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226 lines
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// Copyright 2020 Carton contributors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import ArgumentParser
import CartonHelpers
import CartonKit
import Foundation
enum DevCommandError: Error & CustomStringConvertible {
case noBuildRequestOption
case noBuildResponseOption
case failedToOpenBuildRequestPipe
case failedToOpenBuildResponsePipe
case pluginConnectionClosed
case brokenPluginResponse
var description: String {
switch self {
case .noBuildRequestOption: "--build-request option is necessary if you want to watch, but has not been specified."
case .noBuildResponseOption: "--build-response option is necessary if you want to watch, but has not been specified."
case .failedToOpenBuildRequestPipe: "failed to open build request pipe."
case .failedToOpenBuildResponsePipe: "failed to open build response pipe."
case .pluginConnectionClosed: "connection with the plugin has been closed."
case .brokenPluginResponse: "response from the plugin was broken."
struct CartonFrontendDevCommand: AsyncParsableCommand {
static let entrypoint = Entrypoint(fileName: "dev.js", content: StaticResource.dev)
@Option(help: "Specify name of an executable product in development.")
var product: String?
@Option(help: "Specify a path to a custom `index.html` file to be used for your app.")
var customIndexPage: String?
@Flag(help: "When specified, build in the release mode.")
var release = false
@Option(help: "Turn on runtime checks for various behavior.")
private var sanitize: SanitizeVariant?
@Flag(name: .shortAndLong, help: "Don't clear terminal window after files change.")
var verbose = false
name: .shortAndLong,
help: """
Set the address where the development server will listen for connections.
var bind: String = ""
@Option(name: .shortAndLong, help: "Set the HTTP port the development server will run on.")
var port = 8080
name: .shortAndLong,
help: """
Set the location where the development server will run.
The default value is derived from the –-bind option.
var host: String?
@Flag(name: .long, help: "Skip automatically opening app in system browser.")
var skipAutoOpen = false
name: .customLong("watch-path"),
help: "Specify a path to a directory to watch for changes."
var watchPaths: [String] = []
name: .long,
help: ArgumentHelp(
"Internal: Path to resources directory built by the SwiftPM Plugin process.",
visibility: .private
var resources: [String] = []
help: ArgumentHelp(
"Internal: Path to the named pipe used to send build requests to the SwiftPM Plugin process.",
visibility: .private
var buildRequest: String?
help: ArgumentHelp(
"Internal: Path to the named pipe used to receive build responses from the SwiftPM Plugin process.",
visibility: .private
var buildResponse: String?
help: ArgumentHelp(
"Internal: Path to the main WebAssembly file built by the SwiftPM Plugin process.",
visibility: .private
var mainWasmPath: String
@Option(name: .long, help: .hidden) var pid: Int32?
static let configuration = CommandConfiguration(
commandName: "dev",
abstract: "Watch the current directory, host the app, rebuild on change."
private func makeBuilderIfNeed() throws -> SwiftPMPluginBuilder? {
guard !watchPaths.isEmpty else {
return nil
guard let buildRequest else {
throw DevCommandError.noBuildRequestOption
guard let buildResponse else {
throw DevCommandError.noBuildResponseOption
let pathsToWatch = try watchPaths.map {
try AbsolutePath(validating: $0, relativeTo: localFileSystem.currentWorkingDirectory!)
guard let buildRequest = FileHandle(forWritingAtPath: buildRequest) else {
throw DevCommandError.failedToOpenBuildRequestPipe
guard let buildResponse = FileHandle(forReadingAtPath: buildResponse) else {
throw DevCommandError.failedToOpenBuildResponsePipe
return SwiftPMPluginBuilder(
pathsToWatch: pathsToWatch,
buildRequest: buildRequest,
buildResponse: buildResponse
func run() async throws {
let terminal = InteractiveWriter.stdout
if !verbose {
let server = try await Server(
builder: try makeBuilderIfNeed(),
mainWasmPath: AbsolutePath(
validating: mainWasmPath, relativeTo: localFileSystem.currentWorkingDirectory!),
verbose: verbose,
bindingAddress: bind,
port: port,
host: Server.Configuration.host(bindOption: bind, hostOption: host),
customIndexPath: customIndexPage.map {
try AbsolutePath(validating: $0, relativeTo: localFileSystem.currentWorkingDirectory!)
resourcesPaths: resources,
entrypoint: Self.entrypoint,
pid: pid,
terminal: terminal
let localURL = try await server.start()
if !skipAutoOpen {
do {
try openInSystemBrowser(url: localURL)
} catch {
terminal.write("open browser failed: \(error)", inColor: .red)
try await server.waitUntilStop()
/// Builder for communicating with the SwiftPM Plugin process by IPC.
struct SwiftPMPluginBuilder: BuilderProtocol {
let pathsToWatch: [AbsolutePath]
let buildRequest: FileHandle
let buildResponse: FileHandle
init(pathsToWatch: [AbsolutePath], buildRequest: FileHandle, buildResponse: FileHandle) {
self.pathsToWatch = pathsToWatch
self.buildRequest = buildRequest
self.buildResponse = buildResponse
func run() async throws {
// We expect single response per request
try buildRequest.write(contentsOf: Data([1]))
guard let responseMessage = try buildResponse.read(upToCount: 1) else {
throw DevCommandError.pluginConnectionClosed
if responseMessage.count < 1 {
throw DevCommandError.brokenPluginResponse
switch responseMessage[0] {
case 0:
throw BuilderProtocolSimpleBuildFailedError()
case 1:
// build succeeded
throw DevCommandError.brokenPluginResponse