/* globals module */ module.exports = { // the address you want to bind to, :: means all ipv4 and ipv6 addresses // this may not work on all operating systems httpAddress: '::', // the port on which your httpd will listen httpPort: 3000, // the port used for websockets websocketPort: 3000, /* Cryptpad can log activity to stdout * This may be useful for debugging */ logToStdout: false, /* Cryptpad stores each document in an individual file on your hard drive. Specify a directory where files should be stored. It will be created automatically if it does not already exist. */ filePath: './datastore/', /* You have the option of specifying an alternative storage adaptor. These status of these alternatives are specified in their READMEs, which are available at the following URLs: mongodb: a noSQL database https://github.com/xwiki-labs/cryptpad-mongo-store amnesiadb: in memory storage https://github.com/xwiki-labs/cryptpad-amnesia-store leveldb: a simple, fast, key-value store https://github.com/xwiki-labs/cryptpad-level-store sql: an adaptor for a variety of sql databases via knexjs https://github.com/xwiki-labs/cryptpad-sql-store For the most up to date solution, use the default storage adaptor. */ storage: './storage/file', /* it is recommended that you serve cryptpad over https * the filepaths below are used to configure your certificates */ //privKeyAndCertFiles: [ // '/etc/apache2/ssl/my_secret.key', // '/etc/apache2/ssl/my_public_cert.crt', // '/etc/apache2/ssl/my_certificate_authorities_cert_chain.ca' //], };