CUDA Templates for Linear Algebra Subroutines and Solvers
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cutlass::layout::RowMajorTensorOpMultiplicandCongruous< ElementSize, Crosswise > Struct Template Reference

#include <tensor_op_multiplicand_sm75.h>

Public Types

using Index = int32_t
 Index type used for coordinates. More...
using LongIndex = int64_t
 Long index type used for offsets. More...
using TensorCoord = MatrixCoord
 Logical coordinate. More...
using Stride = Coord< kStrideRank, Index, LongIndex >
 Stride vector. More...
using Base = TensorOpMultiplicandCongruous< ElementSize, Crosswise >
using TileShape = typename Base::TileShape
using PartitionShape = typename Base::PartitionShape
using PartitionCount = typename Base::PartitionCount
using AccessCount = typename Base::AccessCount

Public Member Functions

CUTLASS_HOST_DEVICE RowMajorTensorOpMultiplicandCongruous (Index ldm=0)
 Ctor. More...
CUTLASS_HOST_DEVICE RowMajorTensorOpMultiplicandCongruous (Stride stride)
 Ctor. More...
CUTLASS_HOST_DEVICE LongIndex operator() (TensorCoord const &coord) const
CUTLASS_HOST_DEVICE TensorCoord inverse (LongIndex offset) const
 Inverse of layout function, mapping linear offset to logical coordinate. More...
CUTLASS_HOST_DEVICE Stride stride () const
 Returns the stride of the layout. More...
 Returns the stride of the layout. More...
CUTLASS_HOST_DEVICE LongIndex capacity (TensorCoord const &extent) const
 Compute the number of contiguous elements needed to store a tensor with the given size. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static CUTLASS_HOST_DEVICE RowMajorTensorOpMultiplicandCongruous packed (TensorCoord const &extent)
 Helper returns a layout to a tightly packed tensor. More...

Static Public Attributes

static int const kRank = 2
 Logical rank of tensor. More...
static int const kStrideRank = 1
 Rank of stride vector. More...
static int const kAccessSize = Base::kAccessSize
 This layout is optimized for 128b accesses. More...
static int const kElementSize = Base::kElementSize
static int const kElementsPerAccess = Base::kElementsPerAccess

Detailed Description

template<int ElementSize, int Crosswise>
struct cutlass::layout::RowMajorTensorOpMultiplicandCongruous< ElementSize, Crosswise >

Template mapping a row-major view of pitch-linear memory to TensorOpMultiplicand

Member Typedef Documentation

template<int ElementSize, int Crosswise>
using cutlass::layout::RowMajorTensorOpMultiplicandCongruous< ElementSize, Crosswise >::AccessCount = typename Base::AccessCount
template<int ElementSize, int Crosswise>
using cutlass::layout::RowMajorTensorOpMultiplicandCongruous< ElementSize, Crosswise >::Base = TensorOpMultiplicandCongruous<ElementSize, Crosswise>
template<int ElementSize, int Crosswise>
using cutlass::layout::RowMajorTensorOpMultiplicandCongruous< ElementSize, Crosswise >::Index = int32_t
template<int ElementSize, int Crosswise>
using cutlass::layout::RowMajorTensorOpMultiplicandCongruous< ElementSize, Crosswise >::LongIndex = int64_t
template<int ElementSize, int Crosswise>
using cutlass::layout::RowMajorTensorOpMultiplicandCongruous< ElementSize, Crosswise >::PartitionCount = typename Base::PartitionCount
template<int ElementSize, int Crosswise>
using cutlass::layout::RowMajorTensorOpMultiplicandCongruous< ElementSize, Crosswise >::PartitionShape = typename Base::PartitionShape
template<int ElementSize, int Crosswise>
using cutlass::layout::RowMajorTensorOpMultiplicandCongruous< ElementSize, Crosswise >::Stride = Coord<kStrideRank, Index, LongIndex>
template<int ElementSize, int Crosswise>
using cutlass::layout::RowMajorTensorOpMultiplicandCongruous< ElementSize, Crosswise >::TensorCoord = MatrixCoord
template<int ElementSize, int Crosswise>
using cutlass::layout::RowMajorTensorOpMultiplicandCongruous< ElementSize, Crosswise >::TileShape = typename Base::TileShape

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<int ElementSize, int Crosswise>
CUTLASS_HOST_DEVICE cutlass::layout::RowMajorTensorOpMultiplicandCongruous< ElementSize, Crosswise >::RowMajorTensorOpMultiplicandCongruous ( Index  ldm = 0)
template<int ElementSize, int Crosswise>
CUTLASS_HOST_DEVICE cutlass::layout::RowMajorTensorOpMultiplicandCongruous< ElementSize, Crosswise >::RowMajorTensorOpMultiplicandCongruous ( Stride  stride)

Member Function Documentation

template<int ElementSize, int Crosswise>
CUTLASS_HOST_DEVICE LongIndex cutlass::layout::RowMajorTensorOpMultiplicandCongruous< ElementSize, Crosswise >::capacity ( TensorCoord const &  extent) const
template<int ElementSize, int Crosswise>
CUTLASS_HOST_DEVICE TensorCoord cutlass::layout::RowMajorTensorOpMultiplicandCongruous< ElementSize, Crosswise >::inverse ( LongIndex  offset) const
template<int ElementSize, int Crosswise>
CUTLASS_HOST_DEVICE LongIndex cutlass::layout::RowMajorTensorOpMultiplicandCongruous< ElementSize, Crosswise >::operator() ( TensorCoord const &  coord) const

Returns the offset of a coordinate in linear memory. Assumes coordinate has convention (contiguous, strided)

template<int ElementSize, int Crosswise>
static CUTLASS_HOST_DEVICE RowMajorTensorOpMultiplicandCongruous cutlass::layout::RowMajorTensorOpMultiplicandCongruous< ElementSize, Crosswise >::packed ( TensorCoord const &  extent)
template<int ElementSize, int Crosswise>
CUTLASS_HOST_DEVICE Stride cutlass::layout::RowMajorTensorOpMultiplicandCongruous< ElementSize, Crosswise >::stride ( ) const
template<int ElementSize, int Crosswise>
CUTLASS_HOST_DEVICE Stride& cutlass::layout::RowMajorTensorOpMultiplicandCongruous< ElementSize, Crosswise >::stride ( )

Member Data Documentation

template<int ElementSize, int Crosswise>
int const cutlass::layout::RowMajorTensorOpMultiplicandCongruous< ElementSize, Crosswise >::kAccessSize = Base::kAccessSize
template<int ElementSize, int Crosswise>
int const cutlass::layout::RowMajorTensorOpMultiplicandCongruous< ElementSize, Crosswise >::kElementSize = Base::kElementSize
template<int ElementSize, int Crosswise>
int const cutlass::layout::RowMajorTensorOpMultiplicandCongruous< ElementSize, Crosswise >::kElementsPerAccess = Base::kElementsPerAccess
template<int ElementSize, int Crosswise>
int const cutlass::layout::RowMajorTensorOpMultiplicandCongruous< ElementSize, Crosswise >::kRank = 2
template<int ElementSize, int Crosswise>
int const cutlass::layout::RowMajorTensorOpMultiplicandCongruous< ElementSize, Crosswise >::kStrideRank = 1

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