var EN = require("../../www/common/translations/messages.json"); var Util = require("../../www/common/common-util.js"); var Fs = require("fs"); var simpleTags = [ '
', '', '', // FIXME "", '', '

', '

', // FIXME register_notes '', '', '', ]; ['a', 'b', 'em',/* 'p',*/ 'i', 'code', 'li',].forEach(function (tag) { simpleTags.push('<' + tag + '>'); simpleTags.push(''); }); var found_tags = {}; // these keys are known to be problematic var KNOWN_ISSUES = [ // FIXME //'newVersion', //'fm_info_anonymous', //'register_notes', ]; var special_rules = {}; special_rules.en = function (s) { // Prefer the american -ize suffix for verbs rather than -ise return /[^w]ise(\s|$)/.test(s); }; = function (s) { /* hacky regexp to check whether there are any instances of ':' which do not have the preceding space as is expected. ignore instances where the following character is a '/' because this is probably a URL (http(s)://) */ return /\S[:;\?\!][^\/]{1,}/.test(s); }; var noop = function () {}; var getTags = S => { if (typeof(S) !== 'string') { return []; } var tags = []; S.replace(/(<[\s\S]*?>|\{\d+\})/g, function (html) { tags.push(html); }); return tags; }; var getTagCount = T => { var M = {}; T.forEach(html => {, html); }); return M; }; // bidirectional comparison var compareMarkup = (A, B) => { // if the frequency of some key in A does not match that of the same key in B var diff = {}; var compare = k => { if (diff[k]) { return; } var a = A[k] || 0; var b = B[k] || 0; if (a === b) { return; } diff[k] = b - a; }; Object.keys(A).forEach(compare); // same for B Object.keys(B).forEach(compare); return diff; }; var getReferenceMarkup = (function () { var O = {}; return function (k) { var val = O[k]; if (typeof(val) !== 'undefined') { return val; } var tags = getTags(EN[k]); val = O[k] = getTagCount(tags); return val; }; }()); var finalErrorCount = 0; var processLang = function (map, lang, primary) { var announced = false; var announce = function () { if (announced) { return; } announced = true; console.log("## LANGUAGE: %s\n", lang); }; var special = special_rules[lang] || noop; Object.keys(map).forEach(function (k) { if (!EN[k]) { return; } if (KNOWN_ISSUES.indexOf(k) !== -1) { return; } var s = map[k]; if (typeof(s) !== 'string') { return; } var usesHTML; var ref = getReferenceMarkup(k); var tags = getTags(s); var tagCount = getTagCount(tags); var markupDiff = compareMarkup(ref, tagCount); //console.log(markupDiff); var markupMatches = Object.keys(markupDiff).length === 0; //console.log(ref); tags.forEach(html => { if (/\{\d+\}/.test(html)) { return; } if (simpleTags.includes(html)) { found_tags[html] = 1; return; } announce(); usesHTML = true; if (!primary) { console.log("{%s}", html); } }); var weirdCapitalization; s.replace(/cryptpad(\.fr|\.org)*/gi, function (brand) { if (['CryptPad', '', ''].includes(brand)) { return; } weirdCapitalization = true; }); var specialViolation = special(s); if (usesHTML || weirdCapitalization || specialViolation || !markupMatches) { finalErrorCount++; announce(); console.log("`[%s]`\n", k); console.log("`%s`", s); if (!markupMatches) { console.log("\nMarkup does not match base translation"); console.log("\n**Reference**: \n\n`%s`\n", EN[k]); //console.log('base', ref); //console.log('translation', tagCount); console.log('**diff**:\n\n```\n%s\n```', JSON.stringify(markupDiff, null, 2)); console.log(); } //if (mismatchedTags.length) { console.log(mismatchedTags); } // XXX } }); }; var langs = Fs.readdirSync("www/common/translations").filter(name => { return /messages\..+\.json$/.test(name); }).map(name => { var code; name.replace(/messages\.(.+)\.json$/, (all, _code) => { code = _code; }); return code; }); processLang(EN, 'en', true); langs.forEach(function (lang) { try { var map = require("../../www/common/translations/messages." + lang + ".json"); if (!Object.keys(map).length) { return; } processLang(map, lang); } catch (err) { console.error(err); } }); simpleTags.forEach(html => { if (found_tags[html]) { return; } console.log(`html exemption '${html}' is unnecessary.`); }); if (finalErrorCount) { console.log(`\nTotal errors: ${finalErrorCount}`); }