script-fu: clean up coding style and translatable messages

This commit is contained in:
Sven Neumann 2010-05-31 21:36:36 +02:00
parent e745ad94e4
commit 7ed3998870
1 changed files with 103 additions and 125 deletions

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@ -1,35 +1,20 @@
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; GIMP palette export toolkit - Written by Barak Itkin <>
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; GIMP palette export toolkit -
; Written by Barak Itkin <>
; This script includes various exporters for gimp palettes, and other utility function to help in
; exporting to other (text-based) formats.
; This script includes various exporters for GIMP palettes, and other
; utility function to help in exporting to other (text-based) formats.
; See instruction on adding new exporters at the end
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Changelog:
; April 20nd, 2009 - Version 1.2
; Grammar fixes, messages are translatable now.
; July 23rd, 2009 - Version 1.1
; Removed the palette choose box - the script will now export the active palette.
; This was done because, this script should usually be invoked by a right click on a
; palette, and it's confusing to have to choose a palette again.
; Renamed the default palette name to "palette.ext"
; Shortened long lines (320 charcters =D)
; See
; May 15th, 2009 - Version 1.0
; Basic framework for exporting palettes.
; The default exporters are java, css, text, python and php
; See
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Numbers and Math
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; For all the opertations below, this is the order of respectable digits:
(define conversion-digits (list "0" "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9"
"a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f" "g" "h" "i" "j" "k" "l" "m" "n" "o" "p" "q"
"r" "s" "t" "u" "v" "w" "x" "y" "z"))
"a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f" "g" "h" "i" "j" "k"
"l" "m" "n" "o" "p" "q" "r" "s" "t" "u" "v"
"w" "x" "y" "z"))
; Converts a decimal number to another base. The returned number is a string
(define (convert-decimal-to-base num base)
@ -42,10 +27,12 @@
(define (calc base num str)
(let ((max-order (highest-order num base)))
(cond ((not (= 0 max-order))
(let ((num-of-times (quotient num (inexact->exact (expt base max-order)))))
(let ((num-of-times (quotient
num (inexact->exact (expt base max-order)))))
(calc base
(- num (* num-of-times (expt base max-order)))
(string-append str (list-ref conversion-digits num-of-times)))
(string-append str
(list-ref conversion-digits num-of-times)))
(else (string-append str (list-ref conversion-digits num)))
@ -74,8 +61,8 @@
(calc base num-str 0)
; If a string num-str is shorter then size, pad it with pad-str in the begining untill it's at least
; size long
; If a string num-str is shorter then size, pad it with pad-str in the
; begining untill it's at least size long
(define (pre-pad-number num-str size pad-str)
(if (< (string-length num-str) size)
(pre-pad-number (string-append pad-str num-str) size pad-str)
@ -83,11 +70,12 @@
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Color convertors
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; The standard way for representing a color would be a list of red green and blue (gimp's default)
; The standard way for representing a color would be a list of red
; green and blue (GIMP's default)
(define color-get-red car)
(define color-get-green cadr)
(define color-get-blue caddr)
@ -97,9 +85,12 @@
(define (color-rgb-to-hexa-decimal color)
(string-append "#"
(pre-pad-number (convert-decimal-to-base (color-get-red color) 16) 2 "0")
(pre-pad-number (convert-decimal-to-base (color-get-green color) 16) 2 "0")
(pre-pad-number (convert-decimal-to-base (color-get-blue color) 16) 2 "0")
(convert-decimal-to-base (color-get-red color) 16) 2 "0")
(convert-decimal-to-base (color-get-green color) 16) 2 "0")
(convert-decimal-to-base (color-get-blue color) 16) 2 "0")
@ -120,9 +111,9 @@
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Export utils
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; List of charcters that should not appear in file names
(define illegal-file-name-chars (list #\\ #\/ #\: #\* #\? #\" #\< #\> #\|))
@ -141,8 +132,9 @@
; A function to check if a certain value obj is inside a list lst
(define (contained? obj lst) (member obj lst))
; This functions filters a string to have only characters which are either alpha-numeric or contained
; in more-legal (which is a variable holding a list of characters)
; This functions filters a string to have only characters which are
; either alpha-numeric or contained in more-legal (which is a variable
; holding a list of characters)
(define (clean str more-legal)
(list->string (filter (lambda (ch) (or (char-alphabetic? ch)
(char-numeric? ch)
@ -150,13 +142,19 @@
(string->list str)))
; A function that recieves the a file-name, and filters out all the character that shouldn't appear
; in file names. Then, it makes sure the remaining name isn't only white-spaces. If it's only
; white-spaces, the function returns false. Otherwise, it returns the fixed file-name
; A function that recieves the a file-name, and filters out all the
; character that shouldn't appear in file names. Then, it makes sure
; the remaining name isn't only white-spaces. If it's only
; white-spaces, the function returns false. Otherwise, it returns the
; fixed file-name
(define (valid-file-name name)
(let* ((clean (list->string (filter (lambda (ch) (not (contained? ch illegal-file-name-chars)))
(let* ((clean (list->string (filter (lambda (ch)
(not (contained?
ch illegal-file-name-chars)))
(string->list name))))
(clean-without-spaces (list->string (filter (lambda (ch) (not (char-whitespace? ch)))
(clean-without-spaces (list->string (filter (lambda (ch)
(not (char-whitespace?
(string->list clean))))
(if (equal? clean-without-spaces "")
@ -166,13 +164,14 @@
; Filters a string from all the characters which are not alpha-numeric (this also removes whitespaces)
; Filters a string from all the characters which are not alpha-numeric
; (this also removes whitespaces)
(define (name-alpha-numeric str)
(clean str '())
; This function does the same as name-alpha-numeric, with an added operation - it removes
; any numbers from the begining
; This function does the same as name-alpha-numeric, with an added
; operation - it removes any numbers from the begining
(define (name-standard str)
(let ((cleaned (clean str '())))
(while (char-numeric? (string-ref cleaned 0))
@ -195,11 +194,13 @@
(define (write-color-line index)
(display name-pre)
(display (name-convertor (car (gimp-palette-entry-get-name palette-name index))))
(display (name-convertor
(car (gimp-palette-entry-get-name palette-name index))))
(display name-after)
(display name-color-seperator)
(display color-pre)
(display (color-convertor (car (gimp-palette-entry-get-color palette-name index))))
(display (color-convertor
(car (gimp-palette-entry-get-color palette-name index))))
(display color-after)
@ -222,80 +223,41 @@
(define (register-palette-exporter export-type file-type description author copyright date)
(define (register-palette-exporter
export-type export-name file-type description author copyright date)
(script-fu-register (string-append "gimp-palette-export-" export-type)
(string-append export-type "...")
SF-DIRNAME "Folder for the output file" ""
SF-STRING "The name of the file to create
(If a file with this name already exist, it will be replaced)" (string-append "palette." file-type)
SF-DIRNAME _"Folder for the output file" ""
SF-STRING _"The name of the file to create (if a file with this name already exist, it will be replaced)"
(string-append "palette." file-type)
(script-fu-menu-register (string-append "gimp-palette-export-" export-type) "<Palettes>/Export as")
(script-fu-menu-register (string-append "gimp-palette-export-" export-type)
"<Palettes>/Export as")
(define (bad-file-name)
(gimp-message (string-append _"The file name you entered is not a suitable name for a file name!\n"
file-name _"\nAll the characters in the file name are either "
_"white-spaces or characters which can not appear in file names (The "
_"following characters can not appear in file names: "
(list->string illegal-file-name-chars) ")")))
(gimp-message (string-append _"The filename you entered is not a suitable name for a file."
_"All characters in the name are either white-spaces or characters which can not appear in filenames.")))
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Exporters
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; The typical look of an exporter would be like this (look at the bottom to see some examples):
; (define (gimp-palette-export-my-export directory-name file-name palette-name)
; (let ((valid-name (valid-file-name file-name)))
; (if valid-name
; (with-output-to-file (string-append directory-name DIR-SEPARATOR file-name)
; (lambda ()
; (export-palette (car (gimp-context-get-palette)) - The active palette (since this script
; should be invoked by a right click on
; a palette)
; color-to-string-convertor - A function that recieves a color and
; converts it to a string
; name-convertor - A function that recieves the name of the color
; from the palette, and alters it if necessary
; start - A string to put before the loop of the colors
; name-pre - A string to put before the name of each color
; name-after - A string to put after the name of each color
; name-color-seperator - A string to put between the name of the color
; and the color itself
; color-pre - A string to put before each color
; color-after - A string to put after each color
; entry-seperator - A string that should be put only between entries
; end - A string to put when the loop has ended
; )))
; (bad-file-name)
; )
; )
; )
; (register-palette-exporter "my-export" ".filetype" description author copyright date)
; avaialable name conversions: name-alpha-numeric, name-standard, name-no-conversion, name-none, color-none
; avaialable color conversions: color-rgb-to-hexa-decimal, color-rgb-to-css, color-rgb-to-comma-seperated-list
; You can also add more custom features with this toolkit, however then you will need to do some coding :)
; For non-programmers who want to add exporters: \n means newline, \t means tab, (and for a normal \, you
; must write \\)
; WARNING! If a procedure that writes a file from script-fu crashes, it will currupt the behaviour of the entire
; script-fu system (you will have to restart gimp) so you must double-check that it can't get stuck!
; If you are not sure what you are doing, use the template above or contact me by email (and I'll try to
; help) <>
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(define (gimp-palette-export-css directory-name file-name)
(let ((valid-name (valid-file-name file-name)))
(if valid-name
(with-output-to-file (string-append directory-name DIR-SEPARATOR file-name)
(with-output-to-file (string-append
directory-name DIR-SEPARATOR file-name)
(lambda () (export-palette (car (gimp-context-get-palette))
name-alpha-numeric ; name-convertor
"/* Generated with GIMP palette Export */\n" ; start
"/* Generated with GIMP Palette Export */\n" ; start
"." ; name-pre
"" ; name-after
" { " ; name-color-seperator
@ -308,18 +270,20 @@
(register-palette-exporter "css" "css"
(string-append _"Export the active palette as a list css stylesheet with the colors entry name as their class name, and the color itself as the color attribute")
"Barak Itkin <>" "Barak Itkin" "May 15th, 2009")
(register-palette-exporter "css" "_CSS stylesheet..." "css"
(string-append _"Export the active palette as a CSS stylesheet with the color entry name as their class name, and the color itself as the color attribute")
"Barak Itkin <>"
"Barak Itkin" "May 15th, 2009")
(define (gimp-palette-export-php directory-name file-name)
(let ((valid-name (valid-file-name file-name)))
(if valid-name
(with-output-to-file (string-append directory-name DIR-SEPARATOR file-name)
(with-output-to-file (string-append
directory-name DIR-SEPARATOR file-name)
(lambda () (export-palette (car (gimp-context-get-palette))
name-standard ; name-convertor
"<?php\n/* Generated with GIMP palette Export */\n$colors={\n" ; start
"<?php\n/* Generated with GIMP Palette Export */\n$colors={\n" ; start
"'" ; name-pre
"'" ; name-after
" => " ; name-color-seperator
@ -332,18 +296,21 @@
(register-palette-exporter "php" "php"
(register-palette-exporter "php" "P_HP dictionary..." "php"
_"Export the active palette as a PHP dictionary (name => color)"
"Barak Itkin <>" "Barak Itkin" "May 15th, 2009")
"Barak Itkin <>"
"Barak Itkin" "May 15th, 2009")
(define (gimp-palette-export-python directory-name file-name)
(let ((valid-name (valid-file-name file-name)))
(if valid-name
(with-output-to-file (string-append directory-name DIR-SEPARATOR file-name)
(with-output-to-file (string-append
directory-name DIR-SEPARATOR file-name)
(lambda ()
(let ((palette-name (car (gimp-context-get-palette))))
(begin (displayln "# Generated with GIMP palette Export")
(displayln (string-append "# Based on the palette " palette-name))
(begin (displayln "# Generated with GIMP Palette Export")
(displayln (string-append
"# Based on the palette " palette-name))
(export-palette palette-name
name-standard ; name-convertor
@ -361,14 +328,16 @@
(register-palette-exporter "python" "py"
(register-palette-exporter "python" "_Python dictionary" "py"
_"Export the active palette as a Python dictionary (name: color)"
"Barak Itkin <>" "Barak Itkin" "May 15th, 2009")
"Barak Itkin <>"
"Barak Itkin" "May 15th, 2009")
(define (gimp-palette-export-text directory-name file-name)
(let ((valid-name (valid-file-name file-name)))
(if valid-name
(with-output-to-file (string-append directory-name DIR-SEPARATOR file-name)
(with-output-to-file (string-append
directory-name DIR-SEPARATOR file-name)
(lambda ()
(export-palette (car (gimp-context-get-palette))
@ -388,14 +357,16 @@
(register-palette-exporter "text" "txt"
(register-palette-exporter "text" "_Text file..." "txt"
_"Write all the colors in a palette to a text file, one hexadecimal value per line (no names)"
"Barak Itkin <>" "Barak Itkin" "May 15th, 2009")
"Barak Itkin <>"
"Barak Itkin" "May 15th, 2009")
(define (gimp-palette-export-java directory-name file-name)
(let ((valid-name (valid-file-name file-name)))
(if valid-name
(with-output-to-file (string-append directory-name DIR-SEPARATOR file-name)
(with-output-to-file (string-append directory-name
DIR-SEPARATOR file-name)
(lambda ()
(let ((palette-name (car (gimp-context-get-palette))))
(begin (displayln "")
@ -403,12 +374,17 @@
(displayln "import java.util.Hashtable;")
(displayln "")
(displayln "// Generated with GIMP palette Export ")
(displayln (string-append "// Based on the palette " palette-name))
(displayln (string-append "public class " (name-standard palette-name) " {"))
(displayln (string-append
"// Based on the palette " palette-name))
(displayln (string-append
"public class "
(name-standard palette-name) " {"))
(displayln "")
(displayln " Hashtable<String, Color> colors;")
(displayln "")
(displayln (string-append " public " (name-standard palette-name) "() {"))
(displayln (string-append
" public "
(name-standard palette-name) "() {"))
(export-palette (car (gimp-context-get-palette))
@ -428,6 +404,8 @@
(register-palette-exporter "java" "java"
(register-palette-exporter "java" "J_ava map..." "java"
_"Export the active palette as a java.util.Hashtable<String, Color>"
"Barak Itkin <>" "Barak Itkin" "May 15th, 2009")
"Barak Itkin <>"
"Barak Itkin" "May 15th, 2009")