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__Sections__ * [Features](#features) * [Get Started](#get-started) * [Examples](#examples) * [MNIST](#mnist) * [Components](#components) * [Backend](#backend) * [Tensor](#tensor) * [Module](#module) * [Forward](#forward) * [Config](#config) * [Learner](#learner) * [License](#license) ## Features * Flexible and intuitive custom neural network module 🤖 * Stateless and thread safe forward pass 🚀 * Fast training with full support for `metric`, `logging` and `checkpointing` 🌟 * [Burn-Tensor](https://github.com/burn-rs/burn/tree/doc/readme/burn-tensor): Tensor library with autodiff, CPU and GPU support 🔥 * [Burn-Dataset](https://github.com/burn-rs/burn/tree/doc/readme/burn-dataset): Dataset library with multiple utilities and sources 📚 ## Get Started The best way to get started with burn is the look at the [examples](#examples). Also, this may be a good idea to checkout the main [components](#components) to get a quick overview of how to use burn. ### Examples For now there is only one example, but more to come 💪. #### MNIST The [MNIST](https://github.com/burn-rs/burn/blob/main/examples/mnist) example is not just of small script that shows you how to train a basic model, but it's a quick one showing you how to: * Define your own custom [module](#module) (MLP). * Create the data pipeline from a raw dataset to a batched multi-threaded fast DataLoader. * Configure a [learner](#learner) to display and log metrics as well as to keep training checkpoints. ### Components Knowing the main components will be of great help when starting playing with `burn`. #### Backend Almost everything is based on the `Backend` trait, which allows to run tensor operations with different implementations without having to change your code. A backend does not necessary have autodiff capabilities, therefore you can use `ADBackend` when you require it. #### Tensor The `Tensor` struct is at the core of the `burn` framework. It takes two generic parameters, the `Backend` and the number of dimensions `D`, ```rust use burn::tensor::{Tensor, Shape, Data}; use burn::tensor::backend::{Backend, NdArrayBackend, TchBackend}; fn my_func() { let _my_tensor = Tensor::::ones(Shape::new([3, 3])); } fn main() { my_func>(); my_func>(); } ``` #### Module The `Module` derive let your create your own neural network module similar to PyTorch. ```rust use burn::nn; use burn::module::{Param, Module}; use burn::tensor::backend::Backend; #[derive(Module, Debug)] struct MyModule { my_param: Param>, repeat: usize, } ``` Note that only the fields wrapped inside `Param` are updated during training, and the other ones should implement `Clone`. #### Forward The `Forward` trait can also be implemented by your module. ```rust use burn::module::Forward; use burn::tensor::Tensor; impl Forward, Tensor> for MyModule { fn forward(&self, input: Tensor) -> Tensor { let mut x = input; for _ in 0..self.repeat { x = self.my_param.forward(x); } x } } ``` Note that you can implement multiple time the `Forward` trait with different inputs and outputs. #### Config The `Config` derive lets you define serializable and deserializable configurations or hyper-parameters for your [modules](#module) or any components. ```rust use burn::config::Config; #[derive(Config)] struct MyConfig { #[config(default = 1.0e-6)] pub epsilon: usize, pub dim: usize, } ``` The derive also adds useful methods to your config. ```rust fn my_func() { let config = MyConfig::new(100); println!("{}", config.epsilon); // 1.0.e-6 println!("{}", config.dim); // 100 let config = MyConfig::new(100).with_epsilon(1.0e-8); println!("{}", config.epsilon); // 1.0.e-8 } ``` #### Learner The `Learner` is the main `struct` that let you train a neural network with support for `logging`, `metric`, `checkpointing` and more. In order to create a learner, you must use the `LearnerBuilder`. ```rust use burn::train::LearnerBuilder; let learner = LearnerBuilder::new("/tmp/artifact_dir") .metric_train_plot(AccuracyMetric::new()) .metric_valid_plot(AccuracyMetric::new()) .metric_train(LossMetric::new()) .metric_valid(LossMetric::new()) .with_file_checkpointer::(2) .num_epochs(config.num_epochs) .build(model, optim); ``` See this [example](https://github.com/burn-rs/burn/blob/main/examples/mnist) for a real usage. ## License Burn is distributed under the terms of both the MIT license and the Apache License (Version 2.0). See [LICENSE-APACHE](./LICENSE-APACHE) and [LICENSE-MIT](./LICENSE-MIT) for details. Opening a pull request is assumed to signal agreement with these licensing terms.