529 lines
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529 lines
16 KiB
// Copyright 2020 Carton contributors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import CartonCore
import CartonHelpers
import Foundation
import Logging
import NIO
import NIOHTTP1
import NIOWebSocket
private enum Event {
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case kind
case stackTrace
case testRunOutput
case errorReport
enum Kind: String, Decodable {
case stackTrace
case testRunOutput
case testPassed
case errorReport
case stackTrace(String)
case testRunOutput(String)
case testPassed
case errorReport(String)
extension Event: Decodable {
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
let kind = try container.decode(Kind.self, forKey: .kind)
switch kind {
case .stackTrace:
let rawStackTrace = try container.decode(String.self, forKey: .stackTrace)
self = .stackTrace(rawStackTrace)
case .testRunOutput:
let output = try container.decode(String.self, forKey: .testRunOutput)
self = .testRunOutput(output)
case .testPassed:
self = .testPassed
case .errorReport:
let output = try container.decode(String.self, forKey: .errorReport)
self = .errorReport(output)
public struct BuilderProtocolSimpleBuildFailedError: Error {
public init() {}
/// A protocol for a builder that can be used to build the app.
public protocol BuilderProtocol {
var pathsToWatch: [AbsolutePath] { get }
func run() async throws
public actor Server {
public enum Error: Swift.Error & CustomStringConvertible {
case invalidURL(String)
case noOpenBrowserPlatform
public var description: String {
switch self {
case .invalidURL(let string): "Invalid URL: \(string)"
case .noOpenBrowserPlatform: "This platform cannot launch a browser."
final class Connection: Hashable {
let channel: Channel
init(channel: Channel) {
self.channel = channel
func close() -> EventLoopFuture<Void> {
func reload(_ text: String = "reload") {
let buffer = channel.allocator.buffer(string: text)
let frame = WebSocketFrame(fin: true, opcode: .text, data: buffer)
self.channel.writeAndFlush(frame, promise: nil)
static func == (lhs: Connection, rhs: Connection) -> Bool {
lhs === rhs
func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
public static let serverName = "carton dev server"
public struct ServerNameField: CustomStringConvertible {
public init(
name: String = serverName,
version: String = cartonVersion,
pid: Int32
) {
self.name = name
self.version = version
self.pid = pid
public var name: String
public var version: String
public var pid: Int32
public var description: String {
"\(name)/\(version) (PID \(pid))"
private static let regex = #/([\w ]+)/([\w\.]+) \(PID (\d+)\)/#
public static func parse(_ string: String) throws -> ServerNameField {
guard let m = try regex.wholeMatch(in: string),
let pid = Int32(m.output.3) else {
throw CartonCoreError("invalid server name: \(string)")
let name = String(m.output.1)
let version = String(m.output.2)
return ServerNameField(name: name, version: version, pid: pid)
/// Used for decoding `Event` values sent from the WebSocket client.
private let decoder = JSONDecoder()
/// A set of connected WebSocket clients currently connected to this server.
private var connections = Set<Connection>()
/// Filesystem watcher monitoring relevant source files for changes.
private var watcher: FSWatch?
private var serverChannel: (any Channel)!
/// Local URL of this server, `` by default.
private let localURL: URL
/// Whether a build that could be triggered by this server is currently running.
private var isBuildCurrentlyRunning = false
/// Whether a subsequent build is currently scheduled on top of a currently running build.
private var isSubsequentBuildScheduled = false
/// Continuation for waitUntilTestFinished, passing `hadError: Bool`
private var onTestFinishedContinuation: CheckedContinuation<Bool, Never>?
private let configuration: Configuration
private let serverName: ServerNameField
public struct Configuration {
let builder: BuilderProtocol?
let mainWasmPath: AbsolutePath
let verbose: Bool
let bindingAddress: String
let port: Int
let host: String
/// Environment variables to be passed to the test process.
let env: [String: String]?
let customIndexPath: AbsolutePath?
let resourcesPaths: [String]
let entrypoint: Entrypoint
let pid: Int32?
let terminal: InteractiveWriter
public init(
builder: BuilderProtocol?,
mainWasmPath: AbsolutePath,
verbose: Bool,
bindingAddress: String,
port: Int,
host: String,
env: [String: String]? = nil,
customIndexPath: AbsolutePath?,
resourcesPaths: [String],
entrypoint: Entrypoint,
pid: Int32?,
terminal: InteractiveWriter
) {
self.builder = builder
self.mainWasmPath = mainWasmPath
self.verbose = verbose
self.bindingAddress = bindingAddress
self.port = port
self.host = host
self.env = env
self.customIndexPath = customIndexPath
self.resourcesPaths = resourcesPaths
self.entrypoint = entrypoint
self.pid = pid
self.terminal = terminal
public static func host(bindOption: String, hostOption: String?) -> String {
if let hostOption { return hostOption }
if bindOption == "" { return "" }
return bindOption
public init(
_ configuration: Configuration
) async throws {
let localURLString = "http://\(configuration.host):\(configuration.port)/"
guard let localURL = URL(string: localURLString) else {
throw Error.invalidURL(localURLString)
self.localURL = localURL
watcher = nil
self.configuration = configuration
self.serverName = ServerNameField(
pid: configuration.pid ?? ProcessInfo.processInfo.processIdentifier
guard let builder = configuration.builder else {
if !builder.pathsToWatch.isEmpty {
let terminal = configuration.terminal
terminal.write("\nWatching these directories for changes:\n", inColor: .green)
builder.pathsToWatch.forEach { terminal.logLookup("", $0) }
watcher = FSWatch(paths: builder.pathsToWatch, latency: 0.1) { [weak self] changes in
guard let self = self, !changes.isEmpty else { return }
Task { try await self.onChange(changes, configuration) }
try watcher?.start()
private func onChange(_ changes: [AbsolutePath], _ configuration: Configuration) async throws {
guard !isBuildCurrentlyRunning else {
if !isSubsequentBuildScheduled {
isSubsequentBuildScheduled = true
"\nThese paths have changed, rebuilding...\n",
inColor: .yellow
for change in changes.map(\.pathString) {
configuration.terminal.write("- \(change)\n", inColor: .cyan)
isBuildCurrentlyRunning = true
defer { isBuildCurrentlyRunning = false }
// `configuration.builder` is guaranteed to be non-nil here as its presence is checked in `init`
try await run(configuration.builder!, configuration.terminal)
if isSubsequentBuildScheduled {
"\nMore paths have changed during the build, rebuilding again...\n",
inColor: .yellow
try await run(configuration.builder!, configuration.terminal)
isSubsequentBuildScheduled = false
private func add(pendingChanges: [AbsolutePath]) {}
private func add(connection: Connection) {
private func remove(connection: Connection) {
public func start() async throws -> URL {
let group = MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup.singleton
let upgrader = NIOWebSocketServerUpgrader(
maxFrameSize: Int(UInt32.max),
shouldUpgrade: {
(channel: Channel, head: HTTPRequestHead) in
upgradePipelineHandler: { (channel: Channel, head: HTTPRequestHead) in
return channel.eventLoop.makeFutureWithTask { () -> ServerWebSocketHandler? in
guard head.uri == "/watcher" else {
return nil
let environment =
?? .other
let handler = ServerWebSocketHandler(
configuration: ServerWebSocketHandler.Configuration(
onText: { [weak self] (text) in
self?.webSocketTextHandler(text: text, environment: environment)
onBinary: { [weak self] (data) in
self?.webSocketBinaryHandler(data: data)
await self.add(connection: Connection(channel: channel))
return handler
}.flatMap { maybeHandler in
guard let handler = maybeHandler else {
return channel.eventLoop.makeSucceededVoidFuture()
let aggregator = NIOWebSocketFrameAggregator(
minNonFinalFragmentSize: 0,
maxAccumulatedFrameCount: .max,
maxAccumulatedFrameSize: .max
return channel.pipeline.addHandlers(aggregator, handler)
let handlerConfiguration = ServerHTTPHandler.Configuration(
logger: Logger(label: "org.swiftwasm.carton.dev-server"),
mainWasmPath: configuration.mainWasmPath,
customIndexPath: configuration.customIndexPath,
resourcesPaths: configuration.resourcesPaths,
entrypoint: configuration.entrypoint,
serverName: serverName.description,
env: configuration.env
let channel = try await ServerBootstrap(group: group)
// Specify backlog and enable SO_REUSEADDR for the server itself
.serverChannelOption(ChannelOptions.backlog, value: 256)
.serverChannelOption(ChannelOptions.socketOption(.so_reuseaddr), value: 1)
.childChannelInitializer { channel in
let httpHandler = ServerHTTPHandler(configuration: handlerConfiguration)
let config: NIOHTTPServerUpgradeConfiguration = (
upgraders: [upgrader],
completionHandler: { _ in
channel.pipeline.removeHandler(httpHandler, promise: nil)
return channel.pipeline.configureHTTPServerPipeline(withServerUpgrade: config).flatMap {
// Enable SO_REUSEADDR for the accepted Channels
.childChannelOption(ChannelOptions.socketOption(.so_reuseaddr), value: 1)
.bind(host: configuration.bindingAddress, port: configuration.port)
self.serverChannel = channel
return localURL
/// Wait and handle the shutdown
public func waitUntilStop() async throws {
try await self.serverChannel.closeFuture.get()
try closeSockets()
/// Wait and handle the shutdown
public func waitUntilTestFinished() async throws -> Bool {
let hadError = await withCheckedContinuation { cont in
self.onTestFinishedContinuation = cont
self.onTestFinishedContinuation = nil
try closeSockets()
return hadError
func closeSockets() throws {
for conn in connections {
try conn.close().wait()
private func run(
_ builder: any BuilderProtocol,
_ terminal: InteractiveWriter
) async throws {
do {
try await builder.run()
} catch {
terminal.write("Build failed\n", inColor: .red)
switch error {
case is BuilderProtocolSimpleBuildFailedError: break
terminal.write("\(error)\n", inColor: .red)
terminal.write("Build completed successfully\n", inColor: .green)
terminal.logLookup("The app is currently hosted at ", localURL)
connections.forEach { $0.reload() }
private func stopTest(hadError: Bool) {
self.onTestFinishedContinuation?.resume(returning: hadError)
extension Server {
/// Respond to WebSocket messages coming from the browser.
nonisolated func webSocketTextHandler(
text: String,
environment: DestinationEnvironment
) {
let data = text.data(using: .utf8),
let event = try? self.decoder.decode(Event.self, from: data)
else {
let terminal = self.configuration.terminal
switch event {
case let .stackTrace(rawStackTrace):
if let stackTrace = rawStackTrace.parsedStackTrace(in: environment) {
terminal.write("\nAn error occurred, here's a stack trace for it:\n", inColor: .red)
stackTrace.forEach { item in
terminal.write(" \(item.symbol)", inColor: .cyan)
terminal.write(" at \(item.location ?? "<unknown>")\n", inColor: .gray)
} else {
terminal.write("\nAn error occurred, here's the raw stack trace for it:\n", inColor: .red)
" Please create an issue or PR to the Carton repository\n"
+ " with your browser name and this raw stack trace so\n"
+ " we can add support for it: https://github.com/swiftwasm/carton\n", inColor: .gray
terminal.write(rawStackTrace + "\n")
case let .testRunOutput(output):
TestsParser().parse(output, terminal)
case .testPassed:
Task { await self.stopTest(hadError: false) }
case let .errorReport(output):
terminal.write("\nAn error occurred:\n", inColor: .red)
terminal.write(output + "\n")
Task { await self.stopTest(hadError: true) }
private static func decodeLines(data: Data) -> [String] {
let text = String(decoding: data, as: UTF8.self)
return text.components(separatedBy: .newlines)
nonisolated func webSocketBinaryHandler(data: Data) {
let terminal = self.configuration.terminal
if data.count < 2 {
var kind: UInt16 = 0
_ = withUnsafeMutableBytes(of: &kind) { (buffer) in
data.copyBytes(to: buffer, from: 0..<2)
kind = UInt16(littleEndian: kind)
switch kind {
case 1001:
// stdout
let chunk = data.subdata(in: 2..<data.count)
if chunk.isEmpty { return }
for line in Self.decodeLines(data: chunk) {
terminal.write("stdout: " + line + "\n")
case 1002:
// stderr
let chunk = data.subdata(in: 2..<data.count)
if chunk.isEmpty { return }
for line in Self.decodeLines(data: chunk) {
terminal.write("stderr: " + line + "\n", inColor: .red)
default: break
/// Attempts to open the specified URL string in system browser on macOS and Linux.
public func openInSystemBrowser(url: URL) throws {
#if os(macOS)
let openCommand = "open"
#elseif os(Linux)
let openCommand = "xdg-open"
throw Server.Error.noOpenBrowserPlatform
let process = Process(
arguments: [openCommand, url.absoluteString],
outputRedirection: .none,
startNewProcessGroup: true
try process.launch()