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// Copyright 2018-2021 Tokamak contributors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Created by Max Desiatov on 28/11/2018.
/// The container for any of the possible `MountedElement` types
private enum MountedElementKind {
case app(_AnyApp)
case scene(_AnyScene)
case view(AnyView)
var type: Any.Type {
switch self {
case let .app(app): return app.type
case let .scene(scene): return scene.type
case let .view(view): return view.type
public class MountedElement<R: Renderer> {
private var element: MountedElementKind
var type: Any.Type { element.type }
public internal(set) var app: _AnyApp {
get {
if case let .app(app) = element {
return app
} else {
fatalError("The `MountedElement` is of type `\(element)`, not `App`.")
} set {
element = .app(newValue)
public internal(set) var scene: _AnyScene {
get {
if case let .scene(scene) = element {
return scene
} else {
fatalError("The `MountedElement` is of type `\(element)`, not `Scene`.")
set {
element = .scene(newValue)
public internal(set) var view: AnyView {
get {
if case let .view(view) = element {
return view
} else {
fatalError("The `MountedElement` is of type `\(element)`, not `View`.")
set {
element = .view(newValue)
var typeConstructorName: String {
switch element {
case .app: fatalError("""
`App` values aren't supposed to be reconciled, thus the type constructor name is not stored \
for `App` elements. Please report this crash as a bug at \
case let .scene(scene): return scene.typeConstructorName
case let .view(view): return view.typeConstructorName
var mountedChildren = [MountedElement<R>]()
public var transaction: Transaction = .init(animation: nil)
/// Where this element is the process of mounting/unmounting.
var transitionPhase = TransitionPhase.willMount
/// The current `UnmountTask` of this element.
var unmountTask: UnmountTask<R>?
public internal(set) var environmentValues: EnvironmentValues
private(set) weak var parent: MountedElement<R>?
var preferenceStore: _PreferenceStore = .init()
public internal(set) var viewTraits: _ViewTraitStore
init(_ app: _AnyApp, _ environmentValues: EnvironmentValues, _ parent: MountedElement<R>?) {
element = .app(app)
self.parent = parent
self.environmentValues = environmentValues
viewTraits = .init()
init(_ scene: _AnyScene, _ environmentValues: EnvironmentValues, _ parent: MountedElement<R>?) {
element = .scene(scene)
self.parent = parent
self.environmentValues = environmentValues
viewTraits = .init()
_ view: AnyView,
_ environmentValues: EnvironmentValues,
_ viewTraits: _ViewTraitStore,
_ parent: MountedElement<R>?
) {
element = .view(view)
self.parent = parent
self.environmentValues = environmentValues
self.viewTraits = viewTraits
func updateEnvironment() {
let type = element.type
switch element {
case .app:
environmentValues.inject(into: &app.app, type)
case .scene:
environmentValues.inject(into: &scene.scene, type)
case .view:
environmentValues.inject(into: &view.view, type)
func connectParentPreferenceStore() {
preferenceStore.parent = parent?.preferenceStore
/// You must call `super.prepareForMount` before all other mounting work.
func prepareForMount(with transaction: Transaction) {
// `GroupView`'s don't really mount, so let their children transition if the group can.
if case let .view(view) = element,
view.type is GroupView.Type
transitionPhase = parent?.transitionPhase ?? .normal
// Allow the root of a mount to transition
// (if their parent isn't mounting, then they are the root of the mount).
if parent?.transitionPhase == .normal {
transaction.animation != nil
|| _AnyTransitionProxy(viewTraits.transition)
.resolve(in: environmentValues)
.insertionAnimation != nil,
forKey: CanTransitionTraitKey.self
/// You must call `super.mount` after all other mounting work.
func mount(
before sibling: R.TargetType? = nil,
on parent: MountedElement<R>? = nil,
in reconciler: StackReconciler<R>,
with transaction: Transaction
) {
// Set the phase to `normal` after finished mounting.
transitionPhase = .normal
/// You must call `super.unmount` before all other unmounting work.
func unmount(
in reconciler: StackReconciler<R>,
with transaction: Transaction,
parentTask: UnmountTask<R>?
) {
if !(self is MountedHostView<R>) {
unmountTask = parentTask?.appendChild()
// `GroupView`'s don't really unmount, so let their children transition if the group can.
if case let .view(view) = element,
view.type is GroupView.Type
transitionPhase = parent?.transitionPhase ?? .normal
} else {
// Set the phase to `willUnmount` before unmounting.
transitionPhase = .willUnmount
// Allow the root of an unmount to transition
// (if their parent isn't unmounting, then they are the root of the unmount).
if parent?.transitionPhase == .normal {
transaction.animation != nil
|| _AnyTransitionProxy(viewTraits.transition)
.resolve(in: environmentValues)
.removalAnimation != nil,
forKey: CanTransitionTraitKey.self
func update(in reconciler: StackReconciler<R>, with transaction: Transaction) {
fatalError("implement \(#function) in subclass")
/** Traverses the tree of elements from `self` to all first descendants looking for the nearest
`target` in a `MountedHostView`, skipping `GroupView`. The result is then used as a "cursor"
passed to the `mount` function of a `Renderer` implementation, allowing correct in-tree updates.
var firstDescendantTarget: R.TargetType? {
guard let hostView = self as? MountedHostView<R>, !(hostView.view.type is GroupView.Type)
else {
return mountedChildren.first?.firstDescendantTarget
return hostView.target
extension EnvironmentValues {
mutating func inject(into element: inout Any, _ type: Any.Type) {
guard let info = typeInfo(of: type) else { return }
// Extract the view from the AnyView for modification, apply Environment changes:
if let container = element as? ModifierContainer {
// Inject @Environment values
// swiftlint:disable force_cast
// `DynamicProperty`s can have `@Environment` properties contained in them,
// so we have to inject into them as well.
for dynamicProp in info.properties.filter({ $0.type is DynamicProperty.Type }) {
guard let propInfo = typeInfo(of: dynamicProp.type) else { return }
var propWrapper = dynamicProp.get(from: element) as! DynamicProperty
for prop in propInfo.properties.filter({ $0.type is _EnvironmentReader.Type }) {
var wrapper = prop.get(from: propWrapper) as! _EnvironmentReader
wrapper._setContent(from: self)
prop.set(value: wrapper, on: &propWrapper)
dynamicProp.set(value: propWrapper, on: &element)
for prop in info.properties.filter({ $0.type is _EnvironmentReader.Type }) {
var wrapper = prop.get(from: element) as! _EnvironmentReader
wrapper._setContent(from: self)
prop.set(value: wrapper, on: &element)
// swiftlint:enable force_cast
extension TypeInfo {
/// Extract all `DynamicProperty` from a type, recursively.
/// This is necessary as a `DynamicProperty` can be nested.
/// `EnvironmentValues` can also be injected at this point.
func dynamicProperties(
_ environment: inout EnvironmentValues,
source: inout Any
) -> [PropertyInfo] {
var dynamicProps = [PropertyInfo]()
for prop in properties where prop.type is DynamicProperty.Type {
guard let propInfo = typeInfo(of: prop.type) else { continue }
environment.inject(into: &source, prop.type)
var extracted = prop.get(from: source)
contentsOf: propInfo.dynamicProperties(
source: &extracted
// swiftlint:disable:next force_cast
var extractedDynamicProp = extracted as! DynamicProperty
prop.set(value: extractedDynamicProp, on: &source)
return dynamicProps
extension AnyView {
func makeMountedView<R: Renderer>(
_ renderer: R,
_ parentTarget: R.TargetType,
_ environmentValues: EnvironmentValues,
_ viewTraits: _ViewTraitStore,
_ parent: MountedElement<R>?
) -> MountedElement<R> {
if type == EmptyView.self {
return MountedEmptyView(self, environmentValues, viewTraits, parent)
} else if bodyType == Never.self && !renderer.isPrimitiveView(type) {
return MountedHostView(self, parentTarget, environmentValues, viewTraits, parent)
} else {
return MountedCompositeView(self, parentTarget, environmentValues, viewTraits, parent)