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var json = {
"id": "",
"language": "en",
"version": "en.01",
"authors": "France-ioi",
"translators": ["Mohamed El-Sherif", "Eslam Wageed"],
"license": "CC BY-SA 3.0",
"taskPathPrefix": "",
"modulesPathPrefix": "",
"browserSupport": [],
"fullFeedback": true,
"acceptedAnswers": [],
"usesRandomSeed": false
<script type="text/javascript">
var taskStrings = {
objective : "Objective",
sort : "sort",
nSortText : function(nSort) {
return "Number of sortings: " + nSort;
trick : "Suggestion: the solution is easier to find\nby focusing only on the spheres in the objective.",
success: "Congratulations, you have succeeded!",
wrongAnswer: "The column highlighted in red is not in the correct location.",
tooManySort : "You managed to sort the columns correctly. Start again and try to solve it using only 3 buttons."
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#displayHelper_graderMessage {
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#paper {
margin-top: 20px;
<div id="task">
<h1>Sort Columns</h1>
<div id="tabsContainer"></div> <!-- will contain the versions tabs -->
<div id="taskContent"> <!-- will contain the content of the task -->
<p id="difficultyWarning" class="hard"></p>
<div id=zone_1>
<div class=consigne>
<p>When you Click on a "Sort" button the <b>order of the columns</b> will be changed. So that
<span class="easy">the small circles will be placed to the left of the big circles on the row of the clicked button.</span>
<span class="medium">the circles are sorted from the smallest on the left to the biggest on the right On the row of the clicked button,.</span>
<span class="hard">the circles are sorted by increasing order on the row of the clicked button.</span>
<p>Click on the Sort buttons to sort the columns as shown in the Objective Diagram.</p>
<p class="medium hard">To obtain a full score, do this in 3 steps.</p>
<div id="zone_2">
<div id="paper"></div>
<img src="icon.png" style="display:none">
<div id="solution">
<!-- description of the solution -->
<div class="easy">
<p>Recall the tip in the subject: the solution is more easily by studying only the spheres of the goal. </P>
<p> The last sorting step should place small spheres on the left and large spheres on the right. The last step must be <b> c </b>, <b> e </b>, or <b> f </b>. For example, suppose that <b> c </b> is the last step. </P>
<img src="sol_easy_1.png">
<p>Thus, the column <b> D </b> will be placed on the far left. It will be necessary in the previous steps to ensure that the rods <b> A </b>, <b> B </ b>, and <b> C </b> are sorted in the correct order. For example, we can ensure that the column <b> A </b> is left by sorting the line <b> e </b> at the penultimate step.</p>
<img src="sol_easy_2.png">
<p>To place the column <b> B </b> to the left of the column <b> C </b>, you can start by sorting according to the line <b>f</b>.</p>
<img src="sol_easy_3.png">
<p>In summary, one solution is to sort the lines <b>f, e, c</b> (in this order).</p>
<p>There were many other solutions, for example <b>b, f, e</b>, ou <b>d, c, f</b>, or <b>e, c, f</b>, etc...</p>
<div class="medium">
<p>Recall the tip in the subject: the solution is more easily by studying only the spheres of the goal. </P>
<p> The last sorting step is to arrange the spheres from the smaller to the left to the larger ones to the right. The last step must be a sort of the line <b> c </b> or the line <b> e </b>. Suppose for example that <b> c </b> is the last step.</p>
<img src="sol_medium_1.png">
<p>Thus, the column <b> A </b> will be placed on the far right. It will be necessary in the preceding steps to ensure on the one hand that the rod <b> B </b> is to the left of the rod <b> C </b>, and on the other hand that the rods <b> D </b>, <b> E </b> and <b> F </b> are placed in the correct order. </P>
<p> To place <b> B </b> to the left of <b> C </b>, there is only one possibility, it is to sort according to the line <b> a </b> at a time before the last step.</p>
<img src="sol_medium_2.png">
<p>It remains to put the rods <b> D </b>, <b> E </b> and <b> F </b> in the right order. The line <b> e </b> is the only one that places the column <b> D </b> to the left of the column <b> E </b>. To place the column <b> E </b> to the left of the column <b> F </b>, this can be done beforehand by sorting the line <b> a </b> , which we have already planned to perform. </p>
<img src="sol_medium_3.png">
<p>In summary, one solution is to sort the lines <b> a, e, c </b> (in that order).</p>
<p>There was another solution: if we choose to end with the line <b> e </b>, applying a similar reasoning, we find the solution <b>a, c, e</b>.</p>
<div class="hard">
<p>Recall the tip indicated in the subject: the solution is more easily by studying only the spheres of the lens.</p>
<p>The last sorting step should arrange the spheres in ascending order of numbers. The last step is therefore necessarily a sort of the line <b>d</b>.</p>
<img src="sol_hard_1.png">
<p>Sorting the line <b> d </b> will arrange the columns in 3 groups: a group on the left formed columns <b>A</b>, <b>B</b> et <b>C</b>, a group in the middle formed of the columns <b> D </b>, <b> E </b> and <b> F </b>, and a group on the right formed of the columns <b> G </b> and <b> H </b>. On the other hand, inside each group, the columns will not necessarily be in the right order.</p>
<p>The rods <b> A </b>, <b> B </b> and <b> C </b> can be placed in the correct order in one step, sorting in the penultimate step according to the line <b> f </b>. Sorting along this line allows you to place the <b> G </b> and <b> H </b> columns in the same order at the same time.</p>
<img src="sol_hard_2.png">
<p>It remains to sort the middle group, formed of rods <b> D </b>, <b> E </b> and <b> F </b>. Sorting the <b> f </b> line that you plan to perform allows <b> D </b> to be placed to the left of <b> E </b> and <b> F </b> as desired. However, there is still a way to place <b> E </b> to the left of <b> F </b>. If we compare the numbers on the rods <b> E </b> and <b> F </b>, we can see that the line <b> g </b> is the only one that allows to place <b> E </b> to the left of <b>F</b>.</p>
<img src="sol_hard_3.png">
<p>In short, the solution is to sort the lines <b> g, f, d </b> (in that order).</p>
<img src="sol_hard_4.png">
<h2>It's computer science !</h2>
<!-- explanations on why this task is about informatics -->