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// Copyright 2020 Tokamak contributors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Created by Carson Katri on 10/10/20.
import CGTK
import TokamakCore
// MARK: Environment & State
public typealias Environment = TokamakCore.Environment
public typealias EnvironmentObject = TokamakCore.EnvironmentObject
public typealias Binding = TokamakCore.Binding
public typealias ObservableObject = TokamakCore.ObservableObject
public typealias ObservedObject = TokamakCore.ObservedObject
public typealias Published = TokamakCore.Published
public typealias State = TokamakCore.State
public typealias StateObject = TokamakCore.StateObject
// MARK: Modifiers & Styles
public typealias ViewModifier = TokamakCore.ViewModifier
public typealias ModifiedContent = TokamakCore.ModifiedContent
public typealias DefaultTextFieldStyle = TokamakCore.DefaultTextFieldStyle
public typealias PlainTextFieldStyle = TokamakCore.PlainTextFieldStyle
public typealias RoundedBorderTextFieldStyle = TokamakCore.RoundedBorderTextFieldStyle
public typealias SquareBorderTextFieldStyle = TokamakCore.SquareBorderTextFieldStyle
public typealias DefaultListStyle = TokamakCore.DefaultListStyle
public typealias PlainListStyle = TokamakCore.PlainListStyle
public typealias InsetListStyle = TokamakCore.InsetListStyle
public typealias GroupedListStyle = TokamakCore.GroupedListStyle
public typealias InsetGroupedListStyle = TokamakCore.InsetGroupedListStyle
public typealias SidebarListStyle = TokamakCore.SidebarListStyle
public typealias DefaultPickerStyle = TokamakCore.DefaultPickerStyle
public typealias PopUpButtonPickerStyle = TokamakCore.PopUpButtonPickerStyle
public typealias RadioGroupPickerStyle = TokamakCore.RadioGroupPickerStyle
public typealias SegmentedPickerStyle = TokamakCore.SegmentedPickerStyle
public typealias WheelPickerStyle = TokamakCore.WheelPickerStyle
public typealias ToggleStyle = TokamakCore.ToggleStyle
public typealias ToggleStyleConfiguration = TokamakCore.ToggleStyleConfiguration
public typealias ButtonStyle = TokamakCore.ButtonStyle
public typealias ButtonStyleConfiguration = TokamakCore.ButtonStyleConfiguration
public typealias DefaultButtonStyle = TokamakCore.DefaultButtonStyle
public typealias ColorScheme = TokamakCore.ColorScheme
// MARK: Shapes
public typealias Shape = TokamakCore.Shape
public typealias Capsule = TokamakCore.Capsule
public typealias Circle = TokamakCore.Circle
public typealias Ellipse = TokamakCore.Ellipse
public typealias Path = TokamakCore.Path
public typealias Rectangle = TokamakCore.Rectangle
public typealias RoundedRectangle = TokamakCore.RoundedRectangle
// MARK: Primitive values
public typealias Color = TokamakCore.Color
public typealias Font = TokamakCore.Font
#if !canImport(CoreGraphics)
public typealias CGAffineTransform = TokamakCore.CGAffineTransform
// MARK: Views
public typealias Button = TokamakCore.Button
public typealias DisclosureGroup = TokamakCore.DisclosureGroup
public typealias Divider = TokamakCore.Divider
public typealias ForEach = TokamakCore.ForEach
public typealias GeometryReader = TokamakCore.GeometryReader
public typealias GridItem = TokamakCore.GridItem
public typealias Group = TokamakCore.Group
public typealias HStack = TokamakCore.HStack
public typealias Image = TokamakCore.Image
public typealias LazyHGrid = TokamakCore.LazyHGrid
public typealias LazyVGrid = TokamakCore.LazyVGrid
public typealias List = TokamakCore.List
public typealias NavigationLink = TokamakCore.NavigationLink
public typealias NavigationView = TokamakCore.NavigationView
public typealias OutlineGroup = TokamakCore.OutlineGroup
public typealias Picker = TokamakCore.Picker
public typealias ScrollView = TokamakCore.ScrollView
public typealias Section = TokamakCore.Section
public typealias SecureField = TokamakCore.SecureField
public typealias Slider = TokamakCore.Slider
public typealias Spacer = TokamakCore.Spacer
public typealias Text = TokamakCore.Text
public typealias TextField = TokamakCore.TextField
public typealias Toggle = TokamakCore.Toggle
public typealias VStack = TokamakCore.VStack
public typealias ZStack = TokamakCore.ZStack
// MARK: Special Views
public typealias View = TokamakCore.View
public typealias AnyView = TokamakCore.AnyView
public typealias EmptyView = TokamakCore.EmptyView
// MARK: App & Scene
public typealias App = TokamakCore.App
public typealias Scene = TokamakCore.Scene
public typealias WindowGroup = TokamakCore.WindowGroup
public typealias ScenePhase = TokamakCore.ScenePhase
public typealias AppStorage = TokamakCore.AppStorage
public typealias SceneStorage = TokamakCore.SceneStorage
// MARK: Misc
public typealias ViewBuilder = TokamakCore.ViewBuilder
// FIXME: I would put this inside TokamakCore, but for
// some reason it doesn't get exported with the typealias
public extension Text {
static func + (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
_concatenating(lhs: lhs, rhs: rhs)