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370 lines
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// Copyright 2020-2021 Tokamak contributors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Created by Carson Katri on 9/17/21.
import Foundation
import JavaScriptKit
import TokamakCore
import TokamakStaticHTML
extension Canvas: DOMPrimitive {
public var renderedBody: AnyView {
AnyView(_Canvas(parent: self))
extension Canvas: SpacerContainer {
public var hasSpacer: Bool { true }
public var axis: SpacerContainerAxis { .vertical }
public var fillCrossAxis: Bool { true }
private let devicePixelRatio = JSObject.global.devicePixelRatio.number ?? 1
struct _Canvas<Symbols: View>: View {
let parent: Canvas<Symbols>
private var coordinator = Coordinator()
private var inAnimatingTimelineView
private var isAnimatingTimelineViewPaused
final class Coordinator: ObservableObject {
var canvas: JSObject?
var currentDrawLoop: JSValue?
/// A cache of resolved symbols by their tag.
/// This allows symbols to be used in an animated canvas.
var symbolCache: [AnyHashable: JSObject] = [:]
func cacheSymbol(id: AnyHashable, _ img: JSObject) {
coordinator.symbolCache[id] = img
func cachedSymbol(id: AnyHashable) -> JSObject? {
var body: some View {
GeometryReader { proxy in
HTML("canvas", [
"style": "width: 100%; height: 100%;",
.onAppear { draw(in: proxy.size) }
._onUpdate {
// Cancel the previous animation loop.
if let currentDrawLoop = coordinator.currentDrawLoop {
_ = JSObject.global.cancelAnimationFrame!(currentDrawLoop)
draw(in: proxy.size)
private func draw(in size: CGSize) {
guard let canvas = coordinator.canvas,
let canvasContext = canvas.getContext!("2d").object
else { return }
// Setup the canvas size
canvas.width = .number(Double(size.width * CGFloat(devicePixelRatio)))
canvas.height = .number(Double(size.height * CGFloat(devicePixelRatio)))
// Restore the initial state.
_ = canvasContext.restore!()
// Clear the canvas.
_ = canvasContext.clearRect!(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height)
// Save the cleared state for the next redraw to restore.
_ = canvasContext.save!()
// Scale for retina displays
_ = canvasContext.scale!(devicePixelRatio, devicePixelRatio)
// Create a fresh context.
var graphicsContext = parent._makeContext(
onOperation: { storage, operation in
handleOperation(storage, operation, in: canvasContext)
imageResolver: resolveImage,
textResolver: resolveText(in: canvasContext),
symbolResolver: resolveSymbol
// Render into the context.
parent.renderer(&graphicsContext, size)
if inAnimatingTimelineView && !isAnimatingTimelineViewPaused {
coordinator.currentDrawLoop = JSObject.global.requestAnimationFrame!(JSOneshotClosure { _ in
draw(in: size)
return .undefined
private func handleOperation(
_ storage: GraphicsContext._Storage,
_ operation: GraphicsContext._Storage._Operation,
in canvasContext: JSObject
) {
canvasContext.globalCompositeOperation = .string(storage.blendMode.cssValue)
switch operation {
case let .clip(path, _, _):
clip(to: path, in: canvasContext)
case .beginClipLayer:
_ = canvasContext.save!()
case .endClipLayer:
_ = canvasContext.restore!()
_ = canvasContext.clip!()
case let .addFilter(filter, _):
applyFilter(filter, to: canvasContext)
case .beginLayer:
_ = canvasContext.save!()
case .endLayer:
_ = canvasContext.restore!()
case let .fill(path, shading, fillStyle):
fillPath(path, with: shading, style: fillStyle, in: canvasContext)
case let .stroke(path, shading, strokeStyle):
strokePath(path, with: shading, style: strokeStyle, in: canvasContext)
case let .drawImage(image, positioning, style):
drawImage(image, at: positioning, with: style, in: canvasContext)
case let .drawText(text, positioning):
drawText(text, at: positioning, in: canvasContext)
case let .drawSymbol(symbol, positioning):
drawSymbol(symbol, at: positioning, in: canvasContext)
private func applyFilter(_ filter: GraphicsContext.Filter, to canvasContext: JSObject) {
let previousFilter = canvasContext.filter
.string == "none" ? "" : (canvasContext.filter.string ?? "")
switch filter._storage {
case let .projectionTransform(matrix):
_ = canvasContext.transform!(
Double(matrix.m11), Double(matrix.m12),
Double(matrix.m21), Double(matrix.m22),
Double(matrix.m31), Double(matrix.m32)
case let .shadow(color, radius, x, y, _, _):
.shadowColor = .string(
_ColorProxy(color).resolve(in: parent._environment)
canvasContext.shadowBlur = .number(Double(radius))
canvasContext.shadowOffsetX = .number(Double(x))
canvasContext.shadowOffsetY = .number(Double(y))
case .colorMultiply:
case .colorMatrix:
case let .hueRotation(angle):
canvasContext.filter = .string("\(previousFilter) hue-rotate(\(angle.radians)rad)")
case let .saturation(amount):
canvasContext.filter = .string("\(previousFilter) saturate(\(amount * 100)%)")
case let .brightness(amount):
canvasContext.filter = .string("\(previousFilter) brightness(\(amount * 100)%)")
case let .contrast(amount):
canvasContext.filter = .string("\(previousFilter) contrast(\(amount * 100)%)")
case let .colorInvert(amount):
canvasContext.filter = .string("\(previousFilter) invert(\(amount * 100)%)")
case let .grayscale(amount):
canvasContext.filter = .string("\(previousFilter) grayscale(\(amount * 100)%)")
case .luminanceToAlpha:
case let .blur(radius, _):
canvasContext.filter = .string("\(previousFilter) blur(\(radius)px)")
case .alphaThreshold:
extension GraphicsContext.Shading {
func cssValue(
in environment: EnvironmentValues,
with canvas: JSObject,
bounds: CGRect
) -> JSValue {
if case let .resolved(resolved) = _resolve(in: environment)._storage {
return resolved.cssValue(in: environment, with: canvas, bounds: bounds)
return .string("none")
extension GraphicsContext._ResolvedShading {
func cssValue(
in environment: EnvironmentValues,
with canvas: JSObject,
bounds: CGRect
) -> JSValue {
switch self {
case let .levels(palette):
guard let primary = palette.first else { break }
return primary.cssValue(in: environment, with: canvas, bounds: bounds)
case let .style(style):
return style.cssValue(in: environment, with: canvas, bounds: bounds)
case let .gradient(gradient, geometry, _):
let gradientBounds = CGRect(origin: .zero, size: .init(width: 1, height: 1))
switch geometry {
case let .axial(startPoint, endPoint):
return _ResolvedStyle.gradient(
style: .linear(
startPoint: .init(x: startPoint.x, y: startPoint.y),
endPoint: .init(x: endPoint.x, y: endPoint.y)
).cssValue(in: environment, with: canvas, bounds: gradientBounds)
case let .conic(center, angle):
return _ResolvedStyle.gradient(
style: .angular(
center: .init(x: center.x, y: center.y),
startAngle: .degrees(0),
endAngle: angle
).cssValue(in: environment, with: canvas, bounds: gradientBounds)
case let .radial(center, startRadius, endRadius):
return _ResolvedStyle.gradient(
style: .radial(
center: .init(x: center.x, y: center.y),
startRadius: startRadius,
endRadius: endRadius
).cssValue(in: environment, with: canvas, bounds: gradientBounds)
case .tiledImage:
return .string("none")
extension _ResolvedStyle {
func cssValue(
in environment: EnvironmentValues,
opacity: Float = 1,
with canvas: JSObject,
bounds: CGRect
) -> JSValue {
switch self {
case let .color(color):
return .string(color.opacity(color.opacity * Double(opacity)).cssValue)
case .foregroundMaterial:
case let .array(palette):
guard let primary = palette.first else { break }
return primary.cssValue(in: environment, opacity: opacity, with: canvas, bounds: bounds)
case let .opacity(opacity, style):
return style.cssValue(in: environment, opacity: opacity, with: canvas, bounds: bounds)
case let .gradient(gradient, style):
let canvasGradient: JSObject
switch style {
case let .linear(startPoint, endPoint):
canvasGradient = canvas.createLinearGradient!(
Double(bounds.origin.x + startPoint.x * bounds.width),
Double(bounds.origin.y + startPoint.y * bounds.height),
Double(bounds.origin.x + endPoint.x * bounds.width),
Double(bounds.origin.y + endPoint.y * bounds.height)
case let .radial(center, startRadius, endRadius):
canvasGradient = canvas.createRadialGradient!(
Double(bounds.origin.x + center.x * bounds.width),
Double(bounds.origin.y + center.y * bounds.height),
Double(bounds.origin.x + center.x * bounds.width),
Double(bounds.origin.y + center.y * bounds.height),
case let .elliptical(center, startRadiusFraction, endRadiusFraction):
canvasGradient = canvas.createRadialGradient!(
Double(bounds.origin.x + center.x * bounds.width),
Double(bounds.origin.y + center.y * bounds.height),
Double(startRadiusFraction * bounds.width),
Double(bounds.origin.x + center.x * bounds.width),
Double(bounds.origin.y + center.y * bounds.height),
Double(endRadiusFraction * bounds.width)
case let .angular(center, _, endAngle):
canvasGradient = canvas.createConicGradient!(
Double(bounds.origin.x + center.x * bounds.width),
Double(bounds.origin.y + center.y * bounds.height)
for stop in gradient.stops {
_ = canvasGradient.addColorStop!(
_ColorProxy(stop.color).resolve(in: environment).cssValue
return .object(canvasGradient)
return .string("")
extension AnyColorBox.ResolvedValue {
func opacity(_ opacity: Double) -> Self {
red: red,
green: green,
blue: blue,
opacity: opacity,
space: space
extension GraphicsContext.BlendMode {
var cssValue: String {
switch self {
case .normal: return "normal"
case .multiply: return "multiply"
case .screen: return "screen"
case .overlay: return "overlay"
case .darken: return "darken"
case .lighten: return "lighten"
case .colorDodge: return "color-dodge"
case .colorBurn: return "color-burn"
case .softLight: return "soft-light"
case .hardLight: return "hard-light"
case .difference: return "difference"
case .exclusion: return "exclusion"
case .hue: return "hue"
case .saturation: return "saturation"
case .color: return "color"
case .luminosity: return "luminosity"
case .clear: return "clear"
case .copy: return "copy"
case .sourceIn: return "source-in"
case .sourceOut: return "source-out"
case .sourceAtop: return "source-atop"
case .destinationOver: return "destination-over"
case .destinationIn: return "destination-in"
case .destinationOut: return "destination-out"
case .destinationAtop: return "destination-atop"
case .xor: return "xor"
case .plusDarker: return "darken"
case .plusLighter: return "lighten"