872 lines
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872 lines
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This source file is part of the Swift.org open source project
Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
See http://swift.org/LICENSE.txt for license information
See http://swift.org/CONTRIBUTORS.txt for Swift project authors
import CartonHelpers
import Dispatch
import Foundation
#if os(Windows)
import WinSDK
/// FSWatch is a cross-platform filesystem watching utility.
public class FSWatch {
public typealias EventReceivedBlock = (_ paths: [AbsolutePath]) -> Void
/// Delegate for handling events from the underling watcher.
fileprivate struct _WatcherDelegate {
let block: EventReceivedBlock
func pathsDidReceiveEvent(_ paths: [AbsolutePath]) {
/// The paths being watched.
public let paths: [AbsolutePath]
/// The underlying file watching utility.
/// This is FSEventStream on macOS and inotify on linux.
private var _watcher: _FileWatcher!
/// The number of seconds the watcher should wait before passing the
/// collected events to the clients.
let latency: Double
/// Create an instance with given paths.
/// Paths can be files or directories. Directories are watched recursively.
public init(paths: [AbsolutePath], latency: Double = 1, block: @escaping EventReceivedBlock) {
self.paths = paths
self.latency = latency
#if os(OpenBSD)
self._watcher = NoOpWatcher(
paths: paths, latency: latency, delegate: _WatcherDelegate(block: block))
#elseif os(Windows)
self._watcher = RDCWatcher(
paths: paths, latency: latency, delegate: _WatcherDelegate(block: block))
#elseif canImport(Glibc) || canImport(Musl)
var ipaths: [AbsolutePath: Inotify.WatchOptions] = [:]
// FIXME: We need to recurse here.
for path in paths {
if localFileSystem.isDirectory(path) {
ipaths[path] = .defaultDirectoryWatchOptions
} else if localFileSystem.isFile(path) {
ipaths[path] = .defaultFileWatchOptions
// Watch files.
} else {
// FIXME: Report errors
self._watcher = Inotify(
paths: ipaths, latency: latency, delegate: _WatcherDelegate(block: block))
#elseif os(macOS)
self._watcher = FSEventStream(
paths: paths, latency: latency, delegate: _WatcherDelegate(block: block))
fatalError("Unsupported platform")
/// Start watching the filesystem for events.
/// This method should be called only once.
public func start() throws {
// FIXME: Write precondition to ensure its called only once.
try _watcher.start()
/// Stop watching the filesystem.
/// This method should be called after start() and the object should be thrown away.
public func stop() {
// FIXME: Write precondition to ensure its called after start() and once only.
/// Protocol to which the different file watcher implementations should conform.
private protocol _FileWatcher {
func start() throws
func stop()
#if os(OpenBSD) || (!os(macOS) && canImport(Darwin))
extension FSWatch._WatcherDelegate: NoOpWatcherDelegate {}
extension NoOpWatcher: _FileWatcher {}
#elseif os(Windows)
extension FSWatch._WatcherDelegate: RDCWatcherDelegate {}
extension RDCWatcher: _FileWatcher {}
#elseif canImport(Glibc) || canImport(Musl)
extension FSWatch._WatcherDelegate: InotifyDelegate {}
extension Inotify: _FileWatcher {}
#elseif os(macOS)
extension FSWatch._WatcherDelegate: FSEventStreamDelegate {}
extension FSEventStream: _FileWatcher {}
#error("Implementation required")
// MARK:- inotify
#if os(OpenBSD) || (!os(macOS) && canImport(Darwin))
public protocol NoOpWatcherDelegate {
func pathsDidReceiveEvent(_ paths: [AbsolutePath])
public final class NoOpWatcher {
public init(paths: [AbsolutePath], latency: Double, delegate: NoOpWatcherDelegate? = nil) {
public func start() throws {}
public func stop() {}
#elseif os(Windows)
public protocol RDCWatcherDelegate {
func pathsDidReceiveEvent(_ paths: [AbsolutePath])
/// Bindings for `ReadDirectoryChangesW` C APIs.
public final class RDCWatcher {
class Watch {
var hDirectory: HANDLE
let path: String
var overlapped: OVERLAPPED
var terminate: HANDLE
var buffer: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<DWORD> // buffer must be DWORD-aligned
var thread: Thread?
public init(directory handle: HANDLE, _ path: String) {
self.hDirectory = handle
self.path = path
self.overlapped = OVERLAPPED()
self.overlapped.hEvent = CreateEventW(nil, false, false, nil)
self.terminate = CreateEventW(nil, true, false, nil)
let EntrySize: Int =
+ (Int(MAX_PATH) * MemoryLayout<WCHAR>.stride)
self.buffer =
capacity: EntrySize * 4 / MemoryLayout<DWORD>.stride)
deinit {
/// The paths being watched.
private let paths: [AbsolutePath]
/// The settle period (in seconds).
private let settle: Double
/// The watcher delegate.
private let delegate: RDCWatcherDelegate?
private let watches: [Watch]
private let queue: DispatchQueue =
DispatchQueue(label: "org.swift.swiftpm.\(RDCWatcher.self).callback")
public init(paths: [AbsolutePath], latency: Double, delegate: RDCWatcherDelegate? = nil) {
self.paths = paths
self.settle = latency
self.delegate = delegate
self.watches = paths.map {
$0.pathString.withCString(encodedAs: UTF16.self) {
let dwCreationDisposition: DWORD = DWORD(OPEN_EXISTING)
let handle: HANDLE =
$0, dwDesiredAccess, dwShareMode, nil,
dwCreationDisposition, dwFlags, nil)
assert(!(handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE))
let dwSize: DWORD = GetFinalPathNameByHandleW(handle, nil, 0, 0)
let path: String = String(
decodingCString: [WCHAR](unsafeUninitializedCapacity: Int(dwSize) + 1) {
let dwSize: DWORD = GetFinalPathNameByHandleW(
handle, $0.baseAddress, DWORD($0.count), 0)
assert(dwSize == $0.count)
$1 = Int(dwSize)
}, as: UTF16.self)
return Watch(directory: handle, path)
public func start() throws {
// TODO(compnerd) can we compress the threads to a single worker thread
self.watches.forEach { watch in
watch.thread = Thread { [delegate = self.delegate, queue = self.queue, weak watch] in
guard let watch = watch else { return }
while true {
let dwNotifyFilter: DWORD =
var dwBytesReturned: DWORD = 0
if !ReadDirectoryChangesW(
watch.hDirectory, &watch.buffer,
DWORD(watch.buffer.count * MemoryLayout<DWORD>.stride),
true, dwNotifyFilter, &dwBytesReturned,
&watch.overlapped, nil)
var handles: (HANDLE?, HANDLE?) = (watch.terminate, watch.overlapped.hEvent)
switch WaitForMultipleObjects(2, &handles.0, false, INFINITE) {
case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1:
case DWORD(WAIT_TIMEOUT): // Spurious Wakeup?
case WAIT_FAILED, WAIT_OBJECT_0: // Terminate Request
watch.hDirectory = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE
if !GetOverlappedResult(watch.hDirectory, &watch.overlapped, &dwBytesReturned, false) {
queue.async {
// There was a buffer underrun on the kernel side. We may
// have lost events, please re-synchronize.
if dwBytesReturned == 0 {
var paths: [AbsolutePath] = []
watch.buffer.withMemoryRebound(to: FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION.self) {
let pNotify: UnsafeMutablePointer<FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION>? =
while var pNotify = pNotify {
// FIXME(compnerd) do we care what type of event was received?
let file: String =
utf16CodeUnitsNoCopy: &pNotify.pointee.FileName,
count: Int(pNotify.pointee.FileNameLength) / MemoryLayout<WCHAR>.stride,
freeWhenDone: false)
pNotify = (UnsafeMutableRawPointer(pNotify) + Int(pNotify.pointee.NextEntryOffset))
.assumingMemoryBound(to: FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION.self)
queue.async {
public func stop() {
self.watches.forEach {
#elseif canImport(Glibc) || canImport(Musl)
/// The delegate for receiving inotify events.
public protocol InotifyDelegate {
func pathsDidReceiveEvent(_ paths: [AbsolutePath])
/// Bindings for inotify C APIs.
public final class Inotify {
/// The errors encountered during inotify operations.
public enum Error: Swift.Error {
case invalidFD
case failedToWatch(AbsolutePath)
/// The available options for a particular path.
public struct WatchOptions: OptionSet {
public let rawValue: Int32
public init(rawValue: Int32) {
self.rawValue = rawValue
// File/directory created in watched directory (e.g., open(2)
// O_CREAT, mkdir(2), link(2), symlink(2), bind(2) on a UNIX
// domain socket).
public static let create = WatchOptions(rawValue: IN_CREATE)
// File/directory deleted from watched directory.
public static let delete = WatchOptions(rawValue: IN_DELETE)
// Watched file/directory was itself deleted. (This event
// also occurs if an object is moved to another filesystem,
// since mv(1) in effect copies the file to the other
// filesystem and then deletes it from the original filesys‐
// tem.) In addition, an IN_IGNORED event will subsequently
// be generated for the watch descriptor.
public static let deleteSelf = WatchOptions(rawValue: IN_DELETE_SELF)
public static let move = WatchOptions(rawValue: IN_MOVE)
/// Watched file/directory was itself moved.
public static let moveSelf = WatchOptions(rawValue: IN_MOVE_SELF)
/// File was modified (e.g., write(2), truncate(2)).
public static let modify = WatchOptions(rawValue: IN_MODIFY)
// File or directory was opened.
public static let open = WatchOptions(rawValue: IN_OPEN)
// Metadata changed—for example, permissions (e.g.,
// chmod(2)), timestamps (e.g., utimensat(2)), extended
// attributes (setxattr(2)), link count (since Linux 2.6.25;
// e.g., for the target of link(2) and for unlink(2)), and
// user/group ID (e.g., chown(2)).
public static let attrib = WatchOptions(rawValue: IN_ATTRIB)
// File opened for writing was closed.
public static let closeWrite = WatchOptions(rawValue: IN_CLOSE_WRITE)
// File or directory not opened for writing was closed.
public static let closeNoWrite = WatchOptions(rawValue: IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE)
// File was accessed (e.g., read(2), execve(2)).
public static let access = WatchOptions(rawValue: IN_ACCESS)
/// The list of default options that can be used for watching files.
public static let defaultFileWatchOptions: WatchOptions = [.deleteSelf, .moveSelf, .modify]
/// The list of default options that can be used for watching directories.
public static let defaultDirectoryWatchOptions: WatchOptions = [
.create, .delete, .deleteSelf, .move, .moveSelf,
/// List of all available events.
public static let all: [WatchOptions] = [
// Sizeof inotify_event + max len of filepath + 1 (for null char).
private static let eventSize = MemoryLayout<inotify_event>.size + Int(NAME_MAX) + 1
/// The paths being watched.
public let paths: [AbsolutePath: WatchOptions]
/// The delegate.
private let delegate: InotifyDelegate?
/// The settle period (in seconds).
public let settle: Double
/// Internal properties.
private var fd: Int32?
/// The list of watched directories/files.
private var wds: [Int32: AbsolutePath] = [:]
/// The queue on which we read the events.
private let readQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "org.swift.swiftpm.\(Inotify.self).read")
/// Callback queue for the delegate.
private let callbacksQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "org.swift.swiftpm.\(Inotify.self).callback")
/// Condition for handling event reporting.
private var reportCondition = Condition()
// Should be read or written to using the report condition only.
private var collectedEvents: [AbsolutePath] = []
// Should be read or written to using the report condition only.
private var lastEventTime: Date? = nil
// Should be read or written to using the report condition only.
private var cancelled = false
/// Pipe for waking up the read loop.
private var cancellationPipe: [Int32] = [0, 0]
/// Create a inotify instance.
/// The paths are not watched recursively.
public init(
paths: [AbsolutePath: WatchOptions], latency: Double, delegate: InotifyDelegate? = nil
) {
self.paths = paths
self.delegate = delegate
self.settle = latency
/// Start the watch operation.
public func start() throws {
// All paths need to exist.
for (path, _) in paths {
guard localFileSystem.exists(path) else {
throw Error.failedToWatch(path)
// Create the file descriptor.
let fd = inotify_init1(Int32(IN_NONBLOCK))
guard fd != -1 else {
throw Error.invalidFD
self.fd = fd
/// Add watch for each path.
for (path, options) in paths {
let wd = inotify_add_watch(fd, path.description, UInt32(options.rawValue))
guard wd != -1 else {
throw Error.failedToWatch(path)
self.wds[wd] = path
// Start the report thread.
readQueue.async {
/// End the watch operation.
public func stop() {
// FIXME: Write precondition to ensure this is called only once.
guard let fd = fd else {
assertionFailure("end called without a fd")
// Shutdown the report thread.
reportCondition.whileLocked {
cancelled = true
// Wakeup the read loop by writing on the cancellation pipe.
let writtenData = write(cancellationPipe[1], "", 1)
assert(writtenData == 1)
// FIXME: We need to remove the watches.
private func startRead() {
guard let fd = fd else {
fatalError("unexpected call to startRead without fd")
// Create a pipe that we can use to get notified when we're cancelled.
let pipeRv = pipe(&cancellationPipe)
// FIXME: We don't see pipe2 for some reason.
let f = fcntl(cancellationPipe[0], F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK)
assert(f != -1)
assert(pipeRv == 0)
while true {
// The read fd set. Contains the inotify and cancellation fd.
var rfds = fd_set()
FD_SET(fd, &rfds)
FD_SET(cancellationPipe[0], &rfds)
let nfds = [fd, cancellationPipe[0]].reduce(0, max) + 1
// num fds, read fds, write fds, except fds, timeout
let selectRet = select(nfds, &rfds, nil, nil, nil)
// FIXME: Check for int signal.
assert(selectRet != -1)
// Return if we're cancelled.
if FD_ISSET(cancellationPipe[0], &rfds) {
assert(FD_ISSET(fd, &rfds))
let buf = UnsafeMutablePointer<CChar>.allocate(capacity: Inotify.eventSize)
// FIXME: We need to free the buffer.
let readLength = read(fd, buf, Inotify.eventSize)
// FIXME: Check for int signal.
// Consume events.
var idx = 0
while idx < readLength {
let event = withUnsafePointer(to: &buf[idx]) {
$0.withMemoryRebound(to: inotify_event.self, capacity: 1) {
// Get the associated with the event.
var path = wds[event.wd]!
// FIXME: We need extract information from the event mask and
// create a data structure.
// FIXME: Do we need to detect and remove watch for directories
// that are deleted?
// Get the relative base name from the event if present.
if event.len > 0 {
// Get the basename of the file that had the event.
let basename = String(cString: buf + idx + MemoryLayout<inotify_event>.size)
// Construct the full path.
// FIXME: We should report this path separately.
path = path.appending(component: basename)
// Signal the reporter.
reportCondition.whileLocked {
lastEventTime = Date()
idx += MemoryLayout<inotify_event>.size + Int(event.len)
/// Spawns a thread that collects events and reports them after the settle period.
private func startReportThread() {
let thread = Thread {
var endLoop = false
while !endLoop {
// Block until we timeout or get signalled.
self.reportCondition.whileLocked {
var performReport = false
// Block until timeout expires or wait forever until we get some event.
if let lastEventTime = self.lastEventTime {
let timeout = lastEventTime + Double(self.settle)
let timeLimitReached = !self.reportCondition.wait(until: timeout)
if timeLimitReached {
self.lastEventTime = nil
performReport = true
} else {
// If we're cancelled, just return.
if self.cancelled {
endLoop = true
// Report the events if we're asked to.
if performReport && !self.collectedEvents.isEmpty {
let events = self.collectedEvents
self.collectedEvents = []
self.callbacksQueue.async {
private func report(_ paths: [AbsolutePath]) {
// FIXME: <rdar://problem/45794219> Swift should provide shims for FD_ macros
private func FD_ZERO(_ set: inout fd_set) {
#if os(Android) || canImport(Musl)
#if arch(arm)
set.fds_bits = (
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
set.fds_bits = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
#if arch(arm)
set.__fds_bits = (
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
set.__fds_bits = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
private func FD_SET(_ fd: Int32, _ set: inout fd_set) {
let intOffset = Int(fd / 16)
let bitOffset = Int(fd % 16)
#if os(Android) || canImport(Musl)
var fd_bits = set.fds_bits
let mask: UInt = 1 << bitOffset
var fd_bits = set.__fds_bits
let mask = 1 << bitOffset
switch intOffset {
case 0: fd_bits.0 = fd_bits.0 | mask
case 1: fd_bits.1 = fd_bits.1 | mask
case 2: fd_bits.2 = fd_bits.2 | mask
case 3: fd_bits.3 = fd_bits.3 | mask
case 4: fd_bits.4 = fd_bits.4 | mask
case 5: fd_bits.5 = fd_bits.5 | mask
case 6: fd_bits.6 = fd_bits.6 | mask
case 7: fd_bits.7 = fd_bits.7 | mask
case 8: fd_bits.8 = fd_bits.8 | mask
case 9: fd_bits.9 = fd_bits.9 | mask
case 10: fd_bits.10 = fd_bits.10 | mask
case 11: fd_bits.11 = fd_bits.11 | mask
case 12: fd_bits.12 = fd_bits.12 | mask
case 13: fd_bits.13 = fd_bits.13 | mask
case 14: fd_bits.14 = fd_bits.14 | mask
case 15: fd_bits.15 = fd_bits.15 | mask
#if arch(arm)
case 16: fd_bits.16 = fd_bits.16 | mask
case 17: fd_bits.17 = fd_bits.17 | mask
case 18: fd_bits.18 = fd_bits.18 | mask
case 19: fd_bits.19 = fd_bits.19 | mask
case 20: fd_bits.20 = fd_bits.20 | mask
case 21: fd_bits.21 = fd_bits.21 | mask
case 22: fd_bits.22 = fd_bits.22 | mask
case 23: fd_bits.23 = fd_bits.23 | mask
case 24: fd_bits.24 = fd_bits.24 | mask
case 25: fd_bits.25 = fd_bits.25 | mask
case 26: fd_bits.26 = fd_bits.26 | mask
case 27: fd_bits.27 = fd_bits.27 | mask
case 28: fd_bits.28 = fd_bits.28 | mask
case 29: fd_bits.29 = fd_bits.29 | mask
case 30: fd_bits.30 = fd_bits.30 | mask
case 31: fd_bits.31 = fd_bits.31 | mask
default: break
#if os(Android) || canImport(Musl)
set.fds_bits = fd_bits
set.__fds_bits = fd_bits
private func FD_ISSET(_ fd: Int32, _ set: inout fd_set) -> Bool {
let intOffset = Int(fd / 32)
let bitOffset = Int(fd % 32)
#if os(Android) || canImport(Musl)
let fd_bits = set.fds_bits
let mask: UInt = 1 << bitOffset
let fd_bits = set.__fds_bits
let mask = 1 << bitOffset
switch intOffset {
case 0: return fd_bits.0 & mask != 0
case 1: return fd_bits.1 & mask != 0
case 2: return fd_bits.2 & mask != 0
case 3: return fd_bits.3 & mask != 0
case 4: return fd_bits.4 & mask != 0
case 5: return fd_bits.5 & mask != 0
case 6: return fd_bits.6 & mask != 0
case 7: return fd_bits.7 & mask != 0
case 8: return fd_bits.8 & mask != 0
case 9: return fd_bits.9 & mask != 0
case 10: return fd_bits.10 & mask != 0
case 11: return fd_bits.11 & mask != 0
case 12: return fd_bits.12 & mask != 0
case 13: return fd_bits.13 & mask != 0
case 14: return fd_bits.14 & mask != 0
case 15: return fd_bits.15 & mask != 0
#if arch(arm)
case 16: return fd_bits.16 & mask != 0
case 17: return fd_bits.17 & mask != 0
case 18: return fd_bits.18 & mask != 0
case 19: return fd_bits.19 & mask != 0
case 20: return fd_bits.20 & mask != 0
case 21: return fd_bits.21 & mask != 0
case 22: return fd_bits.22 & mask != 0
case 23: return fd_bits.23 & mask != 0
case 24: return fd_bits.24 & mask != 0
case 25: return fd_bits.25 & mask != 0
case 26: return fd_bits.26 & mask != 0
case 27: return fd_bits.27 & mask != 0
case 28: return fd_bits.28 & mask != 0
case 29: return fd_bits.29 & mask != 0
case 30: return fd_bits.30 & mask != 0
case 31: return fd_bits.31 & mask != 0
default: return false
// MARK:- FSEventStream
#if os(macOS)
private func callback(
streamRef: ConstFSEventStreamRef,
clientCallBackInfo: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?,
numEvents: Int,
eventPaths: UnsafeMutableRawPointer,
eventFlags: UnsafePointer<FSEventStreamEventFlags>,
eventIds: UnsafePointer<FSEventStreamEventId>
) {
let eventStream = unsafeBitCast(clientCallBackInfo, to: FSEventStream.self)
// We expect the paths to be reported in an NSArray because we requested CFTypes.
let eventPaths = unsafeBitCast(eventPaths, to: NSArray.self) as? [String] ?? []
// Compute the set of paths that were changed.
let paths = eventPaths.compactMap({ try? AbsolutePath(validating: $0) })
eventStream.callbacksQueue.async {
public protocol FSEventStreamDelegate {
func pathsDidReceiveEvent(_ paths: [AbsolutePath])
/// Wrapper for Darwin's FSEventStream API.
public final class FSEventStream {
/// The errors encountered during fs event watching.
public enum Error: Swift.Error {
case unknownError
/// Reference to the underlying event stream.
/// This is var and implicitly unwrapped optional because
/// we need to capture self for the context.
private var stream: FSEventStreamRef!
/// Reference to the handler that should be called.
let delegate: FSEventStreamDelegate
/// The thread on which the stream is running.
private var thread: Foundation.Thread?
/// The run loop attached to the stream.
private var runLoop: CFRunLoop?
/// Callback queue for the delegate.
fileprivate let callbacksQueue = DispatchQueue(
label: "org.swift.swiftpm.\(FSEventStream.self).callback")
public init(
paths: [AbsolutePath],
latency: Double,
delegate: FSEventStreamDelegate,
flags: FSEventStreamCreateFlags = FSEventStreamCreateFlags(kFSEventStreamCreateFlagUseCFTypes)
) {
self.delegate = delegate
// Create the context that needs to be passed to the callback.
var callbackContext = FSEventStreamContext()
callbackContext.info = unsafeBitCast(self, to: UnsafeMutableRawPointer.self)
// Create the stream.
self.stream = FSEventStreamCreate(
paths.map({ $0.pathString }) as CFArray,
// Start the runloop.
public func start() throws {
let thread = Foundation.Thread { [weak self] in
guard let `self` = self else { return }
self.runLoop = CFRunLoopGetCurrent()
let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "org.swiftwasm.carton.FSWatch")
queue.sync {
// Schedule the run loop.
FSEventStreamSetDispatchQueue(self.stream, queue)
// Start the stream.
FSEventStreamSetDispatchQueue(self.stream, queue)
self.thread = thread
/// Stop watching the events.
public func stop() {
// FIXME: This is probably not thread safe?
if let runLoop = self.runLoop {