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// Copyright 2020 Tokamak contributors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Created by Max Desiatov on 11/04/2020.
import Foundation
import TokamakCore
/** Represents an attribute of an HTML tag. To consume updates from updated attributes, the DOM
renderer needs to know whether the attribute should be assigned via a DOM element property or the
[`setAttribute`]( function.
The `isUpdatedAsProperty` flag is used to disambiguate between these two cases.
public struct HTMLAttribute: Hashable {
public let value: String
public let isUpdatedAsProperty: Bool
public init(_ value: String, isUpdatedAsProperty: Bool) {
self.value = value
self.isUpdatedAsProperty = isUpdatedAsProperty
public static let value = HTMLAttribute("value", isUpdatedAsProperty: true)
public static let checked = HTMLAttribute("checked", isUpdatedAsProperty: true)
extension HTMLAttribute: CustomStringConvertible {
public var description: String { value }
extension HTMLAttribute: ExpressibleByStringLiteral {
public init(stringLiteral: String) {
self.init(stringLiteral, isUpdatedAsProperty: false)
public protocol AnyHTML {
func innerHTML(shouldSortAttributes: Bool) -> String?
var tag: String { get }
var attributes: [HTMLAttribute: String] { get }
public extension AnyHTML {
func outerHTML(
shouldSortAttributes: Bool,
additonalAttributes: [HTMLAttribute: String] = [:],
children: [HTMLTarget]
) -> String {
let attributes = attributes.merging(additonalAttributes, uniquingKeysWith: +)
let renderedAttributes: String
if attributes.isEmpty {
renderedAttributes = ""
} else {
let mappedAttributes = attributes
// Exclude empty values to avoid waste of space with `class=""`
.filter { !$1.isEmpty }
.map { #"\#($0)="\#($1)""# }
if shouldSortAttributes {
renderedAttributes = mappedAttributes.sorted().joined(separator: " ")
} else {
renderedAttributes = mappedAttributes.joined(separator: " ")
return """
<\(tag)\(attributes.isEmpty ? "" : " ")\
\(innerHTML(shouldSortAttributes: shouldSortAttributes) ?? "")\
\( { $0.outerHTML(shouldSortAttributes: shouldSortAttributes) }
.joined(separator: "\n"))\
public struct HTML<Content>: View, AnyHTML, Layout {
public let tag: String
public let namespace: String?
public let attributes: [HTMLAttribute: String]
let sizeThatFits: ((ProposedViewSize, LayoutSubviews) -> CGSize)?
let content: Content
let visitContent: (ViewVisitor) -> ()
fileprivate let cachedInnerHTML: String?
public func innerHTML(shouldSortAttributes: Bool) -> String? {
public var body: Never {
public func _visitChildren<V>(_ visitor: V) where V: ViewVisitor {
public static func _makeView(_ inputs: ViewInputs<Self>) -> ViewOutputs {
.init(inputs: inputs)
public func sizeThatFits(
proposal: ProposedViewSize,
subviews: Subviews,
cache: inout ()
) -> CGSize {
sizeThatFits?(proposal, subviews) ?? subviews.first?.sizeThatFits(proposal) ?? .zero
public func placeSubviews(
in bounds: CGRect,
proposal: ProposedViewSize,
subviews: Subviews,
cache: inout ()
) {
for subview in subviews { bounds.origin, proposal: proposal)
public extension HTML where Content: StringProtocol {
_ tag: String,
namespace: String? = nil,
_ attributes: [HTMLAttribute: String] = [:],
sizeThatFits: ((ProposedViewSize, LayoutSubviews) -> CGSize)? = nil,
content: Content
) {
self.tag = tag
self.namespace = namespace
self.attributes = attributes
self.sizeThatFits = sizeThatFits
self.content = content
cachedInnerHTML = String(content)
visitContent = { _ in }
extension HTML: ParentView where Content: View {
public init(
_ tag: String,
namespace: String? = nil,
_ attributes: [HTMLAttribute: String] = [:],
sizeThatFits: ((ProposedViewSize, LayoutSubviews) -> CGSize)? = nil,
@ViewBuilder content: @escaping () -> Content
) {
self.tag = tag
self.namespace = namespace
self.attributes = attributes
self.sizeThatFits = sizeThatFits
self.content = content()
cachedInnerHTML = nil
visitContent = { $0.visit(content()) }
public var children: [AnyView] {
public extension HTML where Content == EmptyView {
_ tag: String,
namespace: String? = nil,
_ attributes: [HTMLAttribute: String] = [:],
sizeThatFits: ((ProposedViewSize, LayoutSubviews) -> CGSize)? = nil
) {
self = HTML(tag, namespace: namespace, attributes, sizeThatFits: sizeThatFits) { EmptyView() }
extension HTML: HTMLConvertible {
public func attributes(useDynamicLayout: Bool) -> [HTMLAttribute: String] {
public var innerHTML: String? { cachedInnerHTML }
public protocol StylesConvertible {
var styles: [String: String] { get }
public extension Dictionary
where Key: Comparable & CustomStringConvertible, Value: CustomStringConvertible
func inlineStyles(shouldSortDeclarations: Bool = false) -> String {
let declarations = map { "\($0.key): \($0.value);" }
if shouldSortDeclarations {
return declarations
.joined(separator: " ")
} else {
return declarations.joined(separator: " ")