
262 lines
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// Copyright 2022 Tokamak contributors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Created by Carson Katri on 2/6/22.
import Foundation
import OpenCombineShim
import TokamakCore
public final class HTMLElement: FiberElement, CustomStringConvertible {
public struct Content: FiberElementContent, Equatable {
public static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
lhs.tag == rhs.tag
&& lhs.attributes == rhs.attributes
&& lhs.innerHTML == rhs.innerHTML
&&\.content) ==\.content)
var tag: String
var attributes: [HTMLAttribute: String]
var innerHTML: String?
var children: [HTMLElement] = []
public init<V>(from primitiveView: V, useDynamicLayout: Bool) where V: View {
guard let primitiveView = primitiveView as? HTMLConvertible else { fatalError() }
tag = primitiveView.tag
attributes = primitiveView.attributes(useDynamicLayout: useDynamicLayout)
innerHTML = primitiveView.innerHTML
public init(
tag: String,
attributes: [HTMLAttribute: String],
innerHTML: String?,
children: [HTMLElement]
) {
self.tag = tag
self.attributes = attributes
self.innerHTML = innerHTML
self.children = children
public var content: Content
public init(from content: Content) {
self.content = content
public init(
tag: String,
attributes: [HTMLAttribute: String],
innerHTML: String?,
children: [HTMLElement]
) {
content = .init(
tag: tag,
attributes: attributes,
innerHTML: innerHTML,
children: children
public func update(with content: Content) {
self.content = content
public var description: String {
<\(content.tag)\( { " \($0.key.value)=\"\($0.value)\"" }
.joined(separator: ""))>\(content.innerHTML != nil ? "\(content.innerHTML!)" : "")\(!content
.isEmpty ? "\n" : "")\(\.description).joined(separator: "\n"))\(!content
.isEmpty ? "\n" : "")</\(content.tag)>
public protocol HTMLConvertible {
var tag: String { get }
var namespace: String? { get }
func attributes(useDynamicLayout: Bool) -> [HTMLAttribute: String]
var innerHTML: String? { get }
func primitiveVisitor<V: ViewVisitor>(useDynamicLayout: Bool) -> ((V) -> ())?
public extension HTMLConvertible {
var namespace: String? { nil }
var innerHTML: String? { nil }
func primitiveVisitor<V: ViewVisitor>(useDynamicLayout: Bool) -> ((V) -> ())? {
extension VStack: HTMLConvertible {
public var tag: String { "div" }
public func attributes(useDynamicLayout: Bool) -> [HTMLAttribute: String] {
guard !useDynamicLayout else { return [:] }
let spacing = _VStackProxy(self).spacing
return [
"style": """
justify-items: \(alignment.cssValue);
\(hasSpacer ? "height: 100%;" : "")
\(fillCrossAxis ? "width: 100%;" : "")
\(spacing != defaultStackSpacing ? "--tokamak-stack-gap: \(spacing)px;" : "")
"class": "_tokamak-stack _tokamak-vstack",
extension HStack: HTMLConvertible {
public var tag: String { "div" }
public func attributes(useDynamicLayout: Bool) -> [HTMLAttribute: String] {
guard !useDynamicLayout else { return [:] }
let spacing = _HStackProxy(self).spacing
return [
"style": """
align-items: \(alignment.cssValue);
\(hasSpacer ? "width: 100%;" : "")
\(fillCrossAxis ? "height: 100%;" : "")
\(spacing != defaultStackSpacing ? "--tokamak-stack-gap: \(spacing)px;" : "")
"class": "_tokamak-stack _tokamak-hstack",
extension LayoutView: HTMLConvertible {
public var tag: String { "div" }
public func attributes(useDynamicLayout: Bool) -> [HTMLAttribute: String] {
public struct StaticHTMLFiberRenderer: FiberRenderer {
public let rootElement: HTMLElement
public let defaultEnvironment: EnvironmentValues
public let sceneSize: CurrentValueSubject<CGSize, Never>
public let useDynamicLayout: Bool
public init() {
self.init(useDynamicLayout: false, sceneSize: .zero)
/// An internal initializer used for testing dynamic layout with the `StaticHTMLFiberRenderer`.
/// Normal use cases for dynamic layout require `TokamakDOM`.
public init(useDynamicLayout: Bool, sceneSize: CGSize) {
self.useDynamicLayout = useDynamicLayout
self.sceneSize = .init(sceneSize)
rootElement = .init(
tag: "body", attributes: ["style": "margin: 0;"], innerHTML: nil, children: []
var environment = EnvironmentValues()
environment[_ColorSchemeKey.self] = .light
defaultEnvironment = environment
public static func isPrimitive<V>(_ view: V) -> Bool where V: View {
!(view is AnyOptional) && view is HTMLConvertible
public func visitPrimitiveChildren<Primitive, Visitor>(
_ view: Primitive
) -> ViewVisitorF<Visitor>? where Primitive: View, Visitor: ViewVisitor {
guard let primitive = view as? HTMLConvertible else { return nil }
return primitive.primitiveVisitor(useDynamicLayout: useDynamicLayout)
public func commit(_ mutations: [Mutation<Self>]) {
for mutation in mutations {
switch mutation {
case let .insert(element, parent, index):
parent.content.children.insert(element, at: index)
case let .remove(element, parent):
parent?.content.children.removeAll(where: { $0 === element })
case let .replace(parent, previous, replacement):
guard let index = parent.content.children.firstIndex(where: { $0 === previous })
else { continue }
parent.content.children[index] = replacement
case let .update(previous, newContent, _):
previous.update(with: newContent)
case let .layout(element, data):
element.content.attributes["style", default: ""] += """
position: absolute;
left: \(data.origin.x)px;
top: \(data.origin.y)px;
width: \(data.dimensions.width)px;
height: \(data.dimensions.height)px;
public func measureText(
_ text: Text,
proposal: ProposedViewSize,
in environment: EnvironmentValues
) -> CGSize {
public func measureImage(
_ image: Image,
proposal: ProposedViewSize,
in environment: EnvironmentValues
) -> CGSize {
public func render<A: App>(_ app: A) -> String {
_ = FiberReconciler(self, app)
return """
<!doctype html>
public func render<V: View>(_ view: V) -> String {
_ = FiberReconciler(self, view)
return """
<!doctype html>
public func schedule(_ action: @escaping () -> ()) {