247 lines
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247 lines
7.6 KiB
// Copyright 2020 Tokamak contributors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import JavaScriptKit
import TokamakCore
import TokamakStaticHTML
private extension String {
var animatableProperty: String {
if self == "float" {
return "cssFloat"
} else if self == "offset" {
return "cssProperty"
} else {
return split(separator: "-")
.reduce("") { prev, next in
"\(prev)\(prev.isEmpty ? next : next.prefix(1).uppercased() + next.dropFirst())"
extension _AnimationBoxBase._Resolved._Style {
var cssValue: String {
switch self {
case let .timingCurve(c0x, c0y, c1x, c1y, _):
return "cubic-bezier(\(c0x), \(c0y), \(c1x), \(c1y))"
case .solver:
return "linear"
extension _AnimationBoxBase._Resolved._RepeatStyle {
var jsValue: JSValue {
switch self {
case let .fixed(count, _):
return count.jsValue
case .forever:
return JSObject.global.Infinity
extension AnyHTML {
func update(
dom: DOMNode,
computeStart: Bool = true,
additionalAttributes: [HTMLAttribute: String],
transaction: Transaction
) {
let attributes = attributes.merging(additionalAttributes, uniquingKeysWith: +)
dom.applyAttributes(attributes, with: transaction)
if !transaction.disablesAnimations,
let animation = transaction.animation,
let style = attributes["style"]
dom.animateStyles(to: style, computeStart: computeStart, with: animation)
if attributes[.checked] == nil && dom.ref.type == "checkbox" &&
dom.ref.tagName.string!.lowercased() == "input"
dom.ref.checked = .boolean(false)
if let dynamicSelf = self as? AnyDynamicHTML {
guard let innerHTML = innerHTML(shouldSortAttributes: false) else { return }
dom.ref.innerHTML = .string(innerHTML)
final class DOMNode: Target {
let ref: JSObject
private var listeners: [String: JSClosure]
var view: AnyView
init<V: View>(_ view: V, _ ref: JSObject, _ listeners: [String: Listener] = [:]) {
self.ref = ref
self.listeners = [:]
self.view = AnyView(view)
init(_ ref: JSObject) {
self.ref = ref
view = AnyView(EmptyView())
listeners = [:]
/// Removes all existing event listeners on this DOM node and install new ones from
/// the `listeners` argument
func reinstall(_ listeners: [String: Listener]) {
for (event, jsClosure) in self.listeners {
_ = ref.removeEventListener!(event, jsClosure)
self.listeners = [:]
for (event, listener) in listeners {
let jsClosure = JSClosure {
return .undefined
_ = ref.addEventListener!(event, jsClosure)
self.listeners[event] = jsClosure
func applyAttributes(
_ attributes: [HTMLAttribute: String],
with transaction: Transaction
) {
// FIXME: is there a sensible way to diff attributes and listeners to avoid
// crossing the JavaScript bridge and touching DOM if not needed?
// @carson-katri: For diffing, could you build a Set from the keys and values of the dictionary,
// then use the standard lib to get the difference?
// `checked` attribute on checkboxes is a special one as its value doesn't matter. We only
// need to check whether it exists or not, and set the property if it doesn't.
for (attribute, value) in attributes {
// Animate styles with the Web Animations API in `animateStyles`.
guard transaction.disablesAnimations
|| transaction.animation == nil
|| attribute != "style"
else { continue }
if attribute == "style" { // Clear animations
ref.getAnimations?().array?.forEach { _ = $0.cancel() }
if attribute.isUpdatedAsProperty {
ref[dynamicMember: attribute.value] = .string(value)
} else {
_ = ref.setAttribute!(attribute.value, value)
func extractStyles(compute: Bool = false) -> [String: String] {
var res = [String: String]()
let computedStyle = JSObject.global.getComputedStyle?(ref)
for i in 0..<Int(ref.style.object?.length.number ?? 0) {
guard let key = ref.style.object?[i].string else { continue }
if compute {
res[key] = computedStyle?[dynamicMember: key].string
?? ref.style.object?[key].string
} else {
res[key] = ref.style.object?[key].string
return res
func animate(
keyframes: [JSValue],
with animation: Animation,
offsetBy iterationStart: Double = 0
) -> JSValue? {
let resolved = _AnimationProxy(animation).resolve()
return ref.animate?(
"duration": ((resolved.duration / resolved.speed) * 1000).jsValue,
"delay": (resolved.delay * 1000).jsValue,
"easing": resolved.style.cssValue.jsValue,
"iterations": resolved.repeatStyle.jsValue,
"direction": (resolved.repeatStyle.autoreverses ? "alternate" : "normal").jsValue,
// Keep the last keyframe applied when done, and the first applied during a delay.
"fill": "both".jsValue,
"iterationStart": iterationStart.jsValue,
func animateStyles(
to style: String,
computeStart: Bool,
with animation: Animation
) {
let resolved = _AnimationProxy(animation).resolve()
let startStyle = Dictionary(uniqueKeysWithValues: extractStyles(compute: computeStart).map {
($0.animatableProperty, $1)
ref.style.object?.cssText = .string(style)
let endStyle = Dictionary(uniqueKeysWithValues: extractStyles().map {
($0.animatableProperty, $1)
let keyframes: [JSValue]
if case let .solver(solver) = resolved.style {
// Compute styles at several intervals.
var values = [[String: String]]()
for iterationStart in stride(from: 0, to: 1, by: 0.01) {
// Create and immediately cancel an animation after reading the computed values.
if let animation = animate(
keyframes: [startStyle, endStyle.jsValue],
with: Animation.linear(duration: resolved.duration).delay(resolved.delay),
offsetBy: iterationStart
let computedStyle = JSObject.global.getComputedStyle?(ref)
uniqueKeysWithValues: endStyle.keys
.compactMap { k in computedStyle[dynamicMember: k].string.map { (k, $0) } }
_ = animation.cancel?()
// Solve the values
keyframes = (0..<values.count).map { t in
let offset = Double(t) / Double(values.count - 1)
let solved = solver.solve(at: offset * (resolved.duration / resolved.speed))
* Double(values.count - 1)
var res = values[Int(solved)]
res["offset"] = "\(offset)"
return res.jsValue
} + [endStyle.jsValue] // Add the end for good measure.
} else {
keyframes = [startStyle, endStyle.jsValue]
// Animate the styles.
animate(keyframes: keyframes, with: animation)