/* LIBGIMP - The GIMP Library * Copyright (C) 1995-1997 Peter Mattis and Spencer Kimball * * gimpwidgets.c * Copyright (C) 2000 Michael Natterer * * This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see * . */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #ifdef G_OS_WIN32 #include #endif #ifdef GDK_WINDOWING_QUARTZ #include #include #include #endif #include "libgimpcolor/gimpcolor.h" #include "libgimpconfig/gimpconfig.h" #include "gimpwidgetstypes.h" #include "gimp3migration.h" #include "gimpsizeentry.h" #include "gimpwidgetsutils.h" #include "libgimp/libgimp-intl.h" /** * SECTION: gimpwidgetsutils * @title: GimpWidgetsUtils * @short_description: A collection of helper functions. * * A collection of helper functions. **/ static GtkWidget * find_mnemonic_widget (GtkWidget *widget, gint level) { gboolean can_focus; g_object_get (widget, "can-focus", &can_focus, NULL); if (GTK_WIDGET_GET_CLASS (widget)->activate_signal || can_focus || GTK_WIDGET_GET_CLASS (widget)->mnemonic_activate != GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (g_type_class_peek (GTK_TYPE_WIDGET))->mnemonic_activate) { return widget; } if (GIMP_IS_SIZE_ENTRY (widget)) { GimpSizeEntry *entry = GIMP_SIZE_ENTRY (widget); return gimp_size_entry_get_help_widget (entry, entry->number_of_fields - 1); } else if (GTK_IS_CONTAINER (widget)) { GtkWidget *mnemonic_widget = NULL; GList *children; GList *list; children = gtk_container_get_children (GTK_CONTAINER (widget)); for (list = children; list; list = g_list_next (list)) { mnemonic_widget = find_mnemonic_widget (list->data, level + 1); if (mnemonic_widget) break; } g_list_free (children); return mnemonic_widget; } return NULL; } /** * gimp_table_attach_aligned: * @table: The #GtkTable the widgets will be attached to. * @column: The column to start with. * @row: The row to attach the widgets. * @label_text: The text for the #GtkLabel which will be attached left of * the widget. * @xalign: The horizontal alignment of the #GtkLabel. * @yalign: The vertical alignment of the #GtkLabel. * @widget: The #GtkWidget to attach right of the label. * @colspan: The number of columns the widget will use. * @left_align: %TRUE if the widget should be left-aligned. * * Note that the @label_text can be %NULL and that the widget will be * attached starting at (@column + 1) in this case, too. * * Returns: The created #GtkLabel. **/ GtkWidget * gimp_table_attach_aligned (GtkTable *table, gint column, gint row, const gchar *label_text, gfloat xalign, gfloat yalign, GtkWidget *widget, gint colspan, gboolean left_align) { GtkWidget *label = NULL; if (label_text) { GtkWidget *mnemonic_widget; label = gtk_label_new_with_mnemonic (label_text); gtk_label_set_xalign (GTK_LABEL (label), xalign); gtk_label_set_yalign (GTK_LABEL (label), yalign); gtk_label_set_justify (GTK_LABEL (label), GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT); gtk_table_attach (table, label, column, column + 1, row, row + 1, GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 0, 0); gtk_widget_show (label); mnemonic_widget = find_mnemonic_widget (widget, 0); if (mnemonic_widget) gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (GTK_LABEL (label), mnemonic_widget); } if (left_align) { GtkWidget *hbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 0); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), widget, FALSE, FALSE, 0); gtk_widget_show (widget); widget = hbox; } gtk_table_attach (table, widget, column + 1, column + 1 + colspan, row, row + 1, GTK_EXPAND | GTK_FILL, GTK_EXPAND | GTK_FILL, 0, 0); gtk_widget_show (widget); return label; } /** * gimp_label_set_attributes: * @label: a #GtkLabel * @...: a list of PangoAttrType and value pairs terminated by -1. * * Sets Pango attributes on a #GtkLabel in a more convenient way than * gtk_label_set_attributes(). * * This function is useful if you want to change the font attributes * of a #GtkLabel. This is an alternative to using PangoMarkup which * is slow to parse and awkward to handle in an i18n-friendly way. * * The attributes are set on the complete label, from start to end. If * you need to set attributes on part of the label, you will have to * use the PangoAttributes API directly. * * Since: 2.2 **/ void gimp_label_set_attributes (GtkLabel *label, ...) { PangoAttribute *attr = NULL; PangoAttrList *attrs; va_list args; g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_LABEL (label)); attrs = pango_attr_list_new (); va_start (args, label); do { PangoAttrType attr_type = va_arg (args, PangoAttrType); if (attr_type == -1) attr_type = PANGO_ATTR_INVALID; switch (attr_type) { case PANGO_ATTR_LANGUAGE: attr = pango_attr_language_new (va_arg (args, PangoLanguage *)); break; case PANGO_ATTR_FAMILY: attr = pango_attr_family_new (va_arg (args, const gchar *)); break; case PANGO_ATTR_STYLE: attr = pango_attr_style_new (va_arg (args, PangoStyle)); break; case PANGO_ATTR_WEIGHT: attr = pango_attr_weight_new (va_arg (args, PangoWeight)); break; case PANGO_ATTR_VARIANT: attr = pango_attr_variant_new (va_arg (args, PangoVariant)); break; case PANGO_ATTR_STRETCH: attr = pango_attr_stretch_new (va_arg (args, PangoStretch)); break; case PANGO_ATTR_SIZE: attr = pango_attr_size_new (va_arg (args, gint)); break; case PANGO_ATTR_FONT_DESC: attr = pango_attr_font_desc_new (va_arg (args, const PangoFontDescription *)); break; case PANGO_ATTR_FOREGROUND: { const PangoColor *color = va_arg (args, const PangoColor *); attr = pango_attr_foreground_new (color->red, color->green, color->blue); } break; case PANGO_ATTR_BACKGROUND: { const PangoColor *color = va_arg (args, const PangoColor *); attr = pango_attr_background_new (color->red, color->green, color->blue); } break; case PANGO_ATTR_UNDERLINE: attr = pango_attr_underline_new (va_arg (args, PangoUnderline)); break; case PANGO_ATTR_STRIKETHROUGH: attr = pango_attr_strikethrough_new (va_arg (args, gboolean)); break; case PANGO_ATTR_RISE: attr = pango_attr_rise_new (va_arg (args, gint)); break; case PANGO_ATTR_SCALE: attr = pango_attr_scale_new (va_arg (args, gdouble)); break; default: g_warning ("%s: invalid PangoAttribute type %d", G_STRFUNC, attr_type); case PANGO_ATTR_INVALID: attr = NULL; break; } if (attr) { attr->start_index = 0; attr->end_index = -1; pango_attr_list_insert (attrs, attr); } } while (attr); va_end (args); gtk_label_set_attributes (label, attrs); pango_attr_list_unref (attrs); } gint gimp_widget_get_monitor (GtkWidget *widget) { GdkWindow *window; GdkScreen *screen; GtkAllocation allocation; gint x, y; g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget), 0); window = gtk_widget_get_window (widget); if (! window) return gimp_get_monitor_at_pointer (&screen); screen = gtk_widget_get_screen (widget); gdk_window_get_origin (window, &x, &y); gtk_widget_get_allocation (widget, &allocation); if (! gtk_widget_get_has_window (widget)) { x += allocation.x; y += allocation.y; } x += allocation.width / 2; y += allocation.height / 2; return gdk_screen_get_monitor_at_point (screen, x, y); } gint gimp_get_monitor_at_pointer (GdkScreen **screen) { gint x, y; g_return_val_if_fail (screen != NULL, 0); gdk_display_get_pointer (gdk_display_get_default (), screen, &x, &y, NULL); return gdk_screen_get_monitor_at_point (*screen, x, y); } typedef void (* MonitorChangedCallback) (GtkWidget *, gpointer); typedef struct { GtkWidget *widget; gint monitor; MonitorChangedCallback callback; gpointer user_data; } TrackMonitorData; static gboolean track_monitor_configure_event (GtkWidget *toplevel, GdkEvent *event, TrackMonitorData *track_data) { gint monitor = gimp_widget_get_monitor (toplevel); if (monitor != track_data->monitor) { track_data->monitor = monitor; track_data->callback (track_data->widget, track_data->user_data); } return FALSE; } static void track_monitor_hierarchy_changed (GtkWidget *widget, GtkWidget *previous_toplevel, TrackMonitorData *track_data) { GtkWidget *toplevel; if (previous_toplevel) { g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (previous_toplevel, track_monitor_configure_event, track_data); } toplevel = gtk_widget_get_toplevel (widget); if (GTK_IS_WINDOW (toplevel)) { GClosure *closure; gint monitor; closure = g_cclosure_new (G_CALLBACK (track_monitor_configure_event), track_data, NULL); g_object_watch_closure (G_OBJECT (widget), closure); g_signal_connect_closure (toplevel, "configure-event", closure, FALSE); monitor = gimp_widget_get_monitor (toplevel); if (monitor != track_data->monitor) { track_data->monitor = monitor; track_data->callback (track_data->widget, track_data->user_data); } } } /** * gimp_widget_track_monitor: * @widget: a #GtkWidget * @monitor_changed_callback: the callback when @widget's monitor changes * @user_data: data passed to @monitor_changed_callback * * This function behaves as if #GtkWidget had a signal * * GtkWidget::monitor_changed(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer user_data) * * That is emitted whenever @widget's toplevel window is moved from * one monitor to another. This function automatically connects to * the right toplevel #GtkWindow, even across moving @widget between * toplevel windows. * * Note that this function tracks the toplevel, not @widget itself, so * all a window's widgets are always considered to be on the same * monitor. This is because this function is mainly used for fetching * the new monitor's color profile, and it makes little sense to use * different profiles for the widgets of one window. * * Since: 2.10 **/ void gimp_widget_track_monitor (GtkWidget *widget, GCallback monitor_changed_callback, gpointer user_data) { TrackMonitorData *track_data; GtkWidget *toplevel; g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)); g_return_if_fail (monitor_changed_callback != NULL); track_data = g_new0 (TrackMonitorData, 1); track_data->widget = widget; track_data->callback = (MonitorChangedCallback) monitor_changed_callback; track_data->user_data = user_data; g_object_weak_ref (G_OBJECT (widget), (GWeakNotify) g_free, track_data); g_signal_connect (widget, "hierarchy-changed", G_CALLBACK (track_monitor_hierarchy_changed), track_data); toplevel = gtk_widget_get_toplevel (widget); if (GTK_IS_WINDOW (toplevel)) track_monitor_hierarchy_changed (widget, NULL, track_data); } GimpColorProfile * gimp_widget_get_color_profile (GtkWidget *widget) { GimpColorProfile *profile = NULL; GdkScreen *screen; gint monitor; g_return_val_if_fail (widget == NULL || GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget), NULL); if (widget) { screen = gtk_widget_get_screen (widget); monitor = gimp_widget_get_monitor (widget); } else { screen = gdk_screen_get_default (); monitor = 0; } #if defined GDK_WINDOWING_X11 { GdkAtom type = GDK_NONE; gint format = 0; gint nitems = 0; gchar *atom_name; guchar *data = NULL; if (monitor > 0) atom_name = g_strdup_printf ("_ICC_PROFILE_%d", monitor); else atom_name = g_strdup ("_ICC_PROFILE"); if (gdk_property_get (gdk_screen_get_root_window (screen), gdk_atom_intern (atom_name, FALSE), GDK_NONE, 0, 64 * 1024 * 1024, FALSE, &type, &format, &nitems, &data) && nitems > 0) { profile = gimp_color_profile_new_from_icc_profile (data, nitems, NULL); g_free (data); } g_free (atom_name); } #elif defined GDK_WINDOWING_QUARTZ { CGColorSpaceRef space = NULL; space = CGDisplayCopyColorSpace (monitor); if (space) { CFDataRef data; data = CGColorSpaceCopyICCProfile (space); if (data) { UInt8 *buffer = g_malloc (CFDataGetLength (data)); /* We cannot use CFDataGetBytesPtr(), because that returns * a const pointer where cmsOpenProfileFromMem wants a * non-const pointer. */ CFDataGetBytes (data, CFRangeMake (0, CFDataGetLength (data)), buffer); profile = gimp_color_profile_new_from_icc_profile (buffer, CFDataGetLength (data), NULL); g_free (buffer); CFRelease (data); } CFRelease (space); } } #elif defined G_OS_WIN32 { HDC hdc = GetDC (NULL); if (hdc) { gchar *path; gint32 len = 0; GetICMProfile (hdc, (LPDWORD) &len, NULL); path = g_new (gchar, len); if (GetICMProfile (hdc, (LPDWORD) &len, path)) { GFile *file = g_file_new_for_path (path); profile = gimp_color_profile_new_from_file (file, NULL); g_object_unref (file); } g_free (path); ReleaseDC (NULL, hdc); } } #endif return profile; } static GimpColorProfile * get_display_profile (GtkWidget *widget, GimpColorConfig *config) { GimpColorProfile *profile = NULL; if (gimp_color_config_get_display_profile_from_gdk (config)) /* get the toplevel's profile so all a window's colors look the same */ profile = gimp_widget_get_color_profile (gtk_widget_get_toplevel (widget)); if (! profile) profile = gimp_color_config_get_display_color_profile (config, NULL); if (! profile) profile = gimp_color_profile_new_rgb_srgb (); return profile; } typedef struct _TransformCache TransformCache; struct _TransformCache { GimpColorTransform *transform; GimpColorConfig *config; GimpColorProfile *src_profile; const Babl *src_format; GimpColorProfile *dest_profile; const Babl *dest_format; GimpColorProfile *proof_profile; gulong notify_id; }; static GList *transform_caches = NULL; static gboolean debug_cache = FALSE; static gboolean profiles_equal (GimpColorProfile *profile1, GimpColorProfile *profile2) { return ((profile1 == NULL && profile2 == NULL) || (profile1 != NULL && profile2 != NULL && gimp_color_profile_is_equal (profile1, profile2))); } static TransformCache * transform_cache_get (GimpColorConfig *config, GimpColorProfile *src_profile, const Babl *src_format, GimpColorProfile *dest_profile, const Babl *dest_format, GimpColorProfile *proof_profile) { GList *list; for (list = transform_caches; list; list = g_list_next (list)) { TransformCache *cache = list->data; if (config == cache->config && src_format == cache->src_format && dest_format == cache->dest_format && profiles_equal (src_profile, cache->src_profile) && profiles_equal (dest_profile, cache->dest_profile) && profiles_equal (proof_profile, cache->proof_profile)) { if (debug_cache) g_printerr ("found cache %p\n", cache); return cache; } } return NULL; } static void transform_cache_config_notify (GObject *config, const GParamSpec *pspec, TransformCache *cache) { transform_caches = g_list_remove (transform_caches, cache); g_signal_handler_disconnect (config, cache->notify_id); if (cache->transform) g_object_unref (cache->transform); g_object_unref (cache->src_profile); g_object_unref (cache->dest_profile); if (cache->proof_profile) g_object_unref (cache->proof_profile); g_free (cache); if (debug_cache) g_printerr ("deleted cache %p\n", cache); } GimpColorTransform * gimp_widget_get_color_transform (GtkWidget *widget, GimpColorConfig *config, GimpColorProfile *src_profile, const Babl *src_format, const Babl *dest_format) { static gboolean initialized = FALSE; GimpColorProfile *dest_profile = NULL; GimpColorProfile *proof_profile = NULL; TransformCache *cache; g_return_val_if_fail (widget == NULL || GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget), NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (GIMP_IS_COLOR_CONFIG (config), NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (GIMP_IS_COLOR_PROFILE (src_profile), NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (src_format != NULL, NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (dest_format != NULL, NULL); if (G_UNLIKELY (! initialized)) { initialized = TRUE; debug_cache = g_getenv ("GIMP_DEBUG_TRANSFORM_CACHE") != NULL; } switch (gimp_color_config_get_mode (config)) { case GIMP_COLOR_MANAGEMENT_OFF: return NULL; case GIMP_COLOR_MANAGEMENT_SOFTPROOF: proof_profile = gimp_color_config_get_simulation_color_profile (config, NULL); /* fallthru */ case GIMP_COLOR_MANAGEMENT_DISPLAY: dest_profile = get_display_profile (widget, config); break; } cache = transform_cache_get (config, src_profile, src_format, dest_profile, dest_format, proof_profile); if (cache) { g_object_unref (dest_profile); if (proof_profile) g_object_unref (proof_profile); if (cache->transform) return g_object_ref (cache->transform); return NULL; } if (! proof_profile && gimp_color_profile_is_equal (src_profile, dest_profile)) { g_object_unref (dest_profile); return NULL; } cache = g_new0 (TransformCache, 1); if (debug_cache) g_printerr ("creating cache %p\n", cache); cache->config = g_object_ref (config); cache->src_profile = g_object_ref (src_profile); cache->src_format = src_format; cache->dest_profile = dest_profile; cache->dest_format = dest_format; cache->proof_profile = proof_profile; cache->notify_id = g_signal_connect (cache->config, "notify", G_CALLBACK (transform_cache_config_notify), cache); transform_caches = g_list_prepend (transform_caches, cache); if (cache->proof_profile) { GimpColorTransformFlags flags = 0; if (gimp_color_config_get_simulation_bpc (config)) flags |= GIMP_COLOR_TRANSFORM_FLAGS_BLACK_POINT_COMPENSATION; if (! gimp_color_config_get_simulation_optimize (config)) flags |= GIMP_COLOR_TRANSFORM_FLAGS_NOOPTIMIZE; if (gimp_color_config_get_simulation_gamut_check (config)) { cmsUInt16Number alarmCodes[cmsMAXCHANNELS] = { 0, }; guchar r, g, b; flags |= GIMP_COLOR_TRANSFORM_FLAGS_GAMUT_CHECK; gimp_rgb_get_uchar (&config->out_of_gamut_color, &r, &g, &b); alarmCodes[0] = (cmsUInt16Number) r * 256; alarmCodes[1] = (cmsUInt16Number) g * 256; alarmCodes[2] = (cmsUInt16Number) b * 256; cmsSetAlarmCodes (alarmCodes); } cache->transform = gimp_color_transform_new_proofing (cache->src_profile, cache->src_format, cache->dest_profile, cache->dest_format, cache->proof_profile, gimp_color_config_get_simulation_intent (config), gimp_color_config_get_display_intent (config), flags); } else { GimpColorTransformFlags flags = 0; if (gimp_color_config_get_display_bpc (config)) flags |= GIMP_COLOR_TRANSFORM_FLAGS_BLACK_POINT_COMPENSATION; if (! gimp_color_config_get_display_optimize (config)) flags |= GIMP_COLOR_TRANSFORM_FLAGS_NOOPTIMIZE; cache->transform = gimp_color_transform_new (cache->src_profile, cache->src_format, cache->dest_profile, cache->dest_format, gimp_color_config_get_display_intent (config), flags); } if (cache->transform) return g_object_ref (cache->transform); return NULL; }