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# Conf
Config made easy
This package provide easy way to work with configs. Mostly usefull in CLI-tools. Extentable and customisable.
## Contents ##
* [Usage](#usage)
* [Creating the config](#creating-the-config)
* [Load configurations](#load-configurations)
* [Data representation](#data-representation)
* [Reading the value](#reading-the-value)
* [Require the value](#require-the-value)
* [Updating values](#updating-values)
* [Creating the keys](#creating-the-keys)
* [Working with process environment](#working-with-process-environment)
* [Customisation](#customisation)
* [Adding data format](#adding-data-format)
* [Custom parsing](#custom-parsing)
* [TODO](#todo)
## Usage ##
For more details please refer the tests
### Creating the config ###
let config = Config(useEnvironment: true)
### Load configurations ###
try config.load(.file(name: ""))
// or
let url = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "myConfig", withExtension: "plist")!
try config.load(.url(url), format: .plist)
// or
let json = """
{"key": "value"}
try config.load(.string(json), format: .json)
### Data representation ###
All values are stored as `Key`-`String` pairs. There are convenience methods to use `LosslessStringConvertible`.
The `Key` represents the value position in the provided source.
For basic key-value formats it is just a string.
For nested types key is the array of strings.
Arrays are mapped as multiple key-value pairs:
Key<arrayName, 0> = <first element>
Key<arrayName, 1> = <second element>
Key<arrayName, count-1> = <last element>
### Reading the value ###
Values can be accessed via subscripts
let path: String? = config["PATH"]
let port: Int? = config["HTTP_PORT"]
let key = Key("myKey")
let value = config[key]
let value = config[["key", "nested"]]
let value = config[["array", 2]]
extension Key {
static let clientId = Key("SECRET_CLIENT_ID")
let value = config[.clientId]
### Require the value ###
For required values you can use `require` method which throws `ConfigurationError.missing(key:)` if value is not found.
let requiredValue = try config.require("secret")
struct MyCredentials {
let username: String
let password: String
extension Config {
func credentials() throws -> MyCredentials {
try MyCredentials(username: require("username"),
password: require("password"))
### Updating values ###
Values can be updated via subscript
config["foo"] = "bar"
config["answer"] = 42
### Creating the keys ###
let key: Key = "myKey"
let key: Key = 99
let key: Key = Key(23.4)
let key: Key = Key("some")
let key: Key = ["24", 72, 23.4, true]
let key: Key = Key([1, 2, 3])
### Working with process environment ###
`Conf` can fallback to the environment variables. This is controlled by `useEnvironment` variable in the constructor.
Env values can be assessed separately with `Environment`
let env = Environment()
let home = env["HOME"]
let path = env.PATH
env.TMPDIR = "/tmp"
## Customisation ##
### Adding data format ###
If you want to add support for different config format you just need to implement your own parser function and call `load` with `Format.custom`.
For example here is how `yaml` support can be added with [Yams](
let yamlParser: ParserType = { data in
guard let rawYaml = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8),
let values = try Yams.load(yaml: rawYaml) as? [String: Any]
else {
struct InvalidYaml: Error {}
throw InvalidYaml()
return values
try config.load(.file(name: "config.yml"), format: .custom(yamlParser))
### Custom parsing ###
It is also possbile to provide completelly custom implementation of the data fetching behaviour. To do this you need to adopt `ConfigurationProvider`
struct CustomConfigurationProvider: ConfigurationProvider {
func configuration() throws -> [Key : String] {
return ["key": "value"]
config.load(from: CustomConfigurationProvider())
## TODO ##
- [ ] Cocoapods support
- [ ] Carthage support
- [x] Github mirror