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# Audit config file
# It may be located in the user home (`~/.cargo/audit.toml`) or in the project
# root (`.cargo/audit.toml`).
# All of the options which can be passed via CLI arguments can also be
# permanently specified in this file.
ignore = [] # advisory IDs to ignore e.g. ["RUSTSEC-2019-0001", ...]
informational_warnings = ["unmaintained"] # warn for categories of informational advisories
severity_threshold = "low" # CVSS severity ("none", "low", "medium", "high", "critical")
# Advisory Database Configuration
path = "~/.cargo/advisory-db" # Path where advisory git repo will be cloned
# Output Configuration
deny = ["unmaintained"] # exit on error if unmaintained dependencies are found
format = "terminal" # "terminal" (human readable report) or "json"
quiet = false # Only print information on error
show_tree = true # Show inverse dependency trees along with advisories (default: true)
enabled = true # Warn for yanked crates in Cargo.lock (default: true)
update_index = true # Auto-update the crates.io index (default: true)