tools: only show object/source basename in performance-log backtraces

... to reduce their verbosity.  Show the full path in the
corresponding tooltip.
This commit is contained in:
Ell 2018-09-21 08:23:59 -04:00
parent c7a4eb4602
commit 2c8e3f8e0a
1 changed files with 53 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -67,6 +67,11 @@ def format_color (color):
def is_bright_color (color):
return max (tuple (color)[0:3]) > 0.5
def get_basename (path):
match = re.fullmatch (".*[\\\\/](.+?)[\\\\/]?", path)
return match[1] if match else path
VariableType = namedtuple ("VariableType",
("parse", "format", "format_numeric"))
@ -1604,12 +1609,20 @@ class BacktraceViewer (Gtk.Box):
store = self.FrameStore ()
self.frame_store = store
tree = Gtk.TreeView (model = store)
tree = Gtk.TreeView (model = store, has_tooltip = True)
scrolled.add (tree)
tree.set_search_column (store.FUNCTION) ()
tree.connect ("row-activated", self.frames_row_activated)
tree.connect ("query-tooltip", self.frames_query_tooltip)
def format_filename_col (tree_col, cell, model, iter, col):
object = model[iter][col]
cell.set_property ("text", get_basename (object) if object else "")
self.tooltip_columns = {}
col = Gtk.TreeViewColumn (title = "#")
tree.append_column (col)
@ -1628,12 +1641,13 @@ class BacktraceViewer (Gtk.Box):
col.add_attribute (cell, "text", self.FrameStore.ADDRESS)
col = Gtk.TreeViewColumn (title = "Object")
self.tooltip_columns[col] = store.OBJECT
tree.append_column (col)
col.set_resizable (True)
cell = Gtk.CellRendererText ()
col.pack_start (cell, False)
col.add_attribute (cell, "text", self.FrameStore.OBJECT)
col.set_cell_data_func (cell, format_filename_col, store.OBJECT)
col = Gtk.TreeViewColumn (title = "Function")
tree.append_column (col)
@ -1652,12 +1666,13 @@ class BacktraceViewer (Gtk.Box):
col.add_attribute (cell, "text", self.FrameStore.OFFSET)
col = Gtk.TreeViewColumn (title = "Source")
self.tooltip_columns[col] = store.SOURCE
tree.append_column (col)
col.set_resizable (True)
cell = Gtk.CellRendererText ()
col.pack_start (cell, False)
col.add_attribute (cell, "text", self.FrameStore.SOURCE)
col.set_cell_data_func (cell, format_filename_col, store.SOURCE)
col = Gtk.TreeViewColumn (title = "Line")
tree.append_column (col)
@ -1667,6 +1682,9 @@ class BacktraceViewer (Gtk.Box):
col.pack_start (cell, False)
col.add_attribute (cell, "text", self.FrameStore.LINE)
col = Gtk.TreeViewColumn ()
tree.append_column (col)
selection.connect ("change-complete", self.selection_change_complete)
self.selection_change_complete (selection)
@ -1783,6 +1801,38 @@ class BacktraceViewer (Gtk.Box):
selection.change_complete ()
def frames_query_tooltip (self, tree, x, y, keyboard_mode, tooltip):
hit, x, y, model, path, iter = tree.get_tooltip_context (x, y,
if hit:
column = -1
if keyboard_mode:
cursor_path, cursor_col = tree.get_cursor ()
if (cursor_path) == 0:
column = self.tooltip_columns[cursor_col]
for col in self.tooltip_columns:
area = tree.get_cell_area (path, col)
if x >= area.x and x < area.x + area.width and \
y >= area.y and y < area.y + area.height:
column = self.tooltip_columns[col]
if column >= 0:
value = model[iter][column]
if value:
tooltip.set_text (str (value))
return True
return False
class ProfileViewer (Gtk.ScrolledWindow):
class Profile (Gtk.Box):
ProfileFrame = namedtuple ("ProfileFrame", ("sample", "stack", "i"))