
758 lines
18 KiB

// GcdUnit
// Originally Generated from PyMTL with a few modifications to make it more
// friendly to OpenROAD tools
// dump-vcd: False
// verilator-xinit: zeros
//module GcdUnit
module gcd
input wire clk,
input wire [ 31:0] req_msg,
output wire req_rdy,
input wire req_val,
input wire reset,
output wire [ 15:0] resp_msg,
input wire resp_rdy,
output wire resp_val
// ctrl temporaries
wire [ 0:0] ctrl$is_b_zero;
wire [ 0:0] ctrl$resp_rdy;
wire [ 0:0] ctrl$clk;
wire [ 0:0] ctrl$is_a_lt_b;
wire [ 0:0] ctrl$req_val;
wire [ 0:0] ctrl$reset;
wire [ 1:0] ctrl$a_mux_sel;
wire [ 0:0] ctrl$resp_val;
wire [ 0:0] ctrl$b_mux_sel;
wire [ 0:0] ctrl$b_reg_en;
wire [ 0:0] ctrl$a_reg_en;
wire [ 0:0] ctrl$req_rdy;
GcdUnitCtrlRTL_0x4d0fc71ead8d3d9e ctrl
.is_b_zero ( ctrl$is_b_zero ),
.resp_rdy ( ctrl$resp_rdy ),
.clk ( ctrl$clk ),
.is_a_lt_b ( ctrl$is_a_lt_b ),
.req_val ( ctrl$req_val ),
.reset ( ctrl$reset ),
.a_mux_sel ( ctrl$a_mux_sel ),
.resp_val ( ctrl$resp_val ),
.b_mux_sel ( ctrl$b_mux_sel ),
.b_reg_en ( ctrl$b_reg_en ),
.a_reg_en ( ctrl$a_reg_en ),
.req_rdy ( ctrl$req_rdy )
// dpath temporaries
wire [ 1:0] dpath$a_mux_sel;
wire [ 0:0] dpath$clk;
wire [ 15:0] dpath$req_msg_b;
wire [ 15:0] dpath$req_msg_a;
wire [ 0:0] dpath$b_mux_sel;
wire [ 0:0] dpath$reset;
wire [ 0:0] dpath$b_reg_en;
wire [ 0:0] dpath$a_reg_en;
wire [ 0:0] dpath$is_b_zero;
wire [ 15:0] dpath$resp_msg;
wire [ 0:0] dpath$is_a_lt_b;
GcdUnitDpathRTL_0x4d0fc71ead8d3d9e dpath
.a_mux_sel ( dpath$a_mux_sel ),
.clk ( dpath$clk ),
.req_msg_b ( dpath$req_msg_b ),
.req_msg_a ( dpath$req_msg_a ),
.b_mux_sel ( dpath$b_mux_sel ),
.reset ( dpath$reset ),
.b_reg_en ( dpath$b_reg_en ),
.a_reg_en ( dpath$a_reg_en ),
.is_b_zero ( dpath$is_b_zero ),
.resp_msg ( dpath$resp_msg ),
.is_a_lt_b ( dpath$is_a_lt_b )
// signal connections
assign ctrl$clk = clk;
assign ctrl$is_a_lt_b = dpath$is_a_lt_b;
assign ctrl$is_b_zero = dpath$is_b_zero;
assign ctrl$req_val = req_val;
assign ctrl$reset = reset;
assign ctrl$resp_rdy = resp_rdy;
assign dpath$a_mux_sel = ctrl$a_mux_sel;
assign dpath$a_reg_en = ctrl$a_reg_en;
assign dpath$b_mux_sel = ctrl$b_mux_sel;
assign dpath$b_reg_en = ctrl$b_reg_en;
assign dpath$clk = clk;
assign dpath$req_msg_a = req_msg[31:16];
assign dpath$req_msg_b = req_msg[15:0];
assign dpath$reset = reset;
assign req_rdy = ctrl$req_rdy;
assign resp_msg = dpath$resp_msg;
assign resp_val = ctrl$resp_val;
endmodule // GcdUnit
// GcdUnitCtrlRTL_0x4d0fc71ead8d3d9e
// dump-vcd: False
// verilator-xinit: zeros
module GcdUnitCtrlRTL_0x4d0fc71ead8d3d9e
output reg [ 1:0] a_mux_sel,
output reg [ 0:0] a_reg_en,
output reg [ 0:0] b_mux_sel,
output reg [ 0:0] b_reg_en,
input wire [ 0:0] clk,
input wire [ 0:0] is_a_lt_b,
input wire [ 0:0] is_b_zero,
output reg [ 0:0] req_rdy,
input wire [ 0:0] req_val,
input wire [ 0:0] reset,
input wire [ 0:0] resp_rdy,
output reg [ 0:0] resp_val
// register declarations
reg [ 1:0] curr_state__0;
reg [ 1:0] current_state__1;
reg [ 0:0] do_sub;
reg [ 0:0] do_swap;
reg [ 1:0] next_state__0;
reg [ 1:0] state$in_;
// localparam declarations
localparam A_MUX_SEL_B = 2;
localparam A_MUX_SEL_IN = 0;
localparam A_MUX_SEL_SUB = 1;
localparam A_MUX_SEL_X = 0;
localparam B_MUX_SEL_A = 0;
localparam B_MUX_SEL_IN = 1;
localparam B_MUX_SEL_X = 0;
localparam STATE_CALC = 1;
localparam STATE_DONE = 2;
localparam STATE_IDLE = 0;
// state temporaries
wire [ 0:0] state$reset;
wire [ 0:0] state$clk;
wire [ 1:0] state$out;
RegRst_0x9f365fdf6c8998a state
.reset ( state$reset ),
.in_ ( state$in_ ),
.clk ( state$clk ),
.out ( state$out )
// signal connections
assign state$clk = clk;
assign state$reset = reset;
// @s.combinational
// def state_transitions():
// curr_state = s.state.out
// next_state = s.state.out
// # Transistions out of IDLE state
// if ( curr_state == s.STATE_IDLE ):
// if ( s.req_val and s.req_rdy ):
// next_state = s.STATE_CALC
// # Transistions out of CALC state
// if ( curr_state == s.STATE_CALC ):
// if ( not s.is_a_lt_b and s.is_b_zero ):
// next_state = s.STATE_DONE
// # Transistions out of DONE state
// if ( curr_state == s.STATE_DONE ):
// if ( s.resp_val and s.resp_rdy ):
// next_state = s.STATE_IDLE
// s.state.in_.value = next_state
// logic for state_transitions()
always @ (*) begin
curr_state__0 = state$out;
next_state__0 = state$out;
if ((curr_state__0 == STATE_IDLE)) begin
if ((req_val&&req_rdy)) begin
next_state__0 = STATE_CALC;
else begin
else begin
if ((curr_state__0 == STATE_CALC)) begin
if ((!is_a_lt_b&&is_b_zero)) begin
next_state__0 = STATE_DONE;
else begin
else begin
if ((curr_state__0 == STATE_DONE)) begin
if ((resp_val&&resp_rdy)) begin
next_state__0 = STATE_IDLE;
else begin
else begin
state$in_ = next_state__0;
// @s.combinational
// def state_outputs():
// current_state = s.state.out
// # In IDLE state we simply wait for inputs to arrive and latch them
// if current_state == s.STATE_IDLE:
// s.req_rdy.value = 1
// s.resp_val.value = 0
// s.a_mux_sel.value = A_MUX_SEL_IN
// s.a_reg_en.value = 1
// s.b_mux_sel.value = B_MUX_SEL_IN
// s.b_reg_en.value = 1
// # In CALC state we iteratively swap/sub to calculate GCD
// elif current_state == s.STATE_CALC:
// s.do_swap.value = s.is_a_lt_b
// s.do_sub.value = ~s.is_b_zero
// s.req_rdy.value = 0
// s.resp_val.value = 0
// s.a_mux_sel.value = A_MUX_SEL_B if s.do_swap else A_MUX_SEL_SUB
// s.a_reg_en.value = 1
// s.b_mux_sel.value = B_MUX_SEL_A
// s.b_reg_en.value = s.do_swap
// # In DONE state we simply wait for output transaction to occur
// elif current_state == s.STATE_DONE:
// s.req_rdy.value = 0
// s.resp_val.value = 1
// s.a_mux_sel.value = A_MUX_SEL_X
// s.a_reg_en.value = 0
// s.b_mux_sel.value = B_MUX_SEL_X
// s.b_reg_en.value = 0
// # Default case that we should not hit
// else:
// s.req_rdy.value = 0
// s.resp_val.value = 0
// s.a_mux_sel.value = A_MUX_SEL_X
// s.a_reg_en.value = 0
// s.b_mux_sel.value = B_MUX_SEL_X
// s.b_reg_en.value = 0
// logic for state_outputs()
always @ (*) begin
current_state__1 = state$out;
if ((current_state__1 == STATE_IDLE)) begin
req_rdy = 1;
resp_val = 0;
a_mux_sel = A_MUX_SEL_IN;
a_reg_en = 1;
b_mux_sel = B_MUX_SEL_IN;
b_reg_en = 1;
else begin
if ((current_state__1 == STATE_CALC)) begin
do_swap = is_a_lt_b;
do_sub = ~is_b_zero;
req_rdy = 0;
resp_val = 0;
a_mux_sel = do_swap ? A_MUX_SEL_B : A_MUX_SEL_SUB;
a_reg_en = 1;
b_mux_sel = B_MUX_SEL_A;
b_reg_en = do_swap;
else begin
if ((current_state__1 == STATE_DONE)) begin
req_rdy = 0;
resp_val = 1;
a_mux_sel = A_MUX_SEL_X;
a_reg_en = 0;
b_mux_sel = B_MUX_SEL_X;
b_reg_en = 0;
else begin
req_rdy = 0;
resp_val = 0;
a_mux_sel = A_MUX_SEL_X;
a_reg_en = 0;
b_mux_sel = B_MUX_SEL_X;
b_reg_en = 0;
endmodule // GcdUnitCtrlRTL_0x4d0fc71ead8d3d9e
// RegRst_0x9f365fdf6c8998a
// dtype: 2
// reset_value: 0
// dump-vcd: False
// verilator-xinit: zeros
module RegRst_0x9f365fdf6c8998a
input wire [ 0:0] clk,
input wire [ 1:0] in_,
output reg [ 1:0] out,
input wire [ 0:0] reset
// localparam declarations
localparam reset_value = 0;
// @s.posedge_clk
// def seq_logic():
// if s.reset:
// = reset_value
// else:
// = s.in_
// logic for seq_logic()
always @ (posedge clk) begin
if (reset) begin
out <= reset_value;
else begin
out <= in_;
endmodule // RegRst_0x9f365fdf6c8998a
// GcdUnitDpathRTL_0x4d0fc71ead8d3d9e
// dump-vcd: False
// verilator-xinit: zeros
module GcdUnitDpathRTL_0x4d0fc71ead8d3d9e
input wire [ 1:0] a_mux_sel,
input wire [ 0:0] a_reg_en,
input wire [ 0:0] b_mux_sel,
input wire [ 0:0] b_reg_en,
input wire [ 0:0] clk,
output wire [ 0:0] is_a_lt_b,
output wire [ 0:0] is_b_zero,
input wire [ 15:0] req_msg_a,
input wire [ 15:0] req_msg_b,
input wire [ 0:0] reset,
output wire [ 15:0] resp_msg
// wire declarations
wire [ 15:0] sub_out;
wire [ 15:0] b_reg_out;
// a_reg temporaries
wire [ 0:0] a_reg$reset;
wire [ 15:0] a_reg$in_;
wire [ 0:0] a_reg$clk;
wire [ 0:0] a_reg$en;
wire [ 15:0] a_reg$out;
RegEn_0x68db79c4ec1d6e5b a_reg
.reset ( a_reg$reset ),
.in_ ( a_reg$in_ ),
.clk ( a_reg$clk ),
.en ( a_reg$en ),
.out ( a_reg$out )
// a_lt_b temporaries
wire [ 0:0] a_lt_b$reset;
wire [ 0:0] a_lt_b$clk;
wire [ 15:0] a_lt_b$in0;
wire [ 15:0] a_lt_b$in1;
wire [ 0:0] a_lt_b$out;
LtComparator_0x422b1f52edd46a85 a_lt_b
.reset ( a_lt_b$reset ),
.clk ( a_lt_b$clk ),
.in0 ( a_lt_b$in0 ),
.in1 ( a_lt_b$in1 ),
.out ( a_lt_b$out )
// b_zero temporaries
wire [ 0:0] b_zero$reset;
wire [ 15:0] b_zero$in_;
wire [ 0:0] b_zero$clk;
wire [ 0:0] b_zero$out;
ZeroComparator_0x422b1f52edd46a85 b_zero
.reset ( b_zero$reset ),
.in_ ( b_zero$in_ ),
.clk ( b_zero$clk ),
.out ( b_zero$out )
// a_mux temporaries
wire [ 0:0] a_mux$reset;
wire [ 15:0] a_mux$in_$000;
wire [ 15:0] a_mux$in_$001;
wire [ 15:0] a_mux$in_$002;
wire [ 0:0] a_mux$clk;
wire [ 1:0] a_mux$sel;
wire [ 15:0] a_mux$out;
Mux_0x683fa1a418b072c9 a_mux
.reset ( a_mux$reset ),
.in_$000 ( a_mux$in_$000 ),
.in_$001 ( a_mux$in_$001 ),
.in_$002 ( a_mux$in_$002 ),
.clk ( a_mux$clk ),
.sel ( a_mux$sel ),
.out ( a_mux$out )
// b_mux temporaries
wire [ 0:0] b_mux$reset;
wire [ 15:0] b_mux$in_$000;
wire [ 15:0] b_mux$in_$001;
wire [ 0:0] b_mux$clk;
wire [ 0:0] b_mux$sel;
wire [ 15:0] b_mux$out;
Mux_0xdd6473406d1a99a b_mux
.reset ( b_mux$reset ),
.in_$000 ( b_mux$in_$000 ),
.in_$001 ( b_mux$in_$001 ),
.clk ( b_mux$clk ),
.sel ( b_mux$sel ),
.out ( b_mux$out )
// sub temporaries
wire [ 0:0] sub$reset;
wire [ 0:0] sub$clk;
wire [ 15:0] sub$in0;
wire [ 15:0] sub$in1;
wire [ 15:0] sub$out;
Subtractor_0x422b1f52edd46a85 sub
.reset ( sub$reset ),
.clk ( sub$clk ),
.in0 ( sub$in0 ),
.in1 ( sub$in1 ),
.out ( sub$out )
// b_reg temporaries
wire [ 0:0] b_reg$reset;
wire [ 15:0] b_reg$in_;
wire [ 0:0] b_reg$clk;
wire [ 0:0] b_reg$en;
wire [ 15:0] b_reg$out;
RegEn_0x68db79c4ec1d6e5b b_reg
.reset ( b_reg$reset ),
.in_ ( b_reg$in_ ),
.clk ( b_reg$clk ),
.en ( b_reg$en ),
.out ( b_reg$out )
// signal connections
assign a_lt_b$clk = clk;
assign a_lt_b$in0 = a_reg$out;
assign a_lt_b$in1 = b_reg$out;
assign a_lt_b$reset = reset;
assign a_mux$clk = clk;
assign a_mux$in_$000 = req_msg_a;
assign a_mux$in_$001 = sub_out;
assign a_mux$in_$002 = b_reg_out;
assign a_mux$reset = reset;
assign a_mux$sel = a_mux_sel;
assign a_reg$clk = clk;
assign a_reg$en = a_reg_en;
assign a_reg$in_ = a_mux$out;
assign a_reg$reset = reset;
assign b_mux$clk = clk;
assign b_mux$in_$000 = a_reg$out;
assign b_mux$in_$001 = req_msg_b;
assign b_mux$reset = reset;
assign b_mux$sel = b_mux_sel;
assign b_reg$clk = clk;
assign b_reg$en = b_reg_en;
assign b_reg$in_ = b_mux$out;
assign b_reg$reset = reset;
assign b_reg_out = b_reg$out;
assign b_zero$clk = clk;
assign b_zero$in_ = b_reg$out;
assign b_zero$reset = reset;
assign is_a_lt_b = a_lt_b$out;
assign is_b_zero = b_zero$out;
assign resp_msg = sub$out;
assign sub$clk = clk;
assign sub$in0 = a_reg$out;
assign sub$in1 = b_reg$out;
assign sub$reset = reset;
assign sub_out = sub$out;
endmodule // GcdUnitDpathRTL_0x4d0fc71ead8d3d9e
// RegEn_0x68db79c4ec1d6e5b
// dtype: 16
// dump-vcd: False
// verilator-xinit: zeros
module RegEn_0x68db79c4ec1d6e5b
input wire [ 0:0] clk,
input wire [ 0:0] en,
input wire [ 15:0] in_,
output reg [ 15:0] out,
input wire [ 0:0] reset
// @s.posedge_clk
// def seq_logic():
// if s.en:
// = s.in_
// logic for seq_logic()
always @ (posedge clk) begin
if (en) begin
out <= in_;
else begin
endmodule // RegEn_0x68db79c4ec1d6e5b
// LtComparator_0x422b1f52edd46a85
// nbits: 16
// dump-vcd: False
// verilator-xinit: zeros
module LtComparator_0x422b1f52edd46a85
input wire [ 0:0] clk,
input wire [ 15:0] in0,
input wire [ 15:0] in1,
output reg [ 0:0] out,
input wire [ 0:0] reset
// @s.combinational
// def comb_logic():
// s.out.value = s.in0 < s.in1
// logic for comb_logic()
always @ (*) begin
out = (in0 < in1);
endmodule // LtComparator_0x422b1f52edd46a85
// ZeroComparator_0x422b1f52edd46a85
// nbits: 16
// dump-vcd: False
// verilator-xinit: zeros
module ZeroComparator_0x422b1f52edd46a85
input wire [ 0:0] clk,
input wire [ 15:0] in_,
output reg [ 0:0] out,
input wire [ 0:0] reset
// @s.combinational
// def comb_logic():
// s.out.value = s.in_ == 0
// logic for comb_logic()
always @ (*) begin
out = (in_ == 0);
endmodule // ZeroComparator_0x422b1f52edd46a85
// Mux_0x683fa1a418b072c9
// dtype: 16
// nports: 3
// dump-vcd: False
// verilator-xinit: zeros
module Mux_0x683fa1a418b072c9
input wire [ 0:0] clk,
input wire [ 15:0] in_$000,
input wire [ 15:0] in_$001,
input wire [ 15:0] in_$002,
output reg [ 15:0] out,
input wire [ 0:0] reset,
input wire [ 1:0] sel
// localparam declarations
localparam nports = 3;
// array declarations
wire [ 15:0] in_[0:2];
assign in_[ 0] = in_$000;
assign in_[ 1] = in_$001;
assign in_[ 2] = in_$002;
// @s.combinational
// def comb_logic():
// assert s.sel < nports
// s.out.v = s.in_[ s.sel ]
// logic for comb_logic()
always @ (*) begin
out = in_[sel];
endmodule // Mux_0x683fa1a418b072c9
// Mux_0xdd6473406d1a99a
// dtype: 16
// nports: 2
// dump-vcd: False
// verilator-xinit: zeros
module Mux_0xdd6473406d1a99a
input wire [ 0:0] clk,
input wire [ 15:0] in_$000,
input wire [ 15:0] in_$001,
output reg [ 15:0] out,
input wire [ 0:0] reset,
input wire [ 0:0] sel
// localparam declarations
localparam nports = 2;
// array declarations
wire [ 15:0] in_[0:1];
assign in_[ 0] = in_$000;
assign in_[ 1] = in_$001;
// @s.combinational
// def comb_logic():
// assert s.sel < nports
// s.out.v = s.in_[ s.sel ]
// logic for comb_logic()
always @ (*) begin
out = in_[sel];
endmodule // Mux_0xdd6473406d1a99a
// Subtractor_0x422b1f52edd46a85
// nbits: 16
// dump-vcd: False
// verilator-xinit: zeros
module Subtractor_0x422b1f52edd46a85
input wire [ 0:0] clk,
input wire [ 15:0] in0,
input wire [ 15:0] in1,
output reg [ 15:0] out,
input wire [ 0:0] reset
// @s.combinational
// def comb_logic():
// s.out.value = s.in0 - s.in1
// logic for comb_logic()
always @ (*) begin
out = (in0-in1);
endmodule // Subtractor_0x422b1f52edd46a85