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var json = {
"id": "",
"language": "fr",
"version": "fr.01",
"authors": "Arthur Charguéraud, Mathias Hiron, France-ioi",
"translators": ["Mohamed El-Sherif", "Eslam Wageed"],
"license": "CC BY-SA 3.0",
"taskPathPrefix": "",
"modulesPathPrefix": "",
"browserSupport": [],
"fullFeedback": true,
"acceptedAnswers": [],
"usesRandomSeed": false
<script type="text/javascript">
var taskStrings = {
moveForward: "Move forward",
moveForwardIf: "Move forward if there is no robot in the cell ahead",
turnLeft: "Turn left",
turnRight: "Turn right",
ifRobAhead: "If a robot is in the cell ahead, go to step 3",
ifRob2Ahead: "If a robot is in one of the 2 cells ahead, go to step 3",
ifWhiteCell: "If the robot is on a white cell, go to step 1",
end: "End of the program",
execute: "Execute this step\n for robot ",
failureNoCrash: "Robot 1 didn't crash into robot 2. Try a different way.",
failureSwapped: "Robot 2 crashed into robot 1, but we want the other way round. Try again.",
failureEndNoCrash: "All the robots have finished, but robot 1 didn't crash into robot 2. Try again.",
failureEndNoStuck: "All the robots have finished, but we want them to be stuck. Try again.",
success: "Congratulations, you have succeeded!",
cellForward: "Went from step 2 to 3\n after moving forward\nby one cell.",
cellReachEnd: "Went from step 3 to 4\n after moving foward\nby one cell.",
cell2AheadNotFree: "Went from step 1 to 3 because\none of the two cells ahead\nof the robot is occupied.",
cellAheadNotFreeMedium: "Went from step 1 to 3\nbecause the cell ahead \n of the robot is occupied.",
cellAheadNotFreeHard: "Went from step 3 to 4\nbecause the robot is\non a green cell.",
cellAheadFree: "Went from step 1 to 2\nbecause the cell ahead of\nthe robot is free.",
cellAheadFreeForward: "Went from step 2 to 3\nafter moving forward\nbecause the cell was free.",
cell2AheadFree: "Went from step 1 to 2\nbecause the two cells\nahead of the robot are free.",
onWhiteCell: "Went from 3 to 1 because\nthe robot is on\na white cell.",
robotNotStuck: function(rob){
return "Robot "+rob+" can still move.";
undo: "Undo"
<script type="text/javascript" src="task.js"></script>
#annuler {
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width: 9em;
<div id="editor"></div>
<div id="task">
<h1>Crashing Robots</h1>
<div id="tabsContainer"></div>
<div id="taskContent">
<div id="zone_1">
<div class="consigne">
The Beaver has <span class="easy medium">2</span><span class="hard">4</span> robots represented by the gray arrows.
<span class="easy">Each robot is controlled by a seprate program.</span>
<span class="medium hard">The two robots are controlled by the same program.</span>
<p class="easy medium">
Run the instructions of the robots by yourself to make robot 1 crash into robot 2.
<p class="hard">
Run the instructions of the robots by yourself to make <b>all the robots are stuck</b> before reaching the green cells.
Click on the Gray Buttons to run the instruction on the robot.
<div id="zone_2">
<div id="paper"></div>
<img src="icon.png" style="display:none">
<!-- task -->
<div id="solution">
<div class="easy">
<p>The collision between the robot <b>1</b> and the robot <b>2</b> can only take place on the intersection of their trajectories.</p>
<img src="sol_easy_1.png">
<p>We start by moving the robot <b>2</b> until this point of collision. Then we move the robot <b>1</b> until it crashes into the robot <b>2</b>.</p>
<img src="sol_easy_2.png">
<p>In summary, to solve the subject, you have to click successively on the buttons : <b>2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1</b>.</p>
<div class="medium">
<p>If we bring the robot first <b>2</b> to the point of collision of the two robots, then advance the robot <b>1</b>, then this one will be stuck in front of the robot <b>2</b> and will not move forward. Indeed, the instruction in step 1 indicates that if there is a robot in front of it go to step 3, and the execution of step 3 returns to step 1.</p>
<img src="sol_medium_0.png" style="width:650px">
<p>We must therefore proceed differently. First bring the robot <b>1</b> to the point of collision. We execute the instruction of step 1 at a time when the robot <b>1</b> has nothing in front of him. So, the robot <b>1</b> is ready to perform Step 2, which consists of moving forward without asking any questions. </p>
<img src="sol_medium_1.png" style="width:650px">
<p>We can then bring the robot <b>2</b> at the collision point, then perform a step for the robot <b>1</b> in order to advance it on the robot <b>2</b>.</p>
<img src="sol_medium_2.png" style="width:650px">
<p>In summary, to solve the subject, you have to click successively on the buttons : <b>1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1</b>.</p>
<div class="hard">
<p>To trap the robots, you have to put all the robots in a position where they are only one box away from the position in which they will get stuck by each other, and put all their programs to the stage 2.</p>
<p>By executing the right number of steps independently for each robot, one can reach this situation :</p>
<img src="sol_hard_1.png" style="width:650px">
<p>From there, all you have to do is execute one step for each robot, and they are all stuck.</p>
<img src="sol_hard_2.png" style="width:215px">
<p>In summary, to solve the subject, you have to click successively on the buttons : <b>1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4</b>.</p>
<h2>It's infromatics!</h2>
<!-- task-solution -->