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0.1.5 (22 June 2020)

This is a refinement release that adds a --version flag. Additionally, the dev command is no longer the default, now a simple carton invocation prints a help message describing available commands.

0.1.4 (21 June 2020)

This is a bugfix release that fixes the dev.js bundle broken in 0.1.3.

0.1.3 (21 June 2020)

This is a bugfix release that includes the latest version of JavaScriptKit runtime in the dev.js bundle. It fixes a bug with reference counting of JSObjectRef instances, which could lead to crashes.

0.1.2 (19 June 2020)

This is a bugfix release that fixes stdout and stderr WASI output in async handlers. Previously stdout output was redirected with console.log only on the first pass of execution of top-level code, while none of the output from async handlers (such as DOM listeners) was redirected. Now in this release, stdout and stderr output is consistently redirected with console.log and console.error respectively, in all cases.

0.1.1 (19 June 2020)

This is a bugfix release that fixes dependency downloads on Linux. The issue was caused by Foundation not supporting HTTP redirects in Swift 5.2 on Linux, and is now resolved by using AsyncHTTPClient instead of Foundation's URLSession for dependency downloads.

0.1.0 (16 June 2020)

Since SwiftPM doesn't always build an executable target even if one is present without an explicit --product option, the dev command now requires the presence of an executable target in your Package.swift. Use the new --product option instead of --target to disambiguate between multiple executable targets.

0.0.5 (16 June 2020)

Pass --target option to swift build when running the dev command.

0.0.4 (16 June 2020)

Fix index page body served by HTTP when running the dev command.

0.0.3 (9 June 2020)

Fix expected polyfill hashes and a fatal error triggered when hashes didn't match.

0.0.2 (9 June 2020)

Fix watching and reloading, allow multiple WebSocket connections in the watcher code. The latter allows multiple browser windows to stay open and get reloaded simultaneously.

0.0.1 (6 June 2020)

First preview release, only a basic dev command is implemented.