
116 lines
5.3 KiB

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Changed library files, but didn't add/update tests
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
all_changed_files = (git.added_files + git.modified_files + git.deleted_files)
has_source_changes = !all_changed_files.grep(/Sources/).empty?
has_test_changes = !all_changed_files.grep(/Tests/).empty?
if has_source_changes && !has_test_changes
warn("Library files were updated without test coverage. Please update or add tests, if possible!")
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Pull request is too large to review
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
if git.lines_of_code > 600
warn("This is a large pull request! Can you break it up into multiple smaller ones instead?")
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# All pull requests need a description
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
if github.pr_body.length < 25
fail("Please provide a detailed summary in the pull request description.")
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# All pull requests should be submitted to main branch
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
if github.branch_for_base != "main"
warn("Pull requests should be submitted to the `main` branch only.")
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# CHANGELOG entries are required for changes to library files
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
no_changelog_entry = !git.modified_files.include?("")
if has_source_changes && no_changelog_entry
warn("There is no CHANGELOG entry. Do you need to add one?")
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Milestones are required for all PRs to track what's included in each release
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
has_milestone = github.pr_json["milestone"] != nil
warn('All pull requests should have a milestone.', sticky: false) unless has_milestone
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Verify correct `pod install` and `bundle install`
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def files_changed_as_set(files)
changed_files = { |file| git.modified_files.include? file }
not_changed_files = { |file| !changed_files.include? file }
all_files_changed = not_changed_files.empty?
no_files_changed = changed_files.empty?
return all_files_changed || no_files_changed
# Verify correct `pod install`
pod_locks = ["Podfile.lock", "Pods/Manifest.lock"]
pod_files = ["Podfile"] + pod_locks
# If Podfile has been modified, so must the lock files.
did_update_podfile = git.modified_files.include?("Podfile")
if did_update_podfile && !files_changed_as_set(pod_files)
fail("CocoaPods error: #{pod_files} should all be changed at the same time.
Run `pod install` and commit the changes to fix.")
# Podfile has not been modified. We must be running `pod update`.
# Only the two lock files must be changed together.
if !did_update_podfile && !files_changed_as_set(pod_locks)
fail("CocoaPods error: #{pod_locks} should all be changed at the same time.
Run `pod install` and commit the changes to fix.")
# Prevent editing `Pods/` source directly.
# If Pods has changed, then Podfile.lock must have changed too.
has_modified_pods = !(git.added_files + git.modified_files + git.deleted_files).grep(/Pods/).empty?
did_update_podlock = git.modified_files.include?("Podfile.lock")
if has_modified_pods && !did_update_podlock
fail("It looks like you are modifying CocoaPods source in `Pods/`. 3rd-party dependencies should not be edited.
To update or change pods, please update the `Podfile` and run `pod install`.")
# Verify correct `bundle install`
# If Gemfile has been modified, so must the lock file.
did_update_gemfile = git.modified_files.include?("Gemfile")
gem_files = ["Gemfile", "Gemfile.lock"]
if did_update_gemfile && !files_changed_as_set(gem_files)
fail("Bundler error: #{gem_files} should all be changed at the same time.
Run `bundle install` and commit the changes to fix.")
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Lint all changed markdown files
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
markdown_files = (git.added_files + git.modified_files).grep(%r{.*\.md/})
unless markdown_files.empty?
# Run proselint to check prose and check spelling
prose.language = "en-us"
prose.ignore_acronyms = true
prose.ignore_numbers = true
prose.ignored_words = ["jessesquires", "swiftpm", "iOS",
"macOS", "watchOS", "tvOS", "Xcode"
prose.lint_files markdown_files
prose.check_spelling markdown_files
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Run SwiftLint
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
swiftlint.verbose = true
swiftlint.config_file = './.swiftlint.yml'
swiftlint.lint_files(inline_mode: true, fail_on_error: true)