Add Core and UIKit subspecs to Gluon.podspec

This commit is contained in:
Max Desiatov 2018-12-10 10:04:54 +00:00
parent 072c37f693
commit 595b0d41aa
No known key found for this signature in database
5 changed files with 42 additions and 168 deletions

View File

@ -2,5 +2,5 @@ platform :ios, '9.0'
target 'Gluon_Example' do
pod 'Gluon', :path => '../'
pod 'Gluon/UIKit', :path => '../'

View File

@ -1,16 +1,18 @@
- Gluon (0.1.0)
- Gluon/Core (0.1.0)
- Gluon/UIKit (0.1.0):
- Gluon/Core
- Gluon (from `../`)
- Gluon/UIKit (from `../`)
:path: "../"
Gluon: 64d89b9a383e0e5d570bd66cba1e5537ece85454
Gluon: 72739e8e7543b0e586a01e153f724f4cde917151
PODFILE CHECKSUM: cc59d174d17ab62ebcc753b893ddecc8b72783bd
PODFILE CHECKSUM: 04f303581f66676a6c3d5ee819cb24a969fee974
COCOAPODS: 1.6.0.beta.2

View File

@ -26,11 +26,18 @@ TODO: Add long description of the pod here.
s.license = { :type => 'Apache 2.0', :file => 'LICENSE' } = { 'Max Desiatov' => '' }
s.source = { :git => '', :tag => s.version.to_s }
# s.social_media_url = '<TWITTER_USERNAME>'
s.social_media_url = ''
s.ios.deployment_target = '9.0'
s.source_files = 'Gluon/Source/**/*'
s.subspec 'Core' do |ss|
ss.source_files = 'Sources/Gluon/**/*'
s.subspec 'UIKit' do |ss|
ss.source_files = 'Sources/GluonUIKit/**/*'
ss.dependency 'Gluon/Core'
# s.resource_bundles = {
# 'Gluon' => ['Gluon/Assets/*.png']

View File

@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
// RequiredInit.swift
// FBSnapshotTestCase
// Created by Max Desiatov on 07/10/2018.
import Foundation
public typealias Closure<T> = Unique<T>
protocol ComponentType {
open class BaseComponent<Props: Equatable>: ComponentType {
private(set) var props: Props
private(set) var children: [Node]
public required init(props: Props, children: [Node]) {
self.props = props
self.children = children
public static func node(_ props: Props, childrenFactory: () -> [Node]) -> Node {
let children = childrenFactory()
return Node {
self.init(props: props, children: children)
public static func node(_ props: Props, childFactory: () -> Node) -> Node {
// applying `childFactory` here to avoid `@escaping` attribute
let child = childFactory()
return Node { self.init(props: props, children: [child]) }
public static func node(_ props: Props) -> Node {
return Node { self.init(props: props, children: []) }
extension String: ComponentType {
final class Fragment: BaseComponent<NoProps> {
extension BaseComponent where Props: Default {
public static func node(childrenFactory: () -> [Node]) -> Node {
return self.node(Props(), childrenFactory: childrenFactory)
public static func node(childFactory: () -> Node) -> Node {
return self.node(Props(), childFactory: childFactory)
public static func node() -> Node {
return Node { self.init(props: Props(), children: []) }
public struct Node {
fileprivate let factory: () -> ComponentType
extension Node: ExpressibleByStringLiteral {
public init(stringLiteral: String) {
factory = { stringLiteral }
extension Node {
public init(_ string: String) {
factory = { string }
public init(_ nodes: [Node]) {
factory = { Fragment(props: NoProps(), children: nodes) }
public final class StackView: BaseComponent<NoProps> {
public final class Label: BaseComponent<Label.Props> {
public struct Props: Equatable, Default {
let fontColor: Color
public init() {
fontColor = .black
public init(fontColor: Color) {
self.fontColor = fontColor
public final class Button: BaseComponent<Button.Props> {
public struct Props: Equatable {
let backgroundColor: Color
let fontColor: Color
let onPress: Unique<() -> ()>
public init(backgroundColor: Color = .white, fontColor: Color = .black,
onPress: Unique<() -> ()>) {
self.backgroundColor = backgroundColor
self.fontColor = fontColor
self.onPress = onPress
public protocol CompositeComponent {
func render() -> Node
public protocol StateType: Default & Equatable {
open class StatefulComponent<Props: Equatable, State: StateType>:
BaseComponent<Props> {
public private(set) var state: State
public required init(props: Props, children: [Node]) {
state = State()
super.init(props: props, children: children)
public func setState(setter: (inout State) -> ()) {
public typealias Component<P: Equatable, S: StateType> =
StatefulComponent<P, S> & CompositeComponent

View File

@ -10,9 +10,10 @@ import Foundation
/// Generic undo-redo manager that doesn't require rollback implementation in
/// `apply` of a wrapped store. It saves previous snapshots of state in a stack
/// and undo/redo actions allow traversing the state history. This might be
/// not very efficient in terms of memory, but we also could require an initial
/// state and recreate subsequent snapshots by calling `apply` with a sequence
/// of actions
/// not very efficient in terms of memory, but only requires an initial
/// state and can recreate subsequent snapshots by calling `apply` with
/// a sequence of actions. This means you can add undo-redo history to
/// any `Store`.
public struct History<S: Store>: Store {
public enum Action {
case branch(S.Action)
@ -57,28 +58,28 @@ public protocol Store {
// FIXME: need context working for its implementation
public final class StoreProvider<S>: Component<StoreProvider.Props, S>
where S: Store & StateType {
struct Props: Equatable {
/// FIXME: should store comparison be optimised this way?
let store: Unique<S>
func dispatch(action: S.Action) {
setState { $0.apply(action: action) }
public func render() -> Node {
// FIXME: create a context here
return Node(children)
typealias Dispatch<Action> = (Action) -> ()
typealias Dispatcher<S: Store> = (state: S.State, dispatch: Dispatch<S.Action>)
//public final class StoreProvider<S>: Component<StoreProvider.Props, S>
//where S: Store & StateType {
// struct Props: Equatable {
// /// FIXME: should store comparison be optimised this way?
// let store: Unique<S>
// }
// func dispatch(action: S.Action) {
// setState { $0.apply(action: action) }
// }
// public func render() -> Node {
// // FIXME: create a context here
// return Node(children)
// }
//typealias Dispatch<Action> = (Action) -> ()
//typealias Dispatcher<S: Store> = (state: S.State, dispatch: Dispatch<S.Action>)
// FIXME: when contexts are available read state and dispatch
// from the context and pass it to the mapper
func storeAccess<S: Store>(_ mapper: (Dispatcher<S>) -> Node) {
//func storeAccess<S: Store>(_ mapper: (Dispatcher<S>) -> Node) {