_info->size; } gnome_vfs_file_info_unref (src_info); result = gnome_vfs_open (&read_handle, src_uri, GNOME_VFS_OPEN_READ); if (result != GNOME_VFS_OK) { g_set_error (error, 0, 0, _("Could not open '%s' for reading: %s"), src_uri, gnome_vfs_result_to_string (result)); return FALSE; } result = gnome_vfs_create (&write_handle, dest_uri, GNOME_VFS_OPEN_WRITE, FALSE, 0644); if (result != GNOME_VFS_OK) { g_set_error (error, 0, 0, _("Could not open '%s' for writing: %s"), dest_uri, gnome_vfs_result_to_string (result)); gnome_vfs_close (read_handle); return FALSE; } memsize = gimp_memsize_to_string (file_size); gimp_progress_init_printf (file_size > 0 ? copying_format_str : copied_format_str, memsize); g_free (memsize); while (TRUE) { GnomeVFSFileSize chunk_read; GnomeVFSFileSize chunk_written; GTimeVal now; result = gnome_vfs_read (read_handle, buffer, sizeof (buffer), &chunk_read); if (chunk_read == 0) { if (result != GNOME_VFS_ERROR_EOF) { memsize = gimp_memsize_to_string (sizeof (buffer)); g_set_error (error, 0, 0, _("Failed to read %s from '%s': %s"), memsize, src_uri, gnome_vfs_result_to_string (result)); g_free (memsize); gnome_vfs_close (read_handle); gnome_vfs_close (write_handle); return FALSE; } else { gimp_progress_update (1.0); break; } } bytes_read += chunk_read; /* update the progress only up to 10 times a second */ g_get_current_time (&now); if (((now.tv_sec - last_time.tv_sec) * 1000 + (now.tv_usec - last_time.tv_usec) / 1000) > 100) { if (file_size > 0) { gimp_progress_update ((gdouble) bytes_read / (gdouble) file_size); } else { memsize = gimp_memsize_to_string (bytes_read); gimp_progress_set_text_printf (copied_format_str, memsize); gimp_progress_pulse (); g_free (memsize); } last_time = now; } result = gnome_vfs_write (write_handle, buffer, chunk_read, &chunk_written); if (chunk_written < chunk_read) { memsize = gimp_memsize_to_string (chunk_read); g_set_error (error, 0, 0, _("Failed to write %s to '%s': %s"), memsize, dest_uri, gnome_vfs_result_to_string (result)); g_free (memsize); gnome_vfs_close (read_handle); gnome_vfs_close (write_handle); return FALSE; } } gnome_vfs_close (read_handle); gnome_vfs_close (write_handle); return TRUE; } #ifdef HAVE_GNOME_KEYRING /* gnome-keyring code copied from * libgnomeui/libgnomeui/gnome-authentication-manager.c CVS version 1.13 */ typedef struct { const GnomeVFSModuleCallbackFillAuthenticationIn *in_args; GnomeVFSModuleCallbackFillAuthenticationOut *out_args; GnomeVFSModuleCallbackResponse response; gpointer response_data; } FillCallbackInfo; static void fill_auth_callback (GnomeKeyringResult result, GList *list, gpointer data) { FillCallbackInfo *info = data; GnomeKeyringNetworkPasswordData *pwd_data;; if (result != GNOME_KEYRING_RESULT_OK || list == NULL) { info->out_args->valid = FALSE; } else { /* We use the first result, which is the least specific match */ pwd_data = list->data; info->out_args->valid = TRUE; info->out_args->username = g_strdup (pwd_data->user); info->out_args->domain = g_strdup (pwd_data->domain); info->out_args->password = g_strdup (pwd_data->password); } info->response (info->response_data); } static void /* GnomeVFSAsyncModuleCallback */ vfs_async_fill_authentication_callback (gconstpointer in, size_t in_size, gpointer out, size_t out_size, gpointer user_data, GnomeVFSModuleCallbackResponse response, gpointer response_data) { GnomeVFSModuleCallbackFillAuthenticationIn *in_real; GnomeVFSModuleCallbackFillAuthenticationOut *out_real; gpointer request; FillCallbackInfo *info; g_return_if_fail (sizeof (GnomeVFSModuleCallbackFillAuthenticationIn) == in_size && sizeof (GnomeVFSModuleCallbackFillAuthenticationOut) == out_size); g_return_if_fail (in != NULL); g_return_if_fail (out != NULL); in_real = (GnomeVFSModuleCallbackFillAuthenticationIn *)in; out_real = (GnomeVFSModuleCallbackFillAuthenticationOut *)out; info = g_new (FillCallbackInfo, 1); info->in_args = in_real; info->out_args = out_real; info->response = response; info->response_data = response_data; request = gnome_keyring_find_network_password (in_real->username, in_real->domain, in_real->server, in_real->object, in_real->protocol, in_real->authtype, in_real->port, fill_auth_callback, info, g_free); } static void /* GnomeVFSModuleCallback */ vfs_fill_authentication_callback (gconstpointer in, size_t in_size, gpointer out, size_t out_size, gpointer user_data) { GnomeVFSModuleCallbackFillAuthenticationIn *in_real; GnomeVFSModuleCallbackFillAuthenticationOut *out_real; GnomeKeyringNetworkPasswordData *pwd_data; GList *list; GnomeKeyringResult result; g_return_if_fail (sizeof (GnomeVFSModuleCallbackFillAuthenticationIn) == in_size && sizeof (GnomeVFSModuleCallbackFillAuthenticationOut) == out_size); g_return_if_fail (in != NULL); g_return_if_fail (out != NULL); in_real = (GnomeVFSModuleCallbackFillAuthenticationIn *)in; out_real = (GnomeVFSModuleCallbackFillAuthenticationOut *)out; result = gnome_keyring_find_network_password_sync (in_real->username, in_real->domain, in_real->server, in_real->object, in_real->protocol, in_real->authtype, in_real->port, &list); if (result != GNOME_KEYRING_RESULT_OK || list == NULL) { out_real->valid = FALSE; } else { /* We use the first result, which is the least specific match */ pwd_data = list->data; out_real->valid = TRUE; out_real->username = g_strdup (pwd_data->user); out_real->domain = g_strdup (pwd_data->domain); out_real->password = g_strdup (pwd_data->password); gnome_keyring_network_password_list_free (list); } } #endif /* HAVE_GNOME_KEYRING */