
587 lines
18 KiB

function initTask(subTask) {
var state = {};
var level;
var answer = null;
var data = {
easy: {
lines: [
["Excellent nageur"],
["Et bon constructeur"],
["Grâce à mes dents"],
["Merveilleux instruments"],
["Je coupe sans souci"],
["Les arbres pour mon abri"]
stripWidth: 1,
maxZerosInStrip: [2, 3, 3, 3, 2, 1],
optimal: 100
medium: {
lines: [
["Excellent nageur"],
["Et bon constructeur"],
["Grâce à mes dents"],
["Merveilleux instruments"],
["Je coupe sans souci"],
["Les arbres pour mon abri"],
["Au milieu de la rivière"],
["Et j'en suis bien fier"]
stripWidth: 2,
maxZerosInStrip: [3, 5, 6, -1], // max : 15, 11, 7, 3
optimal: 100 // number of strings
hard: {
lines: [
["Excellent nageur"],
["Et bon constructeur"],
["Grâce à mes dents"],
["Merveilleux instruments"],
["Je coupe sans souci"],
["Les arbres que je choisis"],
["Au milieu de la rivière"],
["Et j'en suis bien fier"],
["J'ai construit un abri"],
["Pour tous mes petits"],
["Ainsi, ils n'ont pas peur"],
["Loin des prédateurs"]
stripWidth: 2,
maxZerosInStrip: [3, 5, 7, 5, 6, -1], // max : 23, 19, 15, 11, 7, 3
optimal: 12
var randomGenerator;
var words;
var lines;
var enemyTable;
var currentBestLength;
var numWords;
var currentSelection;
subTask.loadLevel = function(curLevel) {
level = curLevel;
lines = data[level].lines;
words = [];
for(var iLine in lines) {
for(var iWord in lines[iLine]) {
numWords = words.length;
randomGenerator = new RandomGenerator(subTask.taskParams.randomSeed);
displayHelper.hideRestartButton = (level != "hard");
subTask.getStateObject = function() {
return state;
subTask.reloadAnswerObject = function(answerObj) {
answer = answerObj;
if(!answer) {
currentSelection = {
index1: null,
index2: null
subTask.resetDisplay = function() {
var wordsHTML = "";
var wordIndex = 0;
for(var iLine = 0; iLine < lines.length; iLine++) {
for(var iWord in lines[iLine]) {
wordsHTML += "<div class=\"word\" id=\"word_" + wordIndex + "\">" + words[wordIndex] + "</div>";
if(iLine < lines.length - 1) {
wordsHTML += "<br>";
$(document).bind("mouseup.SEARCH_SUBSTRING_TASK", onMouseUp);
if(answer.searches.length > 0) {
var lastSearch = answer.searches[answer.searches.length - 1];
} else {
subTask.getAnswerObject = function() {
return answer;
subTask.getDefaultAnswerObject = function() {
* The field "searches" holds the previously searched substrings,
* each is has "start" and "end" fields, which are word indices.
return {
seed: randomGenerator.nextInt(0, 1000000),
searches: [],
firstVisible: 0
subTask.unloadLevel = function(callback) {
function onMouseDown(event) {
var parts ="_");
var index = parseInt(parts[1]);
// If the current selection has already been searched, or is empty,
// start a new search with this new index.
if(currentSelection.index2 !== null || currentSelection.index1 === null) {
currentSelection = {
index1: index,
index2: null
// Otherwise, index1 is set and index2 isn't, so we finish a search.
else {
currentSelection.index2 = index;
function onMouseUp(event) {
// Mouse up events are meant only for background, ignoreLast when clicking words.
if(event && && &&, 4) === "word") {
currentSelection = {
index1: null,
index2: null
function onSelectionUpdate() {
if(isLongestSubstring(getBestFound())) {
$(".word").removeClass("selectedWord wordFound wordNotFound");
var ignoreLast = false;
if(currentSelection.index1 !== null) {
if(currentSelection.index2 === null) {
$("#word_" + currentSelection.index1).addClass("selectedWord");
else {
var start = Math.min(currentSelection.index1, currentSelection.index2);
var end = Math.max(currentSelection.index1, currentSelection.index2);
var search = {
start: start,
end: end
ignoreLast = shouldIgnore(search);
for (var iSearch = 0; iSearch < answer.searches.length; iSearch++) {
var oldSearch = answer.searches[iSearch];
if ((search.start == oldSearch.start) && (search.end == oldSearch.end)) {
if (ignoreLast || (iSearch < answer.searches.length - 1)) {
answer.searches[iSearch].hide = true;
if(isLongestSubstring(getBestFound())) {
function shouldIgnore(search) {
if ((level == "easy") && (search.end - search.start + 1 != 3)) {
return true;
return false;
function updateColors(search) {
var found = processSearch(search);
var isLongest = isLongestSubstring(search);
var wordClass;
if(found) {
if(isLongest) {
wordClass = "wordFoundLongest";
else {
wordClass = "wordFound";
else {
wordClass = "wordNotFound";
for(var index = search.start; index <= search.end; index++) {
$("#word_" + index).addClass(wordClass);
function hideSearches() {
answer.firstVisible = answer.searches.length;
function showSearches() {
var nbTests = 18;
var marginBotton = 10;
var word = $('.word');
word.css('margin-bottom', marginBotton + "px");
var wordHeight = word.outerHeight() + marginBotton; // add margin bottom value
for (var test = 0; test < nbTests; test++) {
$("#test" + test).css("border-right", "solid white 3px");
$("#test" + test).css("border-top", "solid white 3px");
$("#test" + test).css("border-bottom", "solid white 3px");
var firstTest = Math.max(answer.firstVisible, answer.searches.length - nbTests);
var curTest = 0;
for (var test = firstTest; test < answer.searches.length; test++) {
var search = answer.searches[test];
if (search.hide != undefined) {
var result = enemyTable[search.start][search.end];
var isLongest = isLongestSubstring(search);
var color = "orange";
var type = "solid";
var letter = "O";
var borderWidth = 3;
if (result == 0) {
color = "#CC0000";
type = "dashed";
} else if (isLongest) {
color = "lightgreen";
var height = ((search.end - search.start + 1) * wordHeight - marginBotton - borderWidth * 2);
// console.log(height);
var element = $("#test" + curTest);
element.css("margin-top", (search.start * wordHeight) + "px");
element.css("height", height + "px");
element.css("border-right", type + " " + color + " " + borderWidth + "px");
element.css("border-top", type + " " + color + " " + borderWidth + "px");
element.css("border-bottom", type + " " + color + " " + borderWidth + "px");
function initEnemy() {
* Every substring (start, end) corresponds to a cell (row, col)
* in the table. Initially, all cells are null, which indicates undecided.
* 1 indicates that the substring exists, and 0 that it doesn't.
* When the user selects an undecide cell, the enemy must decide whether
* to put 1 or 0 there. Putting 1 means all cells below and to the left are
* also 1, and similarly putting 0 means all cells above and to the right are
* also 0. The enemy will choose the answer while taking into account
* the amount of information given (i.e. the amount of nulls that need to be changed).
* We ignore cells below the main diagonal, because cells where row > col
* don't correspond to a valid substring.
enemyTable = Beav.Matrix.make(numWords, numWords, null);
var minLength = 2;
var maxLength = numWords;
if (level == "easy") {
minLength = 3;
maxLength = 3;
for (var col = 0; col < numWords; col++) {
for (var row = 0; row <= col; row++) {
if (col - row + 1 < minLength) {
enemyTable[row][col] = 1;
if (col - row + 1 > maxLength) {
enemyTable[row][col] = 0;
currentBestLength = 0;
for(var iSearch in answer.searches) {
function processSearch(search) {
var row = search.start;
var col = search.end;
if(row > col) {
throw "Invalid substring";
if(enemyTable[row][col] !== null) {
return enemyTable[row][col];
* Four useful values:
* - potentials0: the amount of undecided cells which correspond
* to longer strings than the current best, which would still
* be undecided if this substring was decided to not exist.
* - potentials1: similar value for deciding this substring exists.
* - nulls0 - the amount of undecided cellls which would still be
* undecided if this substring was decided to not exist.
* - nulls1: similar value for deciding this substring exists.
// Up-right corresponds to containing substrings (start before, end after).
// Down-left corresponds to contained substrings (start after, end before).
var allNulls = countNulls(0, 0, "down", "right", 0);
var potentials0 = countNulls(row, col, "up", "right", currentBestLength);
var potentials1 = countNulls(row, col, "down", "left", currentBestLength);
var nulls0 = countNulls(row, col, "up", "right", 0);
var nulls1 = countNulls(row, col, "down", "left", 0);
var allWinners = countNulls(0, 0, "down", "right", currentBestLength);
var removedWinnersIf0 = countNulls(row, col, "up", "right", currentBestLength);
var remainingWinnersIf0 = allWinners - removedWinnersIf0;
var remainingWinnersIf1 = countNulls(0, 0, "down", "right", col - row + 1);
var targetValue;
if (remainingWinnersIf0 > remainingWinnersIf1) {
targetValue = 0;
} else if ((remainingWinnersIf0 < remainingWinnersIf1) || (remainingWinnersIf0 == 0)) {
targetValue = 1;
} else {
targetValue = randomGenerator.nextInt(0, 1);
var targetRowDir;
var targetColDir;
if (targetValue == 0) {
targetRowDir = "up";
targetColDir = "right";
targetValue = 0;
else {
targetRowDir = "down";
targetColDir = "left";
targetValue = 1;
currentBestLength = Math.max(currentBestLength, col - row + 1);
changeNulls(row, col, targetRowDir, targetColDir, targetValue);
return targetValue;
// Count how many nulls in the given direction from the given cell.
function countNulls(row, col, rowDir, colDir, limit) {
var count = 0;
iterateTable(row, col, rowDir, colDir, function(row, col) {
if(enemyTable[row][col] === null && (col - row + 1 > limit)) {
return count;
// Set all nulls to the given value.
function changeNulls(row, col, rowDir, colDir, value) {
iterateTable(row, col, rowDir, colDir, function(row, col) {
enemyTable[row][col] = value;
// Iterate over the enemy table from the given cell in the given direction.
// Invoke callback for each cell, excluding the irrelevant ones below the main diagonal.
function iterateTable(row, col, rowDir, colDir, callback) {
var minRow;
var maxRow;
var minCol;
var maxCol;
if(rowDir === "down") {
minRow = row;
maxRow = numWords - 1;
else {
minRow = 0;
maxRow = row;
if(colDir === "left") {
minCol = 0;
maxCol = col;
else {
minCol = col;
maxCol = numWords - 1;
for(var iRow = minRow; iRow <= maxRow; iRow++) {
for(var iCol = Math.max(minCol, iRow); iCol <= maxCol; iCol++) {
callback(iRow, iCol);
function isLongestSubstring(search) {
if(search === null) {
return false;
var row = search.start;
var col = search.end;
var length = col - row + 1;
if(enemyTable[row][col] === null) {
return false;
var result = true;
iterateTable(0, 0, "down", "right", function(row, col) {
var currentLength = col - row + 1;
// If there is any longer substring which is possibly in the book, the result is negative.
if(currentLength > length && enemyTable[row][col] !== 0) {
result = false;
return result;
function countSearches() {
var nbSearches = 0;
for (var iSearch = 0; iSearch < answer.searches.length; iSearch++) {
var search = answer.searches[iSearch];
if (search.hide == undefined) {
return nbSearches;
function updateFeedback(ignoreLast) {
if (currentSelection.index1 == null) {
else if (currentSelection.index2 == null) {
else if(answer.searches.length > 0) {
var lastSearch = answer.searches[answer.searches.length - 1];
var lastSearchLength = lastSearch.end - lastSearch.start + 1;
var searchResult = processSearch(lastSearch);
var isLongest = isLongestSubstring(lastSearch);
$("#currentSearch").html(taskStrings.searchResult(searchResult, isLongest, level));
var bestSearch = getBestFound();
var longestSub = null;
if(bestSearch) {
longestSub = linesFromSearch(bestSearch);
var nbSearches = countSearches();
if (ignoreLast) {
$("#history").html(taskStrings.history(nbSearches, longestSub, level));
function linesFromSearch(search) {
var result = [[]];
var wordIndex = 0;
for(var iLine = 0; iLine < lines.length; iLine++) {
var line = lines[iLine];
for(var iWord = 0; iWord < line.length; iWord++) {
if(wordIndex >= search.start && wordIndex <= search.end) {
result[result.length - 1].push(words[wordIndex]);
if(wordIndex < search.end && iWord === line.length - 1) {
return result;
function getBestFound() {
var longestFound = null;
var longestFoundLength = 0;
for(var iSearch in answer.searches) {
var search = answer.searches[iSearch];
var row = search.start;
var col = search.end;
var length = col - row + 1;
if(enemyTable[row][col] === 1 && length > longestFoundLength) {
longestFound = search;
longestFoundLength = length;
return longestFound;
function getResultAndMessage() {
if(answer.searches.length === 0) {
return {
successRate: 0,
message: taskStrings.empty
var bestFound = getBestFound();
if(bestFound === null || !isLongestSubstring(bestFound)) {
return {
successRate: 0,
message: taskStrings.wrong
var userSearches = countSearches();
if(userSearches <= data[level].optimal) {
return {
successRate: 1,
message: taskStrings.success
var diff = userSearches - data[level].optimal;
return {
successRate: Math.max(0, 1 - diff * 0.25),
message: taskStrings.partial
subTask.getGrade = function(callback) {
initWrapper(initTask, ["easy", "medium", "hard"]);