
359 lines
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1997-11-25 06:05:25 +08:00
;;; hsv-graph.scm -*-scheme-*-
;;; Author: Shuji Narazaki <>
;;; Time-stamp: <1998/01/18 05:25:03>
;;; Version: 1.2
; ************************************************************************
; Changed on Feb 4, 1999 by Piet van Oostrum <>
; For use with GIMP 1.1.
; All calls to gimp-text-* have been converted to use the *-fontname form.
; The corresponding parameters have been replaced by an SF-FONT parameter.
; ************************************************************************
1997-11-25 06:05:25 +08:00
;;; Code:
(if (not (symbol-bound? 'script-fu-hsv-graph-scale (the-environment)))
(define script-fu-hsv-graph-scale 1))
(if (not (symbol-bound? 'script-fu-hsv-graph-opacity (the-environment)))
(define script-fu-hsv-graph-opacity 100))
(if (not (symbol-bound? 'script-fu-hsv-graph-bounds? (the-environment)))
(define script-fu-hsv-graph-bounds? TRUE))
(if (not (symbol-bound? 'script-fu-hsv-graph-left2right? (the-environment)))
(define script-fu-hsv-graph-left2right? FALSE))
(if (not (symbol-bound? 'script-fu-hsv-graph-beg-x (the-environment)))
(define script-fu-hsv-graph-beg-x 0))
(if (not (symbol-bound? 'script-fu-hsv-graph-beg-y (the-environment)))
(define script-fu-hsv-graph-beg-y 0))
(if (not (symbol-bound? 'script-fu-hsv-graph-end-x (the-environment)))
(define script-fu-hsv-graph-end-x 1))
(if (not (symbol-bound? 'script-fu-hsv-graph-end-y (the-environment)))
(define script-fu-hsv-graph-end-y 1))
1997-11-25 06:05:25 +08:00
(define (script-fu-hsv-graph img drawable scale opacity bounds?
left2right? beg-x beg-y end-x end-y)
(define (floor x) (- x (fmod x 1)))
(define *pos* #f)
(define (set-point! fvec index x y)
(aset fvec (* 2 index) x)
(aset fvec (+ (* 2 index) 1) y)
1997-11-25 06:05:25 +08:00
(define (plot-dot img drawable x y)
(gimp-pencil drawable 1 (set-point! *pos* 0 x y)))
1997-11-25 06:05:25 +08:00
(define (rgb-to-hsv rgb hsv)
(let* ((red (floor (nth 0 rgb)))
(green (floor (nth 1 rgb)))
(blue (floor (nth 2 rgb)))
(h 0.0)
(s 0.0)
(minv (min red (min green blue)))
(maxv (max red (max green blue)))
(v maxv)
(delta 0))
(if (not (= 0 maxv))
(set! s (/ (* (- maxv minv) 255.0) maxv))
(set! s 0.0))
(if (= 0.0 s)
(set! h 0.0)
(set! delta (- maxv minv))
(cond ((= maxv red)
(set! h (/ (- green blue) delta)))
((= maxv green)
(set! h (+ 2.0 (/ (- blue red) delta))))
((= maxv blue)
(set! h (+ 4.0 (/ (- red green) delta)))))
(set! h (* 42.5 h))
(if (< h 0.0)
(set! h (+ h 255.0)))
(if (< 255 h)
(set! h (- h 255.0)))))
(set-car! hsv (floor h))
(set-car! (cdr hsv) (floor s))
(set-car! (cddr hsv) (floor v))))
;; segment is
;; filled-index (integer)
;; size as number of points (integer)
;; vector (which size is 2 * size)
(define (make-segment length x y)
(if (< 64 length)
(set! length 64))
(if (< length 5)
(set! length 5))
(let ((vec (cons-array (* 2 length) 'double)))
(aset vec 0 x)
(aset vec 1 y)
(list 1 length vec)))
;; accessors
(define (segment-filled-size segment) (car segment))
(define (segment-max-size segment) (cadr segment))
(define (segment-strokes segment) (caddr segment))
(define (fill-segment! segment new-x new-y)
(define (shift-segment! segment)
(let ((base 0)
(size (cadr segment))
(vec (caddr segment))
(offset 2))
(while (< base offset)
(aset vec (* 2 base)
(aref vec (* 2 (- size (- offset base)))))
(aset vec (+ (* 2 base) 1)
(aref vec (+ (* 2 (- size (- offset base))) 1)))
(set! base (+ base 1)))
(set-car! segment base)))
1997-11-25 06:05:25 +08:00
(let ((base (car segment))
(size (cadr segment))
(vec (caddr segment)))
(if (= base 0)
(shift-segment! segment)
(set! base (segment-filled-size segment))))
(if (and (= new-x (aref vec (* 2 (- base 1))))
(= new-y (aref vec (+ (* 2 (- base 1)) 1))))
(aset vec (* 2 base) new-x)
(aset vec (+ (* 2 base) 1) new-y)
(set! base (+ base 1))
(if (= base size)
(set-car! segment 0)
(set-car! segment base)
(define (draw-segment img drawable segment limit rgb)
(gimp-palette-set-foreground rgb)
(gimp-airbrush drawable 100 (* 2 limit) (segment-strokes segment)))
1997-11-25 06:05:25 +08:00
(define red-color '(255 10 10))
(define green-color '(10 255 10))
(define blue-color '(10 10 255))
(define hue-segment #f)
(define saturation-segment #f)
(define value-segment #f)
(define red-segment #f)
(define green-segment #f)
(define blue-segment #f)
(define border-size 10)
(define (fill-dot img drawable x y segment color)
(if (fill-segment! segment x y)
(gimp-palette-set-foreground color)
1997-11-25 06:05:25 +08:00
(draw-segment img drawable segment (segment-max-size segment) color)
(define (fill-color-band img drawable x scale x-base y-base color)
(gimp-palette-set-foreground color)
(gimp-rect-select img (+ x-base (* scale x)) 0 scale y-base REPLACE FALSE 0)
(gimp-edit-bucket-fill drawable FG-BUCKET-FILL NORMAL-MODE 100 0 FALSE 0 0)
1997-11-25 06:05:25 +08:00
(gimp-selection-none img))
(define (plot-hsv img drawable x scale x-base y-base hsv)
(let ((real-x (* scale x))
(h (car hsv))
(s (cadr hsv))
(v (caddr hsv)))
(fill-dot img drawable (+ x-base real-x) (- y-base h)
hue-segment red-color)
(fill-dot img drawable (+ x-base real-x) (- y-base s)
saturation-segment green-color)
(if (fill-dot img drawable (+ x-base real-x) (- y-base v)
value-segment blue-color)
(define (plot-rgb img drawable x scale x-base y-base hsv)
(let ((real-x (* scale x))
(h (car hsv))
(s (cadr hsv))
(v (caddr hsv)))
(fill-dot img drawable (+ x-base real-x) (- y-base h)
red-segment red-color)
(fill-dot img drawable (+ x-base real-x) (- y-base s)
green-segment green-color)
(if (fill-dot img drawable (+ x-base real-x) (- y-base v)
blue-segment blue-color)
(define (clamp-value x minv maxv)
(if (< x minv)
(set! x minv))
(if (< maxv x)
(set! x maxv))
;; start of script-fu-hsv-graph
(if (= TRUE bounds?)
(if (= TRUE (car (gimp-selection-bounds img)))
(let ((results (gimp-selection-bounds img)))
(set! beg-x (nth (if (= TRUE left2right?) 1 3) results))
(set! beg-y (nth 2 results))
(set! end-x (nth (if (= TRUE left2right?) 3 1) results))
(set! end-y (nth 4 results)))
(let ((offsets (gimp-drawable-offsets drawable)))
1997-11-25 06:05:25 +08:00
(set! beg-x (if (= TRUE left2right?)
(nth 0 offsets)
(- (+ (nth 0 offsets)
(car (gimp-drawable-width drawable)))
(set! beg-y (nth 1 offsets))
1997-11-25 06:05:25 +08:00
(set! end-x (if (= TRUE left2right?)
(- (+ (nth 0 offsets)
(car (gimp-drawable-width drawable)))
(nth 0 offsets)))
(set! end-y (- (+ (nth 1 offsets)
(car (gimp-drawable-height drawable)))
(let ((offsets (gimp-drawable-offsets drawable)))
(set! beg-x (clamp-value beg-x 0
(+ (nth 0 offsets)
(car (gimp-drawable-width drawable)))))
(set! end-x (clamp-value end-x 0
(+ (nth 0 offsets)
(car (gimp-drawable-width drawable)))))
(set! beg-y (clamp-value beg-y 0
(+ (nth 1 offsets)
(car (gimp-drawable-height drawable)))))
(set! end-y (clamp-value end-y 0
(+ (nth 1 offsets)
(car (gimp-drawable-height drawable)))))))
1997-11-25 06:05:25 +08:00
(set! opacity (clamp-value opacity 0 100))
(let* ((x-len (- end-x beg-x))
(y-len (- end-y beg-y))
(limit (pow (+ (pow x-len 2) (pow y-len 2)) 0.5))
(gimg-width (* limit scale))
(gimg-height 256)
(gimg (car (gimp-image-new (+ (* 2 border-size) gimg-width)
(+ (* 2 border-size) gimg-height) RGB)))
(bglayer (car (gimp-layer-new gimg
(+ (* 2 border-size) gimg-width)
(+ (* 2 border-size) gimg-height)
1 "Background" 100 NORMAL-MODE)))
1997-11-25 06:05:25 +08:00
(hsv-layer (car (gimp-layer-new gimg
(+ (* 2 border-size) gimg-width)
(+ (* 2 border-size) gimg-height)
1997-11-25 06:05:25 +08:00
(rgb-layer (car (gimp-layer-new gimg
(+ (* 2 border-size) gimg-width)
(+ (* 2 border-size) gimg-height)
(clayer (car (gimp-layer-new gimg gimg-width 40 RGBA-IMAGE
"Color Sampled" opacity NORMAL-MODE)))
1997-11-25 06:05:25 +08:00
(rgb '(255 255 255))
(hsv '(254 255 255))
(x-base border-size)
(y-base (+ gimg-height border-size))
(index 0)
(old-foreground (car (gimp-palette-get-foreground)))
(old-background (car (gimp-palette-get-background)))
(old-paint-mode (car (gimp-brushes-get-paint-mode)))
(old-brush (car (gimp-brushes-get-brush)))
(old-opacity (car (gimp-brushes-get-opacity))))
1999-10-17 08:07:55 +08:00
(gimp-image-undo-disable gimg)
1997-11-25 06:05:25 +08:00
(gimp-image-add-layer gimg bglayer -1)
(gimp-selection-all gimg)
(gimp-palette-set-background '(255 255 255))
(gimp-edit-fill bglayer BACKGROUND-FILL)
1997-11-25 06:05:25 +08:00
(gimp-image-add-layer gimg hsv-layer -1)
(gimp-edit-clear hsv-layer)
1997-11-25 06:05:25 +08:00
(gimp-image-add-layer gimg rgb-layer -1)
(gimp-drawable-set-visible rgb-layer FALSE)
(gimp-edit-clear rgb-layer)
1997-11-25 06:05:25 +08:00
(gimp-image-add-layer gimg clayer -1)
(gimp-edit-clear clayer)
1997-11-25 06:05:25 +08:00
(gimp-layer-translate clayer border-size 0)
(gimp-selection-none gimg)
(set! red-segment (make-segment 64 x-base y-base))
(set! green-segment (make-segment 64 x-base y-base))
(set! blue-segment (make-segment 64 x-base y-base))
(set! hue-segment (make-segment 64 x-base y-base))
(set! saturation-segment (make-segment 64 x-base y-base))
(set! value-segment (make-segment 64 x-base y-base))
(gimp-brushes-set-brush "Circle (01)")
(gimp-brushes-set-paint-mode NORMAL-MODE)
1997-11-25 06:05:25 +08:00
(gimp-brushes-set-opacity 70)
(gimp-display-new gimg)
(while (< index limit)
tools/pdbgen/ tools/pdbgen/ removed the "misc tools" 2004-01-05 Michael Natterer <> * tools/pdbgen/ * tools/pdbgen/ * tools/pdbgen/pdb/misc_tools.pdb: removed the "misc tools" PDB group. * tools/pdbgen/pdb/edit.pdb: added gimp_edit_bucket_fill() and gimp_edit_blend(). * tools/pdbgen/pdb/image.pdb: added gimp_image_pick_color(). * app/pdb/procedural_db.c * libgimp/gimpcompat.h: added compat stuff. * app/pdb/edit_cmds.c * app/pdb/image_cmds.c * app/pdb/internal_procs.c * app/pdb/misc_tools_cmds.c * libgimp/gimp_pdb.h * libgimp/gimpedit_pdb.[ch] * libgimp/gimpimage_pdb.[ch]: regenerated. * libgimp/ * libgimp/gimpmisctools_pdb.[ch]: removed. * plug-ins/gfig/gfig.c * plug-ins/script-fu/scripts/3dTruchet.scm * plug-ins/script-fu/scripts/alien-glow-arrow.scm * plug-ins/script-fu/scripts/alien-glow-bar.scm * plug-ins/script-fu/scripts/alien-glow-bullet.scm * plug-ins/script-fu/scripts/alien-glow-button.scm * plug-ins/script-fu/scripts/alien-glow-logo.scm * plug-ins/script-fu/scripts/basic1-logo.scm * plug-ins/script-fu/scripts/basic2-logo.scm * plug-ins/script-fu/scripts/beveled-button.scm * plug-ins/script-fu/scripts/blended-logo.scm * plug-ins/script-fu/scripts/burn-in-anim.scm * plug-ins/script-fu/scripts/coffee.scm * plug-ins/script-fu/scripts/comic-logo.scm * plug-ins/script-fu/scripts/coolmetal-logo.scm * plug-ins/script-fu/scripts/glossy.scm * plug-ins/script-fu/scripts/gradient-bevel-logo.scm * plug-ins/script-fu/scripts/gradient-example.scm * plug-ins/script-fu/scripts/hsv-graph.scm * plug-ins/script-fu/scripts/pupi-button.scm * plug-ins/script-fu/scripts/rendermap.scm * plug-ins/script-fu/scripts/sphere.scm * plug-ins/script-fu/scripts/starscape-logo.scm * plug-ins/script-fu/scripts/test-sphere.scm * plug-ins/script-fu/scripts/textured-logo.scm * plug-ins/script-fu/scripts/title-header.scm * plug-ins/script-fu/scripts/weave.scm: follow "blend" and "color picker" changes. Leave "bucket fill" users unchanged because fill and bucket_fill need another cleanup (will follow next...) 2004-01-05 Michael Natterer <> * libgimp/libgimp-sections.txt: moved color_picker, blend and bucket_fill to their new places. * libgimp/tmpl/gimpedit.sgml * libgimp/tmpl/gimpimage.sgml * libgimp/tmpl/gimptools.sgml: regenerated.
2004-01-05 22:35:19 +08:00
(set! rgb (car (gimp-image-pick-color img drawable
(+ beg-x (* x-len (/ index limit)))
(+ beg-y (* y-len (/ index limit)))
1997-11-25 06:05:25 +08:00
(fill-color-band gimg clayer index scale x-base 40 rgb)
(rgb-to-hsv rgb hsv)
(plot-hsv gimg hsv-layer index scale x-base y-base hsv)
(plot-rgb gimg rgb-layer index scale x-base y-base rgb)
(set! index (+ index 1)))
(lambda (segment color)
(if (< 1 (segment-filled-size segment))
1997-11-25 06:05:25 +08:00
(gimp-palette-set-foreground color)
(draw-segment gimg hsv-layer segment (segment-filled-size segment)
(list hue-segment saturation-segment value-segment)
(list red-color green-color blue-color))
(lambda (segment color)
(if (< 1 (segment-filled-size segment))
1997-11-25 06:05:25 +08:00
(gimp-palette-set-foreground color)
(draw-segment gimg rgb-layer segment (segment-filled-size segment)
(list red-segment green-segment blue-segment)
(list red-color green-color blue-color))
(gimp-palette-set-foreground '(255 255 255))
(let ((text-layer (car (gimp-text-fontname gimg -1 0 0
1997-11-25 06:05:25 +08:00
"Red: Hue, Green: Sat, Blue: Val"
1 1 12 PIXELS
1997-11-25 06:05:25 +08:00
(offset-y (- y-base (car (gimp-drawable-height clayer)))))
(gimp-layer-set-mode text-layer DIFFERENCE)
(gimp-layer-translate clayer 0 offset-y)
(gimp-layer-translate text-layer border-size (+ offset-y 15)))
(gimp-image-set-active-layer gimg bglayer)
(gimp-image-clean-all gimg)
1997-11-25 06:05:25 +08:00
;; return back the state
(gimp-palette-set-foreground old-foreground)
(gimp-palette-set-foreground old-background)
(gimp-brushes-set-brush old-brush)
(gimp-brushes-set-paint-mode old-paint-mode)
(gimp-brushes-set-opacity old-opacity)
1999-10-17 08:07:55 +08:00
(gimp-image-undo-enable gimg)
(set! script-fu-hsv-graph-scale scale)
(set! script-fu-hsv-graph-opacity opacity)
(set! script-fu-hsv-graph-bounds? bounds?)
(set! script-fu-hsv-graph-left2right? left2right?)
(set! script-fu-hsv-graph-beg-x beg-x)
(set! script-fu-hsv-graph-beg-y beg-y)
(set! script-fu-hsv-graph-end-x end-x)
(set! script-fu-hsv-graph-end-y end-y)
1997-11-25 06:05:25 +08:00
removed function gimp_menu_path_strip_uline() ... 2003-08-09 Henrik Brix Andersen <> * gimp/app/widgets/gimpwidgets-utils.[ch]: removed function gimp_menu_path_strip_uline() ... * gimp/libgimpbase/gimputils.[ch]: ... and added it here under the name gimp_strip_uline() * gimp/devel-docs/libgimpbase/libgimpbase-sections.txt: added gimp_strip_uline to gimputils section * gimp/app/plug-in/plug-in.c * gimp/app/widgets/gimpitemfactory.c * gimp/app/widgets/gimptoolbox. * gimp/app/gui/plug-in-menus.c: changed accordingly * gimp/plug-ins/script-fu/script-fu-scripts.c (script_fu_interface): use gimp_strip_uline() to strip mnemonics from script-fu menu paths * gimp/app/gui/vectors-menu.c * gimp/app/gui/templates-menu.c * gimp/app/gui/qmask-menu.c * gimp/app/gui/palettes-menu.c * gimp/app/gui/palette-editor-menu.c * gimp/app/gui/images-menu.c * gimp/app/gui/gradients-menu.c * gimp/app/gui/gradient-editor-menu.c * gimp/app/gui/documents-menu.c * gimp/app/gui/dialogs-menu.c * gimp/app/gui/colormap-editor-menu.c * gimp/app/gui/channels-menu.c * gimp/app/gui/buffers-menu.c * gimp/app/gui/brushes-menu.c * gimp/app/gui/layers-menu.c * gimp/plug-ins/pygimp/plug-ins/ * gimp/plug-ins/pygimp/plug-ins/ * gimp/plug-ins/pygimp/plug-ins/ * gimp/plug-ins/pygimp/plug-ins/ * gimp/plug-ins/script-fu/scripts/*.scm * gimp/plug-ins/script-fu/script-fu.c: added mnemonics fixing more of bug #106991 * gimp/app/gui/error-console-menu.c (error_console_menu_update): updated menu item names, added mnemonics * gimp/plug-ins/common/animoptimize.c * gimp/plug-ins/common/animationplay.c: don't prepend every menu entry with "Animation"
2003-08-12 01:14:32 +08:00
_"<Image>/Script-Fu/Utils/Draw _HSV Graph..."
"Draph the graph of H/S/V values on the drawable"
"Shuji Narazaki <>"
"Shuji Narazaki"
SF-IMAGE "Image to analyze" 0
SF-DRAWABLE "Drawable to analyze" 0
SF-ADJUSTMENT _"Graph Scale" (cons script-fu-hsv-graph-scale '(0.1 5 0.1 1 1 1))
SF-ADJUSTMENT _"BG Opacity" (cons script-fu-hsv-graph-opacity '(0 100 1 10 0 1))
SF-TOGGLE _"Use Selection Bounds Instead of Belows" script-fu-hsv-graph-bounds?
SF-TOGGLE _"From Top-Left to Bottom-Right" script-fu-hsv-graph-left2right?
SF-ADJUSTMENT _"Start X" (cons script-fu-hsv-graph-beg-x '(0 5000 1 10 0 1))
SF-ADJUSTMENT _"Start Y" (cons script-fu-hsv-graph-beg-y '(0 5000 1 10 0 1))
SF-ADJUSTMENT _"End X" (cons script-fu-hsv-graph-end-x '(0 5000 1 10 0 1))
SF-ADJUSTMENT _"End Y" (cons script-fu-hsv-graph-end-y '(0 5000 1 10 0 1))
1997-11-25 06:05:25 +08:00
;;; hsv-graph.scm ends here