sizes = [ '16', '22', '24', '32', '48', '64', '256', ] # XXX: the old autotools build used to `touch` the (datadir) /icons/hicolor # folder at install time in order to comply with the "Icon Theme Specification" # (see the "Implementation Notes" section about changing the mtime of the # toplevel icon directory after installing/updating icon themes). # This part was not reimplemented in our meson build. Unsure if this is still # needed or even if this is the role of the application build to take care of # this. foreach size : sizes sizedir = size+'x'+size install_data(sizedir / 'gimp.png', install_dir: get_option('datadir') / 'icons' / 'hicolor' / sizedir / 'apps' ) endforeach install_data('scalable/gimp.svg', install_dir: get_option('datadir') / 'icons' / 'hicolor' / 'scalable' / 'apps' ) desktopfilename = 'gimp.desktop' desktop_conf = configuration_data() desktop_conf.set('GIMP_COMMAND', gimp_command) desktop_conf.set('GIMP_VERSION', gimp_version) desktop_conf.set('GIMP_APP_VERSION', gimp_app_version) desktop_conf.set('MIME_TYPES', ';'.join(MIMEtypes)) desktop_conf.set('BUG_REPORT_URL', bug_report_url) desktopfilein = configure_file( input : desktopfilename+'', output: desktopfilename+'.in', configuration: desktop_conf, ) desktopfile = i18n.merge_file( input : desktopfilein, output: desktopfilename, type: 'desktop', po_dir: po_dir, install: true, install_dir: get_option('datadir') / 'applications', ) appdatafilename = 'org.gimp.GIMP.appdata.xml' appdatafilein = configure_file( input : appdatafilename+'', output: appdatafilename+'.in', configuration: desktop_conf, ) appdatafile = i18n.merge_file( input : appdatafilein, output: appdatafilename, po_dir: po_dir, install: true, install_dir: get_option('datadir') / 'metainfo', ) if desktop_validate.found() test('validate-desktop', desktop_validate, args: [ desktopfile ], suite: 'desktop', ) endif if appstreamcli.found() # TODO: should we use validate-strict when the last errors for a strict # validation are fixed? test('appdata_file', appstreamcli, args: [ 'validate', appdatafile ], env: [ 'GIMP_TESTING_ABS_TOP_BUILDDIR=' + meson.project_build_root(), ], suite: 'desktop', ) endif