
822 lines
25 KiB

function initTask(subTask) {
var state = {};
var level;
var answer = null;
var data = {
easy: {
initial: [
[0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, null, null, 0]
target: [
[0, 1, 1, 0],
[0, 1, 1, 0],
[1, 1, 1, 1],
[1, 1, 1, 1],
[0, 1, 1, 0],
[0, 1, 1, 0],
[0, null, null, 0]
allowInvert: false,
numSlots: 4,
animTime: 1000
medium: {
initial: [
[1, 1, 1, 1],
[1, 1, 1, 1],
[1, 1, 1, 1],
[1, 1, 1, 1],
[1, 1, 1, 1],
[1, 1, 1, 1],
[1, null, null, 1]
target: [
[1, 0, 0, 1],
[0, 0, 0, 0],
[1, 0, 0, 1],
[1, 0, 0, 1],
[0, 0, 0, 0],
[1, 0, 0, 1],
[1, null, null, 1]
allowInvert: true,
numSlots: 8,
animTime: 1000
hard: {
initial: [
[0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 1, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 1, 1, 0],
[0, 0, 1, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, null, null, 0]
target: [
[0, 0, 0, 0],
[1, 1, 1, 1],
[1, 0, 0, 1],
[1, 1, 1, 1],
[1, 0, 0, 1],
[0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, null, null, 0]
allowInvert: true,
numSlots: 15,
animTime: 700
var paperDrag;
var simulation;
var dragAndDrop;
var userVisual;
var userVisualConfig;
var slotPlaces;
var slotHighlight;
var rows;
var cols;
var buildingParams = {
xPad: 2,
topPad: 30,
scale: 1,
windows: {
xPad: 10,
topPad: 10,
bottomPad: 20,
xSpacing: 10,
ySpacing: 10,
width: 20,
height: 24,
attr: {
0: {
fill: "#512ca0",
stroke: "#905298"
1: {
fill: "#ffff00",
stroke: "#dac05c"
floor: {
width: 360,
height: 15,
attr: {
fill: "#006100",
stroke: "#006100"
wall: {
attr: {
fill: "#afb8c1"
doors: {
width: 20,
height: 45,
xSpacing: 5,
bottomPad: 4,
attr: {
fill: "#aa1314",
stroke: "#aa1314"
trees: {
// Horizontal ratios where trees should be placed.]
xRatios: [0.08, 0.2, 0.8, 0.92],
height: 50,
baseWidth: 25,
baseAttr: {
fill: "#006100",
stroke: "#006100"
pieRadius: 18,
pieAngle: 60,
pieAttr: {
fill: "#b36100",
stroke: "#b36100"
text: {
xPad: 16,
yPad: 16,
attr: {
"font-size": 18
var dragParams = {
xPad: 2,
yPad: 2,
slot: {
width: 46,
height: 80,
borderAttr: {
fill: "white",
"stroke-width": 1,
r: 10
yRatiosText: [0.33, 0.66],
yRatiosInvert: [0.25, 0.75],
textAttr: {
"font-size": 18
windowScale: 1,
arrowYPad: 1,
arrowAttr: {
"stroke-width": 1,
"arrow-end": "classic-wide-long"
source: {
xSpacing: 4,
borderAttr: {
fill: "#c3c3c3"
midSpacing: 10,
containerBorder: {
xPad: 8,
yPad: 8,
xSpacing: 4,
attr: {
fill: "#c3c3c3"
highlightAttr: {
stroke: "blue",
"stroke-width": 3,
fill: "none"
subTask.loadLevel = function(curLevel) {
level = curLevel;
rows = data[level].initial.length;
cols = data[level].initial[0].length;
displayHelper.hideValidateButton = true;
subTask.getStateObject = function() {
return state;
subTask.reloadAnswerObject = function(answerObj) {
answer = answerObj;
// Not supposed to happen in regular usage.
if(answer && answer.length !== data[level].numSlots) {
throw "Answer array has wrong size";
subTask.resetDisplay = function() {
subTask.getAnswerObject = function() {
return answer;
subTask.getDefaultAnswerObject = function() {
return Beav.Array.make(data[level].numSlots, null);
subTask.unloadLevel = function(callback) {
if(dragAndDrop) {
function initBuildings() {
userVisual = createVisualInstance("animUser", buildingParams, data[level].initial, true);
createVisualInstance("animTarget", buildingParams, data[level].target, false);
function createVisualInstance(elementID, params, config, user) {
var scale = params.scale;
// Building size.
var buildingWidth = (2 * + cols * + (cols - 1) * * scale;
var buildingHeight = ( + + rows * + (rows - 1) * * scale;
// Paper size.
var paperWidth = (params.floor.width + 2 * params.xPad) * scale;
var paperHeight = (params.topPad + params.floor.height) * scale + buildingHeight;
var paper = subTask.raphaelFactory.create(elementID, elementID, paperWidth, paperHeight);
// Draw floor.
var floorY = paperHeight - params.floor.height * scale;
paper.rect(params.xPad * scale, floorY, params.floor.width * scale, params.floor.height * scale).attr(params.floor.attr);
// Draw trees.
var treeHeight = params.trees.height * scale;
var treeWidth = params.trees.baseWidth * scale;
var treeTop = floorY - treeHeight;
var pieRadius = params.trees.pieRadius * scale;
var pieStartAngle = 90 + params.trees.pieAngle / 2;
var pieEndAngle = 90 - params.trees.pieAngle / 2;
for(var iTree in params.trees.xRatios) {
var xRatio = params.trees.xRatios[iTree];
var treeCenterX = paperWidth * xRatio;
"M", treeCenterX - treeWidth / 2, floorY,
"L", treeCenterX, treeTop,
"L", treeCenterX + treeWidth / 2, floorY,
var pie = drawPie(paper, treeCenterX, treeTop, pieRadius, pieStartAngle, pieEndAngle);
// Draw wall.
var buildingX = paperWidth / 2 - buildingWidth / 2;
var buildingY = params.topPad * scale;
paper.rect(buildingX, buildingY, buildingWidth, buildingHeight).attr(params.wall.attr);
// Draw doors.
var doorHeight = params.doors.height * scale;
var doorWidth = params.doors.width * scale;
var doorSpacing = params.doors.xSpacing * scale;
var doorsTotalWidth = 2 * doorWidth + doorSpacing;
var doorY = buildingY + buildingHeight - doorHeight - params.doors.bottomPad * scale;
var door1X = paperWidth / 2 - doorsTotalWidth / 2;
var door2X = paperWidth / 2 + doorSpacing / 2;
paper.rect(door1X, doorY, doorWidth, doorHeight).attr(params.doors.attr);
paper.rect(door2X, doorY, doorWidth, doorHeight).attr(params.doors.attr);
// Draw windows.
var windowWidth = * scale;
var windowHeight = * scale;
var windows = Beav.Matrix.init(rows, cols, function(row, col) {
if(config[row][col] === null) {
return null;
var windowX = buildingX + ( + ( + * col) * scale;
var windowY = buildingY + ( + ( + * row) * scale;
return paper.rect(windowX, windowY, windowWidth, windowHeight).attr([0]);
// Draw text.
var rowLabelX = buildingX - params.text.xPad * scale;
for(var iRow = 0; iRow < rows; iRow++) {
var rowLabelY = buildingY + ( + ( + * iRow + / 2) * scale;
paper.text(rowLabelX, rowLabelY, rowToDisplayString(iRow)).attr(params.text.attr);
var colLabelY = buildingY - params.text.yPad;
for(var iCol = 0; iCol < cols; iCol++) {
var colLabelX = buildingX + ( + ( + * iCol + / 2) * scale;
paper.text(colLabelX, colLabelY, colToDisplayString(iCol)).attr(params.text.attr);
var visualInsance = {
paper: paper,
windows: windows,
params: params
setVisualConfig(visualInsance, config, user);
return visualInsance;
function drawPie(paper, centerX, centerY, radius, startAngle, endAngle) {
var startPoint = polarToCartesian(centerX, centerY, radius, startAngle);
var endPoint = polarToCartesian(centerX, centerY, radius, endAngle);
var path = [
"M", centerX, centerY,
"L", startPoint.x, startPoint.y,
"A", radius, radius, 0, 1, 1, endPoint.x, endPoint.y,
return paper.path(path);
function polarToCartesian(centerX, centerY, radius, angle) {
return {
x: centerX + radius * Math.cos(Math.PI * angle / 180),
y: centerY + radius * Math.sin(Math.PI * angle / 180)
function setVisualConfig(visualInstance, config, user) {
if(user) {
userVisualConfig = config;
for(var row = 0; row < rows; row++) {
for(var col = 0; col < cols; col++) {
var entry = config[row][col];
if(entry === null) {
function initDragAndDrop() {
// Initialize all source slots.
var rowParams = Beav.Array.init(rows, function(row) {
return {type: "row", index: row, text: rowToDisplayString(row)};
var colParams = Beav.Array.init(cols, function(col) {
return {type: "col", index: col, text: colToDisplayString(col)};
var sources = rowParams.concat(colParams);
if(data[level].allowInvert) {
sources.push({type: "invert"});
// Container/source size variables.
var sourcesTotalWidth = sources.length * dragParams.slot.width + (sources.length - 1) * dragParams.source.xSpacing;
var containerWidth = 2 * dragParams.containerBorder.xPad + data[level].numSlots * dragParams.slot.width + (data[level].numSlots - 1) * dragParams.containerBorder.xSpacing;
var containerHeight = 2 * dragParams.containerBorder.yPad + dragParams.slot.height;
var paperWidth = 2 * dragParams.xPad + Math.max(containerWidth, sourcesTotalWidth);
var paperHeight = 2 * dragParams.yPad + containerHeight + dragParams.midSpacing + dragParams.slot.height;
var containerX = paperWidth / 2 - containerWidth / 2;
var containerY = dragParams.yPad + dragParams.slot.height + dragParams.midSpacing;
var sourceCenterY = dragParams.yPad + dragParams.slot.height / 2;
var sourcesLeftX = paperWidth / 2 - sourcesTotalWidth / 2;
var sourcePlaces = Beav.Array.init(sources.length, function(index) {
return [
sourcesLeftX + index * (dragParams.source.xSpacing + dragParams.slot.width) + dragParams.slot.width / 2,
paperDrag = subTask.raphaelFactory.create("animDrag", "animDrag", paperWidth, paperHeight);
paperDrag.rect(containerX, containerY, containerWidth, containerHeight).attr(dragParams.containerBorder.attr);
dragAndDrop = DragAndDropSystem({
paper: paperDrag,
actionIfDropped: actionIfDropped,
actionIfEjected: actionIfEjected,
drop: onDrop
var containerCenterX = containerX + containerWidth / 2;
var containerCenterY = containerY + containerHeight / 2;
// One extra slot for drag preview (the drag and drop library relies on it).
slotPlaces = Beav.Array.init(data[level].numSlots + 1, function(index) {
return [
containerX + dragParams.containerBorder.xPad + index * (dragParams.containerBorder.xSpacing + dragParams.slot.width) + dragParams.slot.width / 2,
ident: "sequence",
cx: containerCenterX,
cy: containerCenterY,
widthPlace: dragParams.slot.width,
heightPlace: dragParams.slot.height,
nbPlaces: data[level].numSlots,
dropMode: "insertBefore",
dragDisplayMode: "preview",
places: slotPlaces,
placeBackgroundArray: [drawSlot()]
for(var index = 0; index < sources.length; index++) {
var source = sources[index];
ident: sourceParamsToID(source),
cx: sourcePlaces[index][0],
cy: sourcePlaces[index][1],
widthPlace: dragParams.slot.width,
heightPlace: dragParams.slot.height,
type: "source",
sourceElemArray: [drawSlot(source)],
placeBackgroundArray: [drawSlot()]
dragAndDrop.insertObjects("sequence", 0, $.map(answer, function(entry) {
if(entry === null) {
return null;
return {
ident: entry,
elements: [drawSlot(idToSourceParams(entry))]
function sourcesComparator(params1, params2) {
// Invert is the last slot.
if(params1.type === "invert") {
return 1;
if(params2.type === "invert") {
return -1;
if(params1.type === params2.type) {
// All other slots have texts. Sort increasing.
return params1.text.localeCompare(params2.text);
// Columns come first.
if(params1.type === "col") {
return -1;
if(params2.type === "col") {
return 1;
// Can't reach here.
function sourceParamsToID(source) {
if(source.type === "invert") {
return "invert";
return source.type + "_" + source.index;
function idToSourceParams(id) {
if(id === "invert") {
return {type: "invert"};
var parts = id.split("_");
var result = {
type: parts[0],
index: parseInt(parts[1])
if(result.type === "row") {
result.text = rowToDisplayString(result.index);
else {
result.text = colToDisplayString(result.index);
return result;
function drawSlot(contentParams, highlightBorder) {
var width = dragParams.slot.width;
var height = dragParams.slot.height;
var leftX = - width / 2;
var topY = - height / 2;
// Border.
var border = paperDrag.rect(leftX, topY, width, height).attr(dragParams.slot.borderAttr);
if(contentParams) {
// Fill color.
// Text.
if(contentParams.text) {
paperDrag.text(0, -height / 2 + height * dragParams.slot.yRatiosText[0], contentParams.text).attr(dragParams.slot.textAttr);
var windowWidth = * dragParams.slot.windowScale;
var windowHeight = * dragParams.slot.windowScale;
if(contentParams.type === "invert") {
var windowY1 = - height / 2 + height * dragParams.slot.yRatiosInvert[0] - windowHeight / 2;
var windowY2 = - height / 2 + height * dragParams.slot.yRatiosInvert[1] - windowHeight / 2;
paperDrag.rect(- windowWidth / 2, windowY1, windowWidth, windowHeight).attr([0]);
paperDrag.rect(- windowWidth / 2, windowY2, windowWidth, windowHeight).attr([1]);
var windowBottom1 = windowY1 + windowHeight;
paperDrag.path(["M", 0, 0, "V", windowBottom1 + dragParams.slot.arrowYPad]).attr(dragParams.slot.arrowAttr);
paperDrag.path(["M", 0, 0, "V", windowY2 - dragParams.slot.arrowYPad]).attr(dragParams.slot.arrowAttr);
else {
paperDrag.rect(- windowWidth / 2, - height / 2 + height * dragParams.slot.yRatiosText[1] - windowHeight / 2, windowWidth, windowHeight).attr([1]);
if(highlightBorder) {
return paperDrag.setFinish();
function actionIfDropped(srcCont, srcPos, dstCont, dstPos, dropType) {
// Allow getting rid of existing objects in the sequence.
if(dstCont !== "sequence") {
return dstCont == null;
// Don't allow dragging from one source to another.
if(srcCont !== "sequence" && dstCont !== "sequence" && dstCont !== null) {
return false;
var oldSequence = dragAndDrop.getObjects("sequence");
// Search for rightmost index for insertion.
var newIndex = 0;
for(var index = 0; index < oldSequence.length; index++) {
if (oldSequence[index] != null) {
newIndex = index + 1;
// If this instruction was already here, one more slot is available.
if(srcCont === "sequence") {
// If the sequence is full, don't allow insertion.
if(newIndex === data[level].numSlots) {
return false;
// Allow insertion in the middle of the list.
if(dstPos !== null && dstPos <= newIndex) {
return true;
// Only allow appending the current list, no dropping further away to the right.
if(newIndex < data[level].numSlots) {
return DragAndDropSystem.action("sequence", newIndex, 'insert');
function actionIfEjected(refElement, srcCont, srcPos) {
// If the sequence is full, and the user tries to insert a new item, show message.
var filledSlots;
for(filledSlots = 0; filledSlots < answer.length; filledSlots++) {
if(answer[filledSlots] === null) {
if(filledSlots === data[level].numSlots && srcCont !== "sequence") {
// null tells the library that the rejection should destroy the item.
return null;
function onDrop(srcContainerID, srcPos, dstContainerID, dstPos, dropType) {
answer = dragAndDrop.getObjects("sequence");
if(srcContainerID === "sequence" || dstContainerID === "sequence") {
function initHandlers() {
function clickExecute() {
function createSimulation() {
// Check whether we should show the initial state as the first step.
// This needs to be done here because killSimulation overwrites userVisualConfig.
var needInitial = userVisual && !Beav.Object.eq(userVisualConfig, data[level].initial);
simulation = subTask.simulationFactory.create("sim");
var config = $.extend(true, [], data[level].initial);
// If the current display is not the initial state, the first step is to initialize it.
if(needInitial) {
name: "step",
action: {
onExec: stepFunction,
params: {
config: $.extend(true, [], config),
index: null
duration: data[level].animTime,
useTimeout: true
for(var index = 0; index < data[level].numSlots; index++) {
var entry = answer[index];
if(entry === null) {
var entryParams = idToSourceParams(entry);
applyTransformation(config, entryParams);
name: "step",
action: {
onExec: stepFunction,
params: {
config: $.extend(true, [], config),
index: index
duration: data[level].animTime,
useTimeout: true
var success = Beav.Object.eq(config, data[level].target);
name: "validate",
action: {
onExec: onSimulationFinish,
params: success
return success;
function stepFunction(params) {
setVisualConfig(userVisual, params.config, true);
if(params.index !== null) {
function unhighlightSlot() {
if(slotHighlight) {
slotHighlight = null;
function highlightSlot(index) {
slotHighlight = drawSlot(null, true);
slotHighlight.transform(["T", slotPlaces[index][0], slotPlaces[index][1]]);
function onSimulationFinish(success) {
if(success) {
else {
function applyTransformation(config, params) {
if(data[level].allowInvert && params.type === "invert") {
for(var row = 0; row < rows; row++) {
for(var col = 0; col < cols; col++) {
if(config[row][col] !== null) {
config[row][col] ^= 1;
else if(params.type === "row") {
for(var iCol = 0; iCol < cols; iCol++) {
if(config[params.index][iCol] !== null) {
config[params.index][iCol] = 1;
else if(params.type === "col") {
for(var iRow = 0; iRow < rows; iRow++) {
if(config[iRow][params.index] !== null) {
config[iRow][params.index] = 1;
else {
throw "Unidentified params type";
function setExecuteEnabled(enabled) {
$("#execute").attr("disabled", !enabled);
function setStopEnabled(enabled) {
$("#stop").attr("disabled", !enabled);
function killSimulation() {
if(simulation) {
simulation = null;
if(userVisual) {
setVisualConfig(userVisual, data[level].initial, true);
function rowToDisplayString(row) {
// The bottom most row is 0.
return (rows - 1 - row).toString();
function colToDisplayString(col) {
// The leftmost column is A.
return String.fromCharCode("A".charCodeAt(0) + col);
function showFeedback(string) {
if(string === null || string === undefined) {
string = "";
function getResultAndMessage() {
if(answer[0] === null) {
return {
successRate: 0,
message: taskStrings.emptyError
var success = createSimulation();
if(success) {
return {
successRate: 1,
message: taskStrings.success
else {
return {
successRate: 0,
message: taskStrings.mismatchError
subTask.getGrade = function(callback) {
initWrapper(initTask, ["easy", "medium", "hard"]);