diff --git a/INSTALL.in b/INSTALL.in index c7698e512d..645b9d387a 100644 --- a/INSTALL.in +++ b/INSTALL.in @@ -277,6 +277,7 @@ help in that regard: libxpm - XPM openexr @OPENEXR_REQUIRED_VERSION@ OpenEXR OpenJPEG @OPENJPEG_REQUIRED_VERSION@ JPEG 2000 + Python @PYTHON3_REQUIRED_VERSION@ Python 3 plug-ins qoi - QOI webkit @WEBKITGTK_REQUIRED_VERSION@ Help browser & webpage vala - Vala plug-ins @@ -289,7 +290,6 @@ help in that regard: sendmail for sending emails if --with-sendmail enabled gdb or lldb for our new bug-reporting dialog "gegl:matting-levin" GEGL operation for alternative matting engine - Python @PYTHON3_REQUIRED_VERSION@ and PyGObject for Python 3 plug-ins GJS for Javascript plug-ins Lua 5.1 (or LuaJIT) and LGI for Lua plug-ins dot for "Show Image Graph" (unstable branches) @@ -391,9 +391,6 @@ These are: gimp-console binary to be built in addition to the standard binary. gimp-console is useful for command-line batch mode or as a server. - -Dpython=false If for some reason you don't want to install the - Python plug-ins, you can use -Dpython=false. - -Djavascript=false If for some reason you don't want to install the JavaScript plug-ins, you can use -Djavascript=false. diff --git a/build/windows/2_build-gimp-crossroad.sh b/build/windows/2_build-gimp-crossroad.sh index a6f6458e15..f3a4dc2a53 100644 --- a/build/windows/2_build-gimp-crossroad.sh +++ b/build/windows/2_build-gimp-crossroad.sh @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ if [ ! -f "_build$ARTIFACTS_SUFFIX/build.ninja" ]; then mkdir -p _build$ARTIFACTS_SUFFIX && cd _build$ARTIFACTS_SUFFIX crossroad meson setup .. -Dgi-docgen=disabled \ -Djavascript=disabled -Dlua=disabled \ - -Dpython=disabled -Dvala=disabled + -Dvala=disabled else cd _build$ARTIFACTS_SUFFIX fi diff --git a/meson.build b/meson.build index 206312b6d4..1e676018f1 100644 --- a/meson.build +++ b/meson.build @@ -1066,13 +1066,6 @@ perl = find_program('perl5', 'perl', 'perl5.005', 'perl5.004', 'perl') ## Python -# By default, we want packagers to install Python plug-ins to get the -# optimum experience. -Dpython=true will check for a Python 3 -# interpreter and PyGObject, and warns without. -# It is up to the packager to ensure they are available at run time. -# This can be useful in particular when cross-compiling since anyway -# the interpreter is not useful at build time. - python3_minver = '>=3.6' python = pythonmod.find_installation('python3', required: true)