More sample component code

This commit is contained in:
Max Desiatov 2018-10-07 17:05:49 +01:00
parent 4289c4ee88
commit 4dc78ea44c
No known key found for this signature in database
1 changed files with 95 additions and 41 deletions

View File

@ -12,29 +12,27 @@ protocol Default {
class BaseComponent<P: Equatable, S: Default> {
private(set) var props: P
private(set) var state: S
protocol NodeType: Equatable {
init(props: P, state: S) {
self.props = props
self.state = state
struct AnyNode: NodeType {
let value: Any
private let equals: (Any) -> Bool
public init<E: NodeType>(_ value: E) {
self.value = value
self.equals = { ($0 as? E) == value }
static func node(_ p: P,
_ c: [NodeType] = []) -> NodeType {
return Node(component: self, props: p, children: c)
public static func == (lhs: AnyNode, rhs: AnyNode) -> Bool {
return lhs.equals(rhs.value) || rhs.equals(lhs.value)
protocol NodeType {
struct Node<P, S>: NodeType
where P: Equatable, S: Default {
let component: BaseComponent<P, S>.Type
let props: P
let children: [NodeType]
extension NodeType {
var wrap: AnyNode {
return AnyNode(self)
extension UIControl.State: Hashable {
@ -43,35 +41,91 @@ extension UIControl.State: Hashable {
final class Button: BaseComponent<Button.Props, Button.State> {
struct Props: Equatable {
let backgroundColor: UIColor
let titles: [UIControl.State: String]
class BaseComponent<Node: NodeType> {
var node: Node
struct State: Default {
init(node: Node) {
self.node = node
//final class Button: BaseComponent<ButtonProp> {
//enum TestProp: GluonProp {
// case prop(Int)
//final class TestComponent: Component<TestProp> {
// func render() -> AnyGluonNode {
//// if props
// return Button.node()
// }
struct Unique<T>: Equatable {
private let uuid = UUID()
private let boxed: T
//typealias Stateless<P1> = (P) -> GluonNode<P> where P: GluonProp
init(_ boxed: T) {
self.boxed = boxed
//let stateless = { (p: TestProp) in
// return Button.node()
static func == (lhs: Unique<T>, rhs: Unique<T>) -> Bool {
return lhs.uuid == rhs.uuid
//let f: Stateless<TestProps> = stateless
final class View: BaseComponent<View.Node> {
struct Node: NodeType {
let children: [AnyNode]
init(children: () -> [AnyNode]) {
self.children = children()
final class Label: BaseComponent<Label.Node> {
struct Node: NodeType {
let children: String
final class Button: BaseComponent<Button.Node> {
struct Node: NodeType {
let backgroundColor = UIColor.white
let onPress: Unique<() -> ()>
let children: String
class Component<Node: NodeType, State: Default>: BaseComponent<Node> {
private(set) var state: State
init(node: Node, state: State) {
self.state = state
super.init(node: node)
func setState(setter: (inout State) -> ()) {
func render() -> AnyNode {
fatalError("Component subclass should override render()")
struct NoProps: NodeType {
final class Test: Component<NoProps, Test.State> {
struct State: Default {
var counter = 0
func onPress() {
setState { $0.counter += 1 }
lazy var onPressHandler = { Unique { self.onPress() } }()
override func render() -> AnyNode {
return AnyNode(View.Node {
Button.Node(onPress: onPressHandler, children: "Tap Me").wrap,
Label.Node(children: "\(state)").wrap
func render(node: AnyNode, container: UIView) {