
114 lines
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# SwiftScriptRunner
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A simple utility for writing Swift scripts with async callbacks to 3rd party frameworks.
See [this blog post](http://mgrebenets.github.io/swift/2015/10/08/async-swift-scripting/) for more details.
## Requirements
- Xcode 9.2
- cocoapods gem version 1.4.0
- [cocoapods-rome](https://github.com/neonichu/Rome) gem version 0.8.0
- carthage version 0.28.0
## Installation
SwiftScriptRunner is available through [CocoaPods Rome](https://github.com/neonichu/Rome) and [Carthage](https://github.com/Carthage/Carthage).
### CocoaPods Rome
Make sure you have [cocoapods-rome](https://github.com/neonichu/Rome) Ruby gem installed.
Add the following line to your `Podfile`:
platform :osx, "10.10"
plugin "cocoapods-rome"
pod "SwiftScriptRunner", "~> 1.0.1"
And run
pod install
### Carthage
Add the following line to your `Cartfile`:
github "mgrebenets/SwiftScriptRunner", ~> 1.0.1
And run
carthage update --platform mac
### Swift Package Manager
## Usage
Example of asynchronous network request using [Alamofire](https://github.com/Alamofire/Alamofire).
// Shebangs for using with different dependency managers.
// - Carthage:
// #!/usr/bin/env xcrun swift -F Carthage/Build/Mac
// - CocoaPods Rome:
// #!/usr/bin/env xcrun swift -F Rome
// - Swift Package Manager:
// Example.swift
import Alamofire
import SwiftScriptRunner
var runner = SwiftScriptRunner()
runner.lock() // Lock
.responseJSON { response in
print("Successful response:")
print(response) // Result of response serialization
runner.unlock() // Unlock
runner.wait() // Wait
Now you can run it.
# When using CocoaPods
swift -F Rome Example.swift
# When using Carthage
swift -F Carthage/Build/Mac Example.swift
# When -F option is part of shebang and Example.swift is executable
See `Examples` folder for details.
## Author
Maksym Grebenets, mgrebenets@gmail.com, [@mgrebenets](https://twitter.com/mgrebenets)
## License
SwiftScriptRunner is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.