
561 lines
23 KiB

// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 XWiki CryptPad Team <> and contributors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
'/components/scrypt-async/scrypt-async.min.js', // better load speed
], function (Listmap, Crypto, Util, NetConfig, Cred, ChainPad, Realtime, Constants, UI,
Feedback, LocalStore, Messages, nThen, Block, Hash, ServerCommand) {
var Nacl = window.nacl;
var Exports = {
requiredBytes: 192,
var allocateBytes = Exports.allocateBytes = function (bytes) {
var dispense = Cred.dispenser(bytes);
var opt = {};
// dispense 18 bytes of entropy for your encryption key
var encryptionSeed = dispense(18);
// 16 bytes for a deterministic channel key
var channelSeed = dispense(16);
// 32 bytes for a curve key
var curveSeed = dispense(32);
var curvePair = Uint8Array(curveSeed));
opt.curvePrivate = Nacl.util.encodeBase64(curvePair.secretKey);
opt.curvePublic = Nacl.util.encodeBase64(curvePair.publicKey);
// 32 more for a signing key
var edSeed = opt.edSeed = dispense(32);
// 64 more bytes to seed an additional signing key
var blockKeys = opt.blockKeys = Block.genkeys(new Uint8Array(dispense(64)));
opt.blockHash = Block.getBlockHash(blockKeys);
// derive a private key from the ed seed
var signingKeypair = Nacl.sign.keyPair.fromSeed(new Uint8Array(edSeed));
opt.edPrivate = Nacl.util.encodeBase64(signingKeypair.secretKey);
opt.edPublic = Nacl.util.encodeBase64(signingKeypair.publicKey);
var keys = opt.keys = Crypto.createEditCryptor(null, encryptionSeed);
// 24 bytes of base64
keys.editKeyStr = keys.editKeyStr.replace(/\//g, '-');
// 32 bytes of hex
var channelHex = opt.channelHex = Util.uint8ArrayToHex(channelSeed);
// should never happen
if (channelHex.length !== 32) { throw new Error('invalid channel id'); }
var channel64 = Util.hexToBase64(channelHex);
// we still generate a v1 hash because this function needs to deterministically
// derive the same values as it always has. New accounts will generate their own
// userHash values
opt.userHash = '/1/edit/' + [channel64, opt.keys.editKeyStr].join('/') + '/';
return opt;
var loginOptionsFromBlock = Exports.loginOptionsFromBlock = function (blockInfo) {
var opt = {};
var parsed = Hash.getSecrets('pad', blockInfo.User_hash);
opt.channelHex =;
opt.keys = parsed.keys;
opt.edPublic = blockInfo.edPublic;
return opt;
var loadUserObject = Exports.loadUserObject = function (opt, _cb) {
var cb = Util.once(Util.mkAsync(_cb));
var config = {
websocketURL: NetConfig.getWebsocketURL(),
channel: opt.channelHex,
data: {},
validateKey: opt.keys.validateKey, // derived validation key
crypto: Crypto.createEncryptor(opt.keys),
logLevel: 1,
classic: true,
ChainPad: ChainPad,
owners: [opt.edPublic]
var rt = opt.rt = Listmap.create(config);
.on('ready', function () {
setTimeout(function () { cb(void 0, rt); });
.on('error', function (info) {
cb(info.type, {reason: info.message});
.on('disconnect', function (info) {
cb('E_DISCONNECT', info);
var isProxyEmpty = Exports.isProxyEmpty = function (proxy) {
var l = Object.keys(proxy).length;
return l === 0 || (l === 2 && proxy._events && proxy.on);
var legacyLogin = function (opt, isRegister, cb, res) {
res = res || {};
loadUserObject(opt, function (err, rt) {
if (err) { return void cb(err); }
// if a proxy is marked as deprecated, it is because someone had a non-owned drive
// but changed their password, and couldn't delete their old data.
// if they are here, they have entered their old credentials, so we should not
// allow them to proceed. In time, their old drive should get deleted, since
// it will should be pinned by anyone's drive.
if (rt.proxy[Constants.deprecatedKey]) {
return void cb('NO_SUCH_USER');
if (isRegister && isProxyEmpty(rt.proxy)) {
// If they are trying to register,
// and the proxy is empty, then there is no 'legacy user' either
// so we should just shut down this session and disconnect.
return void cb(); // proceed to the next async block
// they tried to just log in but there's no such user
// and since we're here at all there is no modern-block
if (!isRegister && isProxyEmpty(rt.proxy)) {
return void cb('NO_SUCH_USER');
// they tried to register, but those exact credentials exist
if (isRegister && !isProxyEmpty(rt.proxy)) {
Feedback.send('LOGIN', true);
return void cb('ALREADY_REGISTERED');
// if you are here, then there is no block, the user is trying
// to log in. The proxy is **not** empty. All values assigned here
// should have been deterministically created using their credentials
// so setting them is just a precaution to keep things in good shape
res.proxy = rt.proxy;
res.realtime = rt.realtime; =;
// they're registering...
res.userHash = opt.userHash;
res.userName = res.uname;
// export their signing key
res.edPrivate = opt.edPrivate;
res.edPublic = opt.edPublic;
// export their encryption key
res.curvePrivate = opt.curvePrivate;
res.curvePublic = opt.curvePublic;
// don't proceed past this async block.
// We have to call whenRealtimeSyncs asynchronously here because in the current
// version of listmap, onLocal calls `chainpad.contentUpdate(newValue)`
// asynchronously.
// The following setTimeout is here to make sure whenRealtimeSyncs is called after
// `contentUpdate` so that we have an update userDoc in chainpad.
setTimeout(function () {
Realtime.whenRealtimeSyncs(rt.realtime, function () {
// the following stages are there to initialize a new drive
// if you are registering
LocalStore.login(res.userHash, undefined, res.userName, function () {
setTimeout(function () { cb(void 0, res); });
var getProxyOpt = function (blockInfo) {
var opt;
if (blockInfo) {
opt = loginOptionsFromBlock(blockInfo);
opt.userHash = blockInfo.User_hash;
} else {
console.log("allocating random bytes for a new user object");
opt = allocateBytes(Nacl.randomBytes(Exports.requiredBytes));
// create a random v2 hash, since we don't need backwards compatibility
opt.userHash = Hash.createRandomHash('drive');
var secret = Hash.getSecrets('drive', opt.userHash);
opt.keys = secret.keys;
opt.channelHex =;
return opt;
var modernLoginRegister = function (opt, isRegister, cb, res) {
res = res || {};
// according to the location derived from the credentials which you entered
loadUserObject(opt, function (err, rt) {
if (err) { return void cb('MODERN_REGISTRATION_INIT'); }
// export the realtime object you checked
var RT = rt;
var proxy = rt.proxy;
if (isRegister && !isProxyEmpty(proxy) && (!proxy.edPublic || !proxy.edPrivate)) {
console.error("INVALID KEYS");
return void cb(void 0, void 0, RT);
res.proxy = rt.proxy;
res.realtime = rt.realtime; =;
// they're registering...
res.userHash = opt.userHash;
res.userName = res.uname;
// somehow they have a block present, but nothing in the user object it specifies
// this shouldn't happen, but let's send feedback if it does
if (!isRegister && isProxyEmpty(rt.proxy)) {
// this really shouldn't happen, but let's handle it anyway
return void cb('NO_SUCH_USER');
if (!isProxyEmpty(rt.proxy) && res.auth_token && res.auth_token.bearer) {
// they tried to register, but those exact credentials exist
if (isRegister && !isProxyEmpty(rt.proxy)) {
return void cb('ALREADY_REGISTERED');
if (!isRegister && !isProxyEmpty(rt.proxy)) {
var l = Util.find(rt.proxy, ['settings', 'general', 'language']);
if (l) { localStorage.setItem(LS_LANG, l); }
return void LocalStore.login(undefined, res.blockHash, res.uname, function () {
cb(void 0, res, RT);
if (isRegister && isProxyEmpty(rt.proxy)) {
proxy.edPublic = opt.edPublic;
proxy.edPrivate = opt.edPrivate;
proxy.curvePublic = opt.curvePublic;
proxy.curvePrivate = opt.curvePrivate;
proxy.login_name = res.uname;
proxy[Constants.displayNameKey] = res.uname;
proxy.version = 11;
Feedback.send('REGISTRATION', true);
} else {
Feedback.send('LOGIN', true);
setTimeout(function () {
Realtime.whenRealtimeSyncs(rt.realtime, function () {
cb(void 0, void 0, RT);
Exports.loginOrRegister = function (config, cb) {
let { uname, passwd, token, isRegister, onOTP, ssoAuth } = config;
if (typeof(cb) !== 'function') { return; }
// Usernames are all lowercase. No going back on this one
uname = uname.toLowerCase();
// validate inputs
if (!Cred.isValidUsername(uname)) { return void cb('INVAL_USER'); }
if (!Cred.isValidPassword(passwd) && !ssoAuth) { return void cb('INVAL_PASS'); }
if (isRegister && !ssoAuth && !Cred.isLongEnoughPassword(passwd)) {
return void cb('PASS_TOO_SHORT');
// results...
var res = {
register: isRegister,
uname: uname,
auth_token: {}
var RT, blockKeys, blockUrl;
nThen(function (waitFor) {
// derive a predefined number of bytes from the user's inputs,
// and allocate them in a deterministic fashion
Cred.deriveFromPassphrase(uname, passwd, Exports.requiredBytes, waitFor(function (bytes) {
res.opt = allocateBytes(bytes);
res.blockHash = res.opt.blockHash;
blockKeys = res.opt.blockKeys;
if (ssoAuth && { uname = res.uname =; }
}).nThen(function (waitFor) {
// the allocated bytes can be used either in a legacy fashion,
// or in such a way that a previously unused byte range determines
// the location of a layer of indirection which points users to
// an encrypted block, from which they can recover the location of
// the rest of their data
// determine where a block for your set of keys would be stored
blockUrl = Block.getBlockUrl(res.opt.blockKeys);
var TOTP_prompt = function (err, ssoSession, cb) {
onOTP(function (code) {
ServerCommand(res.opt.blockKeys.sign, {
command: 'TOTP_VALIDATE',
code: code,
session: ssoSession
// TODO optionally allow the user to specify a lifetime for this session?
// this will require a little bit of server work
// and more UI/UX:
// ie. just a simple "remember me" checkbox?
// allow them to specify a lifetime for the session?
// "log me out after one day"?
}, cb);
}, false, err);
var done = waitFor();
var responseToDecryptedBlock = function (response, cb) {
response.arrayBuffer().then(arraybuffer => {
arraybuffer = new Uint8Array(arraybuffer);
var decryptedBlock = Block.decrypt(arraybuffer, blockKeys);
if (!decryptedBlock) {
console.error("BLOCK DECRYPTION ERROR");
return void cb("BLOCK_DECRYPTION_ERROR");
cb(void 0, decryptedBlock);
var missingAuth;
var missingSSO;
nThen(function (w) {
Util.getBlock(blockUrl, {
// request the block without credentials
}, w(function (err, response) {
if (err === 401) {
missingSSO = response && response.sso;
missingAuth = response && response.method;
return void console.log("Block requires 2FA");
if (err === 404 && response && response.reason) {
// the following block prevent users from re-using an old password
if (isRegister) { return void cb('HAS_PLACEHOLDER'); }
return void cb('DELETED_USER', response);
// Some other error?
if (err) {
return void done();
// If the block was returned without requiring authentication
// then we can abort the subsequent steps of this nested nThen
// decrypt the response and continue the normal procedure with its payload
responseToDecryptedBlock(response, function (err, decryptedBlock) {
if (err) {
// if a block was present but you were not able to decrypt it...
return void cb(err);
res.blockInfo = decryptedBlock;
}).nThen(function (w) {
if (!missingSSO) { return; }
// SSO session should always be applied before the OTP one
// because we can't transform an account into an SSO account later
// so we probably don't need to recover the OTP session here
ServerCommand(res.opt.blockKeys.sign, {
command: 'SSO_VALIDATE',
}, w(function (err, response) {
if (err) {
return void cb(err);
res.auth_token = response;
}).nThen(function (w) {
if (missingAuth !== 'TOTP') { return; }
// if you're here then you need to request a JWT
var done = w();
var tries = 3;
var ask = function () {
if (!tries) {
return void cb('TOTP_ATTEMPTS_EXHAUSTED');
// If we have an SSO account, provide the SSO session to update it with OTP
var ssoSession = (res.auth_token && res.auth_token.bearer) || '';
TOTP_prompt(tries !== 2, ssoSession, function (err, response) {
// ask again until your number of tries are exhausted
if (err) {
console.log("Normal failure. Asking again...");
return void ask();
if (!response || !response.bearer) {
console.log("Unexpected failure. No bearer token. Asking again");
return void ask();
console.log("Successfully retrieved a bearer token");
res.auth_token = response;
}).nThen(function (w) {
Util.getBlock(blockUrl, res.auth_token, function (err, response) {
if (err) {
return void cb('BLOCK_ERROR_3');
responseToDecryptedBlock(response, function (err, decryptedBlock) {
if (err) {
return void cb(err);
res.blockInfo = decryptedBlock;
}).nThen(function (waitFor) {
// we assume that if there is a block, it was created in a valid manner
// so, just proceed to the next block which handles that stuff
if (res.blockInfo) { return; }
var opt = res.opt;
// load the user's object using the legacy credentials
legacyLogin(opt, isRegister, waitFor(function (err, data) {
if (err) {
return void cb(err, res);
if (!data) { return; } // Go to next block (modern registration)
// No error and data: success legacy login
cb(void 0, data);
}), res);
}).nThen(function (waitFor) { // MODERN REGISTRATION / LOGIN
var opt = getProxyOpt(res.blockInfo);
modernLoginRegister(opt, isRegister, waitFor(function (err, data, _RT) {
if (err) {
return void cb(err, res);
RT = _RT;
if (!data) { return; } // Go to next block (modern registration)
// No error and data: success modern login
cb(void 0, data);
}), res);
}).nThen(function (waitFor) {
console.log("creating request to publish a login block");
// Finally, create the login block for the object you just created.
var toPublish = {};
toPublish[Constants.userHashKey] = res.userHash;
toPublish.edPublic = RT.proxy.edPublic;
// FIXME We currently can't create an account with OTP by default
// NOTE If we ever want to do that for SSO accounts it will require major changes
// because writeLoginBlock only supports one type of authentication at a time
// XXX Get server config to know if the user data should be sent or not
// Only SSO users and invited users can be stored by the server and it needs to be configured
var userData = (token || ssoAuth) ? [uname, RT.proxy.edPublic] : undefined;
pw: Boolean(passwd),
auth: ssoAuth,
blockKeys: blockKeys,
token: token,
content: toPublish,
}, waitFor(function (e, res) {
if (e === 'SSO_NO_SESSION') { return; } // account created, need re-login
if (e) {
console.error(e, res);
return void cb(res ? (res.errorCode || res.error) : e);
if (res && res.bearer) {
}).nThen(function (waitFor) {
// confirm that the block was actually written before considering registration successful
Util.getBlock(blockUrl, {}, waitFor(function (err /*, block */) {
if (err && err !== 401) { // 401 is fine
return void cb(err);
console.log("blockInfo available at:", res.blockHash);
LocalStore.login(undefined, res.blockHash, uname, function () {
cb(void 0, res);
return Exports;