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// Copyright 2020-2021 Tokamak contributors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Created by Max Desiatov on 11/04/2020.
import JavaScriptEventLoop
import JavaScriptKit
import OpenCombineJS
@_spi(TokamakCore) import TokamakCore
import TokamakStaticHTML
public typealias Sanitizers = TokamakStaticHTML.Sanitizers
extension EnvironmentValues {
/// Returns default settings for the DOM environment
static var defaultEnvironment: Self {
var environment = EnvironmentValues()
// `.toggleStyle` property is internal
environment[_ToggleStyleKey.self] = _AnyToggleStyle(DefaultToggleStyle())
environment.colorScheme = .init(matchMediaDarkScheme: matchMediaDarkScheme)
environment._defaultAppStorage = LocalStorage.standard
_DefaultSceneStorageProvider.default = SessionStorage.standard
return environment
/** `SpacerContainer` is part of TokamakDOM, as not all renderers will handle flexible
sizing the way browsers do. Their parent element could already know that if a child is
requesting full width, then it needs to expand.
private extension AnyView {
var axes: [SpacerContainerAxis] {
var axes = [SpacerContainerAxis]()
if let spacerContainer = mapAnyView(self, transform: { (v: SpacerContainer) in v }) {
if spacerContainer.hasSpacer {
if spacerContainer.fillCrossAxis {
axes.append(spacerContainer.axis == .horizontal ? .vertical : .horizontal)
return axes
var fillAxes: [SpacerContainerAxis] {
children.flatMap(\.fillAxes) + axes
let global = JSObject.global
let window = global.window.object!
let matchMediaDarkScheme = window.matchMedia!("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)").object!
let log = global.console.object!.log.function!
let document = global.document.object!
let body = document.body.object!
let head = document.head.object!
func appendRootStyle(_ rootNode: JSObject) {
rootNode.style = .string(rootNodeStyles)
let rootStyle = document.createElement!("style").object!
rootStyle.innerHTML = .string(tokamakStyles)
_ = head.appendChild!(rootStyle)
final class DOMRenderer: Renderer {
private var reconciler: StackReconciler<DOMRenderer>?
private let rootRef: JSObject
private let scheduler: JSScheduler
init<A: App>(_ app: A, _ ref: JSObject, _ rootEnvironment: EnvironmentValues? = nil) {
rootRef = ref
if #available(macOS 10.15, *) {
let scheduler = JSScheduler()
self.scheduler = scheduler
reconciler = StackReconciler(
app: app,
target: DOMNode(ref),
environment: .defaultEnvironment.merging(rootEnvironment),
renderer: self
) { scheduler.schedule(options: nil, $0) }
private func fixSpacers(host: MountedHost, target: JSObject) {
let fillAxes = host.view.fillAxes
if fillAxes.contains(.horizontal) {
target.style.object!.width = "100%"
if fillAxes.contains(.vertical) {
target.style.object!.height = "100%"
public func mountTarget(
before sibling: DOMNode?,
to parent: DOMNode,
with host: MountedHost
) -> DOMNode? {
guard let anyHTML: AnyHTML = mapAnyView(host.view, transform: { $0 }) else {
// handle `GroupView` cases (such as `TupleView`, `Group` etc)
if mapAnyView(host.view, transform: { (view: ParentView) in view }) != nil {
return parent
return nil
// Transition the insertion.
let transition = _AnyTransitionProxy(host.viewTraits.transition)
.resolve(in: host.environmentValues)
var additionalAttributes = [HTMLAttribute: String]()
var runTransition: ((DOMNode) -> ())?
if host.viewTraits.canTransition,
let animation = transition.insertionAnimation ?? host.transaction.animation
// Apply the active insertion modifier on mount.
additionalAttributes = apply(
transition: transition, \.insertion,
as: \.active,
to: host.view
runTransition = { node in
dom: node,
computeStart: false,
additionalAttributes: self.apply(
transition: transition, \.insertion,
as: \.identity,
to: host.view
transaction: .init(animation: animation)
let maybeNode: JSObject?
if let sibling = sibling {
_ = sibling.ref.insertAdjacentHTML!(
shouldSortAttributes: false, additonalAttributes: additionalAttributes, children: []
maybeNode = sibling.ref.previousSibling.object
} else {
_ = parent.ref.insertAdjacentHTML!(
shouldSortAttributes: false, additonalAttributes: additionalAttributes, children: []
let children = parent.ref.childNodes.object,
let length = children.length.number,
length > 0
else { return nil }
maybeNode = children[Int(length) - 1].object
guard let resultingNode = maybeNode else { return nil }
fixSpacers(host: host, target: resultingNode)
let node = DOMNode(host.view, resultingNode, (anyHTML as? AnyDynamicHTML)?.listeners ?? [:])
return node
func update(target: DOMNode, with host: MountedHost) {
guard let html = mapAnyView(host.view, transform: { (html: AnyHTML) in html })
else { return }
dom: target,
additionalAttributes: [:],
transaction: host.transaction
fixSpacers(host: host, target: target.ref)
func unmount(
target: DOMNode,
from parent: DOMNode,
with task: UnmountHostTask<DOMRenderer>
) {
guard let anyHTML = mapAnyView(task.host.view, transform: { (html: AnyHTML) in html })
else { return task.finish() }
// Transition the removal.
let transition = _AnyTransitionProxy(task.host.viewTraits.transition)
.resolve(in: task.host.environmentValues)
if task.host.viewTraits.canTransition,
let animation = transition.removalAnimation ?? task.host.transaction.animation
// First, apply the identity removal modifier /without/ animation
// to be in the initial state.
dom: target,
additionalAttributes: apply(
transition: transition, \.removal,
as: \.identity,
to: task.host.view
transaction: .init(animation: nil)
// Then apply the active removal modifier /with/ animation.
dom: target,
additionalAttributes: apply(
transition: transition, \.removal,
as: \.active,
to: task.host.view
transaction: .init(animation: animation)
_ = JSObject.global.setTimeout!(
JSOneshotClosure { _ in
guard !task.isCancelled else { return .undefined }
_ = try? parent.ref.throwing.removeChild!(target.ref)
return .undefined
_AnimationProxy(animation).resolve().duration * 1000
_ = try? parent.ref.throwing.removeChild!(target.ref)
func primitiveBody(for view: Any) -> AnyView? {
(view as? DOMPrimitive)?.renderedBody ?? (view as? _HTMLPrimitive)?.renderedBody
func isPrimitiveView(_ type: Any.Type) -> Bool {
type is DOMPrimitive.Type || type is _HTMLPrimitive.Type
private func apply(
transition: _AnyTransitionBox.ResolvedTransition,
_ direction: KeyPath<
as state: KeyPath<
(AnyView) -> AnyView
to view: AnyView
) -> [HTMLAttribute: String] {
transition[keyPath: direction].reduce([HTMLAttribute: String]()) {
if let modifiedContent = mapAnyView(
$1[keyPath: state](view),
transform: { (v: _AnyModifiedContent) in v }
) {
return $0.merging(
uniquingKeysWith: +
} else {
return $0
protocol DOMPrimitive {
var renderedBody: AnyView { get }