Mar 02 1999 * MADE 1.4.3 RELEASE * Fixed the "run with last val" behaviour with the Apply button. * The CharMap window now shows also ascii values from 0 to 32. * Optimized a bit the font_selector widget. However gtk+ 1.2.1 seems to have problems in displaying huge number of items (>= 3000) into gtk_lists and consequently in gtk_combos used by font_selector. * Code cleaned, removed some internal functions, bugs and memory leaks. * gtk+ 1.0 and glib 1.0 compatibility is probably broken, now gimp >= 1.0.4 is required for running GDynText. * Applied a patch for upcoming gimp 1.1.5. Apr 25 1999 * MADE 1.4.2 RELEASE * Added the "Apply" button. Apr 15 1999 * MADE 1.4.1 RELEASE * Fixed garbaged layer bug when there is an active selection. Apr 14 1999 * MADE 1.4.0 RELEASE * Added customizable line spacing. Mar 17 1999 * MADE 1.3.1 RELEASE * With GIMP 1.1 now uses only one parasite called "gdyntext-parasite". Feb 20 1999 * MADE 1.3.0 RELEASE * With GIMP 1.1 now uses parasites. You can force layer renaming for compatibility with GIMP 1.0 (that hasn't parasites) by holding the Shift key while pressing the "Ok" button. * Some changes into the UI code. * Triggered strings for NLS support (libgimp/gimpintl.h). * If you use GTK+ 1.1 you may need GTK+ 1.1.16 or better for correct button resizing in the CharMap window. * Updated sample scripts: gdyntext_test.scm -> for GIMP 1.0 gdyntext_test11.scm -> for GIMP 1.1 Jan 21 1999 * MADE 1.2.1 RELEASE * Fixed the problem with removed leading spaces. Jan 16 1999 * MADE 1.2 RELEASE * Text loading from file. * Ui code reorganization. * Some internal changes for better and cleaner support for gimp 1.1 and gtk 1.1 (changed GIMP11 ifdef to GTK_HAVE_FEATURES_1_1_12 and GIMP_HAVE_PARASITES). Jan 12 1999 * MADE 1.1 RELEASE * Applied some changes for working with gimp 1.1 and gtk+ 1.1. * New charmap window. Jan 08 1999 * MADE 1.0 RELEASE * Now the plug-in is undoable (except the modified layer name, GIMP fault). * Corrected a bug that always create a new GRAYA_IMAGE layer if called on a layer mask. * PDB support is ok, now also returns the layer_id. * Sample Script-Fu script added to the archive. * Now restores the font preview state from the previous call. Jan 07 1999 * MADE 0.9 RELEASE * Extended the font preview to the text area widget. * The vertical scrollbar for the text area widget now works. * Added some new error checks and a message window. * Gui source code cleanup and re-organization. Dec 29 1998 * MADE 0.8 RELEASE * Allows changing text font weight, slant and spacing. * Fixed a bug that made gdyntext crash while rendering if the last line isn't \n terminated. * Fixed the plug-in RUN_WITH_LAST_VALS behaviour, now it re-apply on the current layer (or a new one if the current hasn't alpha channel). * Updated the PDB support, however it's still buggy ... Dec 27 1998 * MADE 0.7 RELEASE * Text font preview. * Text rotation. * A button for creating a new layer instead of modifying the current one. * About window. * Removed the debug output. Dec 25 1998 * MADE 0.6 XMAS RELEASE * Allows text alignment. Dec 21 1998 * MADE 0.5 RELEASE /* vim: set ts=2 sw=2 tw=79 ai expandtab: */