.\" This man-page is auto-generated by gimpconfig-dump. .TH GIMPRC 5 "Version @GIMP_VERSION@" "GIMP Manual Pages" .SH NAME gimprc \- gimp configuration file .SH DESCRIPTION The .B gimprc file is a configuation file read by the GIMP when it starts up. There are two of these: one system-wide one stored in @gimpsysconfdir@/gimprc and a per-user \fB$HOME\fP/@gimpdir@/gimprc which may override system settings. Comments are introduced by a hash sign (#), and continue until the end of the line. Blank lines are ignored. The .B gimprc file associates values with properties. These properties may be set by lisp-like assignments of the form: .IP \f3(\f2property-name\ value\f3)\f1 .TP where: .TP 10 .I property-name is one of the property names described below. .TP .I value is the value the property is to be set to. .PP Either spaces or tabs may be used to separate the name from the value. .PP .SH PROPERTIES Valid properties and their default values are: .TP (temp-path "${gimp_dir}/tmp") Sets the temporary storage directory. Files will appear here during the course of running the GIMP. Most files will disappear when the GIMP exits, but some files are likely to remain, so it is best if this directory not be one that is shared by other users. This is a single folder. .TP (swap-path "${gimp_dir}") Sets the swap file location. The gimp uses a tile based memory allocation scheme. The swap file is used to quickly and easily swap tiles out to disk and back in. Be aware that the swap file can easily get very large if the GIMP is used with large images. Also, things can get horribly slow if the swap file is created on a directory that is mounted over NFS. For these reasons, it may be desirable to put your swap file in "/tmp". This is a single folder. .TP (stingy-memory-use no) There is always a tradeoff between memory usage and speed. In most cases, the GIMP opts for speed over memory. However, if memory is a big issue, try to enable this setting. Possible values are yes and no. .TP (num-processors 1) On multiprocessor machines, if GIMP has been compiled with --enable-mp this sets how many processors GIMP should use simultaneously. This is an integer value. .TP (tile-cache-size 32M) The tile cache is used to make sure the GIMP doesn't thrash tiles between memory and disk. Setting this value higher will cause the GIMP to use less swap space, but will also cause the GIMP to use more memory. Conversely, a smaller cache size causes the GIMP to use more swap space and less memory. The integer size can contain a suffix of 'B', 'K', 'M' or 'G' which makes GIMP interpret the size as being specified in bytes, kilobytes, megabytes or gigabytes. If no suffix is specified the size defaults to being specified in kilobytes. .TP (interpolation-type linear) Sets the level of interpolation used for scaling and other transformations. Possible values are none, linear and cubic. .TP (plug-in-path "${gimp_dir}/plug-ins:${gimp_plug_in_dir}/plug-ins") Sets the plug-in search path. This is a colon-separated list of folders to search. .TP (tool-plug-in-path "${gimp_dir}/tool-plug-ins:${gimp_plug_in_dir}/tool-plug-ins") Sets the tool-plug-in search path. This is a colon-separated list of folders to search. .TP (module-path "${gimp_dir}/modules:${gimp_plug_in_dir}/modules") Sets the module search path. This is a colon-separated list of folders to search. .TP (environ-path "${gimp_dir}/environ:${gimp_plug_in_dir}/environ") Sets the environ search path. This is a colon-separated list of folders to search. .TP (brush-path "${gimp_dir}/brushes:${gimp_data_dir}/brushes") Sets the brush search path. This is a colon-separated list of folders to search. .TP (pattern-path "${gimp_dir}/patterns:${gimp_data_dir}/patterns") Sets the pattern search path. This is a colon-separated list of folders to search. .TP (palette-path "${gimp_dir}/palettes:${gimp_data_dir}/palettes") Sets the palette search path. This is a colon-separated list of folders to search. .TP (gradient-path "${gimp_dir}/gradients:${gimp_data_dir}/gradients") Sets the gradient search path. This is a colon-separated list of folders to search. .TP (default-brush "Circle (11)") Specify a default brush. The brush is searched for in the specified brush path. This is a string value. .TP (default-pattern "Pine") Specify a default pattern. The pattern is searched for in the specified pattern path. This is a string value. .TP (default-palette "Default") Specify a default palette. The palette is searched for in the specified palette path. This is a string value. .TP (default-gradient "FG to BG (RGB)") Specify a default gradient. The gradient is searched for in the specified gradient path. This is a string value. .TP (default-comment "Created with The GIMP") Sets the default comment. This is a string value. .TP (default-image-type rgb) Sets the default image type in the File/New dialog. Possible values are rgb, gray and indexed. .TP (default-image-width 256) Sets the default image width in the File/New dialog. This is an integer value. .TP (default-image-height 256) Sets the default image height in the File/New dialog. This is an integer value. .TP (default-unit inches) Sets the default unit for new images and for the File/New dialog. This units will be used for coordinate display when not in dot-for-dot mode. The unit can be one inches, millimeters, points or picas plus those in your user units database. .TP (default-xresolution 72.000000) Sets the default horizontal resolution for new images and for the File/New dialog. This value is always in dpi (dots per inch). This is a float value. .TP (default-yresolution 72.000000) Sets the default vertical resolution for new images and for the File/New dialog. This value is always in dpi (dots per inch). This is a float value. .TP (default-resolution-unit inches) Sets the units for the display of the default resolution in the File/New dialog. The unit can be one inches, millimeters, points or picas plus those in your user units database. .TP (undo-levels 5) Sets the number of operations kept on the undo stack. This is an integer value. .TP (undo-size 1024k) Sets the maximum memory used by operations kept on the undo stack. The integer size can contain a suffix of 'B', 'K', 'M' or 'G' which makes GIMP interpret the size as being specified in bytes, kilobytes, megabytes or gigabytes. If no suffix is specified the size defaults to being specified in kilobytes. .TP (pluginrc-path "${gimp_dir}/pluginrc") Sets the pluginrc search path. This is a single filename. .TP (module-load-inhibit "foo") To inhibit loading of a module, add its name here. This is a string value. .TP (preview-size small) Sets the default preview size. Possible values are none, tiny, extra-small, small, medium, large, extra-large, huge, enormous and gigantic. .TP (thumbnail-size normal) Sets the size of the thumbnail saved with each image. Possible values are none, normal and large. .TP (gamma-correction 1.000000) This setting is ignored. This is a float value. .TP (install-colormap no) Install a private colormap; might be useful on pseudocolor visuals. Possible values are yes and no. .TP (min-colors 144) Generally only a concern for 8-bit displays, this sets the minimum number of system colors allocated for the GIMP. This is an integer value. .TP (marching-ants-speed 300) Speed of marching ants in the selection outline. This value is in milliseconds (less time indicates faster marching). This is an integer value. .TP (colormap-cycling no) Specify that marching ants for selected regions will be drawn with colormap cycling as opposed to be drawn as animated lines. This color cycling option works only with 8-bit displays. Possible values are yes and no. .TP (resize-windows-on-zoom no) When zooming into and out of images, setting this option to yes enables the automatic resizing of windows. Possible values are yes and no. .TP (resize-windows-on-resize no) When the physical image size changes, setting this option to yes enables the automatic resizing of windows. Possible values are yes and no. .TP (default-dot-for-dot yes) When set to yes, this will ensure that each pixel of an image gets mapped to a pixel on the screen. Possible values are yes and no. .TP (perfect-mouse no) When set to yes, the X server is queried for the mouse's current position on each motion event, rather than relying on the position hint. This means painting with large brushes should be more accurate, but it may be slower. Perversely, on some X servers turning on this option results in faster painting. Possible values are yes and no. .TP (cursor-mode tool-icon) Sets the mode of cursor the GIMP will use. Possible values are tool-icon, tool-crosshair and crosshair. .TP (cursor-updating yes) Context-dependent cursors are cool. They are enabled by default. However, they require overhead that you may want to do without. Possible values are yes and no. .TP (image-title-format "%f-%p.%i (%t)") Sets the text to appear in image window titles. This is a format string; certain % character sequences are recognised and expanded as follows: .br .br %% literal percent sign .br %f bare filename, or "Untitled" .br %F full path to file, or "Untitled" .br %p PDB image id .br %i view instance number .br %t image type (RGB, grayscale, indexed) .br %z zoom factor as a percentage .br %s source scale factor .br %d destination scale factor .br %Dx expands to x if the image is dirty, the empty string otherwise .br %Cx expands to x if the image is clean, the empty string otherwise .br %m memory used by the image .br %l the number of layers .br %L the name of the active layer/channel .br %w image width in pixels .br %W image width in real-world units .br %h image height in pixels .br %H image height in real-world units .br %u unit symbol .br %U unit abbreviation .br .br .TP (image-status-format "%f-%p.%i (%t)") Sets the text to appear in image window status bars. This is a format string; certain % character sequences are recognised and expanded as follows: .br .br %% literal percent sign .br %f bare filename, or "Untitled" .br %F full path to file, or "Untitled" .br %p PDB image id .br %i view instance number .br %t image type (RGB, grayscale, indexed) .br %z zoom factor as a percentage .br %s source scale factor .br %d destination scale factor .br %Dx expands to x if the image is dirty, the empty string otherwise .br %Cx expands to x if the image is clean, the empty string otherwise .br %m memory used by the image .br %l the number of layers .br %L the name of the active layer/channel .br %w image width in pixels .br %W image width in real-world units .br %h image height in pixels .br %H image height in real-world units .br %u unit symbol .br %U unit abbreviation .br .br .TP (show-menubar no) Sets the default menubar visibility. This can also be toggled with the View->Toggle Menubar command. Possible values are yes and no. .TP (show-rulers yes) Sets the default ruler visibility. This can also be toggled with the View->Toggle Rulers command. Possible values are yes and no. .TP (show-statusbar yes) Set to yes to make the statusbar visible by default. This can also be toggled with the View->Toggle Statusbar command. Possible values are yes and no. .TP (confirm-on-close yes) Ask for confirmation before closing an image without saving. Possible values are yes and no. .TP (monitor-xresolution 72.000000) Sets the monitor's horizontal resolution, in dots per inch. If set to 0, forces the X server to be queried for both horizontal and vertical resolution information. This is a float value. .TP (monitor-yresolution 72.000000) Sets the monitor's vertical resolution, in dots per inch. If set to 0, forces the X server to be queried for both horizontal and vertical resolution information. This is a float value. .TP (monitor-resolution-from-windowing-system yes) Set to yes if the GIMP should use the monitor resolution from the windowing system. Possible values are yes and no. .TP (navigation-preview-size medium) Sets the size of the navigation preview available in the lower right corner of the image window. Possible values are none, tiny, extra-small, small, medium, large, extra-large, huge, enormous and gigantic. .TP (canvas-padding-mode default) Specifies how the area around the image should be drawn. Possible values are default, light-check, dark-check and custom. .TP (canvas-padding-color (color-rgba 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000)) Sets the canvas padding color used if the padding mode is set to custom color. The color is specified in the form (color-rgba red green blue alpha) with channel values as floats between 0.0 and 1.0. .TP (transparency-size medium-checks) Sets the size of the checkerboard used to display transparency. Possible values are small-checks, medium-checks and large-checks. .TP (transparency-type gray-checks) Sets the manner in which transparency is displayed in images. Possible values are light-checks, gray-checks, dark-checks, white-only, gray-only and black-only. .TP (default-threshold 15) Tools such as fuzzy-select and bucket fill find regions based on a seed-fill algorithm. The seed fill starts at the intially selected pixel and progresses in all directions until the difference of pixel intensity from the original is greater than a specified threshold. This value represents the default threshold. This is an integer value. .TP (info-window-per-display no) When set to yes, the GIMP will use a different info window per image view. Possible values are yes and no. .TP (trust-dirty-flag no) When set to yes, the GIMP will not save if the image is unchanged since opening it. Possible values are yes and no. .TP (save-device-status no) Remember the current tool, pattern, color, and brush across GIMP sessions. Possible values are yes and no. .TP (save-session-info yes) Save the positions and sizes of the main dialogs when the GIMP exits. Possible values are yes and no. .TP (restore-session yes) Let GIMP try to restore your last saved session on each startup. Possible values are yes and no. .TP (show-tips yes) To display a handy GIMP tip on startup, set to yes. Possible values are yes and no. .TP (show-tool-tips yes) To display tooltips, set to yes. Possible values are yes and no. .TP (tearoff-menus yes) When set to yes, enables tear off menus. Possible values are yes and no. .TP (last-opened-size 4) How many recently opened image filenames to keep on the File menu. This is an integer value. .TP (max-new-image-size 32M) GIMP will warn the user if an attempt is made to create an image that would take more memory than the size specified here. The integer size can contain a suffix of 'B', 'K', 'M' or 'G' which makes GIMP interpret the size as being specified in bytes, kilobytes, megabytes or gigabytes. If no suffix is specified the size defaults to being specified in kilobytes. .TP (theme-path "${gimp_dir}/themes:${gimp_data_dir}/themes") Sets the theme search path. This is a colon-separated list of folders to search. .TP (theme "Default") The name of the theme to use. This is a string value. .TP (use-help yes) When set to no the F1 help binding will be disabled. Possible values are yes and no. .TP (help-browser gimp) Sets the browser used by the help system. Possible values are gimp and netscape. .TP (fractalexplorer-path "${gimp_dir}/fractalexplorer:${gimp_data_dir}/fractalexplorer") Where to search for fractals used by the Fractal Explorer plug-in. This is a colon-separated list of folders to search. .TP (gfig-path "${gimp_dir}/gfig:${gimp_data_dir}/gfig") Where to search for Gfig figures used by the Gfig plug-in. This is a colon-separated list of folders to search. .TP (gflare-path "${gimp_dir}/gflare:${gimp_data_dir}/gflare") Where to search for gflares used by the GFlare plug-in. This is a colon-separated list of folders to search. .TP (gimpressionist-path "${gimp_dir}/gimpressionist:${gimp_data_dir}/gimpressionist") Where to search for data used by the Gimpressionist plug-in. This is a colon-separated list of folders to search. .TP (script-fu-path "${gimp_dir}/scripts:${gimp_data_dir}/scripts") This path will be searched for scripts when the Script-Fu plug-in is run. This is a colon-separated list of folders to search. .PP .SH PATH EXPANSION Strings of type PATH are expanded in a manner similar to .BR bash (1). Specifically: tilde (~) is expanded to the user's home directory. Note that the bash feature of being able to refer to other user's home directories by writing ~userid/ is not valid in this file. ${variable} is expanded to the current value of an environment variable. There are a few variables that are pre-defined: .TP .I gimp_dir The personal gimp directory which is set to the value of the environment variable GIMP_DIRECTORY or to ~/@gimpdir@. .TP .I gimp_data_dir Nase for paths to shareable data, which is set to the value of the environment variable GIMP_DATADIR or to the compiled-in default value @gimpdatadir@. .TP .I gimp_plug_in_dir Base to paths for architecture-specific plugins and modules, which is set to the value of the environment variable GIMP_PLUGINDIR or to the compiled-in default value @gimpplugindir@. .TP .I gimp_sysconf_dir Path to configuration files, which is set to the value of the environment variable GIMP_SYSCONFDIR or to the compiled-in default value @gimpsysconfdir@. .SH FILES .TP .I @gimpsysconfdir@/gimprc System-wide configuration file .TP .I \fB$HOME\fP/@gimpdir@/gimprc Per-user configuration file .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR gimp (1), .BR gimptool (1), .BR gimp-remote (1)