
171 lines
5.5 KiB

import Foundation
import XCTest
@testable import Index
class NodeTest: XCTestCase {
private func assertInitFromData<T>(
_ left: T,
_ right: T,
file: StaticString = #file,
line: UInt = #line
) where T: UnsignedInteger, T: FixedWidthInteger {
for input in createBinaryInputsFor(left, right) {
let node = Node<T>(input)
"Expected node's left record to be \(left), but was \(node.left) during node size variation of \(input)",
file: file,
line: line
"Expected node's right record to be \(right), but was \(node.right) during node size variation of \(input)",
file: file,
line: line
XCTAssertEqual(Node(left: left, right: right), node)
private func createRepresentations<T>(of value: T) -> [Data] where T: UnsignedInteger {
let valueBinary = CFByteOrderGetCurrent() == CFByteOrderBigEndian.rawValue
? withUnsafeBytes(of: value, { Data($0) })
: Data(withUnsafeBytes(of: value, { Data($0) }).reversed())
let minimalRepresentation: Data
if valueBinary.allSatisfy({ $0 == 0 }) {
minimalRepresentation = Data([0b0000_0000])
} else {
minimalRepresentation = valueBinary.subdata(in: Range(
uncheckedBounds: (
lower: valueBinary.firstIndex(where: { $0 != 0 }) ?? valueBinary.startIndex,
upper: valueBinary.endIndex
let maxSize = MemoryLayout<T>.size
let minSize = minimalRepresentation.count
var representations: [Data] = []
for i in minSize...maxSize {
representations.append(Data(count: i - minSize) + minimalRepresentation)
return representations
private typealias BinaryNode = (left: Data, right: Data, nibbleByte: Data)
private func equalSizedRepresentations<T>(
_ left: T,
_ right: T
) -> [BinaryNode] where T: UnsignedInteger, T: FixedWidthInteger {
let leftRepresentations = createRepresentations(of: left)
let rightRepresentations = createRepresentations(of: right)
let leftCount = leftRepresentations.count
let rightCount = rightRepresentations.count
let difference = leftCount - rightCount
let result: [(left: Data, right: Data, nibbleByte: Data, length: Int)]
if difference <= 0 {
result = leftRepresentations.enumerated().map { index, element in
left: element,
right: rightRepresentations[index + abs(difference)],
nibbleByte: Data([]),
length: element.count + rightRepresentations[index + abs(difference)].count
} else {
result = rightRepresentations.enumerated().map { index, element in
left: leftRepresentations[index + difference],
right: element,
nibbleByte: Data([]),
length: leftRepresentations[index + difference].count + element.count
let resultWithStubNibbleBytes = result[..<result.index(before: result.endIndex)]
.map { result in
left: result.left,
right: result.right,
nibbleByte: Data([0b0000_0000]),
length: result.length + 1
let representations = (result + resultWithStubNibbleBytes)
.sorted(by: { $0.length < $1.length })
.map { left, right, nibbleByte, length in (left: left, right: right, nibbleByte: nibbleByte) }
if let firstCommonRepresentation = representations.first {
if canCompressInNibble(firstCommonRepresentation.left, firstCommonRepresentation.right) {
return [compress(firstCommonRepresentation)] + representations
return representations
private func compress(_ node: BinaryNode) -> BinaryNode {
precondition(canCompressInNibble(node.left, node.right))
return (
left: node.left[node.left.index(after: node.left.startIndex)...],
right: node.right[node.right.index(after: node.right.startIndex)...],
nibbleByte: Data([node.left.first! << 4 | node.right.first!])
private func canCompressInNibble(_ left: Data, _ right: Data) -> Bool {
guard let leftLeadingByte = left.first else { return false }
guard let rightLeadingByte = right.first else { return false }
if (rightLeadingByte & 0b0000_1111) != rightLeadingByte { return false }
if (leftLeadingByte & 0b0000_1111) != leftLeadingByte { return false }
return true
func createBinaryInputsFor<T>(
_ left: T,
_ right: T
) -> [Data] where T: UnsignedInteger, T: FixedWidthInteger {
return equalSizedRepresentations(left, right).reduce([]) { result, tuple in
result + [tuple.left + tuple.nibbleByte + tuple.right]
func testInit_fromData() {
let valuesToCheck = [
(10, 15),
(0, 10),
(255, 128),
(65534, 15000),
for (left, right) in valuesToCheck {
if left <= UInt8.max && right <= UInt8.max {
assertInitFromData(UInt8(left), UInt8(right))
if left <= UInt16.max && right <= UInt16.max {
assertInitFromData(UInt16(left), UInt16(right))
if left <= UInt32.max && right <= UInt32.max {
assertInitFromData(UInt32(left), UInt32(right))
if left <= UInt64.max && right <= UInt64.max {
assertInitFromData(UInt64(left), UInt64(right))