implement INVITE and ACCEPT roster methods

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ansuz 2019-12-16 17:22:30 -05:00
parent 0cbde8d90f
commit 1a521b57c8
1 changed files with 117 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -364,6 +364,98 @@ var factory = function (Util, Hash, CPNetflux, Sortify, nThen, Crypto) {
return changed;
commands.INVITE = function (args, author, roster) {
// an invitation is created with an ephemeral curve public key
// that key is ultimately given to the user you'd like on your team
// that user can exploit their possession of the public key to remove
// the pending invitation with their actual data.
if (!isMap(args)) { throw new Error('INVALID_ARGS'); }
if (!roster.internal.initialized) { throw new Error("UNINITIALIED"); }
if (typeof(roster.state.members) === 'undefined') {
var members = roster.state.members;
Object.keys(args).forEach(function (curve) {
if (!isValidId(curve)) {
console.log(curve, curve.length);
throw new Error("INVALID_CURVE_KEY");
// reject commandws wehere the members are not proper objects
if (!isMap(args[curve])) { throw new Error("INVALID_CONTENT"); }
if (members[curve]) { throw new Error("ARLEADY_PRESNET"); }
var data = args[curve];
// if no role was provided, assume VIEWER
if (typeof(data.role) !== 'string') { data.role = "VIEWER"; }
// assume that invitations are 'pending' unless stated otherwise
if (typeof(data.pending) === 'undefined') { data.pending = true; }
if (!canAddRole(author, data.role, members)) {
if (typeof(data.displayName) !== 'string' || !data.displayName) { throw new Error("DISPLAYNAME_REQUIRED"); }
//if (typeof(data.notifications) !== 'string') { throw new Error("NOTIFICATIONS_REQUIRED"); }
<ephemeralCurveKey>: {
role: ??? || 'VIEWER',
displayName: '',
pending: true,
var changed = false;
Object.keys(args).forEach(function (curve) {
changed = true;
members[curve] = args[curve];
return changed;
commands.ACCEPT = function (args, author, roster) {
if (!roster.internal.initialized) { throw new Error("UNINITIALIED"); }
if (typeof(roster.state.members) === 'undefined') {
// an ACCEPT command replaces a pending invitation's curve key with a new one
// after which the invited member can use their actual curve key to describe themselves
// the author must have been invited already...
var members = roster.state.members;
// so you must already be in the members list
if (!isMap(members[author])) { throw new Error("INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSIONS"); }
// and your membership must indicate that you are 'pending'
if (!members[author].pending) { throw new Errror("ALREADY_PRESENT"); }
// args should be a string
if (typeof(args) !== 'string') { throw new Error("INVALID_ARGS"); }
// ...and a valid curve key
if (!isValidId(args)) { throw new Error("INVALID_CURVE_KEY"); }
var curve = args;
// and the curve key must not already be a member
if (typeof(members[curve]) !== 'undefined') { throw new Error("MEMBER_ALREADY_PRESENT"); }
// copy the new profile from the old one
members[curve] = Util.clone(members[author]);
// and erase the old one
delete members[author];
return true;
var handleCommand = function (content, author, roster) {
if (!(Array.isArray(content) && typeof(author) === 'string')) {
throw new Error("INVALID ARGUMENTS");
@ -671,6 +763,31 @@ var factory = function (Util, Hash, CPNetflux, Sortify, nThen, Crypto) {
send(['METADATA', data], cb);
// supports multiple invite
roster.invite = function (_data, _cb) {
var cb = Util.once(Util.mkAsync(_cb));
var state = ref.state;
if (!state) { return cb("UNINITIALIZED"); }
if (!ref.internal.initialized) { return cb("UNINITIALIZED"); }
if (!isMap(_data)) { return void cb("INVALID_ARGUMENTS"); }
var data = Util.clone(_data);
Object.keys(data).forEach(function (curve) {
if (!isValidId(curve) || isMap(ref.state.members[curve])) { return delete data[curve]; }
send(['INVITE', data], cb);
roster.accept = function (_data, _cb) {
var cb = Util.once(Util.mkAsync(_cb));
if (typeof(_data) !== 'string' || !isValidId(_data)) {
return void cb("INVALID_ARGUMENTS");
send([ 'ACCEPT', _data ], cb);
nThen(function (w) {
// get metadata so we know the owners and validateKey
anon_rpc.send('GET_METADATA', channel, function (err, data) {