
11 KiB

Help! FoxyProxy Updated and All Settings Are Lost

Using Firefox and you've lost all FoxyProxy settings?
These following options are available if FoxyProxy updated from 7.* to 8.2 and you have encountered an update bug:

1. Retrieve Settings and Keep version 8.2

From this comment:

  1. Go to the Options page
  2. Open the Dev Tools (F12)
  3. Go to the Console tab
  4. Type the following and hit ENTER

If above has some data, then in the Console tab

  1. Type the following and hit ENTER => {
  const data = JSON.stringify(pref, null, 2);
  const blob = new Blob([data], {type: 'application/json'});{
    url: URL.createObjectURL(blob),
    filename: 'FoxyProxy_sync.json',
    saveAs: true,
    conflictAction: 'uniquify'
  .catch(() => {}); 
  1. Go to Import Tab -> Import from older versions
  2. Import FoxyProxy_sync.json file that you have saved
  3. Click SAVE to save the data

2. Downgrade to 7.*

Downgrade may retrieve old settings.

  1. Download 7.5.1 (or older) from
  2. Click the file; firefox will ask you to install that addon. Confirm
  3. Go to Firefox settings, addons (about:addons), FoxyProxy, check that it shows version 7.*
  4. Important: On that same page, set "Allow automatic updates" to off

The settings bug is expected to be fixed in v8.3+.
Check About for more information.

3. Wait For Mozilla to Approve 8.4

It should be available in a few days, but we have no guarantee.

FoxyProxy FoxyProxy Browser Extension

license GitHub repo size

About | Help | Issues

After some years of stability, FoxyProxy has been updated to support Manifest Version 3 which is required by Chrome in order for extensions to be compatible with Chrome in 2024. We took advantage of this forced update to implement many feature requests and other changes that were requested over the years.

FoxyProxy has been owned and developed consistently by the same team since 2006.

The repository has the source code for version 8.0+ for Firefox, Chrome, and other Chromium-based browsers like Chromium, Brave and Edge. Source code for older versions.

Permissions Justification

These justifications were provied to Google and Mozilla

  1. downloads: Required to export the extension settings to a file. Users can import that file to other Chrome/Firefox instances, or share it with colleagues, in order to keep the same settings. It can also be backed up and used later.
  2. proxy: The core function of the extension is to allow users to set the proxy server used by the browser.
  3. storage: Required to store proxy server settings (hostname, port, username, and which proxy server is enabled by the user).
  4. tabs: Required so that users can set separate proxies to use per tab. It is also needed for "QuickAdd" to quickly add a URL pattern that applies to the current/active tab. It is also used to open a URL to where there is online help.
  5. webRequest: Required to authenticate with proxy servers via webRequest.onAuthRequired
  6. webRequestAuthProvider: Required to authenticate with proxies servers via webRequest.onAuthRequired
  7. browsingData: Required so the extension can delete cookies, indexedDB, and localStorage when requested by the user on the Options page (Delete Browsing Data button)
  8. privacy: Required so the extension can call to turn on/off webRTC in Chrome (Limit WebRTC checkbox in Options page)
  9. host permission: "<all_urls>" permissions is required in order to supply credentials for Proxy authorization

No remote code is used in this extension.

Why is there a crypto library in lib?

The crypto library was already incldued in FoxyProxy 3.x to encrypt user credentails. It is needed to migrate encrypted settings from the old version (which had no updates for many years, as you mentioned) to 2023. It is not used to encrypt anything; only to decrypt old data when upgrading from version 3.x -> 8.x.


Dark Theme

Light Theme


Chrome Firefox


Source Code Beta
Source Code Release 8.1
Source Code Old 7.5.1

Browser Minimum

Chrome Firefox Firefox for Android
version 108
(released 2022-11-29)
version 93
(released 2021-10-05)
version 113 (manifest)
(API minimum 102)

Installation Guide (for testing)

  • Backup your FoxyProxy settings

  • Download repo (or use git)

    • browser-extension (this page) -> Code (green button) -> Download ZIP
    • Unzip the downloaded file
  • Chrome

    • Rename manifest-chrome.json in src folder to manifest.json
    • Go to chrome://extensions/
    • Enable Developer Mode (top right)
    • Click "Load Unpacked"
    • Select above manifest.json (or src folder)
  • Firefox (Nightly/Beta/Developer Edition)

    • Rename manifest-firefox.json in src folder to manifest.json
    • Go to about:debugging#/runtime/this-firefox
    • Click "Load Temporary Add-on..."
    • Select above manifest.json
  • Firefox for Android
    You can try installing FoxyProxy Basic v8.*

Building for Distribution

With grunt:

  1. Install grunt locally:

npm i -D grunt-cli

  1. Run one of:

grunt --target=chrome-standard
grunt --target=chrome-basic
grunt --target=firefox-standard
grunt --target=firefox-basic

The target is built in; e.g.

Without grunt:

  • copy the appropriate manifest-xxx.json file to manifest.json; e.g. mv manifest-chrome.json manifest.json
  • zip the src directory into the top of an archive. The src/ directory should not be in the zip archive.