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// Copyright 2021 Tokamak contributors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Created by Carson Katri on 4/5/22.
import Foundation
import OpenCombineShim
@_spi(TokamakCore) import TokamakCore
public protocol TestFiberPrimitive {
var tag: String { get }
var attributes: [String: Any] { get }
public extension TestFiberPrimitive {
var tag: String { String(String(reflecting: Self.self).split(separator: "<")[0]) }
extension VStack: TestFiberPrimitive {
public var attributes: [String: Any] {
["spacing": _VStackProxy(self).spacing, "alignment": alignment]
extension HStack: TestFiberPrimitive {
public var attributes: [String: Any] {
["spacing": _HStackProxy(self).spacing, "alignment": alignment]
extension Text: TestFiberPrimitive {
public var attributes: [String: Any] {
let proxy = _TextProxy(self)
return ["content":, "modifiers": proxy.modifiers]
extension _Button: TestFiberPrimitive {
public var attributes: [String: Any] {
["action": action, "role": role as Any]
extension _PrimitiveButtonStyleBody: TestFiberPrimitive {
public var attributes: [String: Any] {
["size": controlSize, "role": role as Any]
extension _FrameLayout: TestFiberPrimitive {
public var attributes: [String: Any] {
["width": width as Any, "height": height as Any]
extension ModifiedContent: TestFiberPrimitive where Modifier: TestFiberPrimitive {
public var attributes: [String: Any] {
public final class TestFiberElement: FiberElement, CustomStringConvertible {
public struct Content: FiberElementContent, Equatable {
let renderedValue: String
let closingTag: String
renderedValue: String,
closingTag: String
) {
self.renderedValue = renderedValue
self.closingTag = closingTag
public init<V>(from primitiveView: V, useDynamicLayout: Bool) where V: View {
guard let primitiveView = primitiveView as? TestFiberPrimitive else { fatalError() }
let attributes = primitiveView.attributes
.sorted(by: { $0.key < $1.key })
.map { "\($0.key)=\"\(String(describing: $0.value))\"" }
.joined(separator: " ")
renderedValue =
"<\(primitiveView.tag) \(attributes)>"
closingTag = "</\(primitiveView.tag)>"
public var content: Content
public var children: [TestFiberElement]
public var geometry: ViewGeometry?
public init(from content: Content) {
self.content = content
children = []
public var description: String {
\( { " \($0.description)" }.joined(separator: "\n"))
public init(renderedValue: String, closingTag: String) {
content = .init(renderedValue: renderedValue, closingTag: closingTag)
children = []
public func update(with content: Content) {
self.content = content
public static var root: Self { .init(renderedValue: "<root>", closingTag: "</root>") }
public struct TestFiberRenderer: FiberRenderer {
public let sceneSize: CurrentValueSubject<CGSize, Never>
public let useDynamicLayout: Bool
public func measureText(
_ text: Text,
proposal: ProposedViewSize,
in environment: EnvironmentValues
) -> CGSize {
public func measureImage(
_ image: Image,
proposal: ProposedViewSize,
in environment: EnvironmentValues
) -> CGSize {
public typealias ElementType = TestFiberElement
public let rootElement: ElementType
public init(_ rootElement: ElementType, size: CGSize, useDynamicLayout: Bool = false) {
self.rootElement = rootElement
sceneSize = .init(size)
self.useDynamicLayout = useDynamicLayout
public static func isPrimitive<V>(_ view: V) -> Bool where V: View {
view is TestFiberPrimitive
public func commit(_ mutations: [Mutation<Self>]) {
for mutation in mutations {
switch mutation {
case let .insert(element, parent, index):
parent.children.insert(element, at: index)
case let .remove(element, parent):
parent?.children.removeAll(where: { $0 === element })
case let .replace(parent, previous, replacement):
guard let index = parent.children.firstIndex(where: { $0 === previous })
else { continue }
parent.children[index] = replacement
case let .layout(element, geometry):
element.geometry = geometry
case let .update(previous, newContent, _):
previous.update(with: newContent)
public func schedule(_ action: @escaping () -> ()) {